Someone on a post mentioned it didn't make a difference why they came here and who was responsible for them coming .Please read this story I have found and then tell me it makes no difference?
Wonder who really is stealing our country?

DETROIT (AP) — Federal officials charged a suburban Detroit restaurant owner and his wife Friday with harboring immigrants who were in the U.S. without legal permission after a fire at a house he owned killed five employees about two weeks earlier.
Roger Tam, 55, was arrested Thursday
and appeared Friday in U.S. District Court in Detroit. His wife, Ada Lei, 48,
also has been charged, but has not been arrested because she is hospitalized
for an undisclosed reason.
Five Mexican nationals lived in the
basement of the home owned by Tam in an upper middle-class neighborhood in
Novi, northwest of Detroit, while working at Tam's restaurant, Kim's Garden.
The Jan. 31 fire has been ruled accidental and possibly caused by smoking; a
smoke detector in the basement had been disabled. The basement had stairs to
the first floor but windows made of glass block, which would prevent any escape
in an emergency.
"He's a really good man,"
defense attorney Samuel Bennett told reporters after Tam's hearing. "He
truly loved those men and boys as his own family."
The Associated Press was unable to
determine the name of Lei's attorney to reach out for comment.
The treatment of immigrants who work
in restaurants and live together has attracted widespread attention, most
recently in the Chicago area, where Illinois' attorney general filed a lawsuit
in November to stop alleged civil rights violations in housing and pay. And in
Michigan, there are two cases involving farm workers pending in Tuscola and
Huron counties, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said.
The Mexican nationals, whom authorities have said were neither U.S. citizens nor in the country legally, were "off the books," McQuade said Friday, meaning they were not listed as employees of the restaurant and no tax documentation was made for them. They are believed to have worked 16-hour days, 6 days a week and been paid about $2,000 a month, authorities said.
"I just want to acknowledge the
tragic loss of life," McQuade told reporters at a Friday morning news
conference announcing the charges. "I think it's always easy to blame
victims in a situation like this where people were in this country illegally,
but I think all of our hearts go out to people who died in a very tragic way in
a fire."
The men were identified as Brayan
Contreras, 16; Leonel Rodriguez, 18; Simeon Nunez, 18; Miguel Diaz, 23; and
Pablo Encino, 23. They didn't have their own transportation and relied on Tam
to take them to work and bring them back to the home, authorities said Friday.
Homeland Security and other agencies
are looking into possible human smuggling and whether there are unsanctioned
immigration routes into Michigan.
The charge that Tam and Lei face
carries a 10-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine.
"There is, however, a
sentencing enhancement where the conduct results in death," McQuade said.
"We're still investigating that aspect of the case, but certainly there's
indicators here that that is a sentencing enhancement that we may seek at the
appropriate time."
A judge ordered Tam jailed pending a
detention hearing on Wednesday.
Associated Press reporter Mike
Householder contributed to this report.
You think you have seen dirty tricks in politics wait and watch the next 8 days in South Carolina !
You think you have seen dirty tricks in politics wait and watch the next 8 days in South Carolina !
Too bad the only way this seems to come to light is through tragedy.
For a VERY long time I have been saying that I don't necessarily blame the people who come here to make a better life.
I blame the people who hire them and pay them under the table.
Put the employer in jail for violating Federal laws and see how fast this stuff ends.
And? Very sad they lost their lives, but they came here illegally on purpose to work illegally in our country. Before they died, they were stealing jobs from Americans and taxes from our country every day they were here. The people that hired them were at fault also, but that doesn't take any blame from the ones that came here illegally. They came to steal from our country, and they did. So what's your point? Someone was here to hire them, so it's not their fault? Yes, it is.
Yes, a Tragic loss of lives where all lives matter. Yet, I don't understand, they were being paid 2000.00/month and all lived together? in a basement? 10,000.00 and live in someone's basement. I make a little more than 1200.00 monthly working a job above the table, considerably less than each made.
They came to our country illegally and stole wages and taxes. Your post proves nothing, as they came to our country illegally and stole wages and taxes. The guy that hired them was acting illegally also, but he didn't force them to come. They came to our country willingly and illegally and stole wages and taxes.
6:30/4:54/3:12/ You just don't get it do you?
4:13 I checked that was $2000 for all FIVE plus room and board along with transportation to work
To the above mentioned by Term. All I can say there's a special place reserved for you in Hell! You are callous and don't give a damn about people,or even this country your hatred for Mexicans is what your all about. Let God have mercy on your souls.
This crimminal probably locked the basement door as so they couldn't even return to Mexico if they wanted to. You three deserve gift certificates to eat there.
Question for you.
How does one "steal wages and taxes"?
You really can't steal what no one ever owned (wages) and I can't imagine how you can steal taxes at all.
You might not be paying them (like lots of white collar types already here) but you are not stealing them.
Your hatred is showing.
Do you really think they would be here if someone wasn't offering work and a check?
If you do think so, you are more clueless than I think is possible.
Sounds like the living arrangements at 458 North State. Just add a few people living in the garage.
9:23 A little strong but it's hard to disagree.
9:50 They really either can't or don't want to see the truth? Those employers are like drug dealers to a bunch of hungry people.
10:44 You remember 458! Yes and I believe we had a similar situation with Jalapeno Loco? It's a nation wide problem. Yet as some here believe it's no excuse. I guess the only thing worse than being hungry is watching your children be hungry? Still no excuse for some of the above. That's not an excuse it's just a reality.
The other day my granddaughter questioned why I used a piece of bread on my dish when I was done eating? I never thought about it but I was raised in a family that at times went to bed hungry as children. It was a trait they learned and I picked up watching them as a chid. So I understood although I have never been hungry. Some of you could learn about being cold and/or hungry you might than understand the plight of these so called stealers and thiefs..
9:07 Who did you check with? That's not what was reported. Prove it with the facts, remember you threw out this post and you should be forthright with the facts. To 9:23 and Term Hate? They are illegal, they broke the law and they should not even have been in this country. Where was your empathy past summer when an illegal reeked havoc on the metropath? You had none then. Illegal is illegal and they should be deported till they follow the right path to come here.
This is 6:30 to Term and 9:23. I did spend several years in my youth on my own without my family and to this day I don't know how I did not starve to death. It started at age 15. I worked hard every day at school, and then worked 60-80 hours at work/week also. But I was making almost no money, and by the time I paid my car payment, my rent, (when I was lucky enough to find some piece-of-crap apartment that someone would rent to a minor), my insurance, gas, etc., there was almost never any money left over for food, and it was the only thing I could do without and still survive. And I never stole one thing. Not one dime. Nothing. And I never broke one law. So don't tell me how I need to experience starvation or being cold or how justified these law-breaking thieves are. And you two call yourselves Christians, I am assuming (I know Term horrifically attacks people on this website and then talks about going to church and God, for one), and then one says they wish I would go to hell, and Term says it's hard to disagree. Right. It's breaking our laws, and it's theft, and they do not belong here. You two are perfectly welcome to give them everything you own. Your food, your clothing, your homes, your land, and all your money. Me, I want them out. I'm sick of them stealing from me and my children and grandchildren and having people like you say it's okay, and that it's the people who fight them that are wrong. Again, you are very welcome to give them every single thing you own, but you are not welcome to advocate for them taking everything from me and my family and my country. Go take all your money and belongings and go help them in their own countries, because by helping them in any way steal from me, you are also stealing from me, just like the guy that hired them. So, please, gather up everything you own and go to them in their countries and help them there. You DO have the right to do that. But you're NOT doing that, are you? You are advocating for them to steal from the citizens of the USA and from the country. And you do not have the right to do that.
Plain and Simple there were many reports in the Detroit papers. You really believe these people were living in a basement with a combined income of $10,000 a month. So everyone's the same as the person on the bike path? One police officer kills someone so there all the same? Criminal's should be deported I have no problem with that.
6:30 Horrifically have you noticed what they say to me? Look the point of the post was someone mentioned it didn't matter why they came here and we hold these employers harmless. I don't. As far as your story I will assume it is all true but please tell me along the travel's of your life no one offered you a hand? You accomplished it all on your own? A person that came up the way you did I would think wound show and understand "compassion" for other human beings? Myself your comment's and the others seem to reflect they deserved to die, they broke the law along that they were stealing something from yourself?. I only tried to explain the reason. If this was not your view or intention I apologize.
First I believe a secure border is Important to our national security but as I have mentioned before there are two signs on the border "help wanted" and "keep out" Most of these illegals have American citizen children hate the 14 amendment it is still the law of the land. Throw those children out to? Look I have evolved on this issue and if the powers that be didn't want them here they wouldn't be here.
I guess you know who I am and I let my thought's known, but some of you hide behind a keyboard. Just once I would love to see someone sign their comment because I believe even you are ashamed of what you write?
You just don't get it do you?
"by helping them in any way steal from me, you are also stealing from me, just like the guy that hired them."
I guess I fail to understand how "helping" someone morphs into "stealing" from you.
I am NOT in favor of illegals being here, let me make that very clear so that even someone like you can understand.
However, I am realistic enough to know that if it was not for work and a pay check these people would not be here.
Would YOU travel 3000 miles without a job to entice you?
If you say that you would, I will call you out on it.
They are here because someone hired them and likely did so by violating all kinds of laws.
These are the people that I am saying belong in jail.
They know the Federal and State employment laws and hire the illegals anyway.
Apparently you don't think they should be accountable.
Have a great day hating!
To Term - your comment, your exact words from your post at 5:41'Criminal's should be deported I have no problem with that.'
What DO YOU think these aliens are? WHY are they called ILLEGAL? They broke the law of the USA AND THEY ARE as much a CRIMINAL as the man on the metropark path. In fact he was an ILLEGAL ALIEN and you spoke against him and the situation at the time.
The above person is right if Term is such a bleeding heart he would give everything to them and he wouldn't have had such a fit when his Hispanic neighbors across from him that were roofing on a weekend without a permit either. You talk a talk but speak with a forked tongue.
5:41 and 7:15, this is 4:50. No, I am not ashamed, and I have been on the square and all over the place fighting the takeover of our country, and quit lashing out at people who want the laws of our country upheld. It is you who has the explaining to do to everyone who has ever fought and died for our country. Nobody said the employers shouldn't be held accountable; quite the contrary. Nobody said they deserved to die. And why would I be ashamed to protect my country, as it is my duty as a citizen of the United States of America to do so. 7:15, you are so busy hating ME, as you scream at me for supposedly hating the Mexicans and the rest of the illegals who are taking over my country, that you just sound stupid. I actually MAY hate Mexicans now, and why wouldn't I with what they are doing to my country, and their attitude while they are doing it. They hate US, after all, and we're not even invading THEIR country. I'm waiting. I want both of you to sell everything you have. Then take it all to Mexico to help the Mexican people in their own land. Or don't you want to do that? No? You want to give them MY money, my CHILDREN'S money, and my GRANDCHILDREN'S money and country. You don't have the right to do that. So please sell everything, and head to Mexico. Let us know how it's going and how it feels to give away your own stuff and not everyone else's. American children cannot even get the same level of education that previous generations received in school because of all the illegals and their children. So quit lashing out at people who understand that we have a right to save our country; we have a right to expect that the laws of land will be upheld; we have a right to remain a country, and we are smart enough to understand that there will never be an end to illegals until our country demands that the laws of our land are followed, just like the citizens of The United States need to follow our laws. For anyone to advocate that people here illegally should be allowed to stay and/or keep coming, and for what foreign people are doing to our country is outrageous, and I question your right to call yourselves citizens of this country. Get those sale signs up quickly now; there's no time to waste. Head to Mexico and show them how to march on their OWN government, and demand things from their OWN government. You have every right to give them everything you own; you have no right to advocate for them to take mine or my country.
10:40 Let's just say our definition of a criminal is different?
First off everyone Black, White Hispanic does work on weekend because Painesville is very lax on enforcement on weekends.
2:53 Your one major flaw it is not your country it is ours all of us. Yes and the ones that have lived here and follow the rules they should be allowed to stay and become citizens. Jeb Bush claims if they learn English pay a fine, pay taxes they can stay here without citizenship? Such a deal! It is our country not yours or mine and we disagree. Let's just respect our differences.
They Hate us? How do you know that? Then again all you have done is call them criminals? The day of a White majority in this country is coming to an end like it or not it's changing. Soon their American born children will be such a political force you will not be able to ignore it.
This is 7:15 and the more you write the more stupid you sound.
You are quite simply reading things that were never written or implied.
Apparently you don't read any better than you write so I am done trying to explain "reality" to you.
"I have been on the square and all over the place fighting the takeover of our country".
On the square and ALL over the place? What other places? What did you actually do besides holding up a sign?
Just wondering where your ancestors came from? Were they immigrants? Were they lured here by a job and the promise of a better life? Sound familiar?
"7:15, you are so busy hating ME, as you scream at me for supposedly hating the Mexicans and the rest of the illegals who are taking over my country, that you just sound stupid."
I am hating you? How could that be? I don't know you or anything about you. Actually I kind of like being able to rile you up. It isn't a challenge at all.
BTW I "screamed"? Really?
"I actually MAY hate Mexicans now"
Now??? Really? It just started? Somehow that seems a little incorrect.
Anyway, enjoy your very secluded life. I wish you the best in getting whatever you think you deserve.
I am done with you.
6:59 Blind, unreasonable and asinine and I think you should leave America? shocked, saddened and disgusted with you. Here's a hint you don't win any Hearts and Minds THIS WAY. Showing us what Brave Americans you are why not sign your comments? Plain and simple your Chicken S#@T! Your military family must be so proud!
I'm the one they claim is I'm the Hate Monger?
Have you ever been to Ellis Island? I have. Here is what one of the signs read: "Well I came to America because I heard the streets were paved with gold. When I got here, I found out three things: first, the streets weren't paved with gold; second, they weren't paved at all; and third, I was expected to pave them." Old Italian Story. If you think we all immigrated the same as these illegal Mexican's crossing the Rio Grande and sneaking across USA borders while border patrol are supposed to be catching them YOU are WRONG. There is NO comparison to how our ancestors came here and what is going on today. There are many signs inside Ellis explaining the reason and procedures to PREVENT what is happening now. Where did this country go wrong?
5:28: Ugggghhhh is all that is left to say to you. You, too, 7:52. Ugh.
6:03 The comparison is really the same. They came for a better life for themselves and their families along with the prospect of a JOB! You do understand it was not out of kindness they let us immigrate here they needed employee's. To work in the mines, steel plants, nurseries whatever?
Read your history books. There are stories about men not even citizens yet thrown into the Union Army during the civil war.
All this about sending these people back. What the majority of you should be concerned with the American companies moving to Mexico! Ford is planning to build 400,000 cars . Carrier is putting 1,400 people out of work in Indiana to build air conditioners in Mexico. United Technology Carriers parent company showed a profit of over 6 billion dollars last year. I believe you should show as much or more concern who's leaving instead of who's coming! Your real problem is this.
The same comparison? No Way. You don't get it, you wont get it and you don't want to get it. Legally vs Illegally that is the only thing to compare. Mt ancestors came through Ellis Island, their names are on the wall there. Something the illegals entering America will never have or understand. Why, because they don't care. They want to come here and change us instead of assimilating to our country. There really is no way but yours and by the posts here you are very outnumbered. AND Why on earth would American companies move to Mexico? There is no one there to work the factories - they are all here. Makes no sense.
Go to Gettysburg, the vast majority of the tombstones and monuments bear Irish names. They were the immigrants of that time.
When we add all your comments up, and realize what you wrote, you make no sense at all.
You just don't seem to understand that you are blaming the wrong parties.
10:25 has it right. Companies are leaving en masse and you are worried about those who are "sneaking" in.
It's two entirely different issues: The illegals and companies leaving. Two entirely different issues. To ignore the illegals and say the real problem is companies leaving is nonsensical. Vote Trump; he says he will address both problems, and I believe he will. 11:46: There's probably 40 million illegals here now; more than a little issue that can be swept aside because there are other issues going on at the same time. That's really just a ridiculous thing to say. It really is. You're trying so hard to back up Term that the things you are saying are just plain silly.
10:42, I think you're right and Term and 11:46 don't want to get it, although Term is probably just being a fool to rack up more hits on his blog. I don't think they're worth talking to. Apparently he and 11:46 wouldn't be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, because they can't differentiate between two entirely different issues. Term wanted to be the head of an anti-illegal group, and when they turned him down, he turned into a pro-illegal who was fighting the group. That was years ago, and he's still in the same mode. I guess he's as immature as he seems and not very bright. He and 11:46 need to move to Mexico and fight for the Mexicans there. Help them fix their own damn country that they ruined and has been ruined since the beginning of time, just as they made it. They made their country, we didn't. Term's saying that the Mexicans will take over America soon (which is correct if we don't stop this now), and he is laughing about it, and taunting people about it. That shows you who he is, what kind of American he is, and what his moral code is. He needs to go to Mexico with 11:46 and Dahlberg, the advocate for the illegals in this area. The sooner the better.
11:31, but they came legally. If that doesn't have anything to do with your point, then sorry, but just wanted to draw a comparison between legal vs. illegal immigration just in case. Everyone keeps talking about how we're a nation of immigrants, but that doesn't justify anyone coming illegally, as I'm sure you know.
"Vote Trump; he says he will address both problems, and I believe he will. 11:46: There's probably 40 million illegals here now"
Two of the dumbest statements ever uttered on this blog.
Just wonder where you get your numbers?
3:47 Rack up more hits? I need some of you like another headache. Please don't come here don't rack up my numbers seems all you prove is your ignorance. Along with not going anywhere.
Yes there was a time I wanted to join the Rally Team, but I foolishly asked who was running it. None of your business was the answer I received. I had been told it was setup by the Lake County Republican Party, or maybe the John Birch Society? They finally had to give some names or the newspapers would not cover their stories. Thinking back they did me a favor with the exception of three or four that make their views public in a public session the rest of them I found to be nothing but racist's hiding behind the word illegal . Never liked them don't need them and in the end Hell I liked some of the Mexicans more than them. Look do us all a favor go away, you don't need me and I sure don't need you. Why I have let you come here so much it gave other's an opportunity to see what fools some of you are! Good-By Please! Just think you are coming here illegally, that should get your juices flowing!
But which ones? LOL
347 A+ and this explains a lot.
I feel the same as you 1115, hope you are never my neighbor and never will be. If you think illegal isn't breaking the law look up the word. If you were my illegal neighbor I'd turn you in in a heartbeat same as if you robbed a bank, embezzled or assaulted someone. Breaking the law is breaking the law no matter if done sneaking and peacefully or upfront and violent.
Term 9:00. Well, I'll give you one thing; you never did let the truth stand in your way. But whatever; nobody cares what you think or say about them. You need to keep some of that creepiness of yours under wraps more. Sorry nobody let you play, but they didn't want you to go away mad, as the saying goes, they just wanted you to go away.
First, I am calling you out. You would never turn someone in. You don't have the courage. You hide behind anonymous.
Second, since you asked.
illegal adjective
1.forbidden by law or statute.
2.contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc.:
6:51 Yeah I'm the creepy one?
What for not wanting to join a unknown hate group?
Look all I have tried to explain is to treat people with respect, decency, compassion and a little understanding. That's my creepiness?
I'm looking around for something they stole or did someone let them earn it?
Look after 4 decades I guess it's time to secure the border and make English the law of the land but as the Pope mentioned it is better to build bridges then walls?
Plus I don't hide behind Anonymous to reflect my views. Like some
Well Hugh Grant you are wrong - I would & I have. But just like the person that killed the woman in Concord, the government turned a blind eye on me. Too busy, overworked and understaffed to take care of the situation. Look where that got 'em. This is way out of hand.
The Pope is quite welcome to have every Mexican that is left in Mexico (after all, half the country is already here) go live in the Vatican with him. Plus, he may even be able to fit all the rest of the world in there, I don't know; that Vatican looks pretty big to me. All the Spanish people that he advocates for and doesn't like their countries and wants to come here. He could fit some other countries in there, too, maybe. The church may even have enough money left over after all the scandal pay-outs to put it all into these countries, that he advocates that America takes in, to pay for all the people to have everything he wants them to have. Oh no?...he doesn't want to do that? Oh, but he wants America and Americans to do that. Yes, I get it now. Maybe we could tell him that Americans already can't make it unless they're a two-person family with both of them working, and then they're barely making it. It's my guess that he won't care; after all, Americans are rich and we have endless deep pockets and resources. And who cares if our own people get to work and eat; you know, as long as the illegals have jobs and food provided by us. Then he says he doesn't want to get involved in our politics, but he slams Trump for trying to keep the other half of Mexico and the rest of the world from coming here illegally. He needs to put his home and his money where his mouth is. Just like every one else who advocates for the illegals. He can even have all the ones that are in America, because me and my family are broke and exhausted from taking care of the whole rest of the world. We're not only taking care of all the millions here, but Obama is sending our money all over the world like it's air, just like the Republicans did before him. So come on, Pope, what do you say, we've got up to as many as 40 million here. You could start today.
Instead of the Pope telling Americans that they need to take care of the whole world - does he think our money grows on trees? - he should be lecturing the Mexican, and all the other governments of these countries, to get good schools in place, educate their own people, and straighten up their own people and countries. I know so many Americans, some members of my own extended family who cannot get decent health insurance. Do you know what happens to people who get seriously ill, say with cancer or something, and they don't have the right insurance? Doctors refuse to see them, and they die. But all the illegals can go to the ER's on our dime anytime they want, they get on the indigent programs at the hospitals, Cleveland Clinic, etc., and get free or much-reduced price health care, etc., but the Americans paying for it are suffering. I think the Pope has a lot of nerve. He's got a big house, and he has a big square. Let him fill up his house, and let him build housing for the poor on the square and cloth and feed them there. Does he have all the poor and homeless cared for on his dime in Rome, even? Is he making sure they get educated there, so they can quit being helpless? Does he even mention that they should get educated, while he's advocating for other people to completely care for them all these decades. Oh, that's right. If he gives them all HIS money, it's STILL other people's money, isn't it? He'll still have proper health care, good food, good housing, etc., won't he? I know too many Americans struggling to listen to what this guy says and not want him to go home to his big house, already, and be quiet.
I am outraged by the Pope's actions, and he went to the border of the US to make sure it was right in our faces. His church is growing pretty quickly now with new Hispanic Catholics, and he is pandering for them just like the US politicians are. I think what he did was unfair and disgusting. How about in the year 2016 these people finally figure out how to go to school and then take care of themselves. He can go stand on the border of Italy and try to shame them and himself into taking in all of every Hispanic/Latino/Spanish country in the world. Then add on all the other countries that aren't doing well and taking care of themselves, and we'll see just how long Italy lasts.
Oh N0, you people are picking on Italy now? I cant believe Mr Term hasn't jumped right in here and criticized everyone. (sarcasm) He has made it very clear here his family immigrated here and he defends the illegals that come here for a better life. He cant seem to understand one thing; back then the Italians, Irish, any one else, all HAD to do it Legally. AND if they didn't qualify, they were NOT allowed to enter PERIOD. Mr Term has also done a good job of defending St Mary church with the priests harboring illegals to help fill the collection basket every week too.
5:04 You know so little about anything.
I will defend any church for following the Christian ways.
Believe me Father Steve and I do not have a warm relationship.
I miss what this has to do with Italy. Trying to make sense of all you is like trying to potty train a child. Live your dream whatever that is?
It has to do with your comments about how the Italians (your ancestors) and really all of our ancestors no matter the nationality unless they are Native American, came to the US legally. Through Ellis Island where they were interviewed and processed to be allowed entry. I know for a fact mine came through Ellis and not sneaking over rivers and deserts to get here. Legally VS ILLEGALLY
8:52 I don't believe your ancestors or mine were asked to come to America. Most of them showed up on a boat and many of those Wop's Pollack's, Kike and Cat-lick's were not welcome by the average American at that time.
The term WOP had nothing to do with Italy it stood for With Out Papers sound familiar?
I keep hearing about Ellis Island? Where is today's Ellis Island?
The only thing that made our ancestors legal was that this country needed warm bodies to do the labor, Kinda what we have going on now.
Pat yourself on the back, and thank for your ancestor's for buying a boat ticket!
9:35: Oh, so your ancestors and you are illegal. You'd better get out, then. I think I hear Mexico calling.
So Trump got all 50 delegates. What's the matter? Having a bad day?
12:19 ??
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Until the time Trump get's 51% of the vote he hasn't proven anything. As these other candidate's dropout do you believe they will become Trumpsters ? I am impressed with his wins and just wonder where his ceiling is? The establishment will show us soon
First Cruz was unqualified and now Rubio?
1:19: Yeah, I'd be worried if I were you, too. LOL
Dumber Trumper think. "I don't want people dying in the streets!" No he wants an ambulance to pick them up and have them die in a hospital?
Guess he never heard about preventive health care as well as treating the problem before it gets to a point of no return.
Someone please explain this wall and why there will be a big beautiful door in it? It defeats the point of the wall?
Where is today's Ellis Island? Its still in NYC. Do you think someone moved it? Or do you mean what does the US have in place of what was once Ellis? Oh that? All gone and so the reason there are millions of illegals here on welfare, health, jail, gangs, school, all on our dime. As for your defense of the church and their Christian ways? How many have embezzled or abused children? Those are Christian ways? No, its organized religion. Christian ways are what people have instilled in them.
8:59: You need the wall with the door in it explained:
The wall keeps all those out that aren't supposed to be here.
The "door" is for the people who we let LEGALLY enter.
Tough concept I know, so I'll say it in another way also:
We will keep everyone out who does not belong here, and we will let everyone in who we say does.
Get it? It's called a country with working borders.
Well Said 7:20. There are those sympathetic to the poor Mexicans coming to better themselves Really? They are taking our jobs, homes, money, welfare, schools, hospitalization. AND the rest that know the difference between doing it the legal way not the illegal way.
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