Monday, February 15, 2016




Meeting will be held Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM due to observance of President's Day

Well second reading, of the designation of the Downtown Painesville Design Review district new criteria.

Third reading on buying Sodium Chloride (salt)

A contract for Refuse, Yard Waste and Recycling pickup. This is the third reading.

The 5 year  application for renewal of Agricultural District for property at Elm and Oak Street's I believe 17 acres of land to grow tree's on.

Bids for the Maplewood Basin Improvements which include replacement of the culvert under the NS tracks.

Let's maybe talk about Sidewalk Replacement?

Committees for 2016

A presentation by Police Chief Anthony Powalie

I believe the Refuse contract will be of most interest to Painesville resident's. It's way past the time we get a fair shake on this issue.

Watching the Republican debate Saturday night , either Donald Trump struck a dagger into his own heart or was brilliant on his observation of Bush 43? Very few things shock me politically but it appears Trump struck a nerve! If anything holding the party line for Trump and Sanders seems to have been thrown to the wind!

The most interesting thought's on this election is that if neither Trump or Sanders ARE NOT the party's nominee's what will their supporter's do?


At February 16, 2016 at 9:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw your weather update.
I have to say that I was stunned when I saw that the local schools were closed today.
There is no place in the City where it would have been a problem to get the children to school.
Makes for a really nice 5 day vacation at the tax payers expense though.
Never happens in the private sector, does it?
I am 100% confident in saying that Russ Hobart would NEVER have called off school on a morning like this.

At February 16, 2016 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:04 It's just a different world.

At February 16, 2016 at 4:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 day vacation on the taxpayers? Friday was a work day for all staff. Saturday and Sunday the weekend. Monday was a federal holiday therefor leaving today as a snow day. Sounds like someone has a case of unnecessary envy.

At February 16, 2016 at 7:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

904, Just so you know, all staff was in training Friday. Even though the students were not in school, the staff was. Half of the staff was doing Active Shooter training put on by the Lake County Sheriff. Some powerful video and training...others had other meetings. The rest of the staff will be training in August. As for the weather, I too thought we should be in school, but you can't win either way. Could you imagine the flak from parents if they were they only school open?

At February 16, 2016 at 7:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

904' it does happen in the private sector....My bank was closed for the same reason the schools were on Monday...Presidents day!

At February 17, 2016 at 8:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks to me like some folks have thin skin.
If you were so "busy", you wouldn't need to justify it.
Simple fact is that nothing was accomplished on Friday.

7:14 "Could you imagine the flak from parents if they were they only school open?"
What kind of flak would that be?? People would complain that children were in school where they should have been?
There was zero reason that any of the schools in Lake County were closed. It was a normal winter day in NE Ohio.

7:16 Was your bank closed on Friday or Tuesday?
I doubt it. That is the difference.
BTW, how often do you really go into your bank building so that it would matter?

At February 17, 2016 at 9:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at 4:24 comment on envy look at where your district rating are? Are you envious of those scores also? The kids need more time in school not less.
Plus my Bank wasn't closed Friday or Tuesday.

At February 17, 2016 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget no mail either. No where did I say it doesn't happen in the sector. I said staff reported(mandatory 2-3times a year as most schools have inservice days)the weekend happened (always does), then a holiday for those who have chosen the line of work we do and Tuesday was weather related for the children and parents. 844 thin skin, not at all,did you attend so you can say nothing was accomplished? 905, employees can only do so much parents, ten times more. As for those numbers, my children have good grades and college bound. Those numbers should be more alarming to the ones failing. No concerns here, as parents we are doing our job are you?

At February 17, 2016 at 1:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:44 a few things....I think the folks and the Sheriffs dept would disagree with you that "nothing was accomplished". You would think most in the community would be happy to know folks in the district are taking proper training...

I do go into the bank all the time...also, when i worked at progressive, they would close down the department for a day here or there on for training all the time.

9:05 for the district to be successful, it's not about the amount of time they spend, it's their instrinic motivation and expectations that are not reinforced at home by many of our parents. We have many parents that have high expectations for their students, and guess what - they do fine on the tests. I am envious of those scores we WANT to get, that are just expected in surrounding districts. Bet you didn't know that every family that moves back to Mexico in high school counts as a drop out. Also, if you come to PCLS the day, week, or month before the test, and don't speak English, we get to give you a dictionary and that's it. That's what the state says - Imagine how you might do moving to China or France a month before a high stakes test? There is no other district in Ohio with the same socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic makeup as ours, Its hard, because we are working to get students on track. People think school is like it was when they went to school, and it is totally not, it's not even the same as when I started teaching. Just something to think about.

At February 17, 2016 at 1:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you forgotten that the mail is another tax payer supported activity.
BTW, they didn't have Friday or Tuesday off either.
Funny that if profit is the reason for existing, businesses are actually working.
Lots of excuses for dismal District ratings. Good that your children are doing well. Most, not so much.

At February 17, 2016 at 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess if its not the teacher's responsibility why in God's name do we pay them $70,000+ we might as well get kids out of college and pay them the state minimum? The educator's for some reason always have an excuse and I'm tired of hearing about them. I agree with one comment school isn't the same as it used to be. Teachers taught and they weren't in it for a check and more snow days!
Every thinking parent in Painesville if they care about their child's future is go the E school route and get them away from this selfish bunch!
Never another levy

At February 17, 2016 at 1:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1223 what is your plan for fixing the schools? Not just more time....amaze is with your acumen...let's see what you got besides excuses...

At February 17, 2016 at 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's all about the 70,000 paid to the teachers, why aren't all the students passing? Can't we just replace them all with better teachers so they all will pass...because it's all about how the teachers can't teach...right..I'm glad it's that easy...

At February 17, 2016 at 3:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reads With Understanding - I Didn't say it wasn't the teachers responsibility 1:50. Said parents need to step up to the plate too. It begins at home and teachers work with what they are given. 12:23 If you want to fix the schools go ahead, I didn't say I was going to fix them. As our family goes we're just fine and the schools are too by us. I said my kids have good grades now if only other parents and their kids did their fair share things may improve. I offer no excuses either just the facts. All is good in our home. And yours?

At February 17, 2016 at 3:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good in ours as well....if all parents were concerned, we would have better scores. We can agree with that...

At February 17, 2016 at 3:28 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Look I posted the schools being closed on Tuesday. To which I believed they should have been open. Now somehow this has morphed into this. I don't believe this had anything to do with envy? Now again over a simple statement we are at each other's throats. Enough!

At February 18, 2016 at 3:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your post brought out the opinions. As you pointed out before many of those children out on a snow day play outside also or find a way to go to the mall. I'm guessing with the amount of criticism going on, those parents main concern was they had to work and had no one to babysit. The superintendent did his job.

At February 18, 2016 at 12:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's hoping all the young ones off on that holiday and weather day all did their homework while they were off for 5 days with their parents.


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