Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"RUMOR HAS IT" adele

Now rumor has it, she ain't got your love anymore

Let's take a quick look at the local politics for a second this week Republicans.

In the 14th Congressional race Matt Lynch will be taking on present Congressman David Joyce. It appears to local Tea Party and Liberty Coalition just doesn't believe Congressman Joyce is conservative enough. Every Democrat I know would like to see Mr. Lynch upset David Joyce? You see what I have witnessed from Mr. Lynch it appears things will be his way or the highway. I never understand people like Mr. Lynch there whole position on government is to dismantle it.  Good-by Obamacare with no replacement, also let's trim those Medicaid  participants. Say good- by the   Department of Education as well as the Internal Revenue department for starters. Regulations? Who needs regulations? Ask people in Flint, Michigan.
To you seniors take a look at Lynch's penny  on the dollar five year plan do the math on your Social Security check as well as  your Medicare benefit. I'll make it easy a penny on EVERY dollar for five years straight. $1000.00 a thousand pennies year after year.

From what I have witnessed compromise is not a part of his vocabulary. His solutions in the end will just cause more problems. You really want to destroy your 401 plan shutdown the government. That's one of his solutions. Wonder where Matt sits on birth control now that it appears we will face the this Zika epidemic caused by mosquito's.   With him as the Republican candidate Democrats have a good chance of wining that seat.

One statement he made about the second amendment was how important it was for the elderly to protect themselves. What if that elderly person has dementia, or Alzheimer's? Matt?

(On the local county level the Lake County Republican Party has endorsed Jerry Cirino. Who is being challenged by Kim Laurie you remember her right? She narrowly lost her election to the #1 Democratic vote getter in the county Dan Troy. So one of these two will face County Commissioner Judy Moran in November. Cirino will lose to Moran and to Kim this could be viewed as low lying fruit. I believe she would win easily. Guess they just don't like her?

But that's me The Professionals that do the picking and choosing will do it there way. I for some unknown reason believe Kim would make a better county commissioner than Jerry.

Ben Carson is shocked and upset. It seems operatives of the Cruz campaign texted through social media and other methods that Ben was dropping out of the race? Why waste your vote on Ben vote for Ted!  Ben, Ben what did you really expect from a Canadian? 


At February 3, 2016 at 8:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, Kim Laurie stands for the exact same things as Matt Lynch, yet you like her and not Matt. Doesn't make sense. Unless you want Laurie to get the nomination to assure a Moran win. Because Jerry could easily take Moran in the election. But please explain why you like Kim for the same things you dislike Matt for?

At February 3, 2016 at 9:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heck, that is so easy that even I can answer it.
She is much more pleasant to look at!

At February 3, 2016 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:28 I know that but Kim can't screw-up my Social Security, Medicare, shutdown the federal government get rid of the IRS. When these Tea Party people hold a debate they ask someone running for county recorder what's there stand on Obamacare? As if that had s#@t to do with their job. and a whole host of other things. She is running for County Commissioner. Where Mr. Lynch can screw up the whole works!
Also I have sat in on some commissioner meetings Mr. Arrogance Dan Troy needs a little pushback. It appears to me the other two commissioners seem in fear of him? Three Democrats? I'd be just as upset if there were three Republicans. Jerry take Moran? I don't think so what has he run for and who has he defeated in his past? Judy Moran has a well backed campaign and many, many supporters. I also like Kim's loyalty she will stand with her friends and not play the party games. P.S. that's why no party support.

At February 3, 2016 at 9:46 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:28 And the #1 reason I am sick and tired of hearing about that Mexican Maticular card it's time has come and gone!

At February 3, 2016 at 2:20 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:52 Good riddance to the card! Has the worth of a Mickey Mouse Club Membership. It should have never even been proposed.
9:40 Idiotic? factual? A crony how cute.

At February 3, 2016 at 6:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Jerry was a very successful businessman while Kim was fired from her job last election. Collected unemployment and is lucky enough to live in a house her parents gave her. She now works in a job Judge Grendel created for her. Remember him.

Ask the Geauga County Commissioners how they like the later two.

Do you really want to have a commissioner who the crazy Liberty Coalition and it's leaders control the puppet strings?

Wonder how she got permission to have her signs on LakeMetro Parks land. Greenway Corridor.

So, exactly what experience does Kim have? Zilch, None, and Nada.

At February 3, 2016 at 7:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who increased the sales tax in Lake County?

I do believe that has some effect on one's Social Security income budget.

it does mine.

At February 4, 2016 at 8:03 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:56 I feel like I stepped into a family fight? Well neither has any government experience? Now who is Jerry a puppet to?
Guess we should just keep Judy

I'll predict now the Kim will win the primary then what will the people on the square do then?


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