'" SHINING STAR" earth wind & fire
But when you wish upon a dream
Life ain't always what it seems
As most of you know my distain for current candidate Bernie Sanders. If he somehow becomes the Democratic candidate for President when I go to vote I will leave that part of the ballot blank. Look I agree with many of his propositions I just realize at this time he can't deliver. Also he appears to be a novice as far as world affairs.. Nice dreams but dreams all the more.
I get a charge out of Republican candidates as well as their advisors mocking Sander's dreams. Free this free that.
Flip the coin probably the #1 candidate of the establishment GOP Marco Rubio in his plan for America stands on a principal of ZERO tax on capital gains? Wonder where the hoots and laughter is on that proposal? It's just a reverse on Bernie's Free this or that. Bernie's freebies supposedly will cost the treasury 19 Trillion take a guess what Marco's would cost?
I guess the number one problem our federal government has is twofold massive spending and massive deficit's.
Can you imagine a Democrat telling the people he is going to war with two countries will borrow the money from China off budget and for you to help the cause "to go shopping?" 'W'
Let me take you to a time before deficits ran wild. 1980 Reaganomics President Carter was blamed for runaway spending and large deficit's. Now Carter ran deficits of 40 -50 billion a year. Deficits after Reagans first four year term 200 billion? This is the start of runaway deficits that presently chock America. The theory of tax cuts increasing more revenue to the treasury is a myth it just does cover costs. Yes money came in but did not cover costs.
Well what about the spending? In Carters last year federal spending was at$591 Billion. Reagans last year the federal government spent $990 Billion?
Reaganomics In my eyes was a complete bust.
Out of the Reagan era we learned that "Greed was Good" really who was the first true international trader and why?
Wall St.? Presently one name pops up and I expect it to show up numerous times in the coming election Martin Shkrel the hedge fund guy with the smirk. And the 5000% drug price increase.
Honestly I see very little difference between him and former GE CEO Jack Welch? In my eye there one of the same.
I guess my question is why are we laughing at Bernie but not Mario? Is there really that many trust fund babies in our country?
Please never question why the top 1% has all the money. The GOP made it so.
Read an interesting story the other day about coal being on the decline and at the same time new locks are being built on the Ohio and Monongahela Rivers to a tune of $405 million. Now all this at the bequest of companies like Murray Coal. And all we ever hear about is how the government subsidizes the wind and solar future?
During last night's GOP debate our governor Kasich bragged that the State of Ohio has a $2 billion dollar surplus? Now how the state acquired that surplus was literally by starving cities from the size of Cleveland to Painesville of state funding. Now why does the state have a 2 Billion dollar surplus when say a community like Painesville has an erosion problem but no funding available from the state? Look I understand the reason for a 'rainy-day' fund but the state has many pressing needs.
Things that don't make sense?
Read today Bristol Palins is suing the father of her two month old daughter Salior for child support. Dakota Meyer a Marine vet explains he makes $100K doing construction and also receives $37K in Marine Corp. disability. Forget all the goofy names how do you collect disability and work construction at the same time?
Off topic, but did everyone see the good news that we now have a primary care medical facility in the city, Signature Health. This is very good news, and it sounds like from the article in The News-Herald, that they are trying to do a very good job for anyone who walks through their doors. I don't have much faith in doctors, but am hoping that this is true and that the doctor and staff will serve everyone well. If so, that will be a real blessing.
The bad news? The secretary, medical assistant and office manager all speak Spanish. I can't be sure, of course, but speaking Spanish was probably a prerequisite for the jobs. And this is America. That means, that in order to get those three jobs, an average American, who cannot speak Spanish, was probably not considered for the jobs.
If anyone thinks that the illegals in our country are not a problem, or that we are not losing our country to them, then please pay attention to this. This is happening all across America at increasingly alarming rates.
4:43 You start off so positive! Is it in the building at the corner of Chester and Chardon St.? I think Extended Housing was in that location?
Bad news? You know if I was 30 years younger and looking for a job I might take a chance and really become fluent in Spanish? If your a clinic how do you suggest a doctor or nurse communicate with patient's? I believe English should be the language of this country but until you get most of the Hispanic's on the same page what is your solution? Look I try hard to understand the plight of these Hispanic people and at the same time they don't make it easy for me.
Do you shop in stores that have signage in both English and Spanish? Why. There's where the real problem exists. But then it's all about the President's we carry in our pockets.
Please explain what exactly you believe they are stealing?
You may want to read the classified ads more often. Morley wanted bilingual, there was a secretary needed at a Perry nursery again bilingual. The city schools most only hire bilingual office staff. Sorry, one doesn't need to be 30 years younger and learn Spanish. One needs to learn it now and be fluent in it - like have a degree. Just learning it means nothing when having to translate. Better yet, lets try really hard to have these foreigners LEARN OUR LANGUAGE. We aren't losing this country its pretty much gone. I was at the mall behind a Hispanic couple that could not speak or communicate with the clerk. It took forever to get through on each item the cost and discount. Now I'm sure Macy will begin the bilingual only hiring.
8:23: What exactly are they stealing? Our country. But then if you have to ask at this point, there's not much reason for me to answer you. Waste of breath and typing.
1:29 I can only hope you take your own advise?
TERM, the church at the South end of Chestnut, sign only in Spanish......We do for them. Why no reciprocity?
5:04, several years back now (at least a decade, if I'm recalling properly), the Mexican hierarchy went on national TV and said that the Mexicans were not going to follow American rules and learn our language, etc., like all the other people had done who immigrated to our country. He (they) said that America was going to accommodate the Mexican people in their own cultures and in their own language. Still, the American government and people did not get alarmed at all the illegal immigration. They come illegally, they take everything they can, and they don't give a damn about us except that we are their meal ticket, and they want our country. They give little thought to how badly they need America to stay America, and how badly they need White Americans to foot their bills and keep it that way. They really do not care. This is a takeover, and if anyone had any doubts before this, it should be evident now; still many people think it's just fine, and they aren't concerned. Anyway, just a few personal thoughts on your observation.
6:28/7:17 I'm having a hard time with the stealing? First the invasion when what 4 or more President's let people into this country for many different reasons how is that an invasion? Second stealing what exactly have they stole? Jobs that many Americans refuse to do? Maybe you even? Had landscaping done did YOU check ID's? Did you care who cleaned your hotel room when you were on vacation, did you even inquire with the hotel management? What they stole they earned. White Americans I'm starting to understand.
Look if my employer asked me to get a CDL what you don't hire people without CDL's? As an employee if my bosses asked me to gain another skill you would think you would. Then if you are not hired I would support you. White Americans? As opposed to Black Americans who had no choice in the matter?
Your problem is with Reagan, Bush I Clinton, Bush II, Obama along with all the Congresses who stuck their heads in the sand!
So now we are going to build this wall... With a huge door? I don't think that's what you really want is it?
Yes, they are stealing our jobs, our homes (property values dropped here, why?), our language, our hospitalization. They do not follow our laws YOU CAN NOT BE ILLEGAL that's the first law they broke and liberals like you continue to back and favor them. I cant wait till you have your first problem with someone as said and bet you'll be all against everyone of them then. Since you are retired its safe for you to say what you did about jobs. But if you needed to work and Spanish was a requirement you wouldn't be hired and you could not learn it fluently in a short time to get the job. Your statement about no one else would do the job? How many landscaping companies do we need? How did we survive before with those jobs getting done. I'd like to shake hands with 6:28 and 7:17.
7:48. What do you mean jobs that Americans don't want? Since when don't Americans want landscaping, roofing, tree trimming, construction, hotel maid jobs, etc.? Americans have always worked these jobs, but now they are not available for teenagers for temporary and/or seasonal work, or for the adults for permanent work. This country has always had Guest Worker programs for the fields only, except for occasionally there have been special needs for temporary workers (to build railroads once, too, I think), but our former leaders were always smart enough to know that when the job and/or season was over, those workers needed to go home. If they wanted to be permanent residents, then they went home and applied like everyone else. That is the only thing we need Guest Workers for -- the fields. And I don't mean the dairies or the slaughter houses, either. Just the fields. Americans want the other jobs. And before your liberal heart starts bleeding all over the place, nobody forces them to come; they come on their own because they want to. And what are you talking about Blacks for? This has nothing to do with them. Except for the fact that they, too, are so prejudiced against White Americans that they cannot see straight, and half of them refuse to succeed, even though they have everything they need to do so. Their whole race would rather still blame their lack of success on Whites. They live in ghettos that they have created -- beautiful neighborhoods and homes that they have destroyed -- but somehow you also say that is my fault? If you feel so sorry for them, and you are still so upset that their ancestors were brought here against their will (many Blacks also kidnapped and enslaved their own people -- it wasn't all Whites, and many Whites fought and died for their emancipation) go live in one of those neighborhoods with them and continue to take all responsibility away from them. They comprise ... what? ... 13 or 16% of the population in America, but commit 75% of the violent crimes? But let's just blame all that they willingly and purposefully do, and refuse to do, on White Americans, too. Now they are even ruining the colleges with their Black demonstration crap. I say to the Blacks, just shut up, go to school, get a job, and work your butts off for the rest of your lives just like the Whites do. People fought for your freedom, now shut up and take responsibility for YOURSELVES, as that is what all the fighting was about. And by the way, if you don't want to take care of yourselves, or obey the laws and listen to the police, then please leave the country. You are now free to do so. All the rules apply to you, too, so please take notice of all that has transpired, especially in the last 50 years. But this isn't about them. You just had lunch with young Americans who can't get jobs because of too much immigration, and the only thing you can say is that it's not the illegals fault, either. And you want to know if I really want walls and to get them all out and keep them all out? No, gee...I'd rather have my country collapsing like it is now. The reason a country is a country is because it has borders, and without borders that are enforced, it is no longer a viable country, as we see happening now. You can go to Mexico and help them there if you want. While you are at it, give them all your money and possessions, but I am not willingly giving them all of my possessions, and my children's possessions and my grandchildren's possessions along with our country. Just because the Mexicans (and the rest of the illegals) are smart enough to steal our country, doesn't mean that we have to be stupid enough to let them. Wake up already.
The one flaw in your theory is a Black or White can't compete with the wages an illegal will work for? Now who's fault is that the Illegal or the employer. (Who is probably white) Trump had more illegals working for him in construction, hotels anything he owned you think he or his corporations ever E-verified anyone? No they subcontracted it out to shell companies and reaped the benefit. I can't believe some of you have been sucked in by this clown how easily unbelievable!
5:05. It doesn't matter whose fault it is that illegals will work for less than Whites or Blacks, or the rest of the people that make up America; that is a detail that is not worth the time it would take to figure it out. The illegals need to get out, and then that is the end of that problem. And I don't think anyone thinks Trump is perfect or even wonderful. We think he will save America, and that trumps all (pun intended). If you listen to what his followers are saying, that is exactly it. They know that he is the only one who has a chance at saving America. Period. Nobody is seeing an angel or a prophet. They are scared for America; they know it's crumbling and has very little time left to be saved, and they are voting to try to save America.
6If you don't stop the reason for coming here they will keep coming. I know many of these employers can make all the excuses they want until there is a cost (money, jail time) they will keep doing the same thing.
Hate to disagree but Trump can't save America by blaming whoever, torturing whoever, spreading fear. You are trading in God we Trust to in Trump we Trust With Trump there is a good chance God could abandon us? You don't defeat evil with more evil.
9:14: That's one of the dumbest posts I have ever read in my entire life.
Maybe Trump cant save the country but he may be able to slow the immigration problem down. Unlike Sanders or Clinton who will give away the USA for their own political gain. I hope Mr Trump will pay Painesville a visit like past politicians have.
9:14 - What the hell kind of post is that?! LOL
9Doesn't fit your narative uh? Wait til I explain Iran-Contra.
How exactly did Iran come into posession of sidewinder missles?
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