Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"NOBODY KNOWS" tony rich project

It was a very interesting council meeting last night. Again, more questions than answers. First, Mrs. DiNallo was asking about commercial vehicles in peoples' driveways. The city just passed an ordinance this year and already we are looking for variances. Maybe we should have left it alone. In addition, Councilman Flock doesn't seem to be able to get council to agree on a resolution to protect property owners in nonconforming zoning areas. Let's hope people don't have a fire or a tornado so that on top of your stuff scattered between Painesville and Tim-Buck-Too, you also have to worry if the city will let you rebuild on property that sometime in the past the city let you or someone else build on it.

Mr. Ware was given an apology and his $100 back from the city manager. I thought it was a class act to do it in a public meeting. She also mentioned that city employees would handle situations such as these differently in the future.

Now the topic of police calls and officers at Harvey was mentioned, but the incident reports were never discussed. What was discussed was who's responsibility was it to pay the police resource officer that spends his days at Harvey. Presently his pay comes out of the city’s general fund. I, as well as Councilman Flock, can't understand with the city general fund being cut we take on the added expense of this officer. I believe this officer should be paid out of the school budget not the city budget. Everyone agrees the officer is needed but the arguments I heard for the city to pay for him didn't quite cut it. I'm sure private businesses wouldn't agree either; McDonald's must wonder why they have to pay.

So now we have a new item to ask candidates running for a council seat. Would you vote for the city to pay for this officer? Funny, seems we never let council vote on this issue in the past, but then again you have at least four council people with close ties to the school system. If a vote was held last night you can bet it would have been a 'Yes' for the city to pay him out of the general fund. I'm so glad this city is so flush with cash that we can screw-up $2 million dollars for someone's mistake in Meigs County, and we can pay for a police officer the school board should be paying for. I bet people in Liberty Greens, Heisley Park, and Cobblestone are overjoyed considering they have nothing to do with Painesville City Schools, other than pay for a policeman out of their property taxes. Are you paying attention Mike? I hope you have an answer for your neighbors. I bet Cobblestone residents believe this is "fiscally irresponsible."

On a final note.... there seems to be too much collaboration in the wrong way between the two administrations. It's that way for a reason, which I will explain in a future post. All I can see they have in common is their names and both have failed administrations. One has failed to educate Painesville children, and the other can't repair streets, water lines and sewer lines.


At September 7, 2011 at 8:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, How much do you and all of your friends think it would cost the city to send a policemen in a police car to the high school, every time they have a problem, I bet it would cost a lot more then having one there during school hours, he is on the job anyway and if he was needed somewhere he can leave and go help there too.
I would love to hear from K.Jenkins on this one ?

At September 8, 2011 at 4:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The vsimple truth is the school system would never pay for this officer. Why? Look at the current salaries that's where yuor school money is spent let the school's pay for the officer.

At September 8, 2011 at 4:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Heisley Park city resident and a Riverside parent I can't understand in times like this the city would pay for something that the school's should be responsible for? Maybe residents outside the school boundaries see a lawyer? Not the city law director either.

At September 8, 2011 at 5:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No the city needs to pay him, so pull him out and send him there everytime he is needed, good luck with that

At September 8, 2011 at 5:51 AM , Anonymous KJenkins said...

This is a sticky situation. As 8:49 said, it would be MUCH more costly to not have that officer there because of the cars that would constantly have to be going back and forth. My concern echoes the concerns of Chief Hager in that I would worry the school would not continue the service. The school has no obligation, per say, to have an officer in the school. I think we can all agree that it is needed though. The police department does have an obligation to respond to any calls to the school.

However, I do believe that the City should not foot the entire bill. Since both parties see benefits from having the SRO stationed permanently at the school, I think it's pretty cut and dry that there should be a collaboration in payment.

I understood the concerns of possibly muddying the waters of who is in charge of the SRO. It is, and should be, the Chief who directs the SRO. Taking that into consideration, I'd go to the school board proposing a 60/40 split for the salary. The City would remain 100% responsible for the cost of benefits, but the school would help defray the cost of salary (ie. if that Officer's annual pay is $42,000, the City would pay $25,200 and the School would pay $16,800)

It may not be the best solution, but it is a good starting place.

At September 8, 2011 at 11:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the Muni Court should pay for the police gaurds at the front door too, (or at least give the jobs to on duty Police not retired (tired) ones)

And any police that drive thru the park when they have baseball and football games should be payed by the teams.

And the party in the park, and Art in the park etc. should pay too.

And if they come to my house to help me with a bresk in, I should pay them, AND GUESS WHAT I do and we do pay the Police to protect us and being at the school is part of protecting us.

So if the schools need to pay for the police then everyone vote yes for the school levies and then they will have the money to do just that.

And to JK what is the diff. if the schools pay or the city pays for the officer, we the people of the city of Painesville still pay ?

This is just one more way for someone (Term)to complain about something that in the long run will not change one thing.

At September 8, 2011 at 2:05 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:38 You seem like a reasonable person? The police [6] at football games are paid by the schools.
The police at McDonalds are paid by McDonalds. Look at a map of Painesville how much of that map is in the Painesville School District and how much of it is in the Riverside School District? Cobblestone, Heisley Park, and Liberty Greens are all in the Riverside School District and that district pays a Sheriff Deputy at their High School. So it's not the same as we the people stil pay? Should we also pay for the Deputy at Riverside?
Sooner or later some residents from one or all of these above mentioned neighborhoods is going to want restitution for paying for something they cannot benefit from.
I also believ3e KJenkins figures are on the low end.
A resident claimed to a city offical that they were promised their street was to be repaved, the city answer was it would cost us $200,000 that we presently don't have. Yet for the past four years that's what having that officer at Harvey has cost. It's all general fund money.
Chief Hager mentioned if the city didn't pay for the officer the school administration would not either. Does that mean that the school administration doesn't believe the officer is warranted?
or they don't care about student safety? Nothing to worry about the Holy Grail of the school system mostly sits on council. Fodor, DiNallo, Werner, and Hada. They will continue you pay for what they want. Your right it won't change until the resident's or a court demands it.

At September 8, 2011 at 2:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI the court security officers make less than half what a patrolman makes. The clerk makes more than those officers do. So why would it make sense to put an active officer there?

And term I think your idea of what a police officers salary is skewed. They start somewhere in the 40's

At September 8, 2011 at 4:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you hear that Dick Bieler passed away this morning?

At September 9, 2011 at 4:11 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Yes, A very sad day for Painesville. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Bieler family.

At September 9, 2011 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



At September 9, 2011 at 3:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The name is Mr. Dick Beeler

At September 9, 2011 at 4:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When a councilman wanted to fund a firefighter in Grad River for Cobblestone it went to a council vote. Now will someone explain why this SRO officer was never voted on?
Councilman Flock MAKE them vote. I want to see who's really looking out for my dollars?

At September 10, 2011 at 8:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the school doesn't want to foot the bill then it must not be that important. Eliminate the position.
City should not have to foot the bill as they are in enough financal hardship as it is.

At September 10, 2011 at 10:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading about salaries that have increased in the last few years in the PCLS I see no reason why the board of education should not be responsible for the SRO officer. When did the grant money run out? and what is the total amount of what the city has paid to keep this officer at Harvey.
Were is council's common sense? First they tell us cuts in service and improvements must be made and at the same time fund something the schools should. %This relationship between the two is far from healthy it's to the point it's insidious.

At September 10, 2011 at 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an interesting site. It may have been brought up before and I missed it. If someone could explain this to me, I'm interested.
PCLS Superintendent 2010 Hanlon Jr. Michael P. $133,270.00 261
365 -261 = 104 days off

PCLS Asst. Superintendent
2010 Ward Denise M. Painesville City Local $105,894.00 241
365 – 241 = 124

Business Office Supervisor (hired 3 years ago?)
2010 Roseberry Charles T. Painesville City Local $75,566.00 241
124 days off
Can someone tell me what the CM of PVILLE makes a year? And I doubt she has no where near the days and time off as these people do.

At September 10, 2011 at 5:29 PM , Anonymous Ferris said...

Can the person running for council be their own treasurer? Noticed that on Hals flyer. Doesn't seem quite kosher to me. Anyone? Anyone? Bueler?Bueler?


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