'SMALL TOWN" john cougar melloncamp
Charterlady's comment was her way of telling us Katie Jenkins is not in Joe Hada's camp or will not vote the way he asks. I don't know. I have heard three candidates for council asked in private conversations whether they would or would not renew city manager McMahon's contract if elected. When any candidate comes knocking on your door, you should ask that question. Don't accept a "Well, I will have to look that over when I win my seat". Sorry candidates, that is a simple yes or no question. If you don't have an answer (either way), you have no business running for a council seat. 'NO, I believe the city needs to go in another direction' or 'YES, I believe she is doing a good job and I support her'.
Guess you could ask the same question of anyone running for school board. Thumbs down Dr. Hanlon, or thumbs up Dr. Hanlon.
Personally, I believe they should both be removed if, for no other reason than the way they kept the police calls at Harvey to themselves. In addition, yes, Mrs. DiNallo, Mr. Fodor, and even you Mr. Werner had an obligation to bring this crisis to council's attention.
All along, we have been told everything is fine. That many police calls is not fine in my book...not even close.
What really inspired me to write this post was SB5. I wonder if anyone had asked then-candidate Kasich, 'would you promote a bill that would take collective bargaining away from 350,000 state employees?' Something tells me the election would have had a different outcome.
We should ask all the candidates where they stand on the issues each one of us feels strongly about.
School starts Wednesday, August 24th... drive carefully.... You don't want to be in the way of a police car responding to Harvey!
One candidate has an e-mail address to contact him. I sent two questions [not hard ones] last Saturday. I'm still waiting for an answer.
Yes, we need to make sure we ask all the important questions and then hope that they don't lie like Werner did. When he was campaigning, he said he wanted McMahon out, but as SOON AS he won his seat, he started singing her praises. I will personally try to be more careful this time.
Katie Jenkins said on August 1, 2011 at 6:16 a.m. under the Suicide Song post: (when it starts out, she is speaking of herself):
"She" does have a mind of her own. And "She" is not for illegals but at the same time recognizes that not all Hispanics are illegal. Immigration is a federal issue and we can only do so much from a local perspective. Keep this in mind when you are fishing for me to commit to a policy I would have very little control over in a city council seat. ...
This is me again. We should not have to be "fishing" for her or anyone elses positions on anything. So I agree, let's ask the tough questions flat-out, and make sure we get plain, flat-out answers.
When is McMahon's contract up?
And let's not accept the tired old line, regarding the illegals, that "our hands are tied." They most certainly are NOT. If the powers that be wanted this problem to be cleaned up, they'd be on top of the overcrowded houses, the cars on front lawns, the loud music. There ARE things that local authorities can do. They are choosing to ignore the problem, at the expense of legal residents who are having their quality of life negatively impacted by these people and their wonderful "culture." So what are you going to do about this, candidates?
Keep in mind that having schools overcrowded with kids who don't speak English and don't care about being productive citizens of THIS country most definitely contributes to the problems Painesville schools are facing. Keep ignoring the problem of the illegals and the schools are just going to continue to get worse. Again, at the expense of OUR children.
With Obama's new Dream Act or whatever it is you should ask our Muncipal Court Judge if a DWI is something INS would be involved in. What about no operators license, or insurance?
Who, and what were the questions you asked? Maybe they felt it was a trap?
I can't connect SB5 with this post? What are you talking about?
Only if you don't vent a candidate you never find out where he stands. I followed the past Governors election and I missed this collective bargaining issue. Did anyone ask? If you don't ask precise questions you will never get percise answers.
Another fact of SB5 I don't understand if it is repealed by the voters and you will still have the cuts in funding, what would these two administrations view as their next move? No levies, fees, layoffs, what will theses candidates propose?
Hals, first goal on winning his council seat was he wanted to be accepted by the other council members as well as the administration. He was wasting his time no matter what he thought of himself those other people just held him in contempt for defeating Horvath. He should have moved forward with his agenda and let the people see first hand who stood in his way.
You don't want to be part of the problem but the solution to it.
Hals, first goal he said was to get rid of all the damn illegals.
What the H___ Hal.
6:39: I agree with you 100%. There is no sense in having a conversation about the state of our schools without discussing the children of the illegals and how to get them out of our city.
It is also insane that our government can can talk about the economy and monetary and jobs problems we are having without discussing the illegals and how to get them out. And now we have the seemingly underhanded crap that Obama just pulled (I'm a Democrat).
Their country is garbage because that's what they made it, so now they need our country. It is absolutely insane that we let these people be in our country, let alone educate and medicate their children, and even go as far as to make them citizens.
We in Painesville need to get mouthy and get active and get them out, as do all Americans to solve the problem for the whole country. For one thing, we need to be yelling for people in charge of our state to create a temporary workers program so the field jobs can be covered. Then we can get the rest out.
I was watching a program, and a young Mexican woman, who was living in Mexico, matter-of-factly said that she had to cross over into American that day because she needed to go to the hospital for medical care. There can be no doubt that she meant free medical care. I felt like throwing up.
We need to get real busy here in Painesville to clear up our illegal problem and then we need to keep right on going to the federal level.
I am thinking that Werner may be the safer bet over Katy Jenkins because at least we know he is against the illegals. He hasn't done anything, but I don't trust where she stands on the issue.
I'm going to take a hard look at Tibbits before I make up my mind.
Mr. Werner is against ALL hispanics - not just illegals. Is that someone we really want on city council in Painesville - where one of our positives is our cultural and ethnic diversity? He is a incredibly prejudiced individual.
Is anyone working on a Meet the Candidates?
To 6:06. This is 9:28: At this point, if he is prejudiced against all Hispanics, that would not be a concern of mine. As long as I'm sure he wants the illegals out. I couldn't blame anyone for being prejudiced at this point. These people are taking over our country, bleeding us dry and demanding rights while they are at it. I don't know how people can not be prejudiced at this point. I just want to make sure we have people in office who want them out. Hal wouldn't be my first choice for anything, but at least I know he wants them out. That may have to be good enough.
Then you wonder what Germans were thinking in 1935? I'll go with the devil to get rid of these people.
To 5:58: Do we know that the guy that is running against Tibbits - Michael DeLeone - is not in cahoots with McMahon/Hada, etc.? If we don't know that, then Tibbits has to be the guy, as far as I can tell. What does anyone know about DeLeone? Does anyone have an opinion on that?
I guess you could ask him his opinion of the city manager? Something tells me he thinks she's doing a wonderful job?
Term, At the last council meeting you brought up two important issues. You made statements concerning both issues. Why didn't you put those two issues as questions and ask for an answer. The result was silence and on to the next speaker.
BTW, What is Mr. Murphy position on renewing city manager McMahon's contract and will he be a Hada ally? Does anyone know?
To 1:55: I'm not 100% sure what your post means, but if you are liking (this is 12:39) what I just said to the Germans slaughtering people, knock it off. I'm talking about sending people who don't belong here back to their own damn countries to be educated and to live and to work. Not even close to the same thing. Nobody should have let them come here or stay here to begin with. We certainly would not be allowed to be in their countries illegally. So again, sending them back to their own countries, not concentration camps.
To 2:04: You must be talking about DeLeone?
city manager is the lest of our problems, get over changing that and on to making things better.
to 1:10 pm RIGHT ON
2:24 I have learned not to expect answers.
BTW You having been paying attention, There is no love lost between Joe Hada and John Murphy. as to your question ask him.
Mr. DeLeone in his speech at Unity in the Community he mentioned that he had Mr. Fountains endorsement? Have to give him credit for atleast getting the oppertunity of having a conversation with him. I guess we can figure out where Mr. DeLeone will be voting with.
2:41 I wondered how long before a Nazi reference would work its way into this election?
Maybe they just were trying to tell you that you would put up with anything over one issue.
I think they were mentioning that you are getting carried away?
To Term and to 6:09 p.m. This is 2:41. If I can't say that I don't care what Hal's opinion is on ALL Hispanics, and that I just want someone in office who wants to do everything they can to get rid of the illegals, and then because of that I am likened to someone who is carried away, or wants them slaughtered, and that I am frightening, then I don't think that it is I who am carried away. Again, I want them to go back to their own country, and anyone who muddies the waters with statements like that is part of the reason that they are still here and more are still coming. If you want to be really frightened, 6:09, try looking up statistics on the crimes the illegals commit here or on just how much money they are costing us. And pretty soon they will cost us our country. Now THAT is frightening. Germany. Japanese. Really, you want to go THERE? Give me a break.
2:41, I don't think you are frightening. You have seen the light and realize we can't sustain the current status quo any longer. I stand with you.
Wonder how many states are like this? How much the taxpayer is on the hook for? Ohio?????
So teachers, is this a worry to you? Will it happen here? Is it happening?
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Please,I will not use a comment submitted in someone else's name I know you said "bad idea" along with it but take it from me some will not see the humor and believe he wrote it.
People use analogies referencing Nazis or those who support them lose credibility and support, no matter how well intentioned their argument. That said,the analogy itself was bad; Jews and other groups Hitler demonized in pre-war Germany were for the most part German citizens[I exclude the Gypsiesbut they were so small in number that their effect on anything was negligble] They were being blamed for Germany's economic problems and other Germans wanted them to leave, but they were still there legally; this is not comparable in anyway to wanting to deport illegals from the United States.Now back to the topic I live in ward II and will be voting for Katie Jenkins because Hal Werner is a joke. In order for her to win however I would like ms. Jenlins to be pro-active and make her positions known on issues ASAP and not wait for a smattering of curious voters. If she concentrated only on attacking her opponent... other than it being akin to shooting fish in a barrel it obviously tells us voters nothing about who/what she'd support or oppose while in office.
Mr. Werner won by being a one issue pony[opposing illegals] drawing the support of the bigots and xenophohobes in the ward. By reading the blog. we know that while illegals remain a major problem in Painesville it by far not the only problem. Mr. Werner has proven he's incapable about the former or latter.
It is time for KJenkins to convince wardII that she can do better. She canonly do that by not waiting to be asked but to tell where she stands and what she hopes to do once in office.
This is the reprint I did I thought it was a good comment
The above comment was lets just say from John Q. Ward II. Again I reprinted itbecause I thought it was a great comment.
This is 2:41. First of all, what I said was that if at this point Werner was prejudiced against all Hispanics, it would not be a concern of mine. (I stand by that statement. I do not know if he is prejudiced against all Hispanics, and it is not a concern of mine. Do I ask every person who is fighting against the issue if they are prejudiced, or do I ask everyone who is fighting in wars for our country? No. Don't know, don't care. It is not the issue.)
Then I said that if I can't say that I don't care what Hal's opinion is on all Hispanics ...
So that's what I said. Someone accused Hal of being prejudiced against all Hispanics and maybe other people - couldn't tell - that person doesn't know, and I don't care.
I am watching the Hispanics ruin the schools in my town, ruin the city and ruin the price of the home that I own in this town. And what - do people think that the Hispanics love us? Think again. Most of them can't stand us. They just want us to shut up while they take our country over.
And the statement above states that Hal ran on one issue - the illegals - and the bigots and xenophobes voted him in office. That's a hell of a statement. Actually, Hal ran on two issues: the illegals and he wanted McMahon out of office. The McMahon part was a lie, we now know. And he has done nothing about illegals. However, to call the people who want the illegals out of our town bigots and xenophobes is an unfair and bigoted statement in and of itself. Again, that is a hell of a statement. Wanting people out who are here illegally is just that - it's wanting people who are here illegally out.
Again, Jenkins said that ..."She" is not for illegals but at the same time recognizes that not all Hispanics are illegal.(Gee, I didn't know that.) She said immigration is a federal issue and we can only do so much from a local position. Keep this in mind when you are fishing for me to commit to a policy I would have very little control over in a city council seat ... " I haven't heard her say anything different since. She may be young, but that is a deceptive political statement if I ever did hear one. If she's got something better to say, she'd better say it, but at this point, I would not believe it. I think that is exactly what she thinks about the issue and how she would act. We don't need someone else giving them a pat on the back and turning the other way and/or breezing over the issue. It's a big issue, and anyone who makes a statement like that does not have my vote.
As for the bigots and xenophobes statement, that kind of crap, along with the Nazi and Japanese, and every other accusatory statement against the people who are trying to save our country from the illegals is why this is happening to our country and why it got so far out of control. That is one of the tactics they and their governments use to shut us up. So if those statements here and now on this blog are coming from Americans, let me just say that it does NOT fit the situation. Maybe you don't care that you are losing your country, but I care that I am losing mine. And there are people from probably every country in the world here illegally. Not anybody's fault but the Hispanics that they are the most prominent so they are the ones people focus on the most. Just take a good look around Painesville.
12:33 I don't presently have words to answer you? I just feel "SMALL TOWN" just headed south to Illegalville.
TERM, I'm confused. Are you the one that called those voting for Hal bigots and xenophobes? Or were you repeating what someone else said?
6:52 Someone posted that comment using a well known Painesville name. I reprinted it because I thought is was an interesting comment. I don't agree with the comment but thought enough of you would like to see this persons views. Once you post a comment on the blog. there is no way I can change it. either post it or delete it. I have done this in the past and always let you know about it.
Yesterday thumbing though the Plain Dealer I noticed V.Dahlberg got a headline. 100 painesville residents protest deportation at Federal building in Cleveland. She's moving to the big city now. Local "Congressman and former Mayor Dennis with the great looking wife" was at her side.
You have to admitt even if you don't agree with the Dems they atleast stand up for something
wonder how many GOP would stand in opposition with an opposing group?
Here's the link to the PD article about the demonstration in Cleveland:
Term are you thinking Grendall, Young,Sines, Kasich or LaTorette they won't do it. standing with a group opposing V.D.goals.
Seriously I truly would be impressed if any of the above submitted even a written endorsement to say the Rally Team or anyone else opposed to illegal immigration. a wink and a nod is not support. Stand with them. Maybe we can get all of them together at the Waffle House in Concord?
After more thought I would also be impressed with any Democrat that who stand with these above mentioned. This all might explain why presently I believe this is a lost cause.
Honestly no one holds anyones feet to the fire.
Term 3:48: Here's my opinion is on this issue. It is going to take the American people. It is true that our leaders should have long ago taken care of this. I think initially they did not because they were stupid or lazy. I think they kept giving amnesty because it wasn't politically correct to say get out, but we still need you to work in our fields. It also wasn't as possible as it is now with the computers that we have. Previous generations were smarter and stronger, and they were not afraid to have "temporary worker" programs to help our country, while at the same time protecting our country.
There was a program in place called the Bracero Program, initiated in 1942, by Franklin D. Roosevelt, or at least I am pretty sure it was FDR. After the expiration of the initial agreement in 1947, the program was continued in agricualture under a variety of laws and administrative agreements until its formal end in 1964.
We now have a federal visa program, H2A, to recruit foreign seasonal farm workers, but farmers say it is overly bureaucratic and too expensive. Among other things, it requires farmers to provide free housing, and some seasonal workers on the borders prefer to commute home. 92% of Georgian farmers said they don't use the program.
The Farm Bureau says it is most focused on an e-verify law that will be proposed in Congress this year. The group is asking that the agricultural industry be excepted from any proposed employer sanctions law.
At this point in time, we cannot just have blanket exemptions for agricultural workers and not do anything else. We have seen how the Mexicans, etc. will take advantage of us and our country. We also are not going to do any good to yell to get them out, without telling our leaders to get a "temporary agriculture workers" program in place so we can do that. Several states have these programs. Ohio needs to look into and see what kind of set-up do they have and do we like it.
Neither political party at this time will make them all get out, because neither side wants to lose politically. It is up to the American people to get out into the streets and demand it. Then they can all get on board and blame it on us. It has to be e-verify, "temporary guest worker program", stop all welfare for the illegals, and stop the anchor baby law. When the workers come to work, I would not allow them to bring their families. If they cannot come without their families, then it is not a job they are eligible for.
I would much rather pay a few dollars more at the grocery store than having my taxes go up and services cut even further. The farm industry is almost completely made up of agro-businesses and still receive all kinds of subsidies from the federal government. This country has historically imposed quotas on immigration several times. No one had a problem with it then and they shouldn't now. America is bleeding jobs overseas and tax dollars/services to illegals here at home...all at the expense of legal citizens. I will continue to vote against any candidate that supports the present system (or any variation thereof) and pretty much against any incumbant because they've become an entrenched bunch that has lost sight of the people that put them in office. I agree with Term that its time for the voter to take responsibility since our elected officials won't.
Until the American people stand up and start yelling and demanding over and over and over again that they set up "temporary worker programs" for agriculture only and get every illegal out without permission to be here temporarily under that program, I don't think it will matter WHO is in power. None of them will do it because they don't want to lose the votes. Certainly there are a few in power who are behind American citizens in this endeavor, and they should be rewarded with our votes, but ultimately it has to come from the American people demanding it. If we did, they would have to do it, and they would probably gladly do it, as long as they don't have to take the blame. This is a war - make no mistake about it - and every citizen needs to join in the fight to save our country. If citizens all across America fought for this, it would be done.
Our country has literally been invaded. We have laws against that. Maybe what we need to do is to start going after each person in power in the country who is not upholding our laws. What I believe is that there are several tacks that could and should be taken, but the American people are going to be the ones that have to start doing it now. We know now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that nobody in the government is going to take responsibility for this problem and fix it. If we want to save our country, then it is up to us.
To 12:33, You said, "I am watching the Hispanics ruin the schools in my town, ruin the city and ruin the price of the home that I own in this town."
The same could be said about the Blacks in Painesville. Which statement is more racist? Or, is it a wash!
This is 3:01 adding to that post.
So Congressman Dennis Kucinich stood with Veronica Dahlberg to advocate for the illegals in our country. Maybe that is where Painesville needs to start a new fight.
Maybe we need to go after Kucinich in every way possible. Can we start some sort of dereliction of duty movement against him? One of the definitions of dereliction of duty is to abandon something. Well, he is abandoning our constitution. I'm a Democrat, too, and I understand that Kucinich should be upholding our laws. His office can also be picketed, of course.
I know the Rally Team has fought hard around here, but maybe if all of Painesville joins in this time, and stays at it, then maybe this particular method can catch on. Does anyone know how to charge a Congressman with not upholding our laws?
Which statement? I might add that there are more then a few whites adding to the ruination? Does that make me a racist? One thing everyone would be wise to do is remember to judge everyone as an individual. not any group or race.
2:58 Go for it I think Dennis will be without a district soon.
Maybe he will move to the State of Washington?
My point is where are the politicans that want to stand-up for the constitution? Sometimes silence is as bad as advocacy?
Let's get them on record? Dennis is on record and stands with V.D. Who stands with you?
Hal Werner? That alone scares me.
Term 3:12: Don't you mean who stands with US?
No, I know no one around here does.
Term 7:03: Are you saying that you are not against the illegals, or are you saying that you don't stand with the Rally Team? This is 2:58, and that was not a Rally Team post. And if you are saying that you would not fight alongside the Rally Team, and that nobody else would, I would be dumbfounded. Is that what you are saying?
This is a battle that is 10 20 years to late. There here.
Who wants to join the "fight"?
Come on if we can't even convince employers not to hire them what can the rest of us do? I'm not about to run around town with a net.
The leadership of our country and even local government looked the other way for to long.
I guess what I'm saying is three days after the D-Day invasion some General in Berlin places a phone call to a General in Normandy and asks "Do you want us to send troops now?"
Term 8:10: I'm not going to say too much on this issue with you, because I don't think it's worth it for me. However, there are things that are happening like e-verify to keep the illegals out of our jobs that the government is working on, and that will help a lot - that is if Obama doesn't legalize them all first. Ironically, it is him that is spearheading the e-verify as far as I know. It will be a huge beginning. They are already doing test runs of it. The other thing I will say is that you have to fight to win, and the Americans that are fighting just might win - no thanks to you, of course. I know if we lose, it WILL be because people like you didn't help. Well, as long as you stay out of the way, and let the fighters fight, that will be worth something.
So to understand this Obama is pushing e-verify and at the same time you believe he will legalize illegals first? Does this statement make sense to you?
Employer's will lobby around e-verify. In all your thinking is there a chance even just a small one that some of these second-generation Hispanics may view themselves more as American's then Mexican?
Something that Americans take for granted being an American is a lofty opportunity.
My problem is that there can be no two America's not an English speaking one. A Spanishish speaking one. Our educator's who believe English as a second language are wrong. English should be taught as a First language. Store's that print directions, and phone messages may think they are doing the best thing are just making a larger divide.
Hispanics most asimulate to American culture. If Mexican culture most dominate go or stay in Mexico. It again isn't rocket science.
Just so some of you who might not know Gov. Rick Perry of Texas doesn't believe we need a wall along the boarder with Mexico. Supported discounted tution rates for children of illegal immigrants at Texas Universities. Was quoted that Arizona's tough illegal immigration law wouldn't work for Texas? Well lets all wait for the flip?.
I'm with Term this battle was decided and lost along time ago. President Reagan started it and EVERY President since has followed the leader.
America hasn't lasted as long as it has because of people with attitudes like Term and 9:56. It ain't over until it's over.
America will survive because of people like Term, and 9:56 I have now listened to your rants on this blog. for over a period of a couple of year. Your bladdering make no sense and I for one wish Term turned you off.
Your agenda consists of hate and fear not substance. They are here we let them in they will be apart of us forever. Try to get that though your head. Blame whoever you wish it ain't going to change. Ask the Dem's or the GOP.
I see you showed up at KJenkins fund raiser. Why, and what do you think?
I don't want to be prognosticator... But I think you can just about put a fork in Hal. The sad thing is the main reason seems to be it's Hal?
Many different people showed up including people I support and people I don't. Ward II I believe wants to go in a different direction. KJenkins might get elected over people not wanting Hal. She will have four years to prove her worth to residents in Ward II. [Hal may have had a chance for re-election if another person was in the race as there was last time.]
5:41 the difference between you and I is that I believe in freedom of speach and you want anyone who doesn't think like you to be shut off. I also feel that it is not too late to save this country whereas you just want to roll over and play dead.
This is 1:32 to 5:41: It never ceases to amaze me that whatever dumb thing Term is saying about the illegals and the people who fight them, there are people who will follow him. And now you are following him right into his NEW, dumb philosophy. Whatever. Have at it, dummy, and learn Spanish while you're at it - you're going to need it.
K Jenkins will be a big mistake
I am afraid that Jenkins is in with the group of McMahon/Hada, etc. I also think that she is too young in ways that it really matters in this campaign in this city at this time. She has gone to school with the children of the illegals (some of those kids being illegal themselves), I am sure she is friends with some of those young people, and I think she is too young to realize that the very existence of our country depends on getting them out. I still think Hal is the far safest bet.
1:32 Are you one that fights them behind Anonymous posts? I guess it would be to much to ask you to reveal yourself and explain your comments? I may have "dumb" things to say but people atleast know where I stand and to you I ask you just once to stand-up for yourself. I think your just to embarrested to admit who you are?
3:47 Lets disqualify someone because she went to school with illegals? Maybe you should have a better idea?
I was told Hada, Hach, Horvath were all at her fundraiser? You of all people should be very concerned about this.
KJenkins, within a year you will be telling us how she fooled you? I'm starting to think your easily fooled.
The problem with Term is that he is still mad at the Rally Team. He has now stopped fighting them directly, and started fighting them indirectly by saying that the illegals can, should and will stay, and trying to get people to go along with that, even though that will mean we lose our city and country. He is now for Jenkins, for example, and I'm pretty sure that she is for the illegals.
My point about Katie being friends with illegals is that she is too young and too close to the situation to understand that they need to go to save our country. For you to turn that around, Term, and say that I think she shouldn't be voted in because she is friends with the children of illegals, in and of itself, is ludicrous. What I mean, of course, is that this fight in large part is for the elders of our country to fight - a lot of the younger people don't understand that we are losing our country, and that these people have to go.
I think Hal has to be the one in this election. I think Jenkins is for the illegals and in with Hada, etc.
Hal had his fifteen minutes...and did nothing regarding one of the issues he campaigned under....specifically illegal immigration. In the meantime he expended a lot of very warm oxygen on meaningless things. I'm not convinced about Ms. Jenkins yet by a long shot...but will be paying very close attention to their answers to the hard questions.
Hada, Hach and Horvath were at Jenkin's fundraiser. That should be enough to tell everyone for certain that she is not the one. I don't think that that could be any plainer. Voting for her will be a big mistake.
choice for a Ward 2 resident;
Katy or Hal..........
I love the fact that Katy is young and has new ideas to bring to council. We have talked to her and believe she can think for herself.
Sorry but Hal still seems to part of the tail wagging the dog.
We were at Katy's fundraiser and I don't think it's a matter of anybody's camp supporting Katy, much more of a collective effort to get Hal out.
If Hada, Hach and Horvath are at Katie's fundraiser supporting her just to get Hal out, then that is of equal concern to me. I have been one of Hal's biggest detractors, but I believe 100% that we are better off leaving Hal in there until he has a rival who is not in with Hada and his bunch, and who is not sympathetic to the illegals. I also believe that she is more than just sympathetic to the illegals. I think we are getting ourselves into much worse shape - the kind we are really going to be sorry for -than we are already in if we allow her to get into office.
John Murphy, Term and M-potter were at KJenkins fund raiser, shouldn,t that worry Hach, Horvath and Hada?
As a law abiding citizen myself, I don't support anything illegal. I'm sort of confused on where this "she supports illegals just because she went to school with hispanics" mentality came from.
If you'd like to have a legitimate conversation with me about my viewpoints and opinions, feel free to contact me. My information is all listed on my campaign website. Otherwise, I hope to see you while I'm going door to door.
4:49pm, I agree with you. I am definitely not a Hal supporter but while he may not have kept his campaign promises, specifically getting rid of the illegals and McMahon, he has not done any harm. I have a great fear that Katie will do harm--namely in her support of the illegals. Unfortunately, it is better to keep status quo in this situation.
7:32: Let's put it this way: Did you ever see Hada, Hach, Horvath at Werner's fundraisers? Or Murphy's? No. They want Werner out, and that means we had better keep Werner in. That means IN A VERY BIG WAY that we had better keep Werner in.
KJenkins 6:16: That is a misrepresentation of what I said. Go back and read the posts. That's what Term said I said, not what I actually said. I entered a clarification, and I stand by it.
O.K. Which post were you? My comment was directed at 3:47pm?
8/28/11. Which comment was yours 4:20pm?
I don't remember a Werner or Murphy Fundraiser. I would like to have participated. Did I miss it?
JOHN MURPHY'S fundraiser, is sept.29th at RIDERS INN, 5-9pm. complimentary buffet. hope to see all of (ward 4) there. someone who wants to see a new council this nov.8th. so, vote, vote, vote.
Let's get Murphy and Tibbits in. It will be a huge step in the right direction. And that's right, 1:34, Hada and friends were NOT at Tibbits fundraiser, but there WERE at Jenkins fundraiser. That is a huge red flag for Jenkins. She will be a vote we learn to regret. We need to keep Hal in there, no matter if we like him or not - he is the only safe choice.
If we want things to start changing, this has to be the vote.
That's because Tibbets didn't invite any of them. Isn't it goodwill to invite people to your fundraiser? Itsnot supposed to be an elitist event should be open to all
I remember hearing that Richard Tibbets was at a Bill Horvath fundraiser years ago. I believe he's a wolf in sheep clothes.
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