"ARE YOU TUFF ENOUGH" fabulous thunderbirds

My open letter sent to Painesville City Council and the Painesville School Board:
It has been brought to my attention that many people in the Painesville City school system and Painesville City administration have questioned the accuracy of the figures I presented at the Monday, August 15, 2011 council meeting. I listened to Mr. Grippi’s statement to the Board of Education and any numbers anyone in either administration would like to bring forward I will gladly take into consideration.
The bottom line is that we have a problem in our schools that has a direct and dramatic impact on the city and ignoring it or pretending it does not exist is outrageous. To those of you that have known about this situation and have remained quiet for so long, precisely who or what do you think you are protecting.
I have included a summary and chart with information compiled from the State of Ohio Department of Education to back my assertion that this situation has been deteriorating for at least three years.
Anything we try to do to enhance the quality of life in this community will fail if the schools cannot turn these results around. I cannot accept the excuse of the social or economic cultures these children come from. Civility and respect for one another, as well as adults, is not just the purview of children that come from wealth or a certain culture. We should expect more, not less.
Everyone in Harvey High, students and staff alike, must have a safe environment; one that is conducive to learning without constant interruptions.
Now I bring up the police resource officer. Who pays for him? If he is not paid through a grant or the school system then I can only surmise that he is being paid out of Painesville’s general fund. No harm, no foul? Some may not look at it that way. The city has grown with three new annexed communities; Cobblestone, Heisley Park and Liberty Greens, none of which has anything to do with Painesville City Schools and yet all are property taxpayers to Painesville City. How long before someone in one of these neighborhoods realizes that their tax dollars are being spent for something the local schools should be paying for? Yes, annexation has consequences. In addition, some of these consequences were not anticipated, as they should have been.
Please remember we will never make Painesville a great place to live by smoke and mirrors and ignoring facts.
Thank you,
Angelo Cimaglio

School Board Meeting Update:
The outcome of the School board meeting held this morning at 7:30 am:
-A collective bargaining agreement between OAPSE Local #393, PCTA and the board was ratified and approved.
- This is the second year of a three-year contract and it appears that this year’s wages will be frozen.
-Step raises were not addressed.
-Discussion centered on how SB 5 will affect the school system in the future.
Are we "Tuff Enough" to stand up to the school board and demand Dr. Hanlon and Kim Martin be removed?
Call, email and demand answers from the school board members we elect!
Good blog post!
1. Do not call out people who are not steppng up if you are not willing to do he same...stop hiding behind a blog name (terminator1). How can anyone take you serioulsly or follow your lead if you don't have
the courage to present yourself. Every great leader has had the courage to stand for what the believe...to stand in the face of adversity....do you?
2. You continue to highlight the PROPOSED issues....when are you going to present a proposed solution?
3. Until you accomplish points 1 & 2 you have no credibility.
4. It's better to stand now than to be exposed latter...again your credibilty will be tarnished if you do not have the courage.
Great job! Now question-away people and don't forget - spin, spin, spin.
I read in the paper the school board is having a meeting at 7:30 AM tomorrow morning? Stange time for a meeting?
This has been talked about before. Why does Painesville seem to be going down hill in education, property values and just over all quality of life? Willoughby doesn't seem to suffer from the same fate.
What has changed? Is it the every increasing number of low cost rentals? Is it the quality of the schools and it's administration? Is it the current city administration? Is it the ever changing population makeup?
I believe it is all of the above. More rentals just lead to more and more rentals. More rentals mean lower average income for taxpayers. Less tax money coming in means less quality in city services. A lower economic level of citizens usually leads to less family involvement in our children's education. All these only lead to declining property values. So on and so on, the vicious cycle keeps going.
Now, on to schools. But before you call me racist, just stop and think about it. Our schools performance has been in a steady rate of decline over the last 20 years or so. Where are our students coming from. Why. What changed. For one thing, the ethnic make up of our schools. The Hispanic population from 1990 doubled in 2000. It doubled again from 2000 to 2010. That's a 4 fold increase. Hispanic school students went from around 2% to what 33% or more. Not insulting ability, but if you can't speak English, those students performance suffers. If you add to that, some return home to Mexico for weeks or months at a time further drop performance. How many limited money is diverted from standard education for special education? One only has to look at test performance and graduation rates for the various ethnic student in Ohio's school grades that Term keeps mentioning.
Again, I'm not saying ethnic background is to blame. It is the social-economical background that is the problem. It's not the students fault for what social-economical group they belong, but we have to face facts and test scores seem to show that this is a major problem.
So, I think we need to drop this 50% grading policy. Go back to enforcing discipline. Let the Hispanic community know that the school year is from September to June, period. The rest of the students don't get unlimited days off from school and still allowed to graduate or be promoted. School is for education, period, just as work is for a job. Keep lowering the standards and that's what you will continue to get in return.
10:13 Really? I use to wonder as a kid about Sgt. Garcia and the rest of the townpeople that didn't know that "Zorro" was Don San Diego de la Chevy Vega? Don was never around when Zorro was and really... an eye mask? Read the post again, I believe you will be able to figure out who I am. I have also mentioned it many times in the past.
Proposed solutions? New leadership at the top, there's a start. People on council willing to hold the city manager accountable as well as council people and school boards that DEMAND much better results from the city and school administrations.
I am not a leader, only a messenger that would only wish people in Painesville were a little less complacent.
1:29 There will be a member of the POC at that Tuesday morning meeting.
Also a reminder on Wednesday at 9:00 a m Harvey's Principal K. Martin has invited parents and the community to Harvey. Please attend.
What is new leadership going to do about the illegal immigrant population? How is new leadership going to get more parents involved. The expulsion and suspension rates are already the highest in the county. Sounds like disipline isn't working.
New leaders....tell us what you propose....but before you do, remember, you will be held accountable.
You sound like an instigator who wants big brother to fight his battles. If you've got the courage rattle the cage have the courage to step in it and fight the war.
Oh, before you ask.....I've got the courage to rattle from within the cage....step in or step out!!!!!
Who's cage are you in?
Messenger's becomes instigator's when the people in charge have run out of answers.
We are all accountable. You, me parents, educators,administrators. Are the people in charge afraid to rattle the cages of students and parents?
Sounds like disipline isn't working? I know there it seems to not be any disipline to start with.
I believe you propose to turn a blind-eye and just ignore the whole situation? Why haven't we have heard your rattle from within?
Data person try again,drop the Perry, basement stuff [ that's not mine or your business] and go over your facts. You say there are 185 days in a week? You have interesting info. Just the facts please. Lets shoot another messinger?
The illegal Hispanic population cannot be handled at the city level. Much like the hospitals, Hispanics cannot be turned away from life and welfare benefits. The problem is they play the game by their own rules. Who can stop a family from picking up for Mexico in the middle of the school year? Illegal parents don't hold their children to a high standard. If their children can get a few free years of American school 50X better than Mexico, its a win! Do you think the non English speaking illegal parents can help with homework at night? Do you think they are active in the PTA or show up at parent teacher conferences? This is a virus in the PCS and our educators get dealt a no win hand under those circumstances. Martin and Hanlon losing their jobs will CHANGE NOTHING!
Police are called for run off children and fights... Ok Harvey is not a jail, so kids can get out as they please. They get caught and returned. How do u handle a precious,rabid pittbull that can only be disciplined with a feather? The school system is filled with nasty, disrespectful children who's parents think they can do no wrong. There are many children that will say @uck you and spit in your face. Now what do you do? Right...expel them and get another stat? The problem is that their parents moved them here from two other cities because they were expelled from those schools too!! Look the problem in the face. It's disrespectful parents who are lazy and were horrible kids themselves. Those kids turn into unemployable govt. benefit suckers who haven't cared about discipline,values,accountability or education. This mixed with 33% illegals adding problems previously mentioned? Come on armchair politicians with an internet connection.. you tell me!!! Tell us all how to make PCS into Andrews Osborn Academy with a regime change. Think outside the box and quit with the stats until you really have first hand knowledge of how a crap sandwich really tastes. I think Martin and Hanlon know how it tastes,and with that kind of diet I'd want a raise SB5 or not.
From a Plain Dealer story: Are the school systems that much better or are the tests skewed towards higher income societies?
Higher income Ohio school districts again did better than others on the Ohio school report cards released last week.
Statistical Snapshot
Here are the average household incomes for people living in districts receiving each grade:
•Excellent with distinction: $70,158
•Excellent: $52,059
•Effective: $43,137
•Continuous improvement: $37,437
•Academic watch: $31,456
•Academic emergency: no districts received this grade in 2011
The income was based on the latest available data from the Ohio Department of Taxation, for 2009.
Sources: Analysis of Ohio Department of Education and Department of Taxation Records.
Find report cards for each public school district and school building in the state with The Plain Dealer's searchable database.
What is this crap about sending all kids home 1/2 hour early every Tuesday, so the teachers can talk over things ?
My point is becoming more valid with every one of your responses. You have no answers!!!!
I work with children and their parents on a consistent basis....I choose to do so without broadcasting to the world. It's about the children not me.
No one seems to mention all the succeessful students who have recently moved on to higher education. More students are going on to college from HHS than anytime I can remember. Let's ask past alum how they feel they were treated and supported by the old guard, Beeler, Mohner, Grippi, Starkey, etc. Bet you would be surprised with the responses you get back.
As I mentioned yesterday.....be careful what you ask for....can you handle the heat.
Your point is you couldn't find my name at the bottom of the letter either.I was once told soldiers don't lose battles, General and their staffs do. If your in the trenches you better then anyone else would know what will work. I have no fight with you, I also believe a new administrator's might be the place to start. Off hand the people you mentioned I have a world of respect for. Past alumni? Presently I'm more worried about future alumni.
Heat? What about the kids that want a future?
It is 33% population, not 33% illegal. The point is that it is the parents that move here and send their kids to school. I agree, that parents show the same disrespect as the students. It's the old one rotten apple spoils the barrel. Accept one and sooner or latter the whole barrel is rotten. The disrespectful kids spoil the school for the good kids. Bad schools destroy property values. Sweeping things under the rug or ignoring them only makes it worse. Also, only the fights or infractions that get reported make the statistics. How many are just not reported?
Generals lose wars? Yes, but if the soldiers (teachers) don't have the weapons (discipline) to fight the battle, we all lose. I just wonder how many teachers have surrendered to the kids because of the lack of support from the administration.
Time the students and parents learn there are consequences to their actions. And it isn't, oh well the government will take care of me.
They don't call them there kids, they call them there food stamps.
I call them illegals and there ancor babys.
They all need to go .....
There is absolutely no reason that Painesville or The United States of America should be educating - or anything else - the children of people who belong to ANOTHER COUNTRY. The whole thing is ludicrous. When the people in charge of our country - from local to federal - give away our money to these people, it's OUR money. When they give away our country to these people, it's OUR country. No politician even mentions it when they are talking about the bad state of affairs we are in. It's insane. It really is. Let's see - we have probably 40 million people here from other countries that we take care of free of charge - and they take and they take and they take from us. Gee, I wonder why we're in so much trouble? But nobody even MENTIONS it.
I found out what the Loophole is that Mr. Grippi eluded to at the board meeting concerning the skewed graduation rates. They include the special education students who graduate at age 21 (by law, certain special needs students can stay in school until 21). Also, students who graduate late are included in the percentage. So truly, what is the percentage of Painesville School students who are actually graduating ON TIME at age 18? The results are skewed by adding in late graduates....Cleveland does this too. It was on the news that if Cleveland were to actually calculate the graduation rate based solely on students who graduate ON TIME, their graduation rate would be 43%. Wonder what Painesville's would be?
That's a loophole big enough to drive a Mack Truck thru. It's sad but you can make numbers do just about anything you want. It is for the people in this community to separate the straw from the B.S.
It all started when you people brought over slaves against their will....wasn't a problem then was it? Was it problem when Italians or Irish came over.....nope. Oh, was it a problem when you took the land from the Indians.....nope.
REAP WHAT YOU SOW!!! You made this a race issue not me.
If you don't post this one we will ask you in person at the next meeting......Terminator.....
Here it is. Now please explain what it's about?
You and your groups assualt on the Mexican race....illegal or not....you are not right. Again, stop hiding your behind a blog and have he courage to state your position in the next public forum.
To 8:40...why don't you quit hiding behind an anonymous post and at least come up with an alias. And if you are illegal...Mexican or otherwise...you don't belong here...period. I don't know why you think that you can pick and choose which laws to follow and which ones are OK to break without consequences. Go home until you get the right paperwork...just like my grandparents and millions of other people did...my house...my rules.
I am home....not going anywhere.... May end up being your neighbor......this is just reality.
TO: September 2, I'm guessing you are from Mexcio and more than likely an illegal.
Dont be so arrogant-one day you will be gone.
I am as legal as each of you racists. Since my legal documents are not posted on my forehead I'm treated just like any other legal or illegal minority. You racists would not know how that feels.
Let's make something crystal clear, you do not represent what painesville city is about....not to mention HHS. If your property value is decreasing....cut your loses and move to a city where people look like you!!!
8:00 pm I'll bite, tell us what Painesville is all about? Who represents Painesville?
Please you may be legal at the same time don't try jamming all these illegals down my throat. That's racist! The illegals should be subject to the same rules that exist in their country.
8:00 pm I'll bite, tell us what Painesville is all about? Who represents Painesville?
Please you may be legal at the same time don't try jamming all these illegals down my throat. That's racist! The illegals should be subject to the same rules that exist in their country.
When JOE HADA AND PAUL HACH GET RE-CALLED AND THE CITY MANAGER DOES NOT GET HER CONTRACT RE-NEWED. then painesville will I said will change. [just be patient]
To 8:00...maybe you LIKE the way the city is now? Maybe I remember how it used to be and how it can be better today. Maybe you are happy with the status quo and would love to see us 'racists' move and leave the town to you. You're legal...great. A member of a minority...well, who isn't? Do you really think you're the only one subjected to discriminatory treatment? Illegal immigrants (regardless of ethnicity) happen to be the flavor of the month...but there's discrimination and unfair treatment enough to go around to a lot more groups than just the one you may belong to. I have a right to ask that everyone living here be equally treated regarding our laws. I'd be very interested to hear just exactly what you think Painesville is all about.
8:00: First of all, I doubt that you are legal. Second of all, if Americans are fed up with your race illegally overtaking our country and bleeding us dry, etc., then you have only your own race to blame for that, not Americans, and not the white Americans. It was in 2007 or 2008 when the Mexican president said there were 20 million illegal Mexicans in the United States of America (and that is just the Mexicans, that is not counting the rest of the Hispanics who are here illegally), and Mexico has the ghost towns to prove it. Now what is wrong with that picture? Everything. If you are illegal, get out; if you are legal, go home to where you came from. We don't need someone as racist as you in our country. If you don't want to be surrounded by white Americans, go home where you can be surrounded by people who look like you. You think you can tell us in your post to leave our own city and go to a city where the poeple look like us so your race can take over? I say the same thing right back to you only I am asking you to leave our country and to go back to your own.
12:26 PM -- RIGHT ON! I second your request to have 8:00 take his racist butt out of this country, before we do it for him!
The Hispanics keep track of every Hispanic in office at every city, state, and federal level. They used to calculate all the offices held, all the Hispanic voters, all the Hispanics eligible to vote, and all the ones they need to get signed up to take over our elections and our country right out in the open on TV and also on websites such as NALEO. Once non-Hispanic Americans caught on, it went more underground. But make no mistake about it - they still do it. It is a takeover and THEY know it. We seem to be too stupid, and they know that, too. Every time our leaders make a little step to get them out, their leaders get on natinal TV and threaten them with the votes and call us racists, and they manage to shut us up. They know that every month counts. They know that every month they are here, there are more and more anchor babies born, more Hispanics stealing our country in every way possible. Our government officials think they are working WITH them. The Hispanics know they are taking over. We are being very stupid, and we are going to pay with our country. And nobody is more racist than the Hispanics against white
Americans. They don't like us - they don't want us - they just want our country, and they ARE taking it.
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