I received this in my email earlier today. I can't tell you how happy I am that Harvey's administration is taking this step. First if you notice the times of the meeting are staggered between AM and PM this will make it more accessible for parents and people in the community to attend.
Right now I don't think this will be a dog and pony show, but as parents and residents we must impress upon this administration how important this is; not only for the students, but the educators and citizens of Painesville as well.
It will be important that both the administration and students understand how concerned people are for them to receive a quality education. Now, if the same four or five people show up at every meeting, it will mean that maybe we don't care as much as we say we do. We must get as many people to these meetings as possible... bring a friend.... bring a neighbor. If they tell you they don't have a reason to go... ask them what their house is worth right now?
Kimberly J. Martin, Principal at Thomas W. Harvey High School, has established monthly community/parent meetings for each month this school year in order to increase communication between the school and the community about whatever issues the community might wish to address. The meeting schedule is also available on the school website. The meeting information is listed below.
Wednesday, August 31st 9:00-10:00 am
Thursday, September 29th 5:00-6:00 pm
Main Office Conference Room
Wednesday, October 26th 9:00-10:00 am
Tuesday, November 22nd, 5:00-6:00 pm
Main Office Conference Room
December – No Meeting Due to Break
Wednesday, January 25th 9:00-10:00 Cafeteria/Commons
Tuesday, February 28th 5:00-6:00 Main Office Conference Room
Wednesday, March 28th 9:00-10:00 Cafeteria/Commons
Tuesday, April 24th 5:00-6:00 Main Office Conference Room
Wednesday, May 30th 9:00-10:00 Cafeteria/Commons
If you have any questions please contact Principal Kimberly Martin at (440) 392-5110 or email
Also, on a related subject, it seems our Governor Kasich has blinked. Now he wants to sit down and talk about SB 5. It seems to me the time to debate this was about 200days ago when he slammed it through the legislature. Now, when polls show the measure failing by big numbers, he wants to talk?
This whole scenario reminds me of a WWII movie " A Bridge To Far". Sometimes if you want to reform things you take smaller steps. Did I see the merits in SB 5? Yes, and at the same time a city council, Mayor, or City Manager shouldn't be the sole arbitor of what their Police or Firefighters need. It's called collective bargaining for a reason.
With that I will remind people about what the Finance Director informed council Monday night. Expect the state cutting the city over $700,000 in a few years to the general fund budget. Almost 75% of the general budget goes for personnel.
School boards and education will also face the knife. I can only hope that all people involved use some common sense.
I guess the people of the fastest growing 'city' between Cleveland and Buffalo can do better? I'm sorta gonna miss that guy and his razzamataze.
Don't back down now Kasich. This is what we voted you in for. Don't fold to a little public pressure. Let it go to a vote, and we'll see where the chips fall.
I think the meetings are a great idea, but I'm a little skeptical? Is this just a publicity move to help her get a seat on School Board in Perry? Why now is she suddenly taking an interest in attempting to communicate? It's self-serving. And has nothing to do with actually changing the climate of the schools.
I will be amazed if over 2 dozen people show up for the meeting, and I bet after a few months it will be the same 2 dozen over and over.
One of the biggest problems in our schools is parent involvement to control their children. Why would public meetings solve that problem? If parents can't be bothered going to parent teached conferences why would they show up at a public meeting?
Why is every step in the right directions critized? Maybe you need to take your negative perspectives to another community. We need people who have the passion and dedication to work with our admistration to make things better for our students as well as our community.
Are you one of those people with the necessary passion? Sometimes negative = current reality. positive = future reality. I go to those parent-teacher meetings and work with kids...not just my own... and do it on my own time. If you can say the same then you are part of the solution...if not then consider yourself part of the problem.
Funny how he mentioned every possible reason for Painesville's growth except for the illegals.
Kimberly J. Martin has got to go, she lets her friends get away with everything.
As far as Kasich goes, yes let it go to the voters, and watch it go down in flames, just like he wanted the Fire Dept. to go down in flames
To the public employee unions and SB 5 opponents.
Protest all you want and hate this bill all you want but the bottom line is that you expect me to pay for your benefits with my tax dollars. That's right, you are protesting against me, the true person who is expected to pay for your benefits. All the while you want all or nearly all of your benefits paid for you, my benefits keep going up and up. More and more school levies appear on the ballot. Painesvile didn't see a reduction in state funds yet my house is worth less and less. Quality of schools or a victim of the economy. I say both. But before you ask me to give up more of my reduced income to pay for more of your benefits, I expect more for my money. If I must produce or loose my job, I as your employer, the taxpayer, expect results too. So when you come to me and say we need a new school levy or need to pay for all or more of your benefits, I will tell you ABSOLUTELY NOT. Time you realize the free ride for benefits is over. Pay and safety levels need to be taken care of but time you start paying more for your own benefits like the rest of have been forced to do.
As stated above, employee pay and benefits are a major or single biggest expense to any company or city/school system. So, since Term and maybe the POC is against any new school levy and vote against them, isn't that producing the same results as this SB 5 you hate so much. Both can effect money the schools or city receives. Less money, less employees or less services. A no vote on a levy is absolute. Zero additional money. SB 5 changes the way cities and schools can negotiate to help control costs.
Two things come to mind when I hear of unions and strikes. The teachers in Wisconsin left school to protest. The Verizon workers on strike are causing damage to equipment and threatening other workers. Well I happen to have their phones and the bottom line is that I will end up paying for that damage in my next bill. When things like this happen, don't come to me to support your cause.
Time to realize we are all in this together. Let's work together and lose the me, mine, union first attitude.
Well, there you go, have at me.
To make it crystal clear, I have been workng with students of all ages for 20 plus years. I have no desire to discuss my individual involvement,for the simple fact that it will take a community pulling togeter to really drive change.....or even better...save young lives. There is no indivual acting alone capable of of driving the leval of change we need. Time everyone to step up or step out!!!!
To 12:34 ..this is 7:29...I did not mean to come off as critical of you but I am also tired of those that want everyone else to fix their problems for them...and even though an individual can make a difference one child at a time...I agree with you that we are at the point where a much bigger and more collaborative effort is necessary. I'm going to approach these new meetings with an open mind and see if this can be the starting point for parents and others that are concerned to get together and move forward. Hope to see you there.
Yes, the National Unions spent more money to recall Senators in Wisconsin than they did for 116 races in the 2010 elections. $35 million dollars to defeat similar bill there. I repeat NATIONAL unions. I for one don't want any national union telling me how to vote in Ohio or in Painesville. How about you? One reason, the teachers union's pension fund is under funded. Funny thing, the leaders in the union have their own pension fund. It is funded 98%. That's one example.
I'm sure glad the President passed the Dream Act all by himself. He might as well be standing on the border with a welcome all sign instead of vacationing in Martha's Vineyard. This should help Painesville's growth.
Well let's complain about the rally group some more and thank the President. And to think, we elected him. So are we better off yet?
Meetings at 10AM? Seriously?
How in the Sam-Hill am I able to attend if I have to be at work. Do I expect those that don't work to be there? Heck NO. Above poster is right, parents don't come to conference as they should do ya think they are going to get out of their beds early for this?
As a person in the education field I too put most of the blame on the parents of today especially the migrant and illegals.
5:51 One month the meeting will be in the morning and the next in the evening. If she had done it evenings only we have heard "I work second shift and can"t attend." Here atleast is a way to find out if more people will attend and at what times.
5:38 I hope you didn't think that Martha's Vineyard would go by without a response? At this time in his first term President Bush[43] had already been on vacation over 60 days more than Presdent Obama. Look it up. Spent alot of time at the ranch clearling brush. Economic crisis? We had just been attacked and were involved in two wars. How quickly we forget. What Dream Act was pasted?
2:11 I understand where your coming from and at the same time understand the unions point of view. The biggest difference in the public sector unions is they are without competition. Recently I mention that Painesville school bus drivers averaged $33.93 per hour in wages and benefits. Recently there was and advertisment in the Cleveland paper looking for licensed driver with the proper credentials to drive school bus for alittle over $12.50 per hour. Sorry, thats to much of a difference between private and public.
No matter what SB 5 does cities, and school district will have to make due with less state money. I don't believe levies and other increases in taxes will pass in the present economic climate.
An interesting question to all candidate running is their support or non-support for state issue SB 5.
TERM, you beloved Obama gave amnesty to 300,000 illegals today who were scheduled to be deported! By executive order. He said "screw all of you, I will do what I want". Bypass Congress and Senate and just passed it himself. And, no, Bush didn't have more vacation than Obama. I did look it up. And what vacations he did take he sure didn't cost us what Obama's vacation cost us. Look it up. Lisa
Yes, Term, but how effective is Martha's Vineyard compared to say Camp David or even Bush's ranch. One thing to go home and and another to vacation away from easy access to a secure communication center or office to conduct real business.
What is your answer to his number of trips to the golf course. How well do you think this goes over with the unemployed or people who have lost their home.
Better yet, how about his 127 campaign appearances up to this point compared to 88 for Bush and even 76 for Clinton during the same time frame. Exactly how do these help foreign policy, unemployment, debt crisis, the soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq and our country's status in the world.
I say again, time to act Presidential, not like some rock star or celebrity. Still waiting for him to live up to his campaign promises and stand up like a man and accept responsibility and stop blaming everyone else. Start fulfilling your first campaign promises before you start making more for another election. Otherwise, if they were wrong, admit it and do the right thing to turn the country around. Broken promises and excuses mean absolutely nothing to me. Not worthy of my vote.
300,000 illegal immigrants scheduled for deportation have been granted amnesty by executive order. Obama's own Dream Act. He is the only one to blame. Not Congress, Not the Republicans, Not the rally group, just the President.
Let's see, that should add 300,000 more American citizens to the unemployment line. Time to take a stand now. Rally group or Democratic President?
What say you now.
I would like to go on record now that I have a response to one of Term's upcoming topics or someone's complaint on this blog. Remember, I am expecting it.
grant amnesty then skip town. And we whine when a member of city council misses a meeting. Great
Although it sounds like a good thing to provide meetings at Harvey where the community can ask questions about concerns, when the meetings are random in nature then there will be no progression in solving the problems as the players are always changing! I think Ms. Martin and Dr. Hanlon should present themselves at a City Council Meeting where it is aired to the entire city. These two representatives from the schools can start at this point to answer the many questions, we as citizens paying the taxes for these schools, may have. I also think that every council member should be in attendance at any of these meetings as this negative aspect of Painesville is affecting all of us as we might try and buy and sell our homes.
To 10:45
Hey, anyone can become a policeman, a fireman, a teacher, a school bus drivers etc. But, most people do not want to do those jobs, I know I don't. I am grateful we have people that will do those jobs and also, I am happy to pay them well!
I am not sure what others pay for their health insurance, but I am a classified school employee. I work 33 hours a week and my health insurance costs me $168.00 a month. My wage considers me to be below poverty level. I would like to speak face to face to those who believe I live and work in the lap of luxury because I work for a school system. Not everyone is in the same boat as the teacher, fire or police person. We do not make anywhere near what those folks make. Remember the little people.
8:46...that is a great idea...guess we'll have to push hard for that....but we can make it happen. Maybe the News (less) Herald won't ignore that.
I am so sick of ignorant people with their long winded rants about paying ALL of a city employees benefits. You post is long winded, you are ignorant and most of all WRONG. I work for the city and our healthcare sucks. Employees pay over 130.00 a month for coverage. We don't get a free ride at all!! Yes the taxpayers pay salaries, but unless you are a department head in this city, nobody is getting rich. Kasich will feed off of the ignorant people who think state and local employees live this lavish life. All the rest will vote the bill down.
I guess we should ask if those are family plans, single plans, dental, co-pays along with your deductabales? You can't just leave a blanket statement without all the facts.
First off calling people ignorant and acting entitled won't make you any friends?
Most people have a hard time understanding why they pay people more then themselves?
I believe it will all now come out in the wash.
I for one am sick and tired of paying idiot ignorant people that work for the schools and the city. If you want more go elsewhere. I say cut cut cut.
Make them go out and earn a living.6 hour days 180 days a year try tthat in the private secter?
I wish I only had to pay $168 or less for my health care. Stop complaining. How about retirement? How much do you contribute?
We all know that Social Security is under funded. Raising the retirement age and cutting benefits. How about your pension and benefits? The rest of Americans are paying more for less, what make you special?
My wife works for the schools she pays out of every pay, over 200.00 for our family plan.
Yep, taxpayer dollars or his for vacation. His and her jets and rent for farmhouse is $50,000 a week. Spend more money for his stay in Martha's Vineyard than most people's houses in Painesville. That's just the rent, not the cost of jets, extra security and the rest. Where does the staff and secret service stay.
Tough economic times. Campaigning, golfing and vacationing. Forget what past Presidents did when in office. That's what they call ancient history. We have problems now. And, caving to the Hispanics just for their vote with his own Dream Act, well looks like getting re-elected is more important than solving our problems.
What's that word again.
Thank you 7:26 AM. I will try to help you out and clarify things with those who think we are rolling in the dough-NOT. Though I don't work for the city I work for a school. I am so tired of being lumped in with the teachers, fire & police. I pay 170.00 a month for my health care. It is an individual plan not a family. I work 32 hours a week and am considered below poverty level. Know that I am not complaining(because I know some fool will tell me to get a different job) as I know I could work elsewhere (I enjoy what I do) I am stating the facts to everyone thinking the grass is greener on the other side. The only thing I want to add is compare the salaries of the city manager versus the superintendents. Look at the bottom dollar each has to deal with. Who comes out better there? I don't think the department heads are raking in the big bucks like the school administration does.
This has been very informative. I understand that many people don't believe school or city employees don't pay enough. I will try to get ALL figures from the city and the schools. This will include classified and unclassified employees.
The upper management of both administrations seem overpaid and I guess just too many of them.
When the assistant city manager who has been on the job less then four years is paid $93,000 a year and a high school principal over $100,000 it seems to rich for Painesvilles budget.
12:34 Perception? Lets look at the GOP's flavor of the week for this week. Rick Perry. He claims the country needs a President that "loves America".
Now less then two years ago this hick governor wanted Texas to secede from the United States, doesn't believe in evolution [even the Pope understands the theory.] No such thing as man-made climate change? really So lets pray to the Lord to explain the drought in his state. His idea of capitalism? Have two people invest a $1000 dollars each in a business and the state of Texas will give you 4.5 million grant to invest in your business? Oh, these two also had invested $75,000 each in his re-election campaign? You want to really want to know why Republicans throw out a new candidate every week? Presently no one mention has inspired American voters. Please can we keep the focus on Painesville?
Yes and at the same time Gov. Kasich seem's to be having the wheel's at the state house coming off? Now is not the time for his idea of a do it over.
I cannot even think what he thought about this plan.
When you make comments like calling our governor a "hick" then you are perpetuating the continual tit for tat. You can't see the forest for the trees.
5:56am, 7:26am, 9:34am, and any other whiners, paying what you say you pay for insurance sounds close to a freebie to me. I pay $842/month for my family plan, and that is 55%. My employer pays the rest. And this insurance sucks. High deductibles, bad prescription coverage, etc. And you say you don't have that great a salary. But let's be honest here. How about those back door raises you received? You know, those things that the rest of us have to pay, but the school system pays for you. That is money in your pocket and not listed as salary so you don't pay taxes on it. When negotiations say you take a pay cut or agree to a freeze on salaries, you get these back door raises. My heart is breaking for you. Lisa
Nice to see your back attacking the possible Republicans. Someone asked you about Obama's amnesty by executive order and instead of defending it or agreeing, you go after Perry. Well, at this point, what does he have to do with Painesville? However, 300,000 illegal immigrants scheduled for deportation granted amnesty does have a great impact on Painesville and it's schools. The perception is that, come here illegally and you will now get amnesty.
I guess you can't defend this move so instead of answering you attack the Republicans. This new Dream Act by executive order is totally Obama's. So, this new flavor of the day decision sure leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I get it, your against any and all Republicans, past, present and future. So be it. But you still didn't address the real issue. Illegal immigration and what this executive order means to the country and Painesville.
I guess Obama gets a pass on this one too, just because he is a Democrat. Can't blame anyone else for this. He's the only one I can question about this order. Supporting or opposing the issues is more important than attacking the other party or person personally. Asking someone to be a leader instead of taking a lavish vacation in very tough economic times is something all Americans deserve. Time to address the issues and not the other party.
Everyone knows you oppose the two Joe's and Rita. When you go after the person instead of their position on an issue, it sounds petty and just like sour grapes.
Everyone also knows you are in the background campaigning for several people now running for council. So, can you contain yourself to running on the issues and the facts or will you resort to your old ways of negative and attack campaigning?
The POC could be a step in the right direction if they stick to the issues. Go the other way, and support for this group will soon drop.
I believe Term was too kind in just calling him a hick. I believe he is the real Anti-Christ or atleast Jefferson Davis reincarnated.
7:06 I didn't see it as a bunch of whiners, but I was waiting for someone like you to explain what health insurance is costing some of us in the private sector. I have United Healthcare single plan costing $137.00 twice a month. now the catch $1000 deductible, with a $30.00 co-pay and $60.00 with a specialist. Plus my copay on prescription is well not the best.
8:00 I will attack who I wish. As far as President Obama he either lacks a spine or he is to stupid to realize the other side is trying to destroy him. I don't consider the Bush Presidency "ancient" history. The man walked into a mess created by past administrations and you want him to be responsible.
Your hero President Reagan granted blanket amnesty to over 3 million?
President Obama should have grabbed that little weasel Kantor and his buddy Ryan and thrown them out of the meeting. When I see legislators signing pleges to some private citizen and not doing what's best for America I have my doubts I only wonder what the goal of the GOP is?
The two best Tea-Partiers I know both were government employees their the cause of the problem not the solution. There in there early 50's retired and have enough money and time to go to tea party events and tell us how out of control the government policies are?
Onhj another note WPVL 1460 has changed it name and has become a Progressive talk station with the likes of Ed Shultz and many more. Great if I don't listen to the right complain 24/7 now I can do the same on the left.
Really the ANTI-CHRIST???
Perry might not be the anti-christ but he has some crazy ideas. getting rid of the 16th and 17th amendments? No federal income tax what so ever? No longer voting for your U.S. Senator? letting the Governor or state legislature appoint them?
Overiding Supreme Court decisions by a two-thirds vote of the House of Representatives.
Before anyone votes please look deep into what a candidate stands for. Gov. Perry is an empty suit. What if instead of having social security we would have went with Bush 43 into the stock market?
TERM, you have issues with individuals in this town and you let that extend to the greater issues. This needs to be cleared up to get a start on fixing Painesville. Call the person you have a problem with. You know who that is. And discuss this in person or over the phone. Man to man or man to woman. You know. For some reason you have taken a vengeance out on them and you need to tell them why. Instead of getting vengeance at them by attacking their party or their group.
The article in The News-Herald does not actually say that in the end they will receive amnesty, but it seems this is a back-door, pull-the-wool-over-our-eyes way to start to grant amnesty and get away with it.
Obama has been responsible for getting out more illegals than any other president, but his continuous talk of amnesty lets us know that he will do it, just like Bush said he would.
With Obama and his administration's e-verify system, etc., I was holding out some hope. This new move by him let's everyone know that all of us - Republicans and Democrats alike - better quit attacking each other. And the R's on this site seem to be saying that it's only R's fighting. I'm a D, and there are a lot of us, that know we need to get the illegals out NOW.
We should have ALL been in the street before, and we need to ALL be in the streets now - all across America - and let Obama know that we will not tolerate this latest move, and that we want them all out. He just gave away 300,000 American jobs, and put us many steps closer to be taken over. Those 300,000 will turn themselves into one million within a couple years with births alone.
Bush is no longer on the ballot. Reagan isn't alive anymore.
Ancient history, water over the bridge or whatever you want to call it. You or I can't vote for either of these people.
Still waiting for your answer on the Dream Act by executive order. This is current history. This will effect all Americans and Painesville. Since 55% of Harvey's Hispanic don't graduate, how does that effect it's rating? (45% graduation rate) That is about 144 who don't graduate by year. What jobs do they get? How many get government assistance? Housing, food stamps, ADC and the rest. The latest info from OBE is Harvey has 780 students, 33.5% Hispanic. That make 261 and 55% don't graduate. That makes about 144.
How much extra does it cost to educate a student like this compared to the average student? Who benefits and who loses. How much will the levies be in the future?
So, Term, still waiting for your answer. Instead you attack Republicans in and out of our state and past presidents. And you attack the Tea Party who doesn't have any elected officials in Lake County. This isn't a Republican, Democrat, Tea Party or rally group debate or mud slinging issue. It is an illegal immigration issue and what effect it will have on Painesville. You know, what the POC was supposedly started for.
So it appears so far you would rather go after everyone else except the on who gave the executive order. Remember, they were already scheduled for deportation. Given a get out of jail free card.
So being a Democrat is more important than what's good or bad for Painesville. Your choice again. Remember, right now YOU are the loud mouth piece for the POC.
There come those two words again. Credibility and Perception.
What do you think about Government Motors (new GM) refusing repairs on General Motors (old GM) cars because they were a different company. I thought that when they were bailed out the Government guaranteed repairs. Who pays now? Wonder what executives got big bonus' and who got campaign money?
I'm sure this will go to court but what were they thinking.
To 8:00 AM
This new Dream Act by executive order is totally Obama's.>>
"An earlier version of the DREAM Act (S. 1545 in the 108th Congress), authored by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch and cosponsored by Senator John McCain, did not include any age cap. This bill was approved by the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee on a 16-3 vote."
Now, you know the history of the 'Dream Act". restriYou are welcomed!
12:22 The way you anonymously deal with me?
This whole Dream thing didn't start with Obama as an above poster has shown us. [ those two are still in the senate] I believe illegals should not be here if for no other reason then the unemployment numbers in this country It seems to make no difference who's in charge no one is making them leave?
1:49 please send me the link to look this up, something tells me it's a urban legend.
I believe that GM person doesn't want their warranty repairs but a class-action lawsuit on Impala rear spindles. GM will repair them but not hand out cash.
1222. I have an idea how to satisfy Term.. Give him one of those posh city jobs picking weeds in Evergreen cemetery for 35k a year with bennies. Give him a gator with "The Terminator" airbrushed on the door. He surely will need jugs of Rita's ice cold coolaide to last these long days and maybe a Nextel in case any unlawful dog walkers are spotted on his beloved city grounds. No BS'n with madpotter on city time now! Because Term, you have now reached elite status and your 8 hour and 1 minute days will be followed by example.
Yes, great idea! Then I could move to Madison or Perry and leave this mess to those who chose to stay here. madpotter's got a dog that I can report, even if it looks like it wants to cross the road!.
In all honesty if I had a job with Parks and Recreation I would be more concerned with a private landscaper that's waiting for my job to be outsourced. A real Terminator would want to park his rear end in the utility office and be rude and accusatory toward any resident that warrants a reprimand by intruding on my eight hours. "What... you think I'm in the service business?"
Good thing you're nota waitress... you would starve.
I wouldn't TOUCH Rita's "Kool-aid"
TERM 5:26, the person I am talking about was totally blindsided by you. No hints or clues from you that there was any problem, and then WHAM! Where and why did that come from? The ball has been in your court from the start. You served and they just returned.
5:33 I blindsided who? email the blog and I won't even print the comment. I have no idea who you are talking about? Sorry??
Everyone should read SB5 for themselves. You keep saying that SB5 takes away the collective bargaining rights and you have a problem with this, especially for the police and fire. Well, "Fact: Actually, the law hasn't changed. The new law states the same as the
old law: "Public employees have the right to… bargain collectively with their
public employers to determine wages, hours, terms and conditions of
employment." The only difference is that Issue 2 helps to better define what
those "terms and conditions" are. Since the old law was passed nearly 30
years ago, government employee unions have successfully expanded the
definition to include a laundry list of costly perks and fringe benefits that
taxpayers can no longer afford. Senate Bill 5 simply restores the balance
between the needs of our government employees and the ability of
taxpayers to effectively manage their schools and services." Do you know that in Wisconsin the unions negotiated to have Viagra paid for. This was literally costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. For viagra! This is the type of add on that would be kept in check with SB5.
Too bad this blog really jumped the track. Wish people would stick to one subject per topic. Take other concerns to the proper place.
This is a bag of mixed nuts and too hard to follow.
1:01, maybe you should just concentrate a little. The topics have been on track with topics brought up.
1:01: If there are specific questions that you have, maybe someone could try to answer them for you, or is it too confusing to have specific questions?
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