Friday, September 2, 2011


Went back to school Wednesday morning and found out some interesting facts. Some good, some not so good. It left me with more questions to ask.

Ms. Martin addressed the group of about a dozen of us. It was a mixed bag of parents, former parents and people looking for answers.

Before I "pass judgment" on Ms. Martin's figures, I would like to see the numbers the police department will present to city council.

On a positive note, 22% of all students contribute to 99% of expulsions and discipline problems. Therefore, 78% of the students do not show up on the discipline radar. I will testify that while at the presentation all students I viewed acted well mannered. I have asked some students if the presentation by Ms. Martin reflected their own view of high school life. Most disagreed. I was told that the student body as a whole has very little respect for the principal. I’m also told she plays favorites and constantly changes her mind on policy. One issue that I heard about from both white and black students were the Hispanic students, for some reason, do not have to play by the same rules. I don't know; I bet if I asked an Hispanic student, I would receive another story.

One problem I guess I was aware of on some level but didn't realize the magnitude of is Harvey has the highest student pregnancy rate in the area, even higher than most inter-city schools. Well, they’re proficient in one area…. babies having babies.

Most agreed perception is everything and that Painesville City schools (Harvey in particular) gets a bad rap that is not always deserved. A few shared several success stories and I learned about some of the corporate community involvement and programs in place that are definitely positive things. But when there are three or four police cars sitting in front of the school at the end of the day, there is a reason.

Discipline was the main subject. The old standby 50% policy reared its head. I got the impression that residents and most parents weren't buying it.

No one disputed Mr. Grippi's numbers or statement. When asked about the teacher that had 83% of her junior class pass the state math exam and then later let go, I got an insufficient answer from Ms. Martin citing that she could not discuss personnel decisions. All and all I looked forward to the next meeting armed with some questions and some solutions from a number of of you.

As I walked out the door after the meeting, I felt a lot better... until I got to the parking lot with three police cruisers, a K9 officer and three other officers. I just did not ask, I was feeling too "Positively Painesville" at the time. Maybe they were there to share donuts and keep the officer company who was stationed there.


At September 3, 2011 at 9:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harvey students are so disrespectful not only to the people in the community that have the misfortune to cross paths with them on their way home from school. Especially Blacks and Hispanics. White kids are getting just as bad.
Now Harvey played a football game against Fairport last week. At the end of the first quarter Harvey was ahead on to fronts. 21-0 and had commited four personel fouls? That's the "New" Harvey. Can't wait for this coach to run the basketball program, maybe we can have a riot. Harvey is the arm-pit of education.

At September 3, 2011 at 9:59 AM , Anonymous Been There said...

Yes they are proficient in that area. Problem is the administration and board seem just as proficient in what they are doing to these students.
If a parent believes these students have been prepared for college even the community college they are wrong. High School graduation rates are important but the real question should be let's look at the results of those students after five years. I feel bad to many of the parents who believe now, as I did five years ago. Thats reality.

At September 3, 2011 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, By any chance did you see the latest rant by the comic Katt Williams in Arizonia?

At September 3, 2011 at 10:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Yes I did and can we stay on comments about the schools? I believe Katt's comment were the comments about what alot of Americans would tell there neighbors to the south that chose to come here. Katt in my eyes is a Patriot. Goggle his rant.

At September 3, 2011 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Search a couple of Katt's sets....see what he says about white people. My opinion is there is no place for racism regardless of the color of your skin.....term (Angelo C.), your a typical racist. Move to Kirtland where you obviously belong!!!

At September 3, 2011 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I guess I'm a racist like Katt? A heckler starts "F@*K AMERICA" I guess if you love this country you would go in the same rant? If you live here ,work here and plan to raise your family here I think your FIRST Allegiance should be to the United States. If your allegiance is in Mexico, Italy, Russia, Iran ... Buy yourself a ticket. I promise you won't be missed. Kirtland? What was the Mexican Heckler?

At September 3, 2011 at 12:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not surprised that the kids think that the Hispanics get to play by a different set of rules in the schools. I think they also get to play by a different set of rules in our town. I think the administration in our CITY started a "hands off the Hispanics" attitude - for what reason I do not know - maybe so they could build these schools and appease the nursury/farm owners around here, all at the expense of America.

I sure would like to know how the high school pregnancies breaks down according to race. Are those statistics available?

At September 3, 2011 at 2:19 PM , Anonymous A Good Mom said...

Football! Thats nothing you should've seen the soccer match a few years ago. Came to watch my nephews from Newton Falls.
It was nasty and I was embarrased to admit I lived within the same district. I felt guilty by association. Never went to another.

At September 3, 2011 at 2:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your song title doesn't imply you support what she is paid because of her responsibility.
She may work hard for the money, don't we all. If I did this poorly. I'd have been gone long ago not rewarded with a new two year contract.
I believe she and others make more than the city manager of Painesville, A Lot More and the CM has a much bigger budget. Oh, no need to remind me how she has the Assist. Manager and Finance. The schools have Assist. Superintendent, treasurer along with assistant principals also.

At September 3, 2011 at 4:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katt is a professional comedian.......the content of his show is not necessarily his personal position on controversial topics. However, you are not a comedian, if you haven't noticed. Thus, your comments pertaining to racism are truly who you is evidently resides deep in your soul.
Katt also submitted a public apology.......where's yours, comedian?

At September 3, 2011 at 4:16 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:05 He did not apologize check his interview on CNN also he metioned his comments came from his feelings about America. It will be a snowball day in Hell when I apologize for standing up for the laws of this country. If you ask me your the comedian.
Someone yells out F#*K America and you want an apology? Sorry you feel that way Sir. It ain't gonna happen. NEVER

At September 3, 2011 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, You must be doing something right. 4:05 wants an apology and that person who wants all illegals out wants one to?
4:95 makes no sense. If a person yells that in a crowd I guess they have the right to. At the same time Katt Williams can say whats on his mind. These pro illegal people don't realize how many in this country don't want them here. Jobs might cause Obama to lose the next election but pushing amnesty willl seal his fate.

At September 3, 2011 at 5:50 PM , Anonymous relat said...

2:27 Rita also has a car and two or more annuities no one on council can explain.

At September 4, 2011 at 8:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"YOU MAD BRO" check FOX8 search Harvey Kirtland football game.

At September 4, 2011 at 9:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO POST 2:27----- Reading the PAINESVILLE PRIDE, council corner...LORI DINALLO, seems to know more than she lets the residents know about. However she did mention something about DIRTY LAUNDRY she won't disscuss. [after a council meeting once.] This is a real click on council.

At September 4, 2011 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:42: The pro illegal people don't realize how many want the illegals out, because most of the people who want them out are silent. If all legal Americans that want the illegals out stood up to be heard and would fight it, the illegals would be out. Our government would have no choice.

At September 4, 2011 at 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori DiNalllo serves one purpose to act as the city cheerleader. Nothing else. Where are her plans, resolutions, ordinanances? If Mrs. D thanks one more city or school employee for doing what their paid to do I think my head will explode!
Fix the streets, pipes, sewers, get the budget in line. At the same time don't ask for another study.

At September 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:50: Very interesting. Let's get new people in council, and let's hope this is one of the first things they look into.

At September 4, 2011 at 5:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"YOU MAD BRO" the sign came from the racists people of Kirtland, no kidding.
How about the report on the 10 LEC players betting on collage games.

only in Painesville can you have a bad report on TV and a good one the next day......

At September 4, 2011 at 6:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:31pm, AMEN! You hit the nail on the head. We have to quite being the silent majority and get out there and protest, make our wishes known that we want our rights protected, we want the constitution enforced, and get every single one of those illegals out! Cut off all benefits, that will help get them out. They have a free ride now so they're not going to leave on their own.

At September 4, 2011 at 8:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If councilwoman Lori DiNallo knows something that we do not know - some kind of dirty laundry - than she is obligated to tell us.

At September 5, 2011 at 7:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

To the Perception is everything. When you make accusations that you have made, atleast be decent enough to sign your name. I have no proof of any of these facts.
And so I will not post your comment.
5:25 What was the good report?

At September 5, 2011 at 10:16 AM , Anonymous My Little Town said...

Im with Sept 4 12:32 and 6:44.
We here in Painesville have this blog, GrassRroots and the POC how can we organize to fix this problem. I WANT MY TOWN BACK.And reading these blogs, Im not alone.
I am up for the fight now where and how do we begin?

At September 5, 2011 at 12:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does "YOU MAD BRO" even mean?

At September 5, 2011 at 4:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:44: You are right. They cut off all their benefits in California, wasn't it(?), and now they are all coming here. I say give them a month or two notice so they have time to make plans to get out, and then cut them off. Go back to your OWN COUNTRY and take care of yourself. Get off the back of my town, my state and my country.

My grandfather's generation did not let this happen, and they would not let it happen today.

By the time the growing season starts, our state and our national government can have a fields-only temporary workers program in place. They can come for the growing season only for a year or two - only the worker, not family members, and then it's the next people on the list. Any babies born her that are not of American parents are not citizens. That's just common sense, after all. If you don't like it, do not come.

At September 6, 2011 at 10:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mad bro?
It is the automatic response to a person who has just raged or ragequitted.

to make a raging person rage even more by asking the most ironic question.

murray: you mad bro?

todd: -rages even more-

Harvey lost the game.

Kirtland- You mad bro ?

Harvey-rages even more.

At September 6, 2011 at 12:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 12:34, answering my own question. I can't believe "YOU MAD BRO?" was called racist. I'm sure the Kirtland kids had nothing like that in mind. And apparantly the blacks thought it was directed specifically at them. Al Sharpton will be here causing trouble soon enough, and the NAACP is already involved. I feel sorry for the Kirtland kids who I am sure just thought they were having a friendly rivalry.

At September 6, 2011 at 1:44 PM , Anonymous WHAT NOW said...

OK back to my question. This site is full of fluff and hot air but where are the answers? What can we as legal Americans do to get the show on the road? Painesville's hands are tied, Grassroots seems to be nowhere in site, Guv. only wants to bust up unions and ICE is under staffed to come here. And even if they did come here they have a hiding place with St. Mary church.
Again I am asking What can we as an entire group do? The squeeky wheel gets the oil and right now the Hispanics are the more vocal group as we would be called racists if we spoke freely about sending them packing.

At September 6, 2011 at 3:53 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:39 I'm 60 do you somehow think you could explain it to me. I took it as you black players lost are you upset? Kinda cockey?
This had nowhere to be at a football game in my eyes.

At September 6, 2011 at 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 3:53. This is 12:39. I'm 60, too. It's a common saying. If you want to razz someone - you know, like in a friendly competition. When I was growing up, this would have been funny, and the other team would have had a different sign next time. This has NOTHING to do with the blacks. It has to do with PEOPLE. Thank God the Kirtland principal isn't kowtowing to the absurd racial crap the blacks are pulling. Next time they play at Harvey, the blacks can have their usual refrain "Look what the whites are doing to us NOW" sign. The parents were upset ... the NAACP is involved. Give me a freakin' break. The only people showing prejudice here is the blacks and I, for one, am sick of hearing it. Friendly competition. This was whites treating blacks as equals, and blacks being such all-consuming victims that this is what we have. If Painsville didn't look like a great big ol' A$$ before, we sure do now. The parents were upset... Harvey principal is in talks with Kirtland principal... Give me a break. Bring in Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson to talk on national TV about the "horrible racial incident" and it will be a completed asinine circle. I cannot believe this.

At September 6, 2011 at 9:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of you old folks are funny. It's funny how I never even think about the possibility that race is involved in a dispute in some of these stories until someone, usualy from Dr. Hanlan's generation, points it out. "YOU MAD BRO" is a video game thing... it's a taunt to an opponent who is losing to try to get them even more upset and throw them off their game even further by aggravating them. It's a stupid, immature taunt and nothing more. Kid's call each other "bro". It has nothing to do with race as you can't tell the race of your opponent in an online video game... I bet those Kirtland kids never even considered the possibility that their sign might be taken as a racist thing... the thought probably never entered their head because... GASP! MAYBE THEY AREN'T RACIST JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE! Kids don't constantly worry about being considered a racist because, for the most part... they don't care about race. It's the older generations and media folk (Jessie Jackson types) who keep driving that narrative, otherwise I believe it would all but die completely. You guys labeling a couple of adolescents as racists because of the word "bro" are the ones driving racism, not someone concerned with the fact that Hispanics aren't being held to the same standards as others. It is possible to talk or even complain about groups of people without actually hating them... at least for some of us it's possible.

At September 6, 2011 at 9:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:44: If anyone on the Rally Team is on this site, maybe they could tell us if they have anything planned for the near future. Maybe if they don't have a rally scheduled, they would if they thought there would be enough participation? I just saw on the internet that about ten Rally Team people gathered in front of Victoria Place recently, but I don't see any specifics about it on their website, and until now did not know it was going to happen or happened.

I personally think we should go after Kucinich loud and strong right now and make an example out of him. He just stood with Veronica Dahlberg and the illegals at a rally - on THEIR side. I would like to know if we could charge him with a crime for not only allowing illegals here, but standing with them. I think I'll go bash someone's car in. When the police come, I'll tell them that I want to be just like the illegals, and I want to break laws, too. I wouldn't get away with it, would I?It has to be illegal for our government entities to not only allow these people to break our laws, but to HELP them?! I think we ought to go after Kucinich until it's all over the national news and it catches on. If this whole ridiculous Harvey stupidity can make national and internet news, then we should be able to get that national, too.

If the Rally Team doesn't want to initiate anything, I guess anybody who wanted to could. Did you have anything specific in mind?

I personally think that every city in every state should have an ongoing Saturday rally - all day - until they are all gone. People can come and go all day. If everyone committed to at least two hours - or even one for people who are really pressed - then there should be people there all day. You know - start a Saturday rally and pass it on kind of thing. If it grew and grew, it hopefully would mean something. Kind of like a vigil until they are gone.

I really would like to find something to charge Kucinich with, though. I'm a Democrat, but I've had enough of this. I want my city and country back, and this is BS.

At September 7, 2011 at 5:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Hanlan did not start this some parent did, and the players did not even think it was race thing.

At September 7, 2011 at 12:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hanlan said "I think the reference to bro in the sign defiantly has a racial connection to it".

At September 7, 2011 at 5:31 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

So am I to believe this "You Mad Bro" is alot about nothing, and people are making a mountain out of a molehill?

At September 7, 2011 at 6:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Term 5:31: Yes, that is correct. And now it is time for whatever parent(s) that started this whole fake racial discriminaton brouhaha, along with the NAACP to start apologizing. They can start apologizing to the poor kids in Kirtland. Then they can apologize to the Harvey team that they dragged into this. (Others have said on this blog, and I also believe that this whole mess probably had nothing to do with the Harvey players. I will stand corrected if I am wrong.) Then they can apologize to the city of Kirtland, then to the city of Painesville, and then to the nation as a whole for conjuring up White racial prejudice where none existed ... AGAIN. This kind of garbage hurts their own race more than any other, and it must stop. The people that started this need to get out of the victim mode and into the "you have the opportunity to succeed now, so use it" mode that Martin Luther King, Jr. and many others fought and died for.

Maybe the parents who started this, and the NAACP who perpetuated it, can pay for a dinner for both teams involved, in the cafeteria, or somewhere, where the kids can put this behind them and move on, inspite of the bigoted parents who started this. Or maybe they could have an informal football game between the two rivals. This is clearly a case of reverse-discrimination as far as I see it, and the people who started it need to make amends - to the kids first.

At September 8, 2011 at 9:57 AM , Anonymous Alice said...

I agree with 6:58...we have taken 'political correctness' to a new (and totally unproductive) level. Common sense and morality cannot be has to be example and daily lessons, not instant litigation and slanted news reports. Give it a rest folks, we all have enough real problems without manufacturing more.

At September 11, 2011 at 12:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT NOW 1:44: You said this site was full of just hot air and fluff as you asked for something you could do to help get rid of the illegals in this country. I offered some suggestions, and now where are you - just filled with fluff and hot air?

At September 11, 2011 at 2:25 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:20 1:44 This is not an endorsement of the "Tea Party" but there might be a chance you might be able to hook-up with some like minded people when they are at Veterans Park next Saturday. Just a thought.
Maybe they will take the time to address these problems?
Presently I feel like a "homeless voter" who can't stand many of the positions of either party.
It's hard to believe in the Democrats position on illegals when the country has 9% unemployment and as high as 16% in the African-American population. You want to give Amnesty to 20 million people who wandered or migrated into America unlawfully?
At the same time the only idea the Republicans have is to cut programs and taxes on the wealthy.
I may be alittle off course and an idiot to most of you, but when I hear a candidate somewhat brag about the number od executions took place in his state and the crowd claps and roars with approval, I miss the point of them believing every life is sacred? I know many will disagree but presently I don't get it.

At September 11, 2011 at 3:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 2:25: This is 12:20. I'm a Democrat, and I don't believe or like anything the Tea Party has done/is doing. But I have to say that they do have the power to organize, and I have been wondering where in the heck are they on this issue. If they organized on this issue (of the illegals) like they have other issues, they could have them heading out of the country in short-order. I hate to give them any credit, but that credit is due, so it has to be given. But I really would like to know where their action is on this issue, because I really do think they have the ability to solve it. Everyone else would need to join in, of course, but I think it could be done then. They do show up at rallies against the illegals, but that has not been enough to be loud and strong enough to bring change. I think if THEY went after this issue, in and of itself, and took the lead they could do it. I would like to see them do something I believe in for once, and I think they would be effective.

At September 11, 2011 at 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 2:25: The Tea Party's message is so offensive to so many Americans, that they would have to have rallies dedicated to getting out the illegals only, without mixing it together with their usual messages.

Also, just a short note about the numbers of illegals in our country. Nobody really knows how many are here, of course, but in 2007 the Mexican government said that there were 20 million illegals MEXICANS here and that they had the ghost towns to prove it. And that is only the Mexicans - it does not include Hispanics from other countries that are here illegally. It also does not include illegals from every other country in the world, all of which are sure to have people here illegally, since we are too stupid to use our heads regarding this issue and to protect our country and our country's treasure. It is my estimation that there must be at least 40 million illegal people here - almost all of which WE, the American people, are paying for. I am listening to the President and the Congress talk about cutting Medicare, etc., and we are GIVING AWAY FREE HEALTH CARE TO ALL OF THESE PEOPLE AND THEIR CHILDREN. Nobody mentions it. Not a word from our government. It is pure insanity and I, for one, cannot afford it. I also watched a program recently that had a Mexican woman, living in Mexico, matter-of-factly mention that she had to cross into the United States that day because she needed health care. This is insanity at its finest.

At September 12, 2011 at 5:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't we at least go after Kucinich for dereliction of duty? If he can do nothing to get all these illegals out, and then have the audacity to stand with them for amnesty, then that, at the very least, is dereliction of duty. And yes, where IS the Tea Party on this issue?

At September 13, 2011 at 12:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reference to the teacher who was let go... It was 87% of her TENTH graders and I hear she is still unemployed...

At September 17, 2011 at 2:14 PM , Anonymous 144 Not So Sorry said...

TO September 11, 2011 12:20 PM,So sorry to ruin your day by not getting right back to you but I have a very busy schedule that takes me away for days or weeks at a time. I am a flight attendant with sometimes many other things to take care of before answering this blog. Perhaps you could ask questions first before shooting.
I thought contacting everyone and anyone in politics with our thoughts on the illegal problem would be a start and not letting up until our voice is heard. Another thought might be to boycott products with Spanish and English on them (Walmart brand cream, certain brands of cereals and crackers) I see more and more of this and I will write the company to let them know I will not buy their product. Know what I was told? Basically too bad, they are in business to reach everyone. If everyone did the same, it may make a difference. Take it a step further and let the stores know you will not be purchasing those products if they continue to stock their shelves with them. Mount a campaigh to make English an official language in the US, it is or was at one time already in Ohio but federal law trumps this. STOP the anchor babies - NO MORE final.
Perhaps those small steps each of us can do along with other suggestions will let our government know we want the gloves off and something done.


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