Well I guess the you know what just hit the fan. 15 classified positions cut. I guess now would be a good time to put an operating levy on in a special election in say February. When did they finally decide they were running out of cash? Who received raises in the last year? What effect will this have on our already dismal test scores? More layoffs, Transportation cuts? Whats in our future. A levy passing with the economy the way it is would surprise me, taking fund and spending them on a special election would be a waste.
On a positive note
In todays News-Herald the three candidates for school board were interviewed.
Mary E. Hada, Gerald D.Kalb to incumbents and fine members of the community.
Steve Costell the challenger in his interview stated;
If elected,he'd like to re-examine district grading policy, including the high schools rounding up of final grades to at least 50 percent.
"What seems to be the trend now is to treat the symptoms of the problem, meaning modify our grading policy to make it easier for people to graduate."
Well Steve alot of people I know have been wanting to hear that. You have my vote and I will help get your message out.
If the other two candidates would like to use this forum to let the community know their views on this or any other subject, this blog. is open to them.
If you think Painesville is in bad shape now wait until there are more lay offs because there will be. No levy will pass and thus the cuts will continue. It will be interesting to see what get cuts. Will it be sports and extras or will it be help for all the children that cant speak english and parents that are here ileagally? So does anyone now think that their childs education is going to be compromised by all of this and the issue of ilegals in the city does not effect you. Well I guess it just did. Whose child do you think will suffer the most in the cuts?
Mr. Kalb is supportive of the layoffs according to his quote in the candidate interviews.
"My position on the board is to be as supportive as I can to the administration and to the staff, both classified and nonclassified, to make sure we can provide as quality education as possible."
Shouldn't he be supportive of Painesville students and parents that LIVE here and elected him? Instead he supports the admin staff that lives in Mentor, Perry and the Twp.
The candidates seemed to want to only give the politically correct answer for the immigration issue. That is, it's not my problem. Well it is all of our problem.
Well, like it or not, if you are a resident of Painesville, then our schools are required to educate your children. Residency is the requirement and not citizenship. The real issue here is the overcrowding of rental property with multiple families, each one having multiple children puts undue financial stress on our schools. One rental property doesn't generate the necessary taxes needed to provide the special educational needs of these children. By not following the occupancy ordinance dealing with the number of unrelated people (as Term and others well know) that live in one house or unit, our schools are only going to need more and more money.
Joe Hada wanted to hide behind not profiling as a reason not to enforce city ordinances. From what I see is that most of these problems are in the rental properties. I think a rental inspection for new tenants can check for the bedrooms that are in garages and basements. You can't be accused of profiling a rental unit. If the police are called to the rental property, why can't they report possible occupancy violations or unsafe sleeping conditions to the fire or building departments for follow up. This isn't much different than a visit by human services. Overcrowded or unsafe living conditions are just that. Unsafe.
We as residents of Painesville, we pay taxes to educate our children. We have a right to expect to support a certain number of children based on number of houses or rental. If we continue to allow the overcrowding of the rental properties in violation of city ordinances then our taxes will go up or our quality of education will go down. Allowing 20 or more people and 2 or more families to live in a house is just the same as having to pay for some of the students in all the surrounding communities.
Steve has my vote! I have been waiting for a candidate to denounce the 50 percent policy. I think you will be a shoe in with this platform. You can't imagine how many of us feel this way.
Badger, good post as usual. I totally agree. And yes, sports will be cut before anything will be cut for the non english speaking students. What a crock!
Hey, maybe it's just a coincidence that everyone in Painesville is getting their new property valuations and the school board finally found out what the actual amount was they will loose from the property taxes.
They knew property values were going down for a year. What they didn't know was how much less in funds they will receive from the state this year. As a candidate mentioned Tuesday night "Its easy to answer the easy question not everyone wants to answer the tough ones." We are going to find out the prioritys of both the school board and city council in the next few months and what kind of priorities they have.
When Commisssioners Troy, Aufuldish and Sines passed the Resolution to accept the Matricula Card as identification, adding the fact that Painesville is a sanctuary city, it made it a safe haven for illegal aliens! The Commissioners need to be questioned on why they even passed such a Resolution!
To all the people that have commented on this site that those of us that continue to complain about the issue of ilegals. I wonder what you have to say now? Please tell me now that I or we are racists for stating what is the down fall of this city. Do you now think that there is not going to be hell to pay now and in the future for the choice yes choice people made to accecpt said people. It may not of affected you before or still may not be effecting you, but its only a matter of time before it does.
Steve Costell not oly needs your vote, but he also needs for people to explain his position to friends and neighbors, I believe his is the toughest race to win.
I will definitely spread the word about Steve. When the word gets out to enough people, he will win. We are fed up with the current board. A group of people have been staying on top of the commissioners, going to meetings, delivering letters from Lake county citizens asking them to rescind the resolution accepting the matricula card. They absolutely refuse. Why? Maybe because one of them has a daughter who is employing illegals. Just a thought.
Just what makes Mr. Costell qualified to be on the school board, his resume for education and experience seemed weak. The other candidates seem better qualified.
Living on the Bank
Sorry Bank, to me Steve Costell has the most important qualification of anyone who would sit at that front table. Board member or administrator. He and his wife have living breathing children that attend Painesville City Schools, that have to be educated by what that board decides, he would be the most invested member. Not saying that the others wouldn't care it just he bring's a different perception onto the board that of a parent of school age children. Sean Seibert was the last member with children in the system.
The school board and city council could both use more people under the age of 50.
How anyone can think about putting the same people in a position. After only 7 out of 30 standards have been met boggles the mind, move over and see if new blood could improve things.
Anonymous at 1:08p..What makes the other two so qualified? Their only claim to fame has been the duration they have served on the board. Mary is lot like her husband..has been at the helm forever..got a cushy position and little opposition with the Hada name. Maybe you and the other two candiates can answer this, what you have done for the school as of late..hmm..new schools, school uniforms and the 50% rule. Let's see, we got the new schools cause of our poor academic ratings year after year, cause someone had the bright idea..build new schools and it will help the children learn better. Kind of like the 50% rule..you got rewarded for being a poor school district..that is surely something you can brag about to your constituents.
If the school's poor progess reports year after year have anything to say about their decision making skills and ability to find adequate personnel to run our schools, I would say..hmm..their doing a pretty poor job. Their 50% rule was what did it for me..talk to any educator in the area..they just look at you in bewilderment. New faces..ideas..stir the pot a little bit..changes need to be made. A energetic young man with new ideas and fresh perspective..AND has children in the city schools that will reap what he sows..good or bad..my vote is for Steve.
The newspaper said 15 layoffs,
so far 17 are gone and think a total of 24 are going, who lied ?
This is so easy. Ask Mrs. Dinallo and Mr. Fodor if there proud of the job Painesville City Schools is doing educating the young people of our town. There answer will tell you what kind of job they will do on council. The schools hide so mane issues from us its a crime. At least when a teacher does something terrible in Mentor they go to jail. What do we do here? Get that broom out.
Former school employee
The schools layoff great support staff, and keep some staff that are ripping the schools off left and right, like the husband & wife team, who work in different departments and have for a long time, the administration must know ???????????????
One more thing if any of the laid off staff have a drinking problem, you can keep your job.
Great job board
Term..the comments in the News Herald article below reported that Hanlon got a $20k pay raise and the treasurer received a $15k pay raise this year, is there any truth to this? "Dr Hanlon..in appreciation of your consecutive years of our city schools being in academic emergency and having one of the worst graduation rates in the state..congratulations..here is a $20,000 pay raise for a JOB WELL DONE".
How many other school districts would tolerate this nonsense before they gave their superintendant the boot. Just because he has PHD as the end of his name, people were wooed by him as their savior. Another reason for shake up on city council...
I read the comments also I'm not sure you can go by what someone says there on that comment section, but the board had no business giving those kind of raises out. I went to numerous board meetings and never heard raises mentioned. I will do my best to find out, but for now its just a rumor. I have been getting so much information, lately about Sunshine Laws, AMP-OHIO, School Board, Profiling, City Affairs,this blog. is turning into a job. Keep the information coming.
20k that would have kept 2 people for a year.
The support staff that are getting laid off, just 2 weeks ago had there health ins. payments go up almost 50%
Good thing they were under buget on Harvey and could put in all of that terazzo flooring (Gov. money would not pay for that type of flooring) and that over priced sign over the front door(the largest stone of that type in Ohio orderd from Inda ?)
What is this Livestock Care Issue on the ballot? Does anyone know?
Five residents applied for the open school board seat. Four have or had children in the school system. The Board chose the single guy with no children, no history and little invested in our school system. Only time will tell...
For 20K extra a year, maybe Dr. Hanlon should show up and teach a few classes at Harvey or other schools.
Why aren't Fodor and Dinallo running for school board,
why the city council. Fodor is nothing but a Yes, man.
He is well read but I wonder just how much he can think for himself.
What happened at Harvey was a fight broke out and a girl took a swing and hit the wrong person, should make for an interesting homecoming.
So, I was one of the lucky 20 or so paraprofessionals that were invited to a meeting today at the board office. We were told about this meeting yesterday in either person or by phone. They told us this was a meeting about bumping rights. Yes, it was about bumping rights.. 5 hours later, I was bumped out of the job that I loved and told since I was lower on the seniority list there were no more paraprofessional jobs left to pick from. I will be put on the recall list.
I am hurt by Dr. Hanlon and the School Board, who by their own admittance, saw these cuts coming 2 years ago but continued to hire more staff and keep things going the way they were. He made sure to address the fact that this was not the result of the recent “oversight” that our treasure made. He said this would have taken place in March of '10 even without the oversight. I am saddened by the fact that our children will be the ones affected by this mess. Not only the children I worked with but also my own children in this district. This is a great way to improve our test scores!
Kuddo's to the principals who came to support their staff. Mr. Ramos (middle school principal, new to the district) was there the entire time this meeting took place and made sure he talked to each member of his staff. Shame on the ones that were either absent from the meeting (high school admin) and shame on the one that was present but didn't say a word to her staff who were sitting there waiting to see what would happen to them . I have to wonder if her office wasn't in the same building, on the same floor as this meeting.. would she have even shown up?
By the way, we sat in that room for 5 hours and they provided nothing for us. Not even pitchers of water. Maybe they couldn't afford it?
“It's All About Learning”... so now I ask, have you learned anything?
I for one have learned a lot! I have children in this district and I am scared to see what will be cut next because there will be more.
We have a school board that is made up of people who have been on for 20+ years. It is time for a change. Look where they have gotten us! I will be voting for the new guy Steve Costell and hope they we as a community can pull together and get one of the others out! Even if we don't know Steve, it can't get worse!
Yeah, vote them off school board so we can have more of our "educators" to run the city.
The connections and favoritism between the school system and city is starting to show, now we can start guessing which one will go downhill faster!
Does anyone one else see a pattern forming of the type of people we keep electing in this city? Is their influence that deep in Painesville that we will never break this "clique" of people running our schools and city?
First off I feel terrible you lost your job. I can only think of afew thing worse than that happening. The education business is like any other business, there are good people and bad people, people who care and people who don't. When I here stories about special floors,or stones coming from India I wonder if this will make our children better students? I try to follow whats going on in the city but to be honest this stipends "payment" to the superintendent must have flown under the radar, I would have at least made the community aware of it. was a stupid, untimely almost callious idea. The reason for all this is education, not floors, or rocks from India or wherever it came from. I have a list of reasons why we need new board members and this layoff just went to the top of the list.
God Bless you and I pray you and your family land on your feet.
Maybe we should see what wasn't cut?
The above poster is so on target look at where the political signs are. There's a Hada, DiNallo, Fodor sign in just about every school or city employee in the city. The clique are really not these people they are just being used by the people that have run this city into the ground for over 20 years.
If any of you dont't think Joe
Hada will not use Lori DiNallo's non certified position at the school on her you people had better wakeup fast.
Lori will have to vote Joe's way or Mary will have Hanlon explain we have to make futher cuts. By the way what is her job at the High School?
I see a few Steve Costell signs popping uparound town maybe a change is in the air?
I guess the other two are running on there reputatations? New Schools, low test scores, highest taxes, layoffs, and stipends?
Lori has a title of intervention something. She resolves conflicts between students. Does this sound more important than some of the jobs that were laid off? Or is she being kept on feeling sure she will be elected to council and they will have that dual connection set up between school and city? Just a thought.
Term, You missed the key sentence in 4:48a.m. post.
"He made sure to to address the fact that was was not the result of the recent "oversight" the treasurer made.
We must find out what this oversight was and how many more there are?
I will not vote for the two running for re-election. Hide everything!
I let my son read the post about Lori's job he said what she does at the school is very important and it can save lives.
Interesting are you saying the school is out of control? and Mrs. DiNallos intervention is saving students lives? What a wonderful place to send my children for an education.
Maybe she can keep Hada from strangling Flock?
saves lives sounds a little exaggerated. If things are that bad at the school then more is needed than Lori. Sounds like trying to find justification for keeping her on and having a yes man on council.
If some of you people even had an idea what was going on in the schools you would be shocked! Maybe now some will come forward.
Maybe we should spend some time in the high school? It's not fair the Mrs. DiNallo has a job where lives are at stake,does it? I think if they put a camera in the high school and put it on channel 96 during school hours this community would be shocked.
Financial conditions look cloudy the for race to the top ? Spotting conflict of interests for 35 points and this needs to be turned around politically and financially. Sept 30,2010 Senator Coburn releases over sight report on educational Pork.Pork 101 "How education Earmarks School Taxpayers." FIE manager in prison for educational earmarks pg. 36. Teachers don't teach to a failed bureaucracy but Congress obsession with it's own self-interested parochial projects are harming students,delaying reform and undermining our future. Keep your eye on FIPSE and FIE ! Federal law makers secured over $181 million from FIPSE and FIE see page 40. In support of honorary programs named after themselves and other politicians. Need oversight with our American scholorship funds and Anderson Cooper is on it with CNN. You'll find Senator Coburns report interesting and especially when they're trying to close our American Public school buildings across this country. "Lose Your Inhibitions Twist"....opposed to privatization ! NAACP presidents in NC thrown in jail along with several ministers for peacefully protesting but they were noisy.They're holding signs that say..No To Resegration Yes to socio-economic diversity and School Excellence.Fowards ever,backwards never and calling the school closings racism.Bussing,racism,social class and the failed economics of capitalism into the educational spot light again ? Latinos and blacks,the largest minority groups,attend schools more segregated today than during the civil rights movement ? Brown vs Board of Education out of order or what ?
1000 plus citizens to school board meetings across the country called to action.North Carolina explodes in protest.Capital of the US is rocking,don't bother knocking ,just come on in ! Stop closing our American Public School buildings !
Charlotte Mechlenberg is in discussion about closing a few West Charlotte schools and that's not going over well at all.Nov 9th is going to be packed with thousands on TRAIN "Calling All Angels" at the Government Center.A proposed shift from middle schools to pre k-8 schools in some low income neighborhoods ? Oh really ?This results in fewer electives or optional classes.Ride the bus to another school to take part in sports and other activities. Is that the answer for the US to be #1 and globally competitive ?Students penalized for bureaucracy and eductional mandates with strings attached to financial conditions that are not reasonable.So what happens when they close the school buildings ? They sell them to developer's for profit in the city ? "Paid Paradice Put up a Parking Lot." Not ! Using PL 107-110 NCLB an under funded law to close Public School buildings.Beware of blood sucking political pig flying vampires for Halloween and they're landing on Public School buildings.Lock down ! Secure support and resources ! Check your survival kit on the journey to the top and don't get lost lost out there now. Tommy James and The Shondells...."Mony Mony" ! Let's all do the Checker "Twist " on into the School Board open forum meeting and "What's Goin On ." Make a copy of Dr. Coburn's report ! Call Equate with Stomach Relief to support media CNN air time and get Cooper into a Scare Crow costume for Public Education.Stop closing our Public School buildings for privatization or think of something cause this needs to end. Good luck !
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