Tuesday's meet the candidate night is just a few days away. I wonder what kind of questions will be asked from the people who will attend? Softball questions, or straight forward ones that let you know where the candidates stand and who they side with. Questions like;
Do you agree with councils plan to invest in a 50 year 50 million dollar plan for a coal fired electric plant in Meigs County that we will be obligated to pay for no matter what the cost?
Do you believe the proposed use of the hospital site for 22 single family homes 67 townhomes, and 70 apartments is a good use for that property?
Does it seem strange to you about the holdup of the transfer of the Millstone property. Could there be a problem the city isn't letting council know about?
Do you think the city has responded to the concerns of the Cobblestone Apartments properly and in a timely manner concerning the 9:14 respond time? Are you comfortable with whats going on concerning this issue?
Are you concerned about where the city is going to make cuts in next years budget and do you think it was wise to give any raises this year?
Do you believe we have an illegal immigrant problem in town and does it affect the city as a whole? Do you have any ideas what to do about it?
Questions like this, not Can you get Doug Nagy more money for bigger planters downtown?
Sorry, I should have added feel free to post your own questions! Show up at the candidate nights also to ask them.
Did you all read the article in Fridays News-Herald about Grand River wanting to annex acreage that is a large part of Headlands State Park. Here is a Village that is on the brink of bankruptcy wanting to annex park land? Who owns property there?
Commissioner Troy remark in the paper made me very curious. Troy said there might be other factors to consider that haven't yet reasched the surface.
"I'm just sensing a little cloak and dagger here involving other communities." he said "I think before commissioners make a decision, it behooves us or we should be entitled to get all the information."
Yes commissioner something else is going on here and it could only be Mentor, or Painesville you speak of, Isn't that the location of Painesville's water department water intake facility?
To the Painesville Township Trustees don't let either of them steal anymore land from you! We can't afford a 15 or 20 minute respose time, O.K.
How about "do you agree there is a selective enforcement problem in town and should Noelle be held accountable for retaliation citations?"
"do you believe Painesville should be a sanctuary city or should we do everything we can to avoid even the appearance of a sanctuary city." "do you embrace the illegal population as Abby does?"
8:33 Maybe it should read Noelle's superior's be held resposible.
Back to Noelle again WHY??? she is the reason Painesville is the way it is?
Maybe 8:33 if you has such an issue you should file a report with all of your proof. Do you have any???? Please focus on what is important here and its not Noelle
Yes, Noelle is a problem. I have called her direct and reported a violation and the next thing I am cited. and the one I called on goes untouched. I talked to Noelle so, yes, she is the problem. And this happens over and over. Why is that. So don't tell me what questions i can or cannot ask a candidate. I will ask what I choose to ask. So shut up.
Why ask questions about actions the current council has already taken?
Maybe we should be asking what the candidates plan on doing?
Some of those questions can only be answered by the incumbent who has access to the information, the rest would only be guessing like any other citizen.
12:33 I dont have to shut up to bad for you. Maybe your just a busybody who reports on people who make you mad? Glad you have no clue where I live. Have you filed a complaint against her? I'm more concerned about other issue that will effect Painesville for many years to come you choose to focus on one person and think change will come from asking why Noelle does something??? By the why I was not rude to you in my post and your response really clears ups quite a bit where you are concerned. You would rather focus on personal issue you are having then focus on the big picture good luck with your mission my guess no one will listen to a word you have to say if you speak to them the way you just did in your post. I asked you for facts and your fact is to tell me to shut up. Well to you I say if you cant put up any facts then be quite!
Anyone else out there think all of Painesville issus stop and end with Noelle?
12:49 I'm trying to find out who's running is an independent thinker. Yes some of the questions could be answered by people on the inside, but that happens in any election. If you are running for council you should have formed an opinion on any of the questions I asked. I didn't ask a question like do you think the city manager is doing a good job? Because four of the people running have no idea what the council expect from her performance? I thought these were fairly easy questions. The people that were flooded out in 2006 are still waiting for money. As a councilperson any of them should ask why? I'm no lawyer but one person can't hold it up, UNLESS the can show the court some very interesting information. Would you want you elderly relative or even a friend living at Cobb;estone and no one can explain the nine plus, minute response times. Who is responsible? Council, Administration, Fire Chief, Who?
I'm looking for Leaders not more followers.
Every issue in Painesville doesn't end with Noelle, but a lot of them start with her. You can't just ignore this issue with her. Yes, there's lots other issues to deal with but there are so many important ones that cannot be ignored. She is one of them.
12:33 is a idiot
All he would have to do is call the Head building insp. and complain.
He must have been busted by the building dept. for doing something without a permit.
12:33 isn't an idiot he/she is probably just fed-up with all the B.S. the've been going thru, Believe me it works on a person. I think I have an idea that I will spring at an upcoming Council Meeting?
Thayt said 12:33 can you please be a little more civil?
Thank you 5:37 if 12:33 is having all these issues continue to call and report do it everday they would have to at some point check her out and she would be delt with. Asking someone that is running for office to police Noelle when they are not her boss is a meaningless exercise that will only lead to more frustration 12:33. Any thoughts on who 12:33 might be? Who is having a major issue with the city concerning a cetain property at the moment that Noelle would be incharge of siting.
Of course there is more going on, Grand River didn't think up this scheme themselves.
LAKE County Port Authority I'll bet has a lot to do with this, that questionable land is prime development for retail/commercial income if the Ferry project ever happens. In this one I'll bet Mentor is already playing the "I have the money" card for the county commissioners.
Can't wait to hear what some of you say when it finally comes out that Noelle is just doing what she is told!, LOL
I posted a month ago term was first, friends to follow. Starting to wear on some of you?
I just can't get over the fact that Grand River is doing this, and trying to understand how if your "broke" why are you undertakeing this annexation plan? Why would Mentor even need Grand River? I;m not a big fan of annexed land, but this one just makes no sense? Is the state closing or selling the beach?
4:19 I think your a little off on who's upset? first if you have been following the posts that gentleman that owns Steele Mansion has alot more issues with Noell and the city then Term and his friends. For God sake he's faceing time in jail. I liked the way Term handled the situation pointing out some of the citys own eyesores, and as one of his friends I will say its not starting to wear, its just getting more childish on the citys part. Real problems they have no clue how to solve. Thanks
Grand River is going to get the Ferry service, and they need that land for that, this will not only put them in the black it will help all of Lake County, and about Painesville Water intake it is on the west side of the park, how you or anyone could come up with the ideal that Painesville has something to do with it is beyond belief, and goes to show everyone how much you hate the city and everything they do.
I will never forget Rita McMahons quote; "A certain percentage are illegal, but immigrants are putting down roots here and we should embrace them." What percentage Rita 60-70% do you know, do you even care? How about your bosses? This is what this election will be about
Grand River is going to get the ferry service what happens to the State Park? I have never heard of the beach being used for ferry service. Don't hate anything, just wondering what Commissioner Troy was speaking of?
Ask your council how much money has been spent on annexation, whats been the return? Renaissance Industrial is the only one the city has prospered on, and made sense.
Hoe bizarre of Term to think the biggest land thieves in Ohio had anything to do with this? Simply fact Painesville City you couldn't take care of what you have, so you go out and get more? PIGS
Maybe if you didn't lose 6 million you might not have to steal from us.
I is it everytime someone question the judgement of this city it always comes down to you hate the city and everything they do? You wonder how you got in this mess look at the fat cats at the front table. Joe Gurley's been there since dirt, whats his accomplishments? Joe Hada working on 28 years going for 32, Why? What do you do that we can't do without. McMahon likes the sweet job and all she has to do is listen to the two Joe's.
Sidewalk repair is how they keep people in line. Ask them, while your at it ask them how they screwed up Millstone Project? Priceless!
Ferry service? Now think who would be behind this? Lake County Port Authority maybe? Ask them about the $200 dollar donation they want from businesses? Mayor Conley of Grand River must be some piece of work. Your BROKE period, PTFD along with there Trustees come to your aid and they don't even get a phone call about your plans? Is this how local governments work now.You better hope Painesville City will help you man that station because if I was running the Township I'd tell you to take a leap.
Is it just me or does KAREN sound like an angry, scorned woman? Give it a rest Baby!
Did any of you hear about "Painesvilles do it yourself vehicle maintenance" class coming in October at the waste water treatment plant? They want $40 bucks to tell me the best way to maintain my car. If I had $40 bucks to blow, I'd go get it fixed. Who's scam is this?
What is Joe Gurley's accomplishmenta...he got the city to hire one of his fellow tenants as the city prosecutor. The same city prosecutor who is so overwhelmed with work, the police department had to have one of their promoted officers look over reports and issue charges. Rumors of lost reports..charges never being filed..the big joke at the PD is reports go into the Power's Abyss are mever seen or heard from again..residents deserve better.
Term..is Gurley considered a part time or full time employee? I heard a rumor that he is a part time employee but the city gives him medical benefits..something they don't do for their other part timers in the city. I guess its comes with the Loyal Order of Rita membership..
I don't know anything about tenants? I have heard about the city prosecutor is overwhelmed with cases and the police department helped out. We would be screaming if cases were dropped. Mr. Gurleys wage package is public record, and the Law Director is appointed by the City Manager. I believe since he is Law Director or Asst. Directors in some other communities they should chip in for his medical benefits. The City is going to have to make some major cuts in their budget for next year it will be very interesting what they chose to cut?
I checked the city web site and the fee is $40.00 I really question that? You also get a 25% discount coupon to a NAPA dealer.
KAREN does seem to be always upset.
Do you know what you get when you mix PMS with a GPS? NEVERMIND!
So is the plan that we lose 100 acres of Headlands Beach so some one can start a ferry service? Why can't the ferrys dock in Grand River? the river
Didn't think I'd post your comment? I asked a question that you knew the answer too, How do you know the answer?
Term I have question for you. Since people are complaining about Noelle was she the person that sited you? Further what was your experiance with the city did you feel picked on because you goto meetings and bring things up? Why do you feel you were sited was it retalation, people being petty or do you feel they were correct on some of it. The reason I ask if there seems to be two sides here and I'm interest in hearing yours I would beleive before them.
I would asking anyone running for anyhting in this city were do you see this city in five years anyone that does not have a longterm plan would be no good for this city
I would ask would they support a something being passed that all city workers and elected officials need to live in the city of painesville, I bet if they had to live here they would take the issues with the school more to heart and if they had to live on street were there are 20 or so people crammed into a house and all that goes with it they just might entertain the idea that maybe it needs to change.
You know how I heard that nasty joke, my son told it to me, and I smacked him, it is people like you that corrupt our children.
Thanks for posting it, it goes to show us how much you think you are never wrong.
Mother of 3
How would I know you had a son? Why would you ask?? Saying an angry lady on PMS could track you down with GPS? lighten up a woman was the one that told the joke to me. I only wish I was wrong on;yu about half the time.
Maybe your son heard a different version?
12:48 No I don't feel "picked on" but I do believe if I never went to council meetings, or started this blog. My neighbors and I would have never had to replace all the sidewalk blocks, on that subject I wonder when the city will get around to replaceing the ones their resposible for? Nowell acts on the orders of her superiors, I brought up something about the landscaper hired at $62.50 per.hr. that turned out to I guess a little embarresment to the city where they didn't like it.
The city is at a crossroard right now it could go either way, The people in charge think everything is great and keep the course, I disagree.
Laws now make it impossible to make someone live where they work. The simple fact is when more than 70% of your work force chose to live somewhere else that says alot of what they think of where they work.
I always laughed when one of my daughters teachers told her how important it was to get along with everyone, [deversity] and every night she would run home to Concord or Mentor. I think Dr. Hanlon not being a Painesville resident is well, wrong.
Term maybe we should ask them to volunteer to stay in the city and live an a street for a week or so and ask them what their feelings are now, I bet many of their opinions would change after a week of no sleep, people running wild, being direpected and living next to a rat hole. I say why not challange them to do it and if they wont ask them why because if they think its so great as is it should not be problem even for a week or so, and there are so many rental I'm sure one would work the city to let every person running or elected have a chance to live there for week.
I bet your woman friend said, an angry lady.
Good try to make yourself look good.
To late
5:20 Every person running for an elective office must reside in Painesville, Employees, even Deptment heads don't have to. So if your on council, or the school board you have to reside her.
5:29 Why would I even care that I look good to an Anonymous person like yourself? A good idea is don't make bets you can't prove.
If I offended you I'm sorry.
I totally understand what you mean about living in the City and taking stock locally. I know all of the arguments that will be fired off already as I have heard them before. What I see is that residency laws are and have have been found unconstitutional. There is no proven study that shows that a person is a better employee if they live local to their employment.
The elected persons should live local as they are the voice of the local residents.
Define "rathole". Would that be a house where the people that live there cause problems for all of the neighbors and bring the police to the house on a regular basis? If so, people writing in this blog may also be the occupants of some ratholes and don't know it, or are to hypocritical to say that they are.
Property violations and complaints. How many times have I heard stories of someone complaining of people breaking vehicle laws and they got caught in it. Why I asked this one guy, no names out of respect but they lived on Argonne Dr., who made a complaint years ago, did you get caught up in that? Turns out that hee made a complaint of speeder and he got a ticket for speed. Was he targeted??? Nope, he was doing 42 in a 25 mile per hour zone. His comment to the Police Person was "But I was the one that called!!" I told him that he was ridiculous for even trying to challenge the Police Ofiicer at that point but he felt that he should have. Definition of "Hypocrit". JT
Jt, I define "rat hole" as a home that has more then 10 people living in it. Yes JT they cause problems on a daily basis if its not for a domestic dispute its for something else that the cops are being called for. The home in general on the outside is upkept I will give you thats a landlord issue, but garbage ect should be picked up by the renter. Children running wild yelling at you and no parent to be found, if you do find a parent then you run into the issue that they do not speak english. They are rat hole end of story. You just bought a home here do you pick one on a street like that JT?
Term, I'm a female and truth be told I dont give crap about that joke. Women in general need to stop playing both sides of the fences. To the mother of 3 really get over it and move on.
JT, you have site for positive things in Painesville, yet you post negative things on Terms site "Hypocrit"
To your friend yes he too is a hypocrit by his reasoning this saying hold true to him "do as say not as I do"
Term, I'm a female and I've told that joke. Mother of 3, lighten up.
Do both of you females have any kids, when my 9 year old boy told me that joke, I was very upset, you both must be the kind of woman that don't think good of yourself.
Maybe you should ask your 9 year old where he heard the joke? Sounds like he needs more parential supervision? Maybe different friends?
Your rant is starting to bring on my PMS.
5:28pm, yes I have children and I feel very good about myself, and my children are very well behaved honor students. I didn't say I told them the joke. But I can laugh at myself, and I can take a joke. Repeat -- lighten up. I'm Irish and I can laugh at Irish jokes. I'm catholic and can laugh at catholic jokes. I have a sense of humor.
12:27, Negative, really? I don't post the negative, I try and point out the positive in most things.
The story was not of my "friend" by any means. I talked to a person who was a constant complainer and was always crabbing about something. He called the police about speeders on Argonne Dr. and he got caught going 42 in a 25. He was trying to tell me that the police were wrong because he was the one that made the complaint and they should have been getting the other people. I mentioned that because of all the talk about selective enforcement here and the talk about what everyone else should do to fix problems. I talk about fixing the problems yourself "if" you safely can do so.
If this guy had been driving the speed limit instead of breaking it, he would not have gotten a ticket and could have also maybe set an example. I stress MAYBE, I am no fool, I know that Argonne Dr. is a cut through. I just wish more people would take their neighborhoods back and police themselves. If we all watched the neighbors house and took care of each other you would find less trouble.
One last thing. On my street, if there is a problem at night we all turn on our porch lights on purpose. It lets the rats know that people are watching and the last thing they want are witnesses. It works. JT
JT, you must live in a better area of Painesville because even the sunlight doesn't stop the activity around my street.
too funny turn on your lights and let them know you are watching them. They dont care if you are or not end of story and I agree with
To anonymous at 1018am, let's not beat around the bush here, why don't you just come out and say "a house with more than 10 Hispanic people living in it is a rathole". Children yelling..parents nowhere to be found..no one speaks English..I guess you have never lived in the North end of town and dealt with other racial groups. At least Hispanic families have some sense of respect for family..hard work..not some ghetto welfare family whose kids are constantly calling my kids "white bitches", trying to beat them up, steal their bikes..etc..etc. And try to say something to their parents..if you can find one, some 300lb ghetto welfare momma with 7 kids by 7 different daddies waddles down with her entire family tree to confront you and call you a "racist bitch". And those kids that don't speak English taking away your child's education..maybe you should see the antics of the other ethnic group..dancing on tables..screaming..shoving kids in the hallway..like they own the place. Welcome to the North End of Painesville...I will settle for my Hispanic neighbors.
Rats are rats, no matter where you live. Get together in your neighborhood with everyone and try and get on the same page. Go to the City and set up a block watch. I am just saying take control of your lives and don't get mad at folks when they don't solve problems for you, not you directly, just a matter of speech. Give it a shot, what could it hurt? JT
9:58 it sounld like you have the same issue as 10:18 and from what you just wrote it does not matter what color people are end of story. When you state things as you did no matter how many people agree you with good luck getting any to stand with you. I really dont think 10:18 was beating around any bush you dont need to state someone color to address a problem. By the way a white person can act the same why had have just as many children by different men ect. Term is the reason why you gave 9:58 comments the day of light?
Anonymous at 1:18p...Don't categorize a few bad apples within the Hispanic community as being indicative of the group. I have lived next to several Hispanic families and found them to be courteous and repectful to my family..can't say that about "Big Momma" and her relatives down the street
Most true Hispanic families come here to work jobs that most of us refuse to do and send the crux of the money home to support their families and/or save enough money to bring their families here for a better life. Studies shows that the dollar amount sent to Mexico is in the billions, so obviously their working and contributing to the pot, can’t say that for their counterpart. We’re lucky if they even have a job unless you call being a drug dealer or an “O.G.” a job.
As for the welfare issue, you have welfare groups in every nationality just some more so than others. I will not argue the "anchor babies" that some Hispanic women have for one reason or another that you attribute to them wanting to get welfare. Maybe they learned from their ethnic counterpart about the benefits of welfare..get pregnant..have a bunch kids..free housing..food..never have to work..but you know what at least they know who their baby's daddy is..as he is still around and part of their life. Can the other group that constantly complains about them say that..I think not.
I dont know about anyone else but trying to point the finger at one ethnic group or another ethnic group and saying one is better then the other where is the point in that? I have seen white people as well have children with with different partners living on welfare and getting whatever gov't aid they can. what I must point out to 3:07 is that if one is teaching to the other to use the system the ones doing the teaching where born here and may be using my tax dollars true but the other was not even born here and has no right to said tax dollar. You spoke of how they send the money home well at least the other half of your statement spends it here in the USA and is not sending to another country for said countries benefit. That is the real issue. You will always have people who use the system so whom do you want your tax dollars going too the person that is here leagally or the one that is not?
Can I ask what is a "true hispanic family" if you hispanic your hispanic. Further there are just as many baby daddy's that stick around and support their kid in any ethinc group and just as many that dont. Just cuase your having issue with "big momma" down the street does not mean every "big momma" is the same take some of your own advise 3:07
3:07pm there are countless american girls who got pregnant by their hispanic boyfriend and he takes off. Don't make them out like these great family people. Sure, some are, but many are not. And what about the money sent to mexico. That sure doesn't help our economy at all. And for each study you find saying that they do the jobs we won't and they help our economy, there's 10 studies saying the opposite. Our infrastructure can't continue to handle this influx, our schools are overburdened, our hospitals, clinics, etc. And maybe you are lucky to live next to a nice family. I have to listen to their music at all hours of the day and night, horns honking when someone comes to pick up another. They don't get out and knock on the door. They sit in the driveway beeping. Children running around unsupervised. This city is out of hand!
3:07pm, I am so sick of hearing that the hispanics do the work that we won't. That is so not true! I know so many people who have lost their jobs to a latino because they come in and work for less and take the job right out from under the american citizen. Sure they can work for less. they don't have to pay for medical (free at the hospital and clinics and no payment schedule), they get food stamps, housing assistance, etc. I could work for less if the government paid all my bills too. Then I could send all my earnings to wherever or whomever I wanted to, instead of using it for my bills! I actually have to pay my medical bills, housing and food. so there!
More bad news. Dr. Shinn is moving his office out of Painesville taking his property tax and employees income tax with him. He will locate out in the township by Village Dodge. Great job Painesville seems you can't drive them out fast enough.
What about High Tech they are gone too.
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