Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Tuesday night "Meet the Candidates"
Well it was interesting. Why did Joe Hada get an "A" simple he answered the questions and no one challenged his answers.
AMP-OHIO Someone should have asked how much are we obligated to pay in this contract? 50million ,75million,100million? You don't know and we are obligated to pay it?
Green Space? If its that important to the community, council should ask for a levy just to acquire all that school property. Let the voters decide.
Forgiving Permit Fees and Traffic lights installed, owed to the city? Well its like taking money out of your left pocket and putting it into your right pocket. Really? What about the city residents at Heisley Park, Liberty Greens, even Cobblestone? All city residents that have nothing to do with Painesville City Schools.
I don't believe in anything illegal? Thats why I don't believe in profiling? Good so all you residents who expect ordinances upheld about 20 people in a house ,or cars all over the yard forget it, Joe Lori, and Jim are not a bit interested in upholding "Those" ordinances. It seemed more than Abby embrace the illegal population and some unique problems that come with them. This will continue until they purchase a home on Levan or Trailwood, then we will see the need to enforce these laws.
Ideas like this explain almost a million dollars in unpaid utility bills.
Also why we have to layoff school employees, simple, we overloaded the lifeboats.
No one mentioned the city losing $6,000,000 15 years ago, well if your going to tell us how wonderful the city finances are today, lets talk about what happened before, Why we needed to change the city charter to ask for a 3.9 mil safety levy that was defeated by 80% of the voters in Painesville. What amount of responsibility did the citys leaders take in the hospital choosing to leave?
How safe are the people at Cobblestone?
No Joe I'm not a Constitutional scholar but I can see with my own two eyes what all this has brought to Painesville and the direction were headed in.
Just so some of you know there's a conspiracy by writers at Cleveland Magazine to make Painesville look bad. No people your just in denial.
I must say I got the impression Tony is very honest and calls it the way he sees it and by no means will be a follower, either for that matter will John. I believe if these two get on council things will change for the better in our town.


At September 30, 2009 at 5:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its my understanding if any city official. or elected offical seeks to not uphold a city ordinance that would constitute malfecance? Thats why you have laws. Someone should have asked Mr. Hada what profileing had to do with 20 people in a house. I don't care if there white, black, mexican, arab it against the law.

At September 30, 2009 at 5:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My neighbor said Jim Fedor wants to decide what color I can paint my house? Did he really say something stupid like that.

At September 30, 2009 at 7:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Fedor made mention of something about zoning requirements I remember him mentioning something call and ask him.

At September 30, 2009 at 7:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not believe that Joe Hada, Jim Foder, and Lori DiNallo think the schools are the cats meow. Mr. Fedor even suggested bragging to realtors about the schools. Just show the pictures don't get into grading standards. Electing these three will just make the city as bad as the schools. Lori DiNallo suggested that the schools enroll students no questions asked? Is that her plan for the city. Ask them where they stand, if they avoid the answer you can be assured it will be more of the same.

At September 30, 2009 at 8:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have any idea how much it would cost to send firfighters to homes to do inspection that you "suspect" have 20 people, that costs money and man power. That is tax payer money. Would you raise taxes then? Especially in this day and age? What about you have these landlord slum owners do something about it? It's called an eviction!Also, what evidence would you have? What is your just cause? You do that to the wrong house, can you say lawsuit? The best way is to make landlords accountable. My god half of Painesville seems like its rental property, thats the problem. Make the landlords responsible for who they have in these homes and have them fix them up.

At October 1, 2009 at 3:46 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Here is the question, Who passed these ordinances? city council, that now Council President says we will not enforce these laws we made? Fine take them off the books, anyone can make easy laws but real leaders have to enforce them. If you can't take some heat don't run for the office, the easy way out would be to get rid of the ordinance?

At October 1, 2009 at 5:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Landlords are receiving money under the table for all the people living in their houses. One family may be on the books, but the 15-20 single men living there are each paying something per week, or the extra family is paying another rent to him, so why would the landlord want to do anything about it. It is a goldmine for them.

At October 1, 2009 at 6:23 AM , Blogger Big John said...

I think that once on the books, you never remove an ordinance. I agree that they should be enforced, no one likes to live next to a hotel. The landlords are very guilty of running houses where this is allowed. I would suggest as another poster said, hold them accountable somehow. Maybe a landlord certification class or something where they have to provide justification for who they have in their houses. If they can not prove such facts that need to be presented then when they violate, they themselves are held accountable. I bet they would be paying more attention to whom is in the houses and so on. Maybe make them pay a bond prior to being allowed to rent a house in the city. Once they violate, hit them in the pocket, seize the bond and suspend their ability to rent in the city until the bond is paid again. No jail, they can not manage a rental while locked up and it gets nothing done. Take their money and I bet you see somee changes in the way that they run their rentals. Any slumlords with a rebutal??? JT

At October 1, 2009 at 7:45 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

JT. you and 5:20 are both correct, the problem is its seems the city leadership has made a pact with the devil and wants to completely ignore this problem. Keep electing the people like the omes I saw in denial at "meet the candidates night" and Selma Hall will go to every council meeting complaining about the same problem. If these people don't have the guts to tell you its O.K. with them that this is going on, or that we don't want a lawsuit, or profile anyone. A vote for Hada, DINallo, and Fodor will only make the situation worse.
They have no solution or even want to find one.

At October 1, 2009 at 7:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

jt. as a landlord, my hands are tied, this is a government problem, and I don't want to "Profile" my cients.Sorry!

At October 1, 2009 at 8:54 AM , Blogger Big John said...

Keeping in mind that the Cities large rental rate brings in a certain amount of revenue for the City. If they were to cut the head off the snake at this point then what would happen, loss of funds. I understand the need to keep both groups happy, but I also see the validity to have a harmonious City not just in name but reality. I won't bash candidates or people that are in charge, just would like to see people take charge and handle one problem at a time. Profiling does not need to happen to enforce existing codes. That is the beuty of the code process, they are blind. Simple words that have no basis for racism. If enforced correctly then the people being effected have no recourse but to comply.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease me it works. JT

At October 1, 2009 at 9:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

JT you seem to have had change of heart when I stated I did not want to live next to a rathole you chewed me out. Now it seems you think its a problem too that so many people live in one home or do just change what you say for each of Terms blog's. When I said the city should enforce the codes you told me it was not city issue but a federal gov't issue, now you state its a landlord issue. Jt you are talking out both sides of your mouth. I still live next to rathole with 15 plus people living there and nothing has been done. I'm not changing what I said I beleive the city should enforce the city occupency codes

At October 1, 2009 at 9:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the lifeboat comment, truer words can't be spoken, We as a city have gone the extra mile and now we will pay for our open hearts.

At October 1, 2009 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

JT. I don't think you had a change of heart, you just realized how complex this issue is. We can not put private citizens in charge of enforcing our laws, and we can not live in a city that chooses to ignore issues just to be elected or politically correct, We need Leadership.
I don't blame illegals for coming to Painesville it offers many oppertunities they don't have elsewhere. Just when you come here please follow the same laws and rules we do. There are many people angry in what has become of Painesville but to be honest I'm more angry with the people we put in charge to oversee Painesville. Its about time they heard from us.
Laws are blind to race or color, at least that was I was taught.
I also was taught when you make a stand be prepared to be called names and have people come after you.

At October 1, 2009 at 11:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, your last post ticked me off. Did you mean to welcome illegals but just for them to follow the rules? I hope you meant immigrants and have them follow the rules. Illegals should not be here whether they follow our laws or not.

At October 1, 2009 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

JT, the city isn't reaping any financial benefit from the overcrowding. The extra tenants are paying under the table.

At October 1, 2009 at 11:35 AM , Blogger Big John said...

If I am not mistaken the topic at the time was of illegal immigration that I spoke about not being a City code issue, could be wrong, but that is my understanding. No I have not changed my opinions, I am just trying to offer up suggesteions to make things a bit better is all. Take a look at what I have said. Take control of your neighborhood and be willing to stand for what you believe in. Don't make the call to the Police about the loud party and then not leave your name. That is all I am saying. The ideas I suggest here could work for you if you give them what all good things need...time.

TERM, you are right, this is a very complex issue and one that should be looked at. I would like to see happy people but the truth is that not everyone will be happy, no matter what you do. Thats why I preach the broken record statement of "take control of your own neighborhoods". No, not perfect by any means but I bet that if twenty people took some concern over their own neighborhood I bet you would see a differance. Good things here TERM, good things. JT

At October 1, 2009 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:18 Sorry to tick you off. No they don't belong here and I wish I could tell you a way that they will vanish tomorrow but while there here could someone at least enforce the rules. The key is the government and the employers have to stop the welcome mat with jobs and social programs. Be honest if you were looking for a better life wouldn't you be here?

At October 1, 2009 at 12:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't defend them, TERM. They are lawbreakers. They break immigration laws to sneak in here, so do you really think any of our other laws/ordinances mean anything to them? No, they don't. I am a law abiding citizen and I don't have the criminal mentality.

At October 1, 2009 at 1:24 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I'm not defending them s.b. I just telling you the facts. We have politician from both sides, Bush, McCain, Obama, Kennedy doing everything they can for comprehensive immigration,Companies and employers almost begging them to come here to work , Its hard for me to call them crimminals the real crimminals are the people that entice them here.

At October 1, 2009 at 1:26 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

To Anonymous 8:40. Firefighters would not be needed for inspections. The same people who drive around looking for violations now or maybe a qualified person working with the rental task force would be used for these inspection. Overcrowded or lack of smoke detectors are very easy to spot. The landlords who are responsible and have nice units won't be affected. The ones who are slum landlords with flophouses will either be forced to correct their problems or will just sell out and leave town. No great loss there. Maybe a young family will move in and buy the property and take pride in it and Painesville. Again, Joe Hada, if Painesville really wanted to get the city back on track, this could be done. No racial profiling enters into it.

Joe, I think you are only half as smart as you think you are and the citizens of Painesville are only half as dumb as you think they are. You do seem to have enough arrogance to go around thou.

At October 1, 2009 at 7:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing that could make the candidates night better would be if questionaires could offer a rebuttle. I heard more half truths Tuesday night then I have heard in years. A candidate should have to prove there facts not just spout them off and they become gospel.

At October 1, 2009 at 8:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Murphy and the landlords will work out all of the kinks, and he will make them kick out all of there tenants that are illegal Immigrants.

At October 1, 2009 at 8:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it really matter who inforces the housing codes or how much money it may take. Shaker Hts has very tough housing codes and enforcement, they have a high rental percentage too. Take a look at their city. They have top schools, very diverse, people want to live their either by renting or owning. Maybe Painesville should give them call to see what type of system they have and copy it. There is living proof that you can have above average population of renters in a city, top schools and a safe place to live. They have huge homes to small homes and apartments as well and yet they do not face any of our issue because from the very start they hold the owner of the property accountable. Last time I checked no one has ever claimed Shaker is racist and yet landlords do backround checks ect. correct me if I'm wrong but some may even consider that profiling.

At October 2, 2009 at 11:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me there's a better excuse then we don't want to profile? This town needs some people who will stand up for the law abiding citizens of Painesville,

At October 2, 2009 at 7:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commissioner Troy is up for reelection in 2010. He refuses to even consider rescinding the resolution for Lake County to accept the mexican matricula card as a valid id. This id is not valid. The FBI considers it a major security risk. Only illegals need this card. Any legal immigrant has legal paperwork. Send Troy a message that Lake County will not tolerate this blatant lack of respect for the citizens of this county and the risk that allowing this card places us all in. VOTE NO TO TROY IN 2010!

At October 3, 2009 at 11:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until the politicians learn that we will not elect representatives that will turn a blind eye to illegal anything, 9 cars in a driveway, 23 people living in a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house, people urinating in public and a host of othere activitities that go along with this. "Team Hada" seem's very UNCONCERED with these practices.
"Profile Joe" your profile is your weak and could care less about the legal residents of Painesville, and yes if you wanted you could at least attempt to fix some of it.

At October 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard about this site. Its true, most of the people on here are nuts!

At October 4, 2009 at 7:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:15pm, we are not nuts, just being driven crazy by the current administration, current commissioners, etc. If we speak out we get labeled as troublemakers, nuts, or whatever. We have been put on a watch list. Well, I for one will not stand for this. Threats will not stop me from seeking justice for the people of this town and this county. I am sick and tired of illegals running this town. I am sick and tired of Noelle administering paybacks on good citizens for reporting violations. That must stop! I am sick and tired of those in charge doing what they want, and not what we the people want. A new day is coming. The good citizens just need to stand together to fight this injustice, and we will!

At October 5, 2009 at 11:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Gringo, none of you stand together, that is why we love this place.

At October 6, 2009 at 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:20 you must not know american history then or they dont teach that in Mexico. Our nation does stand together and one day we as a nation will put our foot down and deport you and the anchor babies as well back to where you came from. We as nation are giving and we help the those in need just look at all the aid we give to other countries, however what you dont seem to understand is this- once pushed too far we fight and we dont stop until our enemy is no more. You should consider that either learn to asimalate to our country or you can choose not too. If you and your people continue to think that nothing is going to happen then remember this you are a fool.

At October 6, 2009 at 8:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop calling us Gringo! We don't call you names, so you shouldn't be calling us degrading names. Just goes to show the lack of respect you have for this country and its people. You are the problem. You give legal immigrants a bad name. Can't wait to see you deported!

At October 6, 2009 at 8:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:53 This post in my eyes is borderline. That said I left it up for the 3 candidates who for one reason or another do realize the true feeling of alot of Painesville residents. Hada, Fodor, DiNallo, the days of avoiding the residents wishes in Painesville are near an end. We have ordinances in Painesville will you please tell city hall we will enforce them, and quit with the sidewalks.

At October 6, 2009 at 8:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term how is my post boarderline? Take a look at American history. Pearl Harbor would be a great example they bombed us and what did the USA do to them that is all I meant. What was the quote we as nation are a sleeping loin that no one wants waked.

At October 6, 2009 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Borderline because alot of people might think that you want violence to solve this. Pearl Harbor was an act of war, the last time I looked Mexico wasn't in the "Axis of Evil." Do we blame the people for crossing the border that we as a government do not enforce, and when we catch them do not deport, or blame the Federal, State,and local leaders who ignore the laws? People will quit coming when the government handouts, and jobs are no longer offered to them, and that will happen when politicans start reading and enforcing laws again. Ideas like earned income credits given to people that are breaking the law to be here? Where is the common sense? Please don't take this the wrong way but we seem to be asking the illegals to solve the problem. Get people in office with some backbone.

At October 6, 2009 at 10:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was not my point I was responding to the comment that we as Nation do not stand tegether that is anything further from the the truth. I was pointing out to said person that we do stand together as a nation. Their comment was slapp in the face to you and me saying its easy to come and walk all over us because we do not stand together. What this person does not understand is this we as Americans can have a different thought or beleive different from the other, but in the end WE STAND TOGETHER AS A NATION. I was simply telling this person to think that we dont is a mistake on their part. I was using examples in American history to show this person that we do come together as nation. This person thinks that things will continue as is. We will use the laws we have now and pass others to shore-up the loops holes it may take time even years but it will happen. I was in no way saying the answer was violence. But Term in some ways they evil they are ruining a good city and we are not the only city in America that this is happening.

At October 6, 2009 at 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, I just don't understand you sometimes. Are you defending the illegals? They can solve the problem by not breaking our laws to begin with and not sneak in our country. If they are already here, they can quite taking every entitlement they can get their hands on and start supporting themselves. And I don't see what is so borderline about that one post. I think it was dead on. La Raza supports violence against us to "take back their land". Why is it wrong for us to want to defend ourselves and our land? You can't take both sides, TERM.

At October 6, 2009 at 3:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you 10:17 and 10:18 I really did not think what I what I said was that bad. I think it was more boarderline to post the comment of 11:20 which is insulting to every resident of Painesville and every American citizen, I hope that 11:20now can see that we do come to each others aid like 10:17 and 10:18 came to mine. In addition 11:20 if we as nation are so bad why did you smuggle yourself into our nation why not stay in your great nation??? You dont like us we are week then go back to your great nation oh thats right its not so great that why you came to ours because we take care of own and you too lets not forget that.

At October 6, 2009 at 3:56 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

How does that incite a riot? How am I defending them? Sad truth we are our own worse enemy. I have a man that is college educated been a councilman for 28 years tell me he won't enforce ordinances because its "profiling" and two other candidates nod in agreement. That statement and the other twos reaction should have cause a riot. Some of you want me to censor a guys girlfriend? Take back our country we can't even control a small city.
I don't want it both ways this is just the reality as I see it.

At October 6, 2009 at 4:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then, TERM, you are part of the problem since you obviously are not willing to be part of the solution. I guess you won't be standing up next to me to defend our land, so I have to do it for you.

At October 6, 2009 at 4:50 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I found out what part of the problem I am, where are you at council meeting complaining about ordinances not being enforced, were you at the HOLA meeting making sure V.D. didn't go off the reservation? Did you stand up for ICE after the last time they were here. Where are you people? I can count on my hand the number of people on one hand that I can count on to go to these meetings. I don't hide everyone knows who I am and there isn't anything I print on this blog. I wouldn't say to there face. I'm still waiting to see you stand anywhere. Problem is this blog.can't do what you expect it to do. Go to a council meeting be respectful but let them know wher you stand. Damn just got a call 7:46p.m. caller I.D. said City of Painesville, answered it and some guy is speaking spanish to me???? You can't make this stuff up.

At October 6, 2009 at 5:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Guys crack us up, my boyfriend and his familia, stand together along with all of there people, all of the time and in force, they don't whine & cry about it they do it, that is why they are here and will be here forever, no one will stop them because they don't stand together and do it, I love my boyfriend and he takes care of me better then anyone.

Get over it, because you have to, the Gov. is on our side.

P.S. I read to my boyfriend because he can't read english, but that is ok, because it is all changing.

At October 6, 2009 at 5:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, you should file a complaint to the city. That call was harrassment. That call can be traced. Go for it!

At October 6, 2009 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I don't think it was a crank call the caller I.D. said Painesville City just wondering if anyone else got one.

At October 6, 2009 at 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:13pm, you are a poor excuse for a human being. Sure they all stand together -- with their hands out for freebies. A bunch of takers. I have yet to see a latino volunteer for anything. They take and don't give back. Just what this country doesn't need. You watch. They will all be sent back. Then you can follow him and see what rights you have in his country.

At October 6, 2009 at 8:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:13 please let us know when you join reality again.. nothing is changing..the fact that you have to read to your boyfriend.. The Gov't is not on your side. We as Americans elect the people to gov't and when people like you make comments as you just did it only make it easier to show people that ilegals need to be sent back please continue to post and show people what your boyfriend thinks..he is using you to type and read where would he be without you??? Whom would do this for him? whom would read this for him? You see you are a traitor to your country and thats ok because you live in American and you can be. There are young men and women who fight for your right to do so everyday and some are sent home in body bags to their parents, siblings, wives and children. Would you be able to look them in the face and say the comments you write?

Proud Sister of a Active Serviceman!

At October 6, 2009 at 8:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your right they dont cry or whine, instead you play loud music all hours of the nigh, yell at people, let your children run wild.. yep you stand together.. just look at what is happening to Painesville, failing schools, people moving out by the droves.. to get away from you! What you may not get is you need those people here to support the city to make it run, since they know so much and are laughing at us all.. the jokes on them when tax paying residents leave and there is no money there will be no money for you and that is the truth.. haha joke on you! You think I'm wrong have your girlfriend take you East Cleveland or Cleveland and take a look around..

It will be interesting to see if you post this Term..

At October 7, 2009 at 3:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Alot of you are very upset with 5:13 I don't blame you , truth is she's right they do stick yogether and it does look like the government Federal, State, and Local all seem to be on their side. Now who's fault is that? OURS.
4:23 I hope you are not promoting violence? Elect people that care and pass laws that they then enforced, its not rocket science. eliminate the jobs, put people in jail that hire them, and tell the government to quit giving handouts. The Dahlberg's of this country only weapon is to call you a racist, theres nothing else they can stand on for what their doing.

At October 7, 2009 at 4:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term the only one that is promting violence is you with playing both sides of the fence! You are making people angry and I have to say after reading all the comments you do seem to be taking their side. I was coming around to you but now I'm back to thinking you are no good for this city... was that your goal..hell I even defended you a time or two on here sorry not any more Term. You are wrong and YOU are making people angry which will lead to violence and you are trying to point the fingers at the rest of the posters to say not my fault well if there is violence know this you have now played role.. end of story..

At October 7, 2009 at 7:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, there are lots of ways to defend our land and you should be doing your part. I shouldn't have to do it for you.

At October 7, 2009 at 7:19 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:26 Sorry if you think I am promoting violence and playing both sides of the fence. I am just trying to explain why they came here and what caused it. I offered a real simple solution stop the illegals from coming here no jobs and the no handouts.
If some girlfriend wants to live with a man who has no job what do you want any of us to do?
This is a forum to express your views I don't want you to see it my way or anyone elses way. I haved lived along time without you on my side, and you will do fine without being in agreement with me. Maybe that girlfriend has a point we don't stick together?
7:06 What are you doing for me? Please explain what part you want me to take?
Both of you have a good day.

At October 7, 2009 at 8:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term your the one that volunteered to leave the ranks no one asked you to leave end of story. When you decided to give validation to someone that should not even be here you left on your own accord. You accused people of violence and from reading the post there was no violence suggested only facts to American history and you continue to ask Americans to explain and not the person that stole into this country and your reason being is Gov't created it well then Term you created it if you voted.

At October 7, 2009 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I didn't validate anything. I explained the reason we have the problem. I questioned someone comparing this to Pearl Harbor it's not even close. Yes, the Americans I keep asking to explain are as guilty as the people that stole into this country. Again what is your solution besides being mad at me?

At October 7, 2009 at 9:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I think someones pullin' your chain? These people can't be as stupid as they write. You expressed your views and you gave them an easy solution. Not another commenter has done either. I know where you stand and I"m behind you 100% at least you tell it like it is. Pearl Harbor are they kidding.
Mary Poppins

At October 7, 2009 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO one is pulling Terms chain he has made people very angry by post those comments by the girlfriend. Mary Poppins you can be just as far reaching when you post comments on here as well are you kidding me? I personally think Term posted those comments to make people mad to get them to show up for meetings? Nice thought Term but it will not work.

At October 7, 2009 at 10:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must of missed something Term where was your solution in all of this. You blamed us for the problem and said we dont go to meetings. I must be missing the solution could you please point out to me. Mary Poppins please dont call others stupid its not nice and really last time I check we are all grown-ups and not small children.

At October 7, 2009 at 10:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Mary Poppins gives affirmation to TERM. All is good in the ville.

At October 7, 2009 at 11:45 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The comments by the girlfriend is free speach. What meeting you seemed to have missed some? Solution; Again Elect people at all levels of government that will enforce the laws on the books right now. No more government handout to anyone who is not a United States citizen, Any employer caught with illegal's working at his business will be jailed and fined. Watch how fast things change.

At October 7, 2009 at 12:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term are you saying the girlfriend is entitled to free speech, but the rest of the poster are not? Term you keep saying no one is doing anything. You seem to have quite a few ideas an how things should be changed ect. Can I ask when there is an up coming election why you did not run for an open position. That would be doing something. Just because you goto meetings and point things out that upset people and you had to replace a sidewalk does mean you have really done anything more then anyone else.

At October 7, 2009 at 1:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, why does the illegals girfriend have the right to free speach but I am criticized. I don't see you criticizing her!!! People like you are why she and her illegal boyfriend think they have rights to everything here. And why they won't get off their butts to work for their benefits.

At October 7, 2009 at 1:52 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You both have free speech and you do to. She told her story thats all.
Someone made the comment "Once pushed to far we fight and don't stop til our enemy is no more."
Explain that statement?
What if the girlfriend had made a statement like that? I would have called her out.
What have I really done?
Well, I got you reading this blog. maybe enough to make your voice heard. Then again maybe you will keep complaining on this site about me. The girlfriend's might be right if I don't march lockstep with you I fall out of favor. Are you more angry with me or the illegals?
Use this forum to post your ideas but please don't expect to change many minds with your my way or the highway.

At October 7, 2009 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To put an end to all of this. Term you make the same comments over and over i.e.-your way or the highway. I really dont think that in general you have changed many minds you just gave them a place to vent. As far as the comment about being pushed to far, I dont think that poster was calling out Mexicans or any group rather, dont under estimate Americans and think you can walk all over us.. further said poster made an additional post stating they did not mean violence and yet you keep pointing to that. Term I think your somewhat surprised that someone pushed back and would not let you be the final word. Your feelings are clear from what you wrote and I will leave it at that.. I find it funny that you claim your posters are complaining about you and yet you write this blog pointing out things going wrong in the city.. its complaining all the same Term. I think its time for new topic anyone else?

At October 7, 2009 at 5:32 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I agree,lets change the subject. Thats not how I read the orginal comment.
If the person had made the statement you said he meant no problem."Don't underestmate Americans and think you can walk all over us." Thats not how I read it. sorry. I missed the part about not be using violence. You don't think I believe I can change minds do you? Its interesting just to find out how others think in town, and they can vent and some have even told me they have. They can complain about me, the city, schools,whatever. I don't mind a pushback either. Now let everyone have a last word.

At October 7, 2009 at 6:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

my last word on the subject, I think you, TERM, have shown your true colors and I believe you are on the illegal's side. You defend them too much not to be. I always thought you were a true blue American and believed in our constitution, and now I am hurt. I could say more, but I am tired. I am thoroughly depressed after seeing someone who I thought was trying to save Painesville is now willing to just hand it over to the illegals. Pick on council all you want, but leave the illegals alone.

At October 7, 2009 at 8:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry you have to put-up with all these patriots who fear to come out and join the dialogue. You explained the best way you could as to why this is happening in America and they don't want to deal with the truth. What have they done? I know you don't side with the illegals but they think they will just leave because they want it to happen. You have been more then fair to them and your thanks is to be shunned. Your blog. has offered more information about the illegal problem in Painesville then anyone else. You have changed minds, or at least got me to respect my own conscience.
I know you let the girlfriends comments up so maybe it would opened afew more eyes.
The other posters believe if they sing Lee Greenwoods "Proud to be an American" thats all they have to do to contribute to there cause.
"Wishin an Hopin'won't solve the problem. Thanks again.

At October 8, 2009 at 3:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like we said, you can't stand together, it gets more funny with every word you say, and to the proud sister, my Dad & Uncle both served this country in war, and they like my boyfriend a lot, my boyfriend works his butt off to support us,(and he pays taxes too) un-like my first boyfriend who would not get of his butt, to even look for a job.

At October 8, 2009 at 4:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't get it I guess, Your supposed to wave a magic wand and all the illegals poof will be gone. Its not enough tosay why don't you leave. The reason they are here are someone is giving them a job no job they will go home. The biggest problem they had with you was you didn't just complain on some blog. you let some people know this was wrong and you took your lumps for it. The key word was reasonable what is the reasonable solution, some think getting angry with you is the right way to go about it? No solution just complain, Yes you have shown your true colors and its the simple fact that you got the message out. What has 6:42 done? Nothing. Lets see which approach works? Thanks for opening my eyes.

At October 8, 2009 at 5:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your surprised! TERM is a Democrat he let everyone know that and everyone knows they want the mexicans in there party. You can't trust him or any of the other Obama lovers. Democratic Party might change its name to the Communist Party. Screw TERM.

At October 8, 2009 at 6:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term run for office? First ask him his connection to Teamsters Local 377 in Youngstown. Him and Jackie Presser to peas in a pod. Believe me he would know corruption when he sees it. He'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

At October 8, 2009 at 6:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:48 I dont think either approach has worked to date. I think one thing is clear we all get it, but we all have a different ideas on how to handle it. Everyone one on this blog is complaining in one fashion or another including me and you. Not sure if that make us part of the problem or part of the solution. There is no easy solution and this will not go away in a day or a month its going to take years and god only knows where Painesville will be by then.


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