7:00 P.M.
On the subject of the hospital Gary Robinson of Lake Health has stated we in attendance must have misunderstood him about the 2 million the hospital system he was talking about was for the Urgent Care facility at the Town Hall Meeting No Gary I checked thats not what you said, and you did say as far as you understood Lake Heath had NO objection into another system using that site? Sorry Gary its called "Man up."
Jim Fodor must have taken my advise and is running a "stealth campaign" He was the only cadidate that did not show up at Lakeland to be interviewed by the News-Herald. I wonder if he'll show up Tuesday night?
Is Fodor so confident he will win that he doesn't feel he has to woo any of us? I finid that cocky! Does he have an in somehow?
Why did Fodor run if he isn't going to campaign?
someone just showed me the agenda for meet the candidates, only 60 seconds for them to answer a question!
I haven't seen the agenda, but I'm sure if they need more time they will get it. The only reason something like that would be put in was I once was at a "meet the candidate" meeting and one person used most of the time.
Mr. Fodor's campaign strategy is only his to know, I don't think you can win a campaign on name recognition alone. Could be wrong. I've never seen him as "cocky"
I was at both of Andy Flocks Town Hall Meetings, first when commissioner Sines said the hospital system had set aside two million dollars to demolish Lake East. Gary Robinson said if the city did not get the grant the hospital would find the funds to tear down the hospital.I am sure Councilman Flock can compose a letter to send to the hospital board explaining what we were told. It was no misunderstanding we know what we were told. I can't believe the number of people unaware of the closing in October.
Just maybe Mr. Fodor has a reason to sit this one out? Ward 2 will need a councilman in two years, maybe he figures it will be easier and less expensive. Heard rumors Bill Horvath Jr. will run in Ward 3. Wonder if anyone will challenge Paul Hach in Ward 4 or even Andy Flock in Ward 1?
What if he was busy when they did the interviews ?
Did you think about that ?
No you did not.
You just like to make things up, about everyone.
I'm not the guy running for council, he is? Is it making things up when someone doesn't show up? He can do as he pleases!
Will he be busy tomorrow?
I didn't even say anything negative.Touchee?
Busy at that time? Would it be a good idea to let the people know he couldn't make it? Maybe he did and Term didn't 't know. You seem to know?
Maybe he was busy with the stuff going on at the schools.
Layoffs - layoffs & more layoffs
20 plus to go....
Great just what the kids need.
I was under the impression that Mr. Fodor retired from Painesville City Schools? Why would he have anything to do with the layoffs?
Maybe its the 50% policy? he only goes to 50% of the meeting, it works in the schools. This is what I remember the most about his tenure at the schools the stupid 50% policy, that no matter how hard they try they can't convince anyone its a great idea. This is the ideas he wants to bring to the city table now? Show up buddy!
Where was that letter you sent to the State concerning the hospital. how bad did you screw that up for us?
John Murphy has billboards? This is a whole new realm?
Mr. Rellik, you are right. His support of the 50% policy goes a long way to showing how this man thinks. Do we want this on City Council? I sure don't. Funny comment about attending 50% of the meetings. Wish I had thought of that.
Negative? Term do you think this campaign will turn negative? Why or why not. I am surprised it hasn't already.
Mary Poppins
Let's all hope not. What I would warn voters about is phone calls or mailers in the last few days before the election no matter where they came from. I person doesn't have the time to prove a fact true or false. If you get something on say October 30th, why didn't you hear about it three weeks eariler? I see this tatic used in election after election I just can't believe it works so well.
Billboards Other candidates have used them in the past, I believe Abby used the same one as Murphy used this year. No big deal. It is getting very expensive to run for any office nowadays.
Where's the letter? Why are you so Hell bent on destroying Painesville. Now theres a fact. This blog. is counter productive to making P{ainesville a great place to live. I wish you knew more facts before you called a hospital spokespersons liars, along with city officials, the only one corrupt here is YOU.
There will be an emergency School Board meeting tomorrow morning (Wednesday 9/30)at 7:00 AM! Very suspicious time. The topic will be layoffs. Some have already been notified.
Sorry I, stand by my hospital statement Alot of other people heard the same thing. Liar's thats a little strong, but when council voted on the hospital site no one said anthing about 70 apartments when was it mentioned? Now Zareba wants to do his own study? We did a study already? [$85,000] Council approved it and now its going to change again . These are not lies, but whats a good word to call all of this? Please don't suggest "good government"
11:44 I really dont think Terms blog is going to destoy anything. More like point out facts that may have other wise been swept under the rug and none the wiser. I ask you were are your facts that Term is corrupt? You just slammed Terms for stating things that are not fact. Where is your proof that Term is corrupt?? I have to say Term this blog used to annoy me but, you won me over. I think thats what is really upsetting people. I hope you keep the fire under peoples butts and continue to call a spade a spade.
Billboards, I think Had A enough Joe is having this backfire on him. He would have been better off saving
Horvath instead of Fountain. Now the whole ward is upset with him and instead of dealing with Murphy in ward 3 now he's got him looking to takeat his position.b 28 years Joe why no mention about that in your flyer, I ask again!
city and elected offcials decide on the direction the city will move forward, if you feel the city is being destroyed or is coruppted then you must look to them and not Terms Blog. One person alone can not drestroy and entire city, however a group can and from looking around they have done a good job thus far. If people are distressed by what they see then they need to vote and make change.
"Stealth campaign"..that is amusing. I guess the opposite is to be John Murphy. It appears he has contacted every major landlord in the city and placed signs on all of their rental properties. I was quite surprised to see all of the signs..I was like a lot of people must like this guy..maybe I should sway my opinion. But then I talk to several friends (tenants)with Murphy signs in their front yard and learn that even they don't support Murphy, they were told by their landlord not to remove them. So before you jump on the Murphy bandwagon due to all of the "support" he appears to have, inquire which residents actually support him and which one's are just puppets.
Tuesday Evening
Well it was an informed night. I will write a post on the going ons. Me and two other people "Graded the Candidates"
Tony Gagliardi B
Lori Dinallo B-
Jim Fodor B
Joe Hada A
John Murphy C
This is not how they would do on council but their responses to questions.
One person told the table he was sitting at are these people running for council or the school board?
It did at times seem like a block of 3 candidates running as one .
No more are hands are tied, but "I do not believe in anything illegal, profiling is illegal." Really well so isn't 20 people living in a house and it seems to me that three of the candidates do not want to be involved in that discussion.
Yes Joe your a builder, the problem is you build in places you shouldn't build.
Just please explain what you have built in your first 28 years on council?
Interesting, Does any parent or even student know what happened at Harvey last Thursday? I'm hearing the police were called for a fight,. a riot, the kids all walked out? Did someone get arrested? Please let us know, the people in charge won't.
Tony, and John were out of place. Painesville Council is on the verge of getting two more bobbleheads. They even looked at Hada before answering.
Term, I heard there was a student protest in reference to their not being allowed to have a pep rally for the Harvey Riverside football game. Tell the PD you want any cad or incident reports generated at the high school on that day..public record, they have have to ante it up.
I hope Karen does not have a gps.
Was there any other council people there?
Thats just sad if the school can no longer have a pep rally. Does that help anyone with what is going on at the high school. You can have a time honored school tradition why is that?
I wouldn't call Tony and John "bobbleheads"..the term should be Flockleheads...whatever Flock says to throw a wrench into the machine whether it makes sense or not must be the way to go..
8:01 To the best of my knowlege no there wasn't. Which brings up another subject, Joe Hada was asked if he ever attended a Housing Task Force Meeting? He said because of the "sunshine laws" in the State of Ohio it would be against the law. Bull, Joe has been a councilman almost 28 years and doesn't know the law? It was a meeting open to the public anyone could attend. Its not held in private. He answered question not truly truthfully. Hal Werner has attended at least four meetings why no mention of this before last night? More to come.
Pep Rally? Why call the police? Will try to get the police report.
City schools announce 15 layoffs? What did they find out the rest of us knew six months ago?
Do we know who the 15 were? Was dinallo one of them?
4:13am - were you at the same meeting as the rest of us?, John and Tony were the only two I saw as not bobbleheads. John almost needed to be pulled off Joe, and Tony took a few digs at Joe and his housing solutions.
It did look like a school board meeting. An older gentleman asked Hada about the permit fees, he let got the city to forgive and than asked if we can give the schools $150,000 in permit fee reductions why can't they give us green space? We already bought it once. A lady mentioned it looked like "Team Hada" Why look at Joe before yoou answer?
Term I have a feeling you and Joe won't be exchanging Christmas Cards this year.
Really, TERM. Hada an "A"?
Who the heck did you get to help you score the candidates? There were quite a few people there. I'm not sure the majority would have scored them the same way you and your two buddies did.
Please feel free to post your own grades,Let me know who you are at the next meeting and you can grade along with us. You must remember the candidate makes a statement and the others don't challenge it, point to the person's statement. So many statements were left unchallenged I was wondering if the other candidates were listening?
All the candidates did a good job except Mr. Murphy. All other candidates responded to questions about the Light Plant but Mr. Murphy did not. Mr. Murphy's flyers state he was a big union man, my question is why isn't the union supporting Mr. Murphy? They are supporting other candidates. People have to learn that Council CAN NOT ACT FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD.
They are a board of their own. Council has nothing to do with them in making decision, etc.
Mr. Murphy did not seek the endoprsements, to John's credit he didn"t make statements like the "money only goes from your left pocket to your right", or the "money is in one big pot" Those are not statements I want to hear from people running for council?
Someone who thinks this AMP-OHIO deal 50 years is not a good idea should have asked? and what will be Painesvilles cost in construction this plant be 50, 75, 100 million? Anyone who gives you a figure is lying that question's answer is unknown. This could make the 6 million the city lost in a bad investment look like pocket change. I really thought candidates made some statements that were off in left field. John Murphy received a "C" maybe I'm used to the schools grading policy?
I will admit I am not comfortable with thje mixing of the schools and city government, neither has done a great job.
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