Here are some excerts from the summary document the city sent the "Clean Ohio Revitalzation Fund" for the 2.5million grant to tear down LakeEast.
The City of Painesville and Zaremba Inc. estimate an overall total site investment of $31,625,000. The economic benefit of this site redevelopment project includes new property taxes estimated at $334,404 based on 22 single-family homes selling at an aveage of $185,000 67 townhome selling at an average $165,000 and 70 total loft apartment units in 70,000sq.ft. with a yearly tax estimated at $59,500.00. The new 363 residents in this neigborhood account for an estimated $356,760 in total new income tax. The income tax is basedon 223 residents owning their home with an average annual salary of $55,000, and 140 residents in rental loft apartments with annual average salaries of $40,000 paying the City's Income Tax with a rate of 2%. Job ceation is also a large component of the new critical mass generated through the increased residential housing. An estimated 181 new permanent jobs will be created in the surrounding commercial and retail districts. The product total sales for the residential development are $29,125,000 with an avarage sale price per housing unit of $183,176.00.
This project is located in an area where the median income for a household is $38,842 and the median income for a family was $41,000. The per capita income for the city was $15,391, which places 16% of the population below the poverty line. This development will increase property values for those already living near this abondoned building and will give them a renewed sense of pride in their neighborhood.
Today, Painesville remains an important center of confluence as the county seat with many vital businesses and institutions serving the needs of the county residents. Sustaining and growing critical mass is vital to the downtown activity and safety within the downtown area. Diversity also is very important to the urban village environment and the creation of a diverse community with diverse housing options is necessary to sustain a well balanced residential and business district. Painesville City prides itself on being a small town community with diversity, layering, character and connectivity that is inherent to traditional downtowns. By refocusing attention, effort and vitality Downtown Painesville will emerge again as an engaging place for all to live and work.
The City of Painesville is staging a comeback. Redevelopment has started and things are taking a positive turn. The Lake East Hospital site is a blighted property affecting the focal point of the downtown and the region for urban redevelopment. The City hopes to use this redevelopment effort to boost further economic growth. To strengthen the downtown as a retail district and urban housing village environment, it is critical that this development project occur.
All this and more is in the summary. You will be hearing alot about "Urban Housing District", "Chicago-style Housing" "Diverse Housing Options" plus the summary didn't mention Historic Painesville, or even the College. Let us know what you think I am sure copies of the summary are available at City Hall. I will post my letter CORF in the near future.
These numbers make no sense. How can the city assune all the income tax? All the people living there would have to work in Painesville or the township to realize the money. If they worked in Cleveland, or Mentor zero income tax. The building across from the hospital Washington Square is public housing. where does this $40,000 figure come from. Who in there right mind is going to spend $185,000 to live across the street fron there? No one ever mentioned rentals before did they? Lets get our waders on.
Mr. Rellik
It's o.k. to take a few liberties with the truth, but this is just a plain out and out lie. Blighted area, and the financial numbers don't make sense to me either.
Term, and the rest of you must have missed the article in the paper about the Concord Trustees seeking 6 million dollars for Auburn Rd. inprovement from the County Commissioners This community will find out very fast what a drain on their township coffers this hospital will be. Wonder if they have the proper fire equipment to reach the top of that building? Maybe they will also need to purchase some new fire equipment.
It won't be long before the people in this community get the "Point" what the cost of having this hospital around costs. Who knows maybe they will pay for Concords Party in the Park?
Concord will and is already crying to the state for money. So the state uses our tax dollars because Concord wants to develop the area. Route 44 is a mess now, wait until the hospital opens. How did they not plan for this and budget for this?
I noticed one tread in all these comments,all the problems were caused by Lake Health.
Someone asked me why I was so against the city getting the money to tear down the hospital from the state. Lake hospital left us we didn't leave them. Its like someone running off with your wife and coming back and asking you to pay for their honeymoon. Sorry Lake Health caused all these problems they should be held responsible.
I'm not sure I understand the claims of this being a lie, or the numbers don't make sense. Could the above #1 and #2 posters explain why they make these claims?
Well first off the city assumes they can sell these homes. I do not beieve these are realisticly priced forhis area let Ms. McMahon, Mr. Hada be the first to purchase these homes. If on one corner you have a nursing home and a filling staton Washington Square where some people pay $50.00a month,a drug store and low rental property on S.St. Clair where is the $38,000 incomes at? In the sane summary they call this a blighted area? City Income Taxes were computed with ALL residents paying City Income Tax.What is the overall average in the city.Heisley Park neighborhood or Cobblestone 25 to 30 percent? Why would it be higher at the downtown site? What are the jobs coming because ofall this housing downtown? The city paints an interesting picture but is it realistic?
The BIG lie was during any of this never once was rental property mentioned. Did the council people know this was in the agreenent with Zareba? When did they find out? Are they that incompetent or were they not informed? Liars?
Ehere is the commercial proprty for this area? No shops or stores not even an office.
Maybe 3 new council people could stop this stupidity. This idea is insane and will never work. Joe Hada proudly voted for this. Someone should ask him about the 70 rentals.
Where does all this negativity come from? The city is doing its best with a bad situation. They have to do something. What do you think the people at Lake Hospital Systems, County Commissioners care one bit what happens to Painesville? The administration and people like Joe Hada should be thanked for their vision on this project. Painesville has turned the corner and is on its way back to the top. Why can't Term and some of the rest of you see rhis?
I wonder if these people will be given the proper credit with the results of this project.
OH! 7:23 I believe the people in charge of this project will be remembered by the people who know how this will end. Sorry we haven't turned the corner and this is plain stupid!
Mary Poppins
I see Mr. Hada is having another fund raiser? Alittle whine with that cheese Joey? After 28 years he should be able to run on all of his accomplishments? Whatever they are. The pipefitters are endorsing him, well that seals it for me if hes good enough for them hes good enough for me. What is it with that man is he lost in the 1960's Wonder if the city workers are represented by the pipefitters union somehow?
Crazy Karen how many pipefitters do you think work or live in the city? On second thought how many do you think worked on the new school buildings? Maybe a payback to his wife that sits and controls the school board?
Wonder if the Notheastern Ohio Steeler backers will also endorse him? Who give a rats xxx?
Abby DelMotte on questioning the city manager she wanted no more rental property in the city. Was she mislead by the city manager and council president? What gives no one said anything about more rentals?
when will the meet the candidate nights be I have alot of questions to ask?
Why all the discord between Joe Hada and John Murphy I like both these people.
Sure, lets ask them how they will get rid of all illegals, how fast they can fix all our crappy streets, when can they start acting like storm troopers and busting down doors to count how many people living in each house, how soon will they fire the CM, can we have a new court system, will they promise to lower my water rates, etc. etc.
6:05 What would YOU like them to do?
All good questions, 6:05am!
John Murphy's big problem is he doesn't want to play for "Team Hada" He feels he has enough brains to make up his own mind. Not like the 3 that sit to joe's right. You always agree with him.
I think John once mentioned to Joe he did think he was doing such a great job!
Chestnut resident
John thought Mr. Hada was doing a good job? I really find that hard to believe. Where did you get this information?
Where talking oil and water here.
I have had nothing but positive interactions with Councilman Hada over the years. His responses to my concerns have always been thorough and logical, perhaps those of you who find him abrasive just don't like that he is giving you the truthful and straight answer instead of pandering to your rambling and somewhat incoherent rants.
I also find it interesting, Term, that you have made it a point to post every other candidates website on here, but not Joe's? Maybe your taking Fox News' approach to "fair & balanced" to heart a bit too much? ... btw, for those of you who would like the opportunity to hear all sides before casting your vote, Mr. Hada's website address is www.hadaforcouncil.com
Fox News? I've known Joe most of my life and except for afew instances in the last couple of years I have always found him to be a very reasonable person. I posted John Murphys fundraiser, Arlene Becks, Lori DiNallo and anyone who sends me informatiom. I will post it. Councilman Hach has responded to questions on this site. For all I know Joe, or Jim Fodor have never broght this site up to me. I guess it could be possible Joe and Jim do not know about this blog.? I ran into Joe at the school board building Monday night, I guess I could have asked him if he wanted me to mention his fundraiser on the blog.? I will get the informatiom from his wb site amd post it. If the gets upset I'll blame you.
Anyone is free to post here. I will verify comments from candidates before I post them as we got some funny people out there.
How do I ask him a question on his web site?
Funny, no mention of him serving 28 years on council on his site. Wonder why? What has he done in those years? Why did it take you 28 years to see the light? I know my reason.
Ask him a question?, thats the last thing he wants you to do.
If you haven't asked it in the last 28 years you sure don't need to ask it now
Good question Term I know you and Joe both, why the fallout?
No fallout, I just have become aware of somethings that have happened in the last few years that make me question some of Joe's judgement.
The AMP-OHIO proposal should have been investigated and explain to the city,and the citys investment in this project over the next 50 years.
The night at a City Council meeting when he stated Andy Flock should be charged with malfesance and after making that statement just dropping it. If he believed it why didn't he persue it? Why insult someone?
The forgiveness of the building permits money to the schools that cost the city a great deal of revenue. A few neighborhoods in Painesville are not part of the school system it was their money also, maybe we could have used that money to fund a fireman at the Grand River Station to help with the Cobblestone situation.
As Council President he should work together with other councilpeople to get things done for the people in town. How foolish does everyone look when you have one councilman telling residents one thing and another at the other end of the street telling them something else, which occured on Grand River Ave.
Joe seems to want 7-0 votes, well you don't always get them, Where in the city charter does it state that the Council President has a right to ask another council member why they voted a certain way in a public meeting? He could ask in private. Is it done to put someone on the spot?
Joe in the past has always served Painesville honorable and given alot of time here to make it a quality place to live, I just think he's gotten alittle off track.
I have very little faith in the hospital site future that said I hope Joe's right about that development others and myself just don't see it.
He runs a council meeting like its his classroom. If for any reason to be a councilperson, I would love to answer him on why I voted a certain way. Joe, its none of your F%$#*() business!
Sad but do people really think coal will power our electricity plants in 30 years? So many new choices coming on line, and we signed a 50 obligation? If Painesvilles right about this were all in trouble. The cost to make that plant pollution free would make it impossible to run.
Well the way some people hold on to there council seats you will probably be able to ask him that in 30 years.
Did you see all the John Murphy signs up at his landlord buddies houses, and their rental properties.
They are playing him like a fiddle.
well,6:25, did you also notice the signs on chestnut street? murphys neighbors seem to be supporting him , so what is your problem???????????? chestnut street supporter.
The landloards want John Murphy in there to keep all of the rentals status quo.
is there a problem in putting signs in landlords or rentals properties? he has them in business's also! if this is all you have to do all day, is going around and checking how many signs john murphy has up, you have a sad life. it doesn't matter how many or where the signs are, it matters whether or not you vote NOV.3RD. A VERY CONCERNED CITIZEN WHO WILL VOTE FOR JOHN MURPHY.
I have been to every housing task force meeting since they were started. As far as I know I am the only candidate that has been to more then one meeting. I make no excuses to the fact that I have friends that are landlords. Painesville has a rental problem. We in Painesville can confront the 50% rentals or as we have chosen in the past to ignore it. and this committee along with the local association wants to greatly improve the situation in Painesville. The landlords I know treat rentals as an investment and have put alot of time and money into their properties, its an investment that they want to see grow. We have some property owners that are absent and only care about the check being in the mail by the first of the month. This must change these people will be held responsible for the actions of the tenants who rent from them, along with the upkeep of there property.
I only ask for the opportunity to serve you on city council to improve the quality of life here in town.
Thank-you John Murphy
WOW! A candidate that atleast answers his critics. Something new?
I guess John just wants to make the best out of this situation. Thanks.
Who wrote that for you John, there is no way that came from you, and this is just you trying to make people think there is nothing going on, they know you will vote there way, they do not want rental insp. and know you will help them keep it that way.
We are renters with a Murphy sign in front of our building, and our Landlord told us what is going on.
(we asked to have it removed and he said it is his building and he wants it there)
P.S. He does not live in Painesville and can't vote for Murphy, we vote and we will not vote for Murphy
8:17 Thank-you for the information. Now tell me which candidates are against the property owners that are landlords? Who has come out against them and refused contributions from them? What are their plans with rental property?
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