Saturday, September 12, 2009


I am in the process of putting together different facts on the Painesville City Schools. This is just a guide on how we compare to other schools in the area. It has been explained to me that Painesville has some unique situations that it has to deal with. These include race, nationality, economics and a host of other causes for some of the scores we see from this district. Please include your thoughts and facts to this post.

Painesville spends an average of $10,540.00 per student per year.
State average $8487.00

The percentage on instruction 54%
State average 59%

Support Services 13%
State average 10%

Administration 16%
State average 13%

Otherexpenses 17%
State average 19%

We seem to be in line when compared to the rest of the state.

These facts from


At September 13, 2009 at 6:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that Painesville has a unique situation with all the latinos and I know we are obligated to educate them. The thing that bothers me is that my children are not getting the education they deserve, or that I am paying for. The money and efforts are going to the children of people who shouldn't even be here to begin with. Their parents should be paying tuition for them to cover their cost to our system. And then maybe the city could afford to give my children a quality education. CPR

At September 13, 2009 at 7:56 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I understand what your saying. Do you have an idea for a solution?

At September 13, 2009 at 8:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First the CM needs to untie the police hands where illegals are concerned. If they are forced to face the consequences for their actions then maybe some of them would voluntarily move out. If the city enforced the housing codes and only permitted the allowable number of residents in each home, some would have to move on and take their kids with them, thus lowering the attendance in our schools and our cost to educate them. Everything starts and ends with city management. Enforce immigration laws, and enforce city codes on illegals and force landlords to not rent to illegals. That would be a start.

At September 14, 2009 at 3:33 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I have been told there is a meeting between HOLA and residents,parents cominmg up in the next week or two to address some concerns. As soon as I find out when, where. I will post it on the blog. Police Chief Smith I am told will be at that meeting.

At September 14, 2009 at 5:23 AM , Blogger Big John said...

Before you go bashing who is not enforcing the immigration laws, first find out what they are allowed to do by law. You have no idea what the Federal guidelines and legal system are if you think that the local police and government are behind the immigration debacle. Remember that illegal immigration is a federal crime, not a state or local crime. If you have a complaint and expect it to be heard as valid, then complain with knowledge.

Call I.C.E and complain to them. I have spoken with them and they will be glad to tell you what the law allows and does not in regards to arresting illegal immigrants. JT

At September 14, 2009 at 7:11 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Your sorta right JT. I used to have just about the same mind set as you. Then I realized the laws and ordinances just were being ignored on all levels of government. Just today in the paper the Director of Public Safety for Ohio ignored Drivers Licence and automobile registration on his own? City officials pass ordinances and do nothing to enforce them, why bother? I've been doing this site for over a year and there are many angry people in town on how everyone has handled the illegal problem in Painesville.
It might be an interesting November.

At September 14, 2009 at 8:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Term!
About time somebody got these numbers out for everyone to see!

There are many, many school systems in this country burdened my socio-economic challenges.
Do you honestly think this is the only system struggling with the issue? Goggle it. Some school systems are moving ahead some are bogged down. We are bogged down.

This is about policy. Who sets the policy? What can we do about it? Scream bloody murder!

Show up at school board meetings. If you think you are powerless, you are. Think people! We pay their salaries! These are our children our biggest and best treasure and this school system gives them a second rate education because we allow it.

At September 14, 2009 at 8:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There goes JT again. Listen, JT, I am knowledgeable. Evidently more so than you. City ordinances are definitely enforced by the city, and those are being allowed to slide where the illegals are concerned. Not asking immigration status in the municipal court is a decision by our local judge. Yes, there are national laws, but there are enough locally that we shouldn't be ignoring them.

At September 14, 2009 at 9:16 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well both of you are in Luck! School Board Meeting tonight 7:00p.m. at the Board of Education offices on Jefferson St.
Don't wait for me or your neighbors to fit this, get involved.

At September 14, 2009 at 10:14 AM , Blogger Big John said...

I would have to check on the crab that you have with what I said. You informed that you wished that the CM would "Untie the police hands where illegals are involved". Now since you said that word "POLICE" I assume that you speak about criminal law, not building code law...right? No? My guess is that you want the police to overstep their legal boundaries and enforce the building code's right? They cant.

I would suggest reading the arraignments and checking the PMC website and you will see that the police are not looking the other way when an illegal breaks a criminal law. They get arrested just like the rest of us. heck the numbers for the year and see what I mean.

You speak of knowledge, well then I guess you mean the knowledge that you hold and refuse to learn. I know that city ordinances are enforceable, but some are civil. So the police have nothing to do with it. That is what I mean by knowledge. Know who to yell at before yelling and your words will be heard.

When I started to come here a ways back I preached that if you, not you specifically, I know you are sensitive... "anonymous", had a problem, research it and go to the proper people and make a reque3st. Simply slamming folks without basis is not the way to handle it. I will always stick by that.

I know of a resident that got a civil residential property citation and brought some of the cities own issues to light in a calm manner. They know who they are and got a reaction...right?

Try a little honey is all. If you need some, they sell some great stuff at the farmers market on Thursday, not many weeks left. JT

At September 14, 2009 at 11:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

with just a couple years left before municipal judge elections maybe people should start letting cicconetti know that we want illegals handled differently in court.

He is like anyone else, can be replaced by the popular vote!

At September 14, 2009 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

JT, you make some sense, but you come off so full of yourself and high and mighty. I can definitely see why this is annoying to some.

At September 14, 2009 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

JT. Just so you know the building department can't issue a ticket for cars parked on lawns in yards wherever. Only the Police can issue that citation. As far as ordances concerning the amout of people allowed to live in a struture[house] most people feel the city shines a blind eye on this practice. I wish I knewhow to let you see some of the emails I receive this situation is only getting worse. This weekend 3 different irate people complained about hispanic boys riding their bikes at all hours in the middle of the street no light dark clothes and no regard for traffic, I've seen this myself. Now if there white, black, hispanic they should be caught and the parents held respossible. Someone is going to get hurt. How many curfew arrests has the city made this summer? Why have laws if there not going to be enforced, If the police are to busy say so and ditch the law.
JT. do you really live in Painesville and just not see whats going on?

At September 14, 2009 at 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

JT, you are your own worst ememy. You slam people for posting anonymous and then you bring up you know someone that received a citation from the city and brought the some of "issue" to light yet you dont state whom that person is why do they need protection. I'm with term do you live here? Bottom line is this there are things that the city can cite people for and the cops can write tickets for and yet it seems at times the city and the cops turn a blind eye to it.

On another note Term those numbers are concrete proof of what is going on in this city and how the children suffer for it. I have a question has the school system ever thought of having an english second language school and send all the kids there. That way they can hire staff to help with their needs and then the other schools can be for the rest of Painesville kids and no one looses. The children who cant or have trouble with english will not take away from the rest and in my thought process all florish. Its been done in other communities with much success and when first brought to the table it was fought by many because many thought you were isolating the kids and called racist. Its this simple if you cant speak english or have trouble you mire down those that can it may not be fair, but its life. If we continue the way we are all the kids loose and what good it that. Why should my kid have to wait and loose class time while the teacher is explaining something to someone that has trouble understanding what is being taugh since they do not understand english? When the child is caught up move them back to the other school. Its food for thought and its solution. What is your thought JT?

At September 14, 2009 at 1:37 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

First off some of us are having a hard time with the way JT. presents things. In his life he has probably found out that looking at all situations in a positive light works for him. If it works for him fine. JT. there are some real issues with the city and the schools and for to long people have turned a blind eye towards some of the things going on. I know the police can't be everywhere and bust someone for all infractions the solution is make afew arrests for curfew, and cars on front lawns and watch how fast the word gets out.
Someone please stop the practice of citing the person who made the complaint to cut the number of complaints. It shows zero class for the City of Painesville.

At September 14, 2009 at 4:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily support JT 100% but I can't seem to get past with you people is that you can be told something hundreds of times and still not get it. Ordinances have nothing to do with the illegal immigration problem and the city has no power to police immigration. That is unless you are saying only illegal immigrants violate city codes. But that would be racist so I'm sure you wouldn't say that. Illegal immigration should not be a part of the elections this fall. Only the ignorant would make it so. Now if we were electing ICE officers then go ahead and make it an issue. Making it an issue in a council race would be like holding Jim Tressel accountable for an underage kid drinking while tailgating a buckeyes game.
You people are DENSE.

At September 14, 2009 at 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post TERM.

At September 14, 2009 at 7:24 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You are right ordinances have nothing to do with illegal immigration that said, lets start enforcing occupancy laws let the chips fall where they may. Why will the city spend hours checking sidewalks and ignore unsafe and unhealthy living conditions? I personally would like to see a councilperson show the people of this town that they care what goes on in Painesville. It will be very interesting how Mrs. DiNallo and Mr. Fodor along with the rest of the candidates answer the illegal immigration problems.{One hint don't mention your hands are tied, and remember Hal didn't win Ward 2 on personality alone.]

Went to the school board meeting tonight still trying to put together what I learned tonight. Mr. Bull gave a very good presentation of where we are at and te kind of reasonable improvement we can expect [about 7% per year] I wish sometimes they would get off the CAT/OGT,AYP,IEP?
One of Dr. Hanlon's comment tonight; "Well the charts have less red then in the past" Well I thought, I guess thats a good thing.

At September 15, 2009 at 4:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Making fun of the super by calling him Mr. Bull is not the way to get people to read your posts Mr. Bullcrap!

At September 15, 2009 at 4:33 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry, no disrespect. Mr. David Bull is the new director for student improvement. Alittle touchy?

At September 15, 2009 at 5:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:12am, I don't know about that. It keeps me reading.

At September 15, 2009 at 5:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:10 pm it seems to me that you are DENSE. From reading these post it seems to me that all anyone is asking is that they enforce the laws and city codes that simple if it happens tobe illegals then so be. Enforce how many cars are parked in drive or how many people live in home those are things that can be enforced by the cops and the city. From reading what you wrote this sounds like JT who is now posting anonymouse cause he does not like what was said about his comment. Which means you cant stand behind what you said and have no leg to stand on. I see it this way I dont care what race you are if you are leagally here or not if you are voilating occupancy codes and have 10 cars parked in the driveway and the backyard you should be ticked maybe if that would happen then people would think twice about doing as they have been for quite awhile. If you want to call me a racist because I would like a quite street with nice well kept homes and not have say 15 people or so crammed in to a home then go ahead I dont really care. You are correct in that it wont make the people diappear and no asked that they do that all people are asking is that they follow the rules as the rest of do.

At September 15, 2009 at 7:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, don't expect An "I was Wrong" or an apology. Your still an ???????

At September 15, 2009 at 7:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told by the police they can have as many cars as they want in the back yard. Just not on the side or in front. What a crock that is. Back yards have turned into campgrounds.

At September 15, 2009 at 8:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will be very interesting how Mrs. DiNallo and Mr. Fodor along with the rest of the candidates answer the illegal immigration problems.{One hint don't mention your hands are tied, and remember Hal didn't win Ward 2 on personality alone.]

You still don't get it. Why even ask them. They cannot and should not control illegal immigration and should not even weigh in on it. If Hal got elected on this issue he should resign and apologize to the voters for leading them to believe he could do something about it. You are just lying to the people of painesville more by suggesting that any of the candidates will be able to touch the issue in the course of their service as a council person. You should be ashamed of yourself.

At September 15, 2009 at 9:28 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

All I will tell you is look at the city charter. All of them swore on a Bible, yet none follow what they swore to?

At September 15, 2009 at 11:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:36 really name calling come on now why not be "positive" you have whole site to do that, why do you come over to Terms to complain and be negative? If you feel so positive then there is no need for name calling which is what was resorted to here, when valid points were made against the "Dense" posting instead firing back you call people names which means again you have no leg to stand on and people are correct and dear I say you maybe incorrect? If you going to act like child then you will be treated as such. You could not come up with an response so lets call someone a name??? Grow-up and stand behind what you type or dont say it at all. I can say this Painesville does not need people like you does that make me a racist?

At September 15, 2009 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I really believe afew people some without even realizing what they were doing,stop this city from becoming a "Santuary City" reading some of these comments it seems no one has to be legal to be here? You are even in the wrong to question anything. Was that the goal in the first place? Think about it.

At September 15, 2009 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I would think the goal would be a great community, safe place to live, and great schools! Like you have pointed out many times there are poeple in this city that say they want all that, but their actions speak very different. I know all I really want is a great community that being said maybe I should look else where sad but true. I know that anyone with kids is either in the process of leaving or trying cause at this point we have no options left to us other then to move, you might all want to think about that. If you dont have kids the issue is not in your face and your childs educations does not suffer.

At September 15, 2009 at 1:36 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I know where your coming from. I have a grandson that will start school next year at Elm. St. Which is the one Painesville School in "Acedemic Emergency" and have 50% of the students that don't speak English. Don't you think I should be a little more than concerned about what his education is going to be like? I wonder as I looked at the school board last night if they should be more concerned? I know none have children going to the schools maybe they have grandchildren in the system.Dr. Hanlon seems to be a professional in his field, but I question anyone who don't send their children to the system they are in charge of. A Mr. Dorsey was at the board meeting questioning the board about the State St. property I understood his thinking about making that area green space, but I couldn't help but think These people are in the education business not real estate, or green space why aren't you people at the city council meeting? A few comments bothered me and maybe I misunderstood Mr. Bull's question. He asked teachers if they could pick out 7 or 8 students in their class and understand why it was O.K. if they didn't graduate? Painesville's graduation rate is 75% they would like to get it to 85% but I must of misunderstood where he was going with that question. If anyone can clarify it please do, its has bothered me all day. Our system is in trouble and we don't have a generation or two to get it right.
I don't know what the timetable is for the above poster but all I can tell him or her is get engaged let the people in charge know what you want and expect of them. It's a start and I'm not ready to abandon this town yet maybe theres stil hope for them.

At September 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take it from me get that grandson out of PCLS before he even starts. Your concerns are real. The whole elementary program at Elm is geared to spanish. Tour the school signs on the wall in spanish, books in he library spanish. English will also be his second language. Why the switch in Principals? Why do you think there in Acedemic Emergency?

At September 16, 2009 at 3:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is the principal at Elm?

At September 16, 2009 at 7:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Elm St. Principal this year is a gentleman named Gregory Towns. Mr. Towns has served the system in numerous positions.

At September 16, 2009 at 7:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I found a link to save the Steele Mansion not sure who created but, it is a good cause dont you think?

here is the link:

At September 16, 2009 at 8:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Towns
He might be a gentleman but he has DUI plates on his car, and the numerous poitions he has had is do to his drinking problem, and Term you can post this , it is public record.

At September 16, 2009 at 9:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That should make all parents feel good about the rolemodel for the school a drunk one??? How did he manage to keep is job anyone?

At September 16, 2009 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I don't think Mr. Towns personal problems are the cause for Elm St. problem. He just got there last month. The system must address whats going on at that school or alot of parents will be able to refuse to let there children go there. I have been told a parent could insist there child go somewhere else or even out of the district. Does anyone have the facts? anyone using an email school?

At September 16, 2009 at 9:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I don't know what the Principals personal problems are but you do have to question the administration and the boards judgement on the reason for him to take probably the most challenging position in the system. I wonder what there reasons were?

At September 16, 2009 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 7:49am,

it is too late to save the mansion, the owner left the roof in unrestored condition too long and the entire building is now suffering from water damage.

The city has been after the owner for almost a year to fix it up, they finally took him to court and he was sentenced to 300 days in jail and has gone missing.

sign all the petitions you want, you probably need to find someone with about $500,000 now to get it fixed up. I heard it is so bad it is structually unsound.

At September 16, 2009 at 1:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 11:08 you need to check your facts. The owner was given 300 days 200 of them were supended and they gave the owner until Oct 1st to make improvments if at that time the city was satisfied then the 100 days would be suspended as well if not then the owner was to report to jail that night. Simple fact check by looking at the court docket. If I'm not mistaken didn't he say he had investors willing to put 1million in renovations to that place? More then enough to fix it. Term I am surprised that you did not check the facts. Further whats this "gone missing" The owner is on probation you have to report to the probation officer again check your facts.

At September 16, 2009 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term did you check facts before posting that the owner has gone missing is that really true? Is any of what 11:08 said true?

At September 16, 2009 at 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Towns was the principal of State St. School when he got cought drinking and driving, they pulled him from that job and put him in charge of the pre-school and Migrant program,"to keep him away from the kids" then they put him at Elm St. School.

You can check his record at Mentor & Painesville Courts

At September 16, 2009 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I was told by a court official he was facing 300 days in jail. I guess I didn't know about all the ins and outs. I've sorta got my own "Home Improvements" to deal with.
That house had the fire over 9 years ago, where ae the investors? Who has the $500,000 I have no clue. If the house can be restored lets get it started. Nothing would make me happier than to see that home as it was.
All I hear is where is the owner, and lets make horror movies there. I wonder what you can do between now and then to satisfy everyone?

At September 16, 2009 at 7:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The owner violated his proation from what I understand there is a hearing for that and as result he is now facing 300 days in jail over housing violations which is crazy, but I guess the owner gave the city the run around as far as repairs go. I too heard about horror films there but you cant go in that place right now. From what I understand the owner of the mansion is also part owner of The Enclave Coffee House, that would be a good place to look for this person. I think its said what has happened to that place and from the sounds of it the city is going to have to tear it down which is just sad.

At September 17, 2009 at 3:37 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I don't know if someone violated anything? I do'nt know if he owns what you say he does? or where they could find hin? I don't know if thats what the city's plans are?

At September 17, 2009 at 3:47 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Back to the Principal at Elm St. if its been proven to the administration that he has solved whatever problem he had, and they think he is the best person to solve the problems at that school they should come out and say so. I believe in second chances for people and if this person can make Eln St. School a better place I would support him 100%. Sometimes when things are done "under the radar" it makes people wonder. The board and the administration should make a public statement as to the trust they have put in this person. To the people that think this is unreasonable or a mistake they should go to the school boaed meetings and voice their concerns to them.

At September 17, 2009 at 4:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think someone with diu should not be in charge of kids. Second changes are great but think about it this person is in charge of teaching the kids. It just points out another flaw in the Painesville school system.

At September 17, 2009 at 5:02 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

See my above post. This site is only here to inform you. Don't for one minute think the administration reads this blog. and says, "their upset we better change this or that." Our government is set up so public citizens can voice their concerns in public. If you feel this strongly take your concerns to a board meeting. Sometimes you get the results your looking for,and sometimes you don't. You let the people in charge atleast know what your thoughts are. This appointment should have been made more public. I checked the schools web. site yesterday and there is still a comment from the former Principal.

At September 17, 2009 at 8:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the owner of the steele mansion is not missing and its going to take more than 500,000 to fix that place.


At September 17, 2009 at 8:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that the school board woull allow someone with a DUI to be in charge of children says quite alot to me. Second changes are great Term, and yes we all at one time or another need them in our lives. To allow this man to continue in his job is wrong let me ask you this do you want him there when your grandson starts school??

At September 17, 2009 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right now I don't think I would send him there no matter who the Principal is. Since the school is in "Acedemic Emergency" I want to know all of his rights to be sent to another school either in the district, or out by the state board of education. Mr. Towns might turn it around he has a full school year to do it. At the present time I guess I will trust in the administrations choices. That said it could change fast.

At September 17, 2009 at 10:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

maddog, if you remember the owner stated at a public city counsil meeting that there were investors who were willing to put 1million into that place. I still dont get the "gone missing" for many reason that I will keep to myself that was just wrong like someone wanted to create more drama with this? My feeling is that if that place can be saved it should and if it means we as community have to step-up to see it done then Painesville should. Once gone you cant ever get it back.

At September 17, 2009 at 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term here are the facts regarding the current court case with the owner. You dont need to post but I thought it would help you.

Case Number: CRB 0802820 A
Defendant(s): Herron, Timothy
CERT. MAIL NO. 7190 0169 0010 0006 8505
7190 0169 0010 0006 8505
CASE SET FOR A TRIAL ON 06/29/2009 AT 9:30 AM
FINE AMOUNT $-300.00
COSTS 155.00, SUSP .00
JAIL 300, SUSP 200
10/1/09 AT 7:00 P.M. W/REVIEW ON 10/1/09 AT 9:00 A.M. S/MAC
SJ #09/855

© Copyright 2001-2009 Henschen & Associates, Inc., (All rights reserved

At September 17, 2009 at 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:53 there are many things you can say about Term but racist is not one. Never once did Term mention the make up of the school only that the current principal has a DUI. Your sad because you would write such a thing and I think you are the racist for making such a comment. Leave Terms children/grandchildren alone. Pick on him if you want but leave his family out of it. You must have not kids or grandkids if you did you would never write a thing like that.

At September 17, 2009 at 12:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


just because the owner said he had an investor does not make it true. the building is very unsafe and the city has been very fair in dealing with the owner. i recall the old legion building n.state at e. jackson was in huge disrepair and was renovated very nicely. this is a bigger scale and in worse shape.

as you can see this was started in court in november of 2008. a year later and bricks are still falling?
where's that million bucks and bob vila.


At September 17, 2009 at 3:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Less than a 1.5 miles away is Madison Ave. School
Madison Ave. has a rating of 8 out of 10
Along with a Performance rating of

Elm St has a rating of 2 out of 10
Along with a Performance rating of
Thanks for posting this site I have been rating our schools to neighboring districts. God knows its not because we don't spend the money.
If it wasn't for you I would have never known about the Principal change at Elm St. They keep things quiet when they want to. All frauds

At September 17, 2009 at 7:39 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Thanks for the kind post 12:27, I'm just afraid of some of the many things, you speak of?

At September 18, 2009 at 5:06 AM , Blogger Big John said...

Well I am coning in late as usual and I have never posted anonymous, what is the point. Look at the way I write and then try and tell me that I have truly posted.

I will stand behind what I say 100%. What I ask is look at what the police are doing in this City for real and then consider priorities. How many drug raid have they done in the past month? How many crack houses have they shut down? How many crimes against children do they have? I guess my point is that if they stop working on the serious stuff to handle what could be considered minor, then they will be vilified regardless.

High and mighty or opinionated? I believe what I believe and for that I am passionate. i do live in this City and I do see things happening. In fact, on my street I was driving the other day and a small child, four years old, rode his bike down a driveway and right out into the road going very fast. Did I call the police...NO. I went to the kids house and told his mother in a way that was calm and informative so she knew. She thanked me and I have not seen it since. I have always said that people should take control of their areas, what are block-watches for anyway? Do you have one on your street? If so do you just see things and expect the police to do something without calling them, or do you call?

Call me high and mighty if you like, my feeling do not get hurt. But instead of sitting at your computer typing about a problem pick up the phone and make the compliant with the police and be willing to leave your name. Take a stand for where you live and I bet you see a difference. JT, never anonymous

At September 18, 2009 at 6:19 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

There for a minute I thought you said forget these people. I agree with you 100% the trouble is people see policemen on patrol and see kids out after curfew on bikes in the dark, in view of the public and just ignore the fact thats the basic problem I see the public havng with the police. I don't think they want 35 Barney Fiffes running around either. The public has no concept of a police officer leaving a very highly charged and possibly violent situation and then responding to a call that people should have been able to resolve on their own. Policeman are not perfect and just human like the rest of us. Its probably the most stressfull job in Painesville .

At September 18, 2009 at 7:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer JT's questions about police activities..stop by the police department and request a list of cad and incident reports for the will kind of surprise you what is going on in the city these days And yes it is a stressfull job, especially when an officer has a stack of reports to deal with and constantly having to leave and deal with Hal's frivoulous parking and dogs crapping on the sidewalk complaints.. Now I heard the police are wasting overtime money everyday to follow the school kids home cause someone complained at a recent meeting that the police are only targeting a certain ethnic group who are constantly fighting after school. Give me a break people.. is the house painting coming..I see the city garage still looks like crap with peeling paint..rotting boards..and sagging gutters. Unfortunately, your situation (or punishment) is due to you speaking up about issues in the city..thank you.

At September 18, 2009 at 11:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I'm sure they will get to it. The greenhouse has been cleared and removed, the sidewalk on Chestnut St. repaired and the house on Storr Ave. is now gone. The city should be commended on the work done so far. When I was young my mother used to invite a neighbor lady to look around the house? I asked her once why she did that, she told me living here you get used to your surrondings and you don't notice that cobweb in the corner or something else that is out of place. The neigbor always will point it out to you. That what I think happened to the property in the city they just got used to seeing it.

At September 18, 2009 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term JT lid calling someone out for being anonymous when correct me if I'm wrong no really knows who JT to is?

Jt is typing like the rest of us and rest of dont know if JT does any of what he says.

too funny JT-LOL

At September 19, 2009 at 4:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:57pm, I agree. This is the pot calling the kettle black. Just because he uses JT as a name, we still don't know who he is. His screen name is just as anonymous. Funny!

At September 21, 2009 at 7:36 AM , Blogger Big John said...

Yeah, you are right, my screen name is an anonymous form of ID, not going to doubt that. But in this forum, when I say something I don't further the hiding by being "anonymous". My words are mine and I do not hide from them. Contact me through my blog,, and I will meet you somewhere for lunch. JT

At September 21, 2009 at 9:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

JT, you just don't get it. Yes, you are anonymous. We don't know who you are. We all know who TERM is. he is the one putting himself out there and standing by his comments. you, sir, are anonymous, whatever you want to call it.

At September 21, 2009 at 9:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm Jt again too funny. Again you have no clue if any of us stand behind what is said. You will meet someone for lunch, but if you really did stand behing what you say then you would sign with your name and not JT. Metting for lunch again how do I know you just did not send someone pretending to be you. Again you are no better or worse then the rest of us on here even though your trying to crave yourself out to be better then the rest. No better then Term, Badger, Marypoppins and Anonymous.


Ok with being Anonmous

At September 21, 2009 at 12:11 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I have no idea who most posters are KAREN JT. and Badger really make me curious. If you don't know who I am you haven't been paying attention. Badger sometimes seems to be 180 degrees from me, but somehow its amazing how we both reach the same conclussion. JT. sounds like a person with a heart of gold. KAREN scares the hell out of me! Trust me you don't want to meet Mary Poppins.

At September 21, 2009 at 12:42 PM , Blogger Big John said...

Maybe JT is my name? JT

At September 21, 2009 at 1:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure JT has a heart of gold. I think he just wants us to think that. Someone who has to flaunt his goodness all the time is usually trying to hide something. Who are you really, JT?

At September 21, 2009 at 1:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if JT is your name, we still don't know who you are.

At September 21, 2009 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:12 JT you try way too hard to make people think your good. I know maybe your the Steele Mansion owner and this is were you get all your doucmentation from or maybe your JT like you said or maybe you could be Bill.


At September 21, 2009 at 3:49 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

JT. Be careful everyones trying to draw you out. I think the mystery is more fun. Keep them guessing throw in a clue now and then. Like you bought a house in town, or you got married this summer.

At September 23, 2009 at 4:56 AM , Blogger Big John said...

And the beat goes on...JT

At September 23, 2009 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

JT, thought you back in the saddle and yetnothing on your blog since 9/11 what run out of positive things in this city?


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