Saturday, August 29, 2009


Starting August 31,2009 starts a new era in Painesville?
Rt.20 Mentor Ave. starts its repaving and realignment to a 3 lane road. First the old pavement will be removed, new pavement put down and 1 eastbound lane, one westbound lane and a center turning lane.
I will go to a city council meeting and apoligize to the people responsible for this decision if by some miracle it works. There are 8 Laketran bus stops between Fern Dr. and Wood St. if a bus stops at say in front of the Y.M.C.A. all traffic stops,the flow of traffic will resemble a long "train" you cannot go into the passing lane to get around the bus. If you think its hard to turn out of Newell St. now just wait. Side streets without signals will be impossible to get out of. I counted at least nine streets in that stretch without signal, plus the Y.M.C.A. Riders, Perkins, LEC College, Founders Place Apartments, plus for good measure a couple of Churches good luck exiting these establishments during the day.
Their are five streets with traffic lights Fern Dr, Chestnut St, Walnut/Grant St. Washington St. and Wood St.
Wonder if Mr. Volpe knew this when he drew up streetscapes? Where, when, and who did this study? City Manager, City Planner? To the west there are 5 lanes to the east 4 lanes. What are we going to call this stretch of road the center of the hourglass?
Traffic will be maintained during construction?? What about after the work is completed October 1,2009? funny the sidewalks on Jackson St. were going to be done by the time school started. I have a funny feeling soon we will all have a comments about this Mentor Ave. change. Are we doing the right change the easy change or the cheap change?

Talked with someone from Unity in the Community, they have approach the schools about holding three meetings in September and October for "Meet the Candidate Nights" Will keep you informed on any news on this subject.

Don't forget the "Taste of Painesville" Thursday September 3. I know most of you will probably get a recorded message from Doug Nagy inviting and reminding you.



At August 30, 2009 at 4:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is why they call it a SUCIDE LANE, two cars meet head on trying to turn left, it is going to be a nightmare

At August 30, 2009 at 4:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nightmare on Rte 20 begins Monday 8/31. If this project is still the same: two lanes only with a turning lane - Yikes!!!

Wednesday is trash day in that area (both sides of the street) oh yes all of us will just travel behind the trash truck and wait to get to our destination - NOT!!
Previous subject of Laketran Stops on both sides of this Avenue. I suppose all of us again will just stay behind the Bus and wait our turn - NOT!!
During this great construction mistake, how in the H - - -, is any Rescue/Fire Service supposed to respond? When this is finally finished, will the response time Shrink to the time-factor that the State expects!! Will it be a downgraded issue of less response time because of only one lane in each direction? Whoa, no correction of the response time at Cobblestone (Cm I am working on this - prove it/ solve it/ to the satisfaction of the People - Not your Council Buddies)
Last but not least issue; how does all of the traffic coming from the west merge successfully into a one lane road without having every tragic accident possible??? Look at this and think about this. Train crossing, backed-up traffic and everyone very eager to get to their destination.
A new-born project by the City "M" that absolutely makes no sense; because some complained that they butted side mirrors??? You butted these mirrors because you hog the road and travel way too too fast.
What stupidity is Oxbow filling your mind/plate with for your next proposal CM? What is wrong CM, that you have to lean left/then right? What is wrong is that you do not have any clue (lack of education/experience) to propose any or all improvements nor direction for this City.
Maybe just maybe, you are a very integral part of the scam with ODOT - as their proposals for road-work have landed them in the court system because of their under-handed awards for road work: especially those that make absolutely no sense and create nightmare traffic - so they can be done over and over again to the delight of those that are in ODOT"S corrupt system.
Any responsible and intelligent Engineer would never suggest that a 4 Lane Roadway East be subjected to crowding the Roadway into a One Lane Road with only a turning Lane.
Nice planning and spending our Money Painesville CM.
Can't wait to see this fail and how much more of our tax monies you will need to fix it.
Do not come a calling again, because we will shoot you down as we did before!!!!!

Disect what you choose from this: but, this is a most important issue that makes absolutely no sense because it costs way way too much of our tax monies.
"Oh, by the Cm words", we cannot afford to expand this road to a wider two lane access, so we just take the cheaper route.
You have JED monies now and you should spend them on making sure that the access roads to P'ville match the ones that come from Painesville Townships Awesome Project, not your cozy little Deals with the Concord Twp Elite!!!!!!!

Guess Who?

At August 30, 2009 at 5:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last I heard it was State Route 20 and the state decided that it was going to be 2 lanes and a center turning lane.

At August 30, 2009 at 6:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know who you are, you can't blame the CM on this one it is the State that said this had to be done.

At August 30, 2009 at 9:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was that in the park Sunday ?

At August 31, 2009 at 3:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened about my inquire about the new policenan, I bet I'm not the only one. What are you afraid?

At August 31, 2009 at 3:41 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Not afraid just want all the facts, its one thing having someone upset with you but lets get all the facts. O.K.
To common sense I didn't post your comment because you accused someone of posting that comment without knowing if your right. Prove that was the person.

At August 31, 2009 at 4:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot we can't blame the CM for anything. Its councils fault,the states,the county,the hospital, the fire chiefs, Grand Rivers, Mentors. It's never her fault. What do we pay this woman $125,000 for? The state dictates 2 lanes becauce the city doesn't want to chip in and make it a true four. She has other plans with the JEDD money. When will you people wakeup?

At August 31, 2009 at 6:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Term, it's pretty clear who the nutty poster is. The language and obsession with "Evil Rita CM" makes it obvious. We know who it is. Hey, let's have a game, "Who's 'Guess Who'?" We could take bets!

At August 31, 2009 at 6:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the new policeman? Term fill us in...

As for the road, I understand the issues with the 3 lane road, but the other important fact is yes it is cheaper to do what their doing now instead of the 4 lane roadway. Consider the cost of simply repaving and restriping a 3 lane road in comparison to a 4 lane road that involves digging up tree lawns, driveway aprons, moving sidewalks and power lines...a lot of $$$.

Just repave it..and leave the single double yellow in the middle..

At August 31, 2009 at 7:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At August 31, 2009 at 7:32 AM , Anonymous WaitingForAnAnswer! said...

To “Guess Who”:

As a previous poster pointed out, Route 20 is STATE Route 20.
I don’t think it’s ever really been four lanes. People drive it as though it is, but it isn’t, and it’s unsafe. This work needs to be done.
If the decision had been made to widen Route 20 instead, you would be complaining about THAT. You’d be griping because people would be losing parts of their treelawns, access to businesses would be disrupted, and you’d say it was too expensive. Nothing will ever make you happy.
You claim over and over in all of your different rants against the “CM” that she doesn’t have the education, knowledge or experience to run this City. So tell us, what’s YOUR education/knowledge/experience? I can’t remember you EVER answering that question. You think because you had some sort of clerical/bookkeeping position in a township or something years and years ago, that you know everything. But your lack of education comes across loud and clear in every rant you post.
You are obsessed with Rita. I am probably not the only one here who would love to know WHY. But you won't answer that question either, will you?

At August 31, 2009 at 7:41 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I really don't care whos going to be blamed, it's just a poor solution that will turn into a traffic nightmare in Painesville. that area from Fern to Wood St. should be four lanes. We have accidents there now? wait until the sucide lanes. check the study on that solution.

At August 31, 2009 at 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the 7:03 am poster what on earth is that a link too? Is it a link.

To Guess Who if you had enough guts you would just tell people who you are, but no you would rather call people evil ect the only thing you have done is make yourself sound somewhat crazy. That ok "Guess Who" there are lots of crazy folks in this world.

Yes there could be a better solution to this but it is what it is. Suck yes, hey maybe the workers there can apply for the 50%rule how about that, then tell me how only 50% of the work done works but if they show and did something then why should anyone complain. Sorry Term just not liking the school system too much theses days

At August 31, 2009 at 9:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Who did Guess Who call evil? Yes there could be a better solution? Well then lets go in that direction.
I really hope I'm wrong about this, It just seems with all the people at city hall they would come up with solutions that will not fail. Maybe we should hold the ODOT responsible, will they be responsible to fix the mess?

At August 31, 2009 at 9:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY 9:01





At August 31, 2009 at 10:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Term you can't say that "Guess Who" doesn't sound crazy.

Anonymous at 9:01, you are too kind. "Guess Who" sounds TOTALLY crazy, not "somewhat" crazy. . .

"Guess Who" posts under many different names and sometimes as anonymous, but her irrational hatred of "CM Rita" gives her away every time. And yes, it's CRAZY. I think she needs a hobby or a job other than bashing Rita.

At August 31, 2009 at 10:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term you are correct "guess who" did not call her evil, but "guess who" did imply she is stupid ect

the 7:32 poster used the word "evil" I got it mixed up sorry about that, but "Guess Who" is saying alot of crap and signs it with "Guess Who" this person whats people to guess whom they are rather then just stating who they? Maybe this person can start a support group with others in this town that talk crap about her and others but never really have the guts to stand behind what they say. You Term at least do that people may not like it but at least you dont try and hide. There are way too many people who complain and complain and yet do they goto city counsil meetings? Do they make their voice heard? Or do they instead post a rant and then sign it "Guess Who" to "Guess Who" who cares about you if you cant stand for what you clearly stated in you post and sign your name then I dont care and I really dont think many other people do either. Yes I did not but my name on here, but then again I did not call certain people out either as you did. Mine is just an opinion yours is clear slam agains the city and the people who run the city. Like I said go complain to like minded people.

At August 31, 2009 at 10:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Route 20 has never been 4 lanes. It is legally a 2 lane road right now, there is no white dividing stripe.

And, I totally disagree that Painesville needs to spend the money to widen it.

And, the person obsessed with "evil CM" is probably an ex finance employee who was fired for something never made public because of employee privacy laws.
I have run into that person a few times and they currently still work in another city nearby.

At August 31, 2009 at 11:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:31 forgive me but didn't you just call Guess Who out?
How are you so sure that CM Rita more then one person using that now? [up unit a month ago I never had seen CM] Do what I do read the post take it for what its worth and don't even think you know who the person is,now that will drive you crazy.
9:38 leave 9:01 alone. we all get the idea.
2 lanes 3 lanes its all going to be a mess!

At August 31, 2009 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:38 you sound alot like "Guess Who" upset because someone called you out on the stuff you wrote? I of course could be wrong and it really could be an Anonymous poster, but 9:01 had a point if your going to write and essay about what Rita's doing wrong ect then at least put something other then "Guess Who" and stand behind what you wrote, because "Guess Who" its clear you want some credit for pointing out all this "Important" stuff

I agree with Term take it for what it is and move on. By reading this you get to see what others thoughts and opinions are and any way you cut that its a good thing.

At August 31, 2009 at 6:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At September 1, 2009 at 3:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I let this post up just so some of you could see some of the stuff I get. In the past I would just delete this. Then the person emails me and says there was no profanity, why did I censor it? Just so you know I will leave this up for a day maybe it will make sense why I do what I do.

Request for a guest post coming.

At September 1, 2009 at 4:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Route 20 is 4 lanes. It may not be striped, but there are two traffic lights facing each direction at most intersections. If it was only 2 lanes, there would only be 1 light in each direction.

At September 1, 2009 at 7:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all aren't too bright are you. The state made the city change the road sure, but who are you to claim that if you got stuck behind a bus you could legally pass it as the road was? You most definitely had to cross the double yellow to pass it because a bus and a car don't fit in the space we had. So you all are just admitting to breaking the law. A suicide lane? Have you even driven outside the city of Painesville? They have center turning lanes all over the place and the head on collision you claim to be at risk are very very rare. About as rare as someone passing a bus by crossing the double yellow and causing an accident.
Regardless of how this turns out you all will still complain even if it is a success on some unprovable claim that it was better before the change.

At September 1, 2009 at 8:58 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:09 I feel the love.
7:33 I guess we're not to bright, so do you approve of the change to 3 lanes?

At September 1, 2009 at 9:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:48 pm you are wrong

not wide enough to be 4 lanes, look it up.

At September 1, 2009 at 9:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rt. 20 has been 4 lanes since i was a kid back in the late 40's now its not wide enough? Here's a crazy idea make it wide enoughh then.

At September 1, 2009 at 9:44 AM , Anonymous WaitingForAnAnswer said...

I have to correct something I said earlier, Route 20 is actually US Route 20, not State Route 20.

Trying to find official information on how many lanes it can support at its current width.

Still waiting for "Guess Who" to answer my questions. . .

At September 1, 2009 at 9:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the late 60's when the schools were providing driver's education, my instructor would take us driving on Rt.20 and tell us that it was 4 lanes, althought a tighter 4 lanes, and it was a good way to get used to driving next to another car. I've never had any trouble. I pass all the time and do not go over the yellow line. I was taught well. So am I stupid because I believed my teacher? You are stupid if you couldn't pass without going over the yellow line. Maybe you should give up your driver's license. We also learned to drive a standard car by going by vrooman road. Great drivers came about from that training.

At September 1, 2009 at 10:49 AM , Blogger Big John said...

Just getting up on the reading and not much has changed. Except maybe the players...JT

At September 1, 2009 at 11:57 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

JT glad to see your still with the living, please feel free to chime in anytime.
Waiting for an answer, do you really think anyone will come forward? Lets just say this person knows more then most of us and has watched some of the practices in town and just doesn't have faith in the City Manager. You can add me to that list. I'm not qualified to do the job but at least I admit to it.

At September 1, 2009 at 12:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey JT nice hearing from ya.


it was explained to me this way. route 20 is only two lanes but has 4 lines of travel. line of travel and lane are covered in the traffic law under- rules for driving in marked lanes. in this case 4511.33 (A) (1)


At September 1, 2009 at 1:26 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

maddog, Thanks for the e
explaination? route 20 is only two lanes but has four lines of travel? looked up 4511.33 still confused.
If to cars ar proceeding west and they sideswipe each other who gets the ticket the vehicle in the curb lane or the vehicle near the center of the road? Even if whichever vehicle gets into the others "line of travel"? Have you ever heard of someone being ticketed for driving two abreast in this area[not crossing the centerline] Not being a smarta#% but how is this viewed?

At September 1, 2009 at 1:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who made you King so you could critize the City Manager? You and your elk should be run out of town on a rail! The job may be alot harder than you know. You people are all armchair quarterbacks that couldn't get the lights to go on in the morning.

At September 1, 2009 at 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got hit when someone passed me on Rt 20 they got a ticket for illegal passing.

At September 2, 2009 at 3:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll answer that one . Look around you! Mentor has spent months interviewing its new city manager. Councilman Clair brought Ms. McMahon into meet council while Lester Nero still was the city manger. Think back people the fix was in , where is her resune? What qualifications did she have? She was hired so she would do the bidding of a few in this city. How was Mr. Nero informed ? A phone call, what a class act.

At September 2, 2009 at 5:53 AM , Anonymous WaitingForAnAnswer said...

Got a reply from ODOT re: Route 20, which I'll share:

"Thank you for contacting the Ohio Department of Transportation with your questions.

In regards to the re-striping of the road, the City of Painesville requested that the road be re-striped from the existing two lanes to a three lanes, with the center lane as a dedicated turning lane.

In regards to the width of the road, the road is correctly striped as a two lane road, but the public is driving the road as if it was a four lane road. The road is not wide enough to be striped as a four-lane road."

So that's the word from ODOT.

At September 2, 2009 at 7:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Thank-you for going to the source. The question is should the City of Painesville strip the road for 3-lanes or should they have gone back to ODOT and asked to make Rt.20 a TRUE 4-lane road. I'm not looking for a fight, all I'd like for you to tell me is the citys solution going to make travel better or worse on that stretch of road? Where was the input from the people of Painesville? Was cost a concern? How much more would have this added to Painesville share of the project?
I remember when this came up before council a councilman{I think Mr. Werener] s asked why don't we strip the road this spring for 3-lanes to see if it works? I guess that fell on deaf ears.

At September 2, 2009 at 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In front of the jail it is 3 lanes with a turning lane. Traffic moves fine and no accidents to speak of.

At September 2, 2009 at 8:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

paint's cheap

try it and see what happens before spending all that money. it can always go back to the way it is now.


At September 2, 2009 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with Painesville? No one is paying attention. Over the weekend I mentioned to some neighbors about Mentor Ave. going to three lanes. No clue, two didn't know the hospital was closing in a couple of months, all the rest thought an urgent care center was the same as an emergency room. One one knew about our poor rating in Cleveland Magazine. At least three have now checked out this site and are surprised with the information here. One now has a reason to not buy the paper since it went up. Information is important to all of us.

At September 2, 2009 at 9:54 AM , Blogger Big John said...

I think that in a short time you will find that the very short stretch of roadway will move along just fine with the three lanes. You will be able to get around the buses and stopped UPS drivers and before you know it, it will be a long lost memory. As it is now, I worry more about the guy that tries to drive 50 or 60 while others are trying to maintain the speed limit, or close to it. How many times have you been in the center lane and been squeezed out by a bigger veh. and almost pushed into oncoming traffic? Slower, yeah, safer, yeah...seems to speak for itself really. JT

At September 2, 2009 at 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised with the information here all the time also, especially how much of it is one sided or just plain wrong.

I'm referring to all posters, not Term. This is an anonymous internet site, if we really start encouraging painesville to get all their info here we are really in deep s***

I could post anything I make up here and someone would believe it as the truth.

At September 2, 2009 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

JT. You may not believe this but I hope your right. I just see all the traffic coming off of Rt.44 going down Fern Dr. Left on Rt. 20 and heading east. Traffic will be slower, but the patience with some drivers?
10:05 I believe this is just another source of information.Yes it gets one sided, but plain wrong? yes people make comments you don't agree with, put lets face it its mostly opinions. You should see some stuff that doesn't get up here.

At September 2, 2009 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Urgent Care Center, what ever happened about that?

At September 2, 2009 at 3:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 10:05 if you read this more often you would know Term does take the time to read the posts and he does not post alot of them you know this because they continue to send comments asking why Term did not post their comment. Anyone with half a brain would see this is for people to state what they think, Term never said he knows it all or he 100% correct. Were in deep S*** if its no longer ok to state what you think that is called free speech leave Term alone and the rest of the people on here if you dont like what you see on here then dont read it. Its that simple

At September 2, 2009 at 7:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:02 is so right. most people in town are to busy trying to make it thru the week there just isn't enough time to watch everything going on in town. I agree with an eariler post this town is here fot the people who run it, and work in it. Not for the people that live here. Someone explain the salaries of the manager and her assistant over $200,000 ? Fire Chief $84,000 a year and it goes on and on. Now look around is this money well spent?

At September 2, 2009 at 7:32 PM , Anonymous 9CARS IN THE DRIVEWAY NEXT DOOR said...

For the longest time I thought the city cuddled the illegal population in this town, at the same time I thought I was a very silent minority thinking that the system was being abused. This site has proven to me that there are more angry people in town over whats happening here in Painesville and I am finnished supporting people that have let this happen here in town. Time for new and honest leadership.
9 cars in the driveway next door

At September 3, 2009 at 4:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not leave route 20 as it currently is? It seems to work fine that way. I've never had any problems.

At September 3, 2009 at 4:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I have a question and I'm sincerely not trying to be a smarta$$, I really want to know. The "lots of cars in the driveway next door" or "too many cars parked at the house across the street" seems to be a hot button for a lot of people. Are these people noisy? Is that why it bothers you? Are there people in and out at all hours, loud music, carrying on, or is it simply the fact of "too many cars" that bothers you, because of what you think it means? I really am curious. There's a house near me that has LOTS of cars there all the time, but the people seem quiet and so I really don't care how many cars they have. It's so much easier on my own mind to just "live and let live" and if they are not disrupting my life, I have better things to do than count how many cars are in their driveway.

At September 3, 2009 at 4:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9 CARS your not alone. I am sure you live in the northend or near Lusard St. and have seen firsthand what Painesvilles policy? has done to your neighborhood. The people that live on Levan, Trailwood, Mentor Ave. or near Lincoln have no idea what your talking about, to them you are just some crazy racist that hates mexicans. No the city is in full force mode to replace sidewalks but if theres a home with 9 cars parked all over and 20 people living inside the building inspectors will ignore that house why? Maybe because they work here but don't live here and have so little regard for the investment you have made in your home and secretly wonder why you still live in Painesville and figure you must be stupid. I read alot here about the job the city manager has done and not done, but if it comes down to a vote in November I cannot vote fo any candidate that supports her. No hate just no trust.

At September 3, 2009 at 4:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:13 I have been told that it is violation of state law, and it either had to be widened or brought down to 3-lanes. Seems stange after all these years now with smaller vehicles we can no longer put two cars going in the same direction. As I mentioned to JT. I hope it works but the traffic flow between Walnut St. and Fern is alot more then alot of people think.
4:36 Well said, but your still going to be considered a racist, thats the only way they can answer you.

At September 3, 2009 at 5:47 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

I have seen the many many cars in my neighborhood too. Well, when they sleep in these car/vans and make a campground in the back yard, then that goes way beyond live and let live. 9 cars is one thing but how many people are in each car or van? How many people for how many (1?) bathrooms. I have seen the increase in traffic at all hours and the horns being blown at all hours because no one knocks on a door anymore. Now you add to this, the ones who don't have cars walking home drunk from the bars going to the wrong house and trying to get in. Could it be that the word is out that this or that house is a flop house where anyone can come and live.

Let's be honest here, anyone who has to put up with something like this has a right to complain. Race has nothing to do with this. These are residential areas that are zoned for single family or maybe a duplex home. Zoning laws are in place to protect the property owners. There are places for multi-family units and things like this don't belong in areas zoned single family. The same would go for someone running a business in a single family zoned area. Who want strangers coming and going at all hours of the day to a house or business right next door to their house. The landlords who permit this are basically in the business of running a cheap motel and raking in the rent/money. Tax free??????? Who knows.

I will repeat. Once a house has more than one family and or 10-20 unrelated people living in it, then that house is no longer a house. It is now a motel or flop house. You want that next to you? Look how upset the neighbors in the old State Street School are about the proposed extended living house in their neighborhood.

At September 3, 2009 at 6:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:20am, it is so much more than just too many cars. It is Painesville showing selective enforcement of codes. If there is a code that says no parking on front and side lawns, that should be enforced, and not just enforced against americans. It should be enforced for all. And it makes the neighborhood look like trash. And yes, for the most part, they are noisy and play their music at all hours, and don't watch their kids. We have 2 and 3 year olds riding big wheels down the street at midnight. Don't say "call the police". done that and nothing is done.

At September 3, 2009 at 6:46 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger 9cars, whats the answer does the city think there isn't a problem and you and some of the rest are making this up? Do they just not want to rock the boat? Your right on one count if this was happening on Levan it wouldn't be happening. Two weekends ago I ate dinner at the Depot when we left a little after 9:30 a small hispanic boy was riding his bike in the dusk by the parking lot I looked around and noticed no one supervising him. I asked him where he lived and he pointed down the street I told him it was dangerous playing here and walked him to his driveway. [still one one in site] To this day I wonder if I should have knocked on his door and found out if anyone was home or just called 911 and let them handle it.
I have been bothered since that night by my actions. Maybe I didn't want to rock the boat?

At September 3, 2009 at 7:19 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, I agree with you about the boy riding his bike late at night. I see it all over town. One thing you must be careful of is dealing with someone else's child. When we grew up, any parent in the neighborhood could and did watch all the children in the neighborhood. You did anything wrong you got yelled at then taken home and turned over to your parents who yelled some more. You can't do that today especially since you are a man. You are absolutely right when you say that when something like this happens, that there is no adults in sight. Where do these children live and why do they just run around the streets at all hours and play where ever they want. When I grew up, you only played in someone's yard if you knew them. The parents knew you and your parents, and where you lived and vice versa. Now, I've been told by stranger's kids who come in my own yard that I can't tell them what to do. Say to much to them and they run home and parents who call the police. Call the police yourself and you are told you are just a racist. To the above poster who says why worry who and how many people live in a house. This is just one reason.

Also, this lack of respect is by the children and the parents of all races. Want to be a neighbor then respect me and my property and I will do the same.

At September 3, 2009 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the city needs to hire an inspector for evenings and weekends. How many of you would be willing to pay for that? Face it, you can complain about a 'flop house' but if an inspector goes to check it out during the day and nobody is home and there are no cars there because everyone is at work, the City really can't do anything. I would think they need to actually SEE what you're complaining about, and chances are they won't, if they go during the day. I don't know what the answer is. Perhaps you should form some sort of Citizens Coalition to bring this out in the open and put some public pressure on the city. If you make it about uneven enforcement of occupancy laws and building codes, not about illegals, you might get more support? (I think a lot of folks are burned out on the "Mexican" thing)

At September 3, 2009 at 9:20 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

How about the present inspectors changing their hours a couple of days a week? Forgot OAPSE or some other union, would they be willing to do that?

At September 3, 2009 at 9:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you crazy? Thats my make money at the stable time. They only work here. remember.

At September 3, 2009 at 6:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make a valid point who do these people work for anyway?

At September 3, 2009 at 7:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the long term residents. The ones who have lived here say 30 years or more. Has the issue of multiple families living in the same house always been a problem. If so, what was done in the past? If not, when did it start?

How about the number of rentals? Has it always been this high? Just wondering.

At September 3, 2009 at 9:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They might catch the ice cream guy with his little cart he pushes up and down the streets, or the Ice cream trucks that sell in Painesville after the building dept closes, or the Yard sales that seem to never end, how about all of the yard sale signs on every pole, or the nursey stock for sale in front yards, and the cars in front yards, it goes on and on and on.

At September 4, 2009 at 4:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading some of the comments here and listening to residents at the city council meetings,if you can hear them. The building department and the people that run it and work there are inept. Maybe its time for a city house cleaning? I am sure there was something going on with the lawnmowing contract and there is a very selective violation program plus it seems the people working there act like the gestapo who do they work for? Well people running for council is there a problem?
Maybe the guy at Steele Mansion is just fedup.
Mr. Rellik

At September 4, 2009 at 6:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a car that goes around selling ice cream out of his trunk. And the cart guy. These people do not have permits. They keep selling so I assume they aren't getting cited.


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