Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Why all the what? things have turned around?
Nothing has turned around, it just has a prettier setting. I don't buy alot of this stuff thats all. 50% grading policy, ESL, prizes for attendance? All this feel good stuff but no positive results. Now comes the Professional Education Community? Whatever there calling it. 98 systems were ranked in Northeastern Ohio we were 91. A slight improvement over last year in performance index 08'81.8 now 82.2. Graduation 74.7% Fairports 90.2% and the system that Dr. Hanlons children go to 100%. I've read Kevin Connors article, sorry it didn't impress me. I feel this is just another easy way out that we have become accustomed to in Painesville. Please don't congratulate the terrible showing in the Plain Dealer article

First off I have alot of respect for all the members of the school board, but I could not understand any of their reasoning for kicking Hobart, Huntington, Lathrop school names to the curb. Some members of the community wanted those names kept and and Marshall added. The total disreguard and calius attitude to these request surprised me. Why? After all the hubbab about tradition of T.W. Harvey High School. What about the other traditions with the other names. The members of the board ignored the naming requests. As a Painesville resident I felt ashamed about the way they treated Mr. Hobart. They should have known to show more respect and class.


At August 26, 2009 at 6:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 50% policy? Cheating made legal. If you were so happy about it why not inform the whole community when you passed it. Lets hope alot of rich people with stupid kids buy the townhouses on the hospital site.

At August 26, 2009 at 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The schools treated Mr. Hobart as if it didn't mean anything to name a school after him. I also sense a backlash when the schools come calling. In 20 years will there be a Hanlon Middle School?

At August 27, 2009 at 4:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The school board didn't want to upset the hispanic community with English names for buildings. Thats why they kept it bland. Bland pretty good description of the school system and the people that run it.
What about a candidate meet the school board event?

At August 27, 2009 at 5:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No it will be Padro Middle School

At August 27, 2009 at 7:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, it will be Pacheco Middle School and anyone protesting against that name would be called a racist!

At August 27, 2009 at 8:57 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

O.K. I'll bite, who is Pacheco and what have they done to make the United States/Painesville a better place to live?
To some of the others, why don't you make your concerns to the people running the schools? One person said they don't want the administration, teachers taking it out on their children? Do you really think they would?

At August 27, 2009 at 9:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You of anyone should know the answer to this question. How many sidewalk blocks did you and your neighbors replace? Done painting yet? Your darn right they will take it out on your kids, thats how Painesville works. No other city in North America worrys about sidewalks the way we do, Now along with the properties you mentioned take a look at the sidewalks on Levan why are these not fixed? Law Director and City Manager don't want to put there neighbors out but yours thats a different story.
If your smart you will keep your thoughts about education in town to yourself.

At August 27, 2009 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Kevin Connors way of thinking is all wrong, life isn't like that.

At August 27, 2009 at 9:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, I do
been there, done that and paid a heavy price.

anyone speaking out against this school system with children should be cautioned.

At August 27, 2009 at 10:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pacheco is a local Painesville man who started the influx of illegals into the area. There was a story on him a few years back. He proudly takes credit for this.

At August 27, 2009 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the administration and school board do any of these people have children presently in the Painesville system?
Chestnut Mom

At August 27, 2009 at 11:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was the reasoning behind keeping the Harvey name and not the Hobart name?

At August 27, 2009 at 11:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's happening Painesville? September 15/16?

At August 27, 2009 at 1:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know. What is happening on September 15 and 16?

At August 27, 2009 at 1:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that is the weekend of the "Jose Pacheco Festival" On the square.

At August 27, 2009 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great! Another event where they don't have to get a permit and we can't use the park!

At August 27, 2009 at 7:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's to the next American Revolution!

At August 28, 2009 at 2:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, 6:30pm, who do you refer to as "they". Does it matter to you if "they" are US citizens or is the "they" just Hispanics in general?

At August 28, 2009 at 5:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:25am, it doesn't matter if illegal or legal, whichever don't need to get permits like we (legal americans) do.

At August 28, 2009 at 6:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great! Another event where they don't have to get a permit and we can't use the park!

You are incorrect sir. But still obvious in your hate for the city government along with your not so subtle hate for hispanics.

At August 28, 2009 at 6:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I believe because of the liability that the city would inccur that insurance, and permits would be the same as for say "Party in the Park."
There is also costs like clean-up ect. lets not assume people are getting something for nothing unless you have proof.

At August 28, 2009 at 7:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Steele Mansion owner was put on probation for all the violations and was suppose to give weekly updates. He failed to do so and two weeks ago a warrent was issued for his arrest then recalled and now there is hearing in September for probation violations. I dont think that place is ever going to get fixed. But since someone was asking there is an update it all on Painesville Muni Court docket just put in his name.

At August 28, 2009 at 7:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check. If the city is honest, no permit was obtained by them for their big march from St. Mary's to the square. NO PERMIT! The the gazebo was used. The sidewalks and the streets were blocked with the march and demonstration, but that was OK with the city. When others have obtained permits, Homyak is there watching every move and making them get off the sidewalk. Tell me there's not descrimination!

At August 28, 2009 at 7:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those whose are educators and are friends of a friend who knows an educator and have offered their opinion on the 50% rule, ask this question “what is the socio-economic status of their communities”. Is nearly half of their community made up rental properties and/or have a number of subsidized housing projects? What is the average household income and how many families receive public assistance, i.e. housing, food stamps, etc. Do one or both parents work? What does the family structure consist of, single parent, married, unmarried with mom’s drug dealing boyfriend living there? For those of you who used Riverside..Mentor..Willoughby, whomever as examples to support your argument “these schools don’t have such policies”, take the time to compare our community to theirs.

The bottom line is simply that a lot of these children see no need to excel in life cause of whom and what their surrounded by. Some parents who may not have graduated for one reason or another and see no importance in their child’s education or simply just don’t care. I’ve seen children over the years simply just give up very early in their life cause of their difficulties in school, they feel like losers cause of their environment and when they fail school, it is the final in the coffin that usually drives them into another trade..crime.

Are their children that will take advantage of the 50% rule and these “feel good” programs that are being criticized? Absolutely, but how many of us know individuals that were laid off and milked the unemployment system or workman’s compensation system? We do it to survive. While there will be kids, as well as adults, who take advantage of these different programs, the crux of these children and adults will use these programs as an opportunity to succeed in a difficult time in their life. Other children who are motivated to succeed will not be effected because just attaining the bare minimum is not who they are, they want to succeed and be at the top of their class.

I remember years ago being at my high school graduation ceremony and seeing a number of special needs children walking across the stage and receiving their diplomas. I thought at the time “there is no way those kids did what I had to do in class to graduate”. Fast forward several decades and I think back, how ignorant my remarks were and the importance of developing and tailoring such programs to meet the different needs and requirements of our youth today. And as an educator who doesn’t believe in such programs, how do you tell a child who has a horrible home life with no role models to look up to and push them to succeed, “sorry..there is nothing we can do for you”.

While there are children who have risen from bad families and bad neighborhoods to become great, they are more of the exception than the norm cause of a variety of reason. I would venture to say it was most likely in part due to a significant person in their life, i.e. a teacher or coach, who believed in them and pushed them to excel in life. How might I know that..cause I was one of those forgotten kids..


At August 28, 2009 at 9:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you make some valid points, it does not negate the fact that my child's education is being deprived. Being forced to be in class with non speaking students and the teacher has to teach down to them is not giving my child the level of teaching he deserves and I pay for. There have been AP classes held before school hours because there wasn't enough time in the school day because of all the non-english classes. Make them take their classes before school. I don't know what the whole solution would be, but it is certainly not to take education away from one group to cater to another. Oh, that's redistribution. I get it!

At August 28, 2009 at 10:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Reality,

I see it from a different point and yet you and I if we talk would have alot in common with our childhood. You were a forgotten kid and the only way you excelled was because someone beleived in you? Well I grew-up with parents whose main thougth in life was what would benefit them and never what was best for their kids. I can honestly say no teacher or adult was a role model. I decided early in life that the only person that was going to get me there was ME! I had learning disbilities nothing major just transposing words and letters makes reading hard, but I ovecame that. Your comment about programs and the need for them I disagree. I worked my but off in grade school to get into private high school from there I worked my way through coledge got my 4ry degree and now have a good job. I thank myself everyday. Yes Reality there were many people showing me an easier way and yes it would been so easy to take it, but I new what I wanted in life and so took the correct path in life. By doing that I now have good job, nice house, nice car and a great spouse. I have all of this because I did it not someone else nor did I do it because someone helped me along the way. These programs are just a crutch and yet another excuse as to why little Billy or Suzy act the way they do. They allow people to play the victim which you engrained in childhood and then follows them through adulthood setting them up for failure, how do I know this I'm in charge of 20 somethings that cant deal with everyday tasks or if you mess-up you pay the price, i.e. you dont do the work your hired for, yes you will be fired. My childhood sucked I was beaten by drunk father who was never there. Mother was drepessed more often then not and never really stepped up to raise her kids and yet here I stand a productive hardworking adult. Without the help of programs to make me feel good about myself I did that on my own. You make a choice in life to do right or do wrong. I picked right and many pick wrong because its just easier. That is the reality. You just proved my point you were victim and thank god for all the programs or where would you be? Instead of giving yourself credit for being were you are in life you gave it away to the teacher or mentor really reality grow-up.

At August 28, 2009 at 11:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:11 Question is are you a teacher, or social worker? Just teach we have trained professionals to do the rest.

At August 28, 2009 at 12:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you dont think this stuff does not happens in well to do school districts you are wrong. Take Solon for example. They have done away with career day and other things to deal with all the kids they have on "special programs" Solon has so many people moving in from the inner city that when they come the kids are very unprepaird, they way the deal with them is those kids are put into a "special program" and are not graded like the rest so the test scores dont go down. So even one of best schools is doing the 50% they just use a different name.

At August 28, 2009 at 12:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too anonymous at 10:40am, unfortunately I disagree about assessment about an "easier way". The 50% rule merely allows some students who are having difficulties with the opportunity to try and keep them motivated to stay in school and graduate. The bottom line is that they still have to attain a passing grade to move forward in school and subsequently graduate. The problem with your "20 somethings" is not the school system, its poor parenting skills and spoiled kids who feel everything in life is owed to them. And btw, I wasn't a "victim" of anything other than bad parenting and a school system gave up on me and wanted me out.

And for you and Anonymous at 11:05a, sorry I'm neither a teacher or a social worker, I'm a cop looking forward to retirement, who has seen the results of children who have been given up yes, I am a professional and you need to grow up and see life for what it is.

At August 28, 2009 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reality, these programs allow those kids to start early in life to place the blame on everyone but them. Bottom line you did not let the people who you were telling "no" to stop you just proved my point. Every child be they rich or poor make choices and the truth is some people will take the easy way and say my parents werer not there the schools gave-up on me ect and then say I committed a crime but dont blame me it was my parents fault or the schools fault no one cared about me. Btw Reality you just proved my point your placing blame on the school system that wanted you out and thank god for the one person who beleived in you, but look you work in law enforment and you did right and yet if you had not and choose a life in crime I bet anything you would be saying it was the school that gave-up on me or my absent parent. The issue with the 20somethings is this school for them was all feel good everyone is a "winner" which really is cruel to teach because in life you dont always win and sometimes you have to pick yourself up after you fail and start over, but because of these programs they dont learn it. Here is great example my 6yr old failed her spelling test instead of getting do better you failed, she got a smileyface on her paper and was told you tried. My response to that was I pulled her from public schools put her private and now when she fails or does not do her best she knows it and knows she has to do better that I expect it and so does her teacher, but what did she tell me when she failed "it's ok Mommy I tried" and that my friend is what is being taught in a school and yes I get that not everyone can do what I did. this is my point reality there are kids in the worse conditions with nothing or anyone to care and yet they make and if they can make so can anyone else think about you make a choice to take the long road instead of the easy one, but many people pick the easy and dont care what the fall out will be. Simple that cant do the work then they dont pass

At August 28, 2009 at 3:52 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

50% policy???

I agree with

"The problem with your "20 somethings" is not the school system, its poor parenting skills and spoiled kids who feel everything in life is owed to them."

Poor parenting skills-- what happened to these,

Teaching right from wrong, if you want respect then you must show respect, anything of true value must be earned not given, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, you are responsible for your own actions. No one owes you anything, you must earn it through hard work.

By promoting this policy we are just creating another generation of spoiled kids who think they will be entitled to more and more.

At August 28, 2009 at 4:15 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

there are so many things to agree and disagree with in these posts.
For those who pulled themselves up above all odds, BRAVO and never look back. Break the cycle and teach your kids the good "stuff".

I listen to the arguments about kids, teachers, administration and lack of families...... YES, to all these contributing factors.

What is the solution to fix some of these problems.

Maybe a mentoring program at school? Maybe one on one with kids through tutoring? Do we have enough people in town to get a program together?

Parents are NOT welcomed at the high school. Yes, you were invited for teacher on consultations on the appointed night. Beyond that it just did not exist. Mrs LaBounty was the only teacher who called me a couple times a year to go on field trips or come to class and help out.
Don't tell there are kids at the high school who could not benefit for tutoring or mentoring from a
responsible adult.
You can make difference in somebody's life but we need to have a door open.

What should we a community do to solve some of these problems.


At August 28, 2009 at 5:32 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Reading all these comments with alot of agreement from people who usually don't agree on if the sun comes up in the east or west. Begs to ask the question does this policy help the student or lets the school system slide? I ask because are you taking attendance[homeroom]at the end of third period to get the kids counted or to assure state funding for that day? One thing for sure no one should be happy with the results so far.

At August 28, 2009 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

A lot can be said about not destroying a students self esteem. Failing and giving up can be a terrible result. But, giving credit where it isn't earned doesn't help the student to learn anything or truly get ahead in this world. Positive reinforcement or encouragement can go a long way without rewarding lack of effort.

New schools and good teachers are not a substitute for lack of effort by any student. This is a 24 hour battle for all involved.

At August 29, 2009 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mad Potty,
You are off of your rocker, I and a lot of parents helped out at the High School evey year, even when your girls were there, many teachers would be in contact with parents, not just one, you know it might have had something to do with you or your kids why you were not wanted there to much ?

At August 29, 2009 at 9:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a parent would you want to know your child is missing from school at 8:15 or at 11:00a.m. Who and what reason are we doing attendace for?

At August 29, 2009 at 9:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think 8:36am is right, easier to ignore some people than try to work with them, even if they are volunteers.

At August 29, 2009 at 10:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone asked if anyone on the board or administration had children in the Painesville schools? I can't find any administrator, or board member that does. Sean Seibert did but he resigned because he moved out of the city. Term you mentioned tradition such as the Hobart Middle School how many of these same people even attended Painesville Schools? The "Sham" Mary Hada brought forth over the naming the schools turned my stomach, where is her head? The phone questions were rigged even the caller told me [from Iowa} they didn't make sense.

At August 29, 2009 at 10:34 AM , Blogger Rachael M. said...

Dear Anonymous and everyone else on this blog,

Hi, i'm Abby Miller and I am Madd Potters daughter.

This is a blog and you are adults. It saddens me that no one can take a joke about a stab at the 50% policy or a about the school system. You are adults and to take such offense to silly words is appalling and embarrassing. I have witnessed vast immaturity and unbridled hostility dripping with sarcasm from everyone, including the miller family. This is deplorable behavior; we live in a community together, we are not enimies here. Yes we may disagree on some issues, but who doesn't, we are humans. This blog was founded on the principles of change for the better and getting more opinions as to how to solve our problems, not for mudslinging and immature insults.

This is the last post i will make for i see no point in bitching on this blog and not getting anything done about it so i will lay out all my opinions on the table. As far as my experience goes for Thomas W. Harvey high school, i had amazing teachers such as Mr.Menosky, Ms.Bergmann, Todd Hartmann (he may not be a teacher now but he is one of the reasons that i am an education major today) and Mr.Grippi. As well as coaches like Mr.McGruder and Mr.Scullin who would literally drop everything to help a student succeed in their schoolwork as well on the court or the field. These teachers took no crap and demanded excellence from us. I'm afraid to say that's where my great experience stopped. I was faced with underfunded schools, overcrowded classrooms, and unenthused teachers who lacked passion for their job.

As to the anonymous post right before mine(8:36), i'm sorry but I was involved in many extra curricular activities and the only parent, notice not plural, was christopher bowlers mother and her army of children, she pulled our fat out of many fires! Other than that though, i never saw any parents, and maybe that was just because i wasn't looking hard enough. You are not offering any solution to any of the problems besides removing my family from the school systems, well you got your wish, my sister helps third would countries prosper and i am attending a 4 year university. I feel sorry that you can't open your mind to new ideas and look for solutions to our problems but chose my family as a scapegoat for your anger and hostility. I hope you become more educated in the future for the sake of our community.

Harvey did however teach me many life lessons which i have applied in college many times, diversity, patience, and picking my battles to fight were all achieved through my 4 years at Harvey High School. I am glad they're getting new schools, maybe we will have a new found interest in what education really is. I apologize for the long post, but this needed to be said i feel. Thank you to all who read this and i truly hope you take these thoughts into consideration before lashing out.

I can't speak from a parents prospective for i have no children of my own. I encourage you all to work together to find solutions to our problems, like i said before, we are a community and it is pointless fighting. My last year at Harvey felt like i was in a war, no one should feel like that. Please find new, creative ideas to help the youngest members of our community prosper. i will be voting my absentee ballot for the school board election and i encourage everyone to become educated voters because believe it or not, this election makes a difference.

At August 29, 2009 at 11:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

^It seems things have really changed in Painesville! The daughter of Russell Hobart, superintendent of schools after which Walnut Jr.High was renamed, was in my class back in the 60's all the way through Harvey...

At August 29, 2009 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Thanks Abby it means so much more when we let people know who you are and where you stand. Thamks again. We need your posts.

At August 29, 2009 at 12:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes things have changed, and not for the better. As long as we have the same thinking in the schools with the same ideas. Painesville is doomed to stay in the bottom 10% in the area. Take it from a parent the sooner I can pull a "Hanlon" I'm out of here.
Those names were good names and should have been used on all the buildings. Harvey's still Harvey Morley still Morley, but we want to take a different direction?
Mr. Hobart was a wonderful person and to have the board treat him and his legacy so poorly, sorry I'm ashamed also,I'm truly sorry Mr. Hobart.

At August 30, 2009 at 7:26 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

One question for members of the school board, teachers and parents.

Would you use a 50% policy when teaching your own children right from wrong, respect for others, doing household chores, or anything else that transforms them from a young child to a responsible adult???

I for one would never reward lack of effort from my children.

At August 30, 2009 at 9:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sundays News Herald editorial, all the great schools in the surrounding communities, Mentor, Perry, Riverside,Kirtland,Fairport funny no mention of Painesville City Schools? I guess if you can't print anything good don't print anything at all. Congratulation Painesvville time for another pat on the back.
Mary Poppins

At August 30, 2009 at 11:02 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry Mary Poppins Painesville was mentioned along with Euclid and Richmond Heights as "Continuous Improvement Status" which is respectable though better results are needed. Another pat on the back?


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