Still waiting for stimulus
Shovel-ready projects need funds to get moving.
All these Billions of Dollars have ANY arrived in Painesville? Lake County?
Congressman LaTourette's wish list on page A6 of todays News-Herald 08/17/09
Is that man living in todays world?
$500,000 to Lake Metroparks? your kidding
$100,000 Geauga Park District
Will someone explain how a Highway Bill gives 8 million dollars for trails?
Whats with all the cash for trails? Maybe Steve knows alot of us will be walking?
Don't get me wrong theres some good things in that wish list, but I thought we were in a recession?
Recession 2009
One of my friends told me he had lost half of his assets
But still had his wife?
And some of you only worry about President Obama?
Congressman LaTourette promised when he first ran he would only run for so many terms. That has come and gone and he is still there. He ran as outsider, well now its clear he is one of "them"
Why so much money for a trail it was some kind of promise for support. You dont like what he doing then vote him after all he needs to win in order to do this stuff. Not happy next time vote for someone else end of story.
What happened?
The Bush administration began by inheriting a budget surplus. After its budget-crushing $1.5 trillion-dollar tax cuts for the rich, it ended behind closed doors with Congress, demanding a trillion dollars in corporate welfare bailout money and threatening riots in the streets and the imposition of martial law WITHIN DAYS.
In between, the Bush administration started an unprovoked war, doubled the national debt, spied on the American people, let New Orleans drown and turned the United States into a nation of torturers. We will be SEVERAL DECADES correcting the mess Bush and the Republicans created. IF IT'S EVEN POSSIBLE TO CORRECT IT.
One of my friends told me he had lost half of his assets...
Did he vote for George Bush?
Sorry People, all I wanted to know was why so much money for trails?
Now we will get to hear about torturers,Socialists, death squads for old people, and why one group is so superior then another.
And before anyone says it ,yes I should have known better!
Nice going, I thought it might be a good time for you to start a race war on the blog. too
To Term and first two posters.
Bush had a record deficit in 2008 of about $580 billion. A record for it's time.
Obama's deficit since taking office is $1.27 trillion.
How are things going so far.
The first hurricane of the season is coming, is it hurricane Obama?? Presidents don't create hurricanes.
The last Democratic President carried out and affair in the oval office. Edwards who ran for president in primary had a child out of wedlock when his wife had cancer. Many things happen in everyone's personal lives, Democrats and Republican are both guilty. What's the thing about the first stone.......
White House had flag@WhiteHouse.gov to turn in people or sites that said something wrong about health care.
White House wants to add tracking cookies to web sites to track peoples surfing and emails.
War, while I agree that it should be a last resort, is sometimes necessary. Obama has only increased forces in Afganistan and kept a status quo in Iraq.
Term, How many divorces have you had?? Loose half your money????? Does that mean you have to give up this blog?
Project " Requests" Submitted by Congressman LaTourette for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2010 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill
The 8 million dollars are for many projects not just the trails which by the way is for the purchase of new park lands. Our schools won't attract people maybe a park or two might. In these times it might be thought about again but it is not just for trails as you state. Only part of a 8 million dollar proposal.
Title: Lake Metroparks/Mill Creek Corridor Preservation
Address: Lake Metroparks, 11211 Spear Road, Concord Township, Ohio 44077
Amount: $500,000
Purpose: Funding would be used to assist Lake County with the continuation of its Open Space Plan with the purchase of a portion of Camp Stigwandish. The addition of this land into the public domain would allow for greater public access to open space. Land preservation enhances local communities and improves the quality of life for their residents.
Title: Geauga Park District/Geauga County Greenway Connector
Address: Geauga Park District, 9160 Robinson Road, Chardon, Ohio 44024
Amount: $500,000
Purpose: Economic development funding would assist the Geauga Park District in purchasing a 200-acre tract of land in Munson Township which would connect two preserves the park district already owns and complete an 835-acre greenway corridor. Additionally the preservation of the property would also protect water quality within Beaver Creek. Land preservation and watershed protection enhance local communities and improve the quality of life for their residents.
The $100,000 you talk about is for Hiram College not Geauga Parks. Just a study like Painesville does all the time. Not sure I agree with this one in these times.
Title: Engineering Feasibility Study of Bike/Hike Connector
Address: Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio 44234
Amount: $100,000
Purpose: Funds will be used to study the feasibility of turning an abandoned rail line into a bike/hike path that will connect the campus with the college’s James H. Barrow Field Station, a renowned, 400-acre biology and environmental studies lab. The path would be used by students and also be available to the public, and the college intends to work with the village, township and Portage County Parks Commission.
Complete list here
Have better ideas or disagree then call his office.
Badger, We don't need anymore trails and parks right now, people need jobs!
I don't know why your so touchy.
Personally we have enough open space in Lake County and Lake Metroparks is already over funded.
this is all a waste of money to me righr now. You propcse projects like this when your running a surplus and have unemployment. below 5%.
How much stimulus, in these projects?
I didn't propose these projects. Now I will admit I haven't found out whether these funds come from the stimulus package or maybe funds that must be used or lost. I need to look into this further. Yes we need jobs and the clunker program helps some car dealers here in Lake County but not many cars made here. We need to promote businesses here to create more jobs. We need to help bring money to our county not discourage it.
Why is Badger touchy? Give me a break. A lot of baseless accusations were thrown and he just replied. Talk about Bush spying on the American people. What a laugh. He wanted to tap the phones of terrorists. Look what Obama is doing. He is encouraging neighbor to snitch on neighbor and send the White House any emails that are against his policies. But anonymous whiner thinks that's ok. Well, I know my email must have been submitted to the White House many times. I'm proud to be fighting Obama's social policies.
Hate to admit it Badger, can't believe I'm saying this. I agree with Term. Although it leaves a funny taste in my mouth trails and parks will not bring the economy back. Jobs, investments, lower taxes the government could start a wind farm out on the lake. Create things thats the answer. Build another prison anything but trails.
I've lost my money the old fashion way, my ex-spouse.
Lets see so if each of us points a finger that will solve anything? I dont like Obama but he is the president and I have deal with it. What would be a good use for the money anyone. If you dont like the bank mess well you have Mr. Clinton to thank for that he is the one that urged banks to lower the standard so everyone can have the American dream, and when Bush tried to pull the plug nope cant do that. Point people if you dont like something than change something you have the power too end of story. Again donate time crime on painesville street children running crazy how about mentoring them just a thougth. It only take one person to effect change think about it. Stop moaning about this and that. So can I ask what is wrong with a trail?-
Nothing is wrong with a trail, it like don't take a vacation to Vegas and not pay the house payment. right now this country has so many more pressing issues then a trail. Hope you understand.
Bringing up a certain cigar serves little purpose here. Whether a person has or has not had a divorce or two doesn't help either. Since more than half the marriages in this country end in divorce does that make most people in the US bad people. In most cases, this has little bearing on a person's job performance. This only matters if there is say nepotism, fraud, or maybe public funds spent for personal reasons.
Discussing issues or debating issues is one thing but I hope this blog can leave someone's personal life out of it or this site will just be another smut rag.
I apologize to Term about my bringing his personal life into my post. I think the issues are what we need to talk about and not the other. I offered the opposing statements as a way of showing what a waste of time and that little is gained by doing so.
Am I touchy for offering a rebuttal to an attack on one party and one representative??? Since all these issues affect us all, let's stop looking for one party or one person to blame and look for solutions. As you have pointed out Term, If we must blame someone just look in the mirror every morning.
Term, I know you and a few others go to almost every city council meeting. You are reasonably well informed at that level. How about the state and federal levels???? We need to get more people involved at all levels if we truly want to make things better. Important decisions need to be made and we need to make sure we take the time to look at all sides of the bills put before congress. We complain that the CM or council only looks at one proposal or idea for the things they vote on so why let our representatives force these bills through congress as fast as they can. Taking time to consider all sides might be the better solution. All of our elected officials must be made to realize it's time they vote for what's best for all of us.
As a side note, I think if you do a little research, you will find that the congressman who did a lot to bring about Clinton's balanced budget is from Ohio and will be running for office in 2010. Congress balances the budget, not the President, he only gets credit, good or bad.
Again, if you read the actual proposals, the only trail I see is for Hiram College and that is just a Feasibility Study. I too take issue with that as I stated already. The other is to purchase park land and not a trail.
Funds will also be used to replace a badly deteriorated 4-lane bridge, ferry crossing to Canada, Cleveland Institute of Art’s new campus facility, new road near CSU, Hiram Village Structural Repairs, widen and realign Park Avenue at the busy intersection of Wilson Mills Road and make necessary grade and drainage improvements along 4,300 feet of park property near an existing trail.
Now all of these WILL bring jobs to Northeast Ohio.
The ONLY trail mentioned is in the Feasibility Study. I too disagree with this proposal. So Terms statement and or the paper's article is very misleading.
So of the $8 million proposed spending, the $100,000 for the Feasibility Study is the only thing not really creating jobs. The money for the purchase of land is open for discussion. If we lose the money if we don't take it then I'm all for the purchase of the land.
Well Painesville just got a new road to a nature reserve and a compost pile. Well at least if you live on the East side of the city you can use it. Does very little for the West side of Painesville though.
Term, I'll have to side with Badger on most of this. You make it sound as if Steve LaTourette wants $8 million for only trails.
Very misleading. I see a lot of construction projects in his list. I too wonder about buying park land but no where do I see anything about building any more trails. So just what are you talking about.
I am tired of fighting about this party or that party. Do Democrats screw things up sure,so do the Republicans. I'm seeing things from both partys that make me sick. If it was a Democrat wanting one dime for a park or trail in these economic times I would be blowing my stack. Trouble is a friend explained it the best "Same Circus different Clowns." If you think some partys looking out for you you keep following that dream.
Withyou Term, I'm so tired about hearing about this person telling lies about that person. I think most Americans are fedup.The only thing we can agree on is that we can't agree on anything. Politics has become a sporting event where your side must win at any cost.The people critized Bush now Obama its my turn now, as the country goes down the drain thank-you loyal Democrats and Republicans. keep watching FOX and MSNBC there the only ones that need you. What some people will put on T.V. to sell toliet paper.
Term, You started this by picking on the party that just happens to not be yours. I would suggest you refrain from starting the fight in the first place. Maybe you should give straight facts and not try to mislead people to get them all fired up and then get surprised by their reaction. I read the article and it is a only a wish list. We never get everything we ask for so why act like this is a done deal.
Don't agree with the list then call his office and say so. That's how politics work. Badger said stop looking for someone to blame and get involved. So if you or anyone else disagrees about the study for trails or the park land purchase, then call his office and say so. That is the productive way to voice your opinion. Just my 2 cents
I'll leave this conversation to all of you. You want more parks and trails. Fine, thats whats going to turn this ship around O.K. I will e-mail the Congressman's office to let him know his district has higher priorities then Parks and Trails.
The poster above seems to be what most people are thinking, their fedup. There tired of the fighting and nothing getting done no matter who's in charge.
Term quit argueing with these people they are nuts. First off Badger shows his true colors when his boy wants to pass some questionable funding for parks and trails. believe me if LaTourette had a [D] behind his name he would be screaming from the highest mountain, Parks and trails I can't find that mentioned in the Constitution! What amendment is that,redirection of wealth on and on. Badger is a hypocrite that plays for a team, right or wrong his team must win.
Stop trying to get along its their way or the highway. Yes Badger I said HYPOCRITE go play with your team now.
No matter what the amount Hiram College is a Private school. Why fund a trail there? Badger if your going to follow the rules please follow them all the time. My guess is your some union government employee that sucks the system dry and complains about everyone else? How many time have you been married? ever cheat on your wife?
Badger is the only poster that seems to have common sense and can see both political sides for what they are. Anonymous 9:22am, you are one who will scream about anything that someone with an R by their name accomplishes. Anything a D does is fine. By the way, how many times have YOU been married, or have YOU cheated on your wife. Goes both ways dude.
Trail Trail Trail Trail Trail
I have always said I'm against the Trail feasibility study. Please read what I say before you jump to any conclusions. The Park land purchase, I want to find out where that money is coming from. I would hate to lose any money to someone else just because it must be used for a park. I admit I don't know enough about this part.
Do I support LaTourette for trying to bring money to Northeast Ohio for the rest of the proposals. YES I DO. That's his job, isn't it? At least he is doing something for the area. Got better ideas then call his office and let him know what they are. I don't care what party he belongs to as long as he works for us.
What's the constitution have to do with the stimulus package? Nothing same as the parks or trails you speak of. I repeat as I said from the beginning, I am also against the feasibility study to see if Hiram needs any trails. I need to know more about the purchase of the park land. Everything else on his list will help bring jobs to the area and improve our infrastructure.
The park land is 6.25% and the feasibility study is 1.25% of the $8 million he wants to bring to the area. Tell him you want these removed. That still leaves 92.5% of $8 million or $7.4 million he seeks to help the economy. I can't see where that makes me a hypocrite. Just looking for a little positive, just like you did Term a few topics back. That make me wrong?
Badger, do your figures over your way off. plus this money is not stimulus money, This is what you call earmark money. Yes I want my Congressman to bring money to the district, but how many times will you or I use that camp or the trails?
Do you people know that these are only proposals?
Nothing has been approved or spent yet.
lets show this President we know our rights. Having a meeting about healthcare, hey I think I'll bring my assault weapon, Ihave rights you know. Guns at President events usually don't turn out well. Ask Lincoln, Garfield, Kennedy, even Reagan. These people look foolish, and what is this intimidation? All your doing is hurting your own cause please keep it up. anyone have a tank.
On your way home please get stopped by a police officer I'm sure he will understand.
anonymous 5:05am, you are totally missing the point of the weapons being carried at the rallies. And they are not breaking any laws. The states where this has been done has an open carry policy. So does Ohio. I personally wouldn't carry my gun to a rally, but I applaud those that are willing to put themselves out there to preserve the 2nd amendment which Obama so desperately wants to take away from us. Tank? I wish I did have a tank. With fully loaded weaponry. I believe I will be needing it in the near future if the direction of this country doesn't change.
I could use one on these latinos in my area.
If the country doesn't change or you don't like the change?
No their not breaking laws they just look plain stupid. Its intimidation to try to get their way. The Democrats don't need the GOP and will pass this without them. Then no matter what happens I want to watch you and your buddys take it back. Healthcare debate, I'll bring my gun. Take it with you when you end up shooting yourself and end up at the hospital. Debate is good but I will not stand for intimidation. from anyone.
Drop this healthcare debate or maybe I'll drop you? Thats what I see when they parade with there guns at these events.
you don't listen to any debate, so don't just say it is intimidation. It is your way or no way. If this health care system was so great the congressmen would want on it, and they don't! They just want it for you and me. Unless you are a government employee and won't be on it either. mmmmmm. Interesting. That could be why you think it is so good for me. And yes, the Democrats don't need any help from the Republicans in taking this country down. They are doing a damn good job of that!
There can't be a debate about healthcare with all of you screaming and yelling. I have a feeling it's going to pass for the simple reason you bring a gun to try and make a point, well now I'm going to make a point and show you. election or no election. Can you imagine if protesters of the Iraq War would have gone to a Bush rally with assualt weapons, and Bush would have backed down. Your making the President play all his cards.
At the rate the GOP is going within 10 years it will be a small minority party that will only be able to talk about the good old days. Thats what your real worry is.
When you win elections you can invade countrys that you think might be behind something. When we win we give healthcare to all Americans.
For starters there is not even a bill drawn up to pass yet.
there is nothing on paper by the House or the Senate. So put your guns back in their holsters and wait until there is something to get fired up about.
For some bloggers on this site I can only believe you have never been through the health care system or had a loved one go through the system. It is pretty out of touch with any American who desperately needs care. $50 for an aspirin is nuts!
How long was the time given to read the stimulus package. How many times have they said we need to get the healthcare bill passed as soon as possible. These are very important decisions that effect all of us.
I have one question. Why did they take six months to make sure they picked out the right dog only to have it snap at reporters.
"Ask Lincoln, Garfield, Kennedy, even Reagan" and you should include Ford in this group. Let's see, all of these are Republican presidents except Kennedy and his have been said to be done secretly by His CIA and maybe even the Mafia.
Seems like Republican presidents have more to fear than Democratic ones. Something to think about here.
Criminals with guns are the only one's the police have a problem with, not law abiding citizens.
I asked Jesus today in a prayer what he thought. I asked him because healing was what he did best. He could not understand how the riches most compasionate land in his Fathers Universe was having so much trouble with this. Fear, Greed, bearing false-witness to facts, The solution is not as impossible as it appears. We are our brothers keepers, Is your reason to not wanting this strong enough when you meet your maker?
I guess "One Nation Under God" is just a slogan like "Coke the real thing" Please think.
dear jesus protect me from your followers......
For gosh sakes, don't hide behind Jesus' name. It has nothing to do with being uncaring that I don't support the health care plan. No one in America goes without health care even now. The illegals have complete coverage. No one is allowed to be turned away at the hospital. So get off your soap box. This new plan is not good for our elderly for one thing. The government shouldn't have control of every aspect of our lives. Look at the VA hospital system. Yeah, the government is good at that, isn't it? I don't want a health czar deciding what care i can or cannot receive. You need to actually read this plan. It is available online.
I, for one, do not want any of my money taking care of the illegals at the expense of our senior citizens. So much, so much, wrong with this plan. Please read it.
Gee, MadPotter do you really know everything about this?
Why did the White House have a web site to report fellow Americans who might be spreading an opposing view?
You might try going to this site.
Someone sure made it look like a health care bill. It might not be a final draft but it looks like something they want to pass. I think you need to back off on the guns and $50 pills and find out what you are talking about first.
Opposing views or lies? There are no Death Panels fool!
not backing off on guns or aspirin......
bottom line, nothing is down on paper yet and nothing is signed. Call or write Steve and let him know what you want. Congress in on recess and this is the time to do it.
It has been stated over and over again; If you like
what you have it will not change.
My husbands insurance went up double digits this year...... nobody has been sick. Why? The insurance companies are taking lessons from credit card companies. Don't have a balance on the credit card and yet the rates went up....... drop the card and you credit score gets screwed up. Nice Catch 22, just like the insurance companies. The raise rates because they can.
and evidently you have not been to the hospital in the last five years.... just finished going through my Mom and Dad's bills.
a box of tissues...... $25
ibuprofen (not prescription) $32 for two pills!
and I could go on and on.....
my Dad paid out of pocket for the consultation about going home or to a nursing home..... the insurance company did not cover that. He was 86 and just wanted to talk to the Dr. he asked for a week to talk to the Dr. they couldn't get the paperwork right. My Dad got out of bed, put his clothes on and waited for a family member to come pick him up...... he was so frustrated. He sat on the edge of bed and had a massive heart attack. Never did see the Dr. Healthcare sucks in this country.
Hope other on the list have had better luck with their primary care physicians.
we need an over haul, we need protection from the insurance companies.
We do not pay Dr. for prevention, ask one of them.
Dr.'s are paid for how many procedures they do and how many pills they pass out. Here is quote from one of his Dr's..... they don't pay me for carrots but I do get paid for writing a prescription.
Yelling about any of this is not going to do anyone any good. Bring it to the table and leave your guns at home for the kids to play with......
NPR has done an entire week of programs trying to
weave through the healthcare reform.
Here is the synopsis of one program.
for any who might be interested here is link.
Another liberal biased review by Madpotter. And your last comment was a very nasty and uncalled for dig at gun owners. Legal gun owners are very responsible. There's always an exception, but then look at pool owners. How many kids have drowned in their own pools.
MadPotter, at 86 your dad was on Medicare wasn't he?? That a Government run health care?? Just curious.
I have also heard the same horror stories about the VA program. Again a Government run program.
We need to get this right, not fast is what I'm saying.
You are so full of it.
The thing about your dad, funny you never told us about that ?
I know first hand the things madpotter is talking aboutm Our healthcare system does not serve us well.
He was with BF Goodrich for 40 years and had an amazing policy, but he was funneled back to the VA for post traumatic stress. 50 years after the war..... he didn't think very well of the VA at the time and chose not to use them. The VA didn't work for him in the 40's or the 90's or '05.
They had so much coverage and lazy susan full of pills I don't know how they kept things straight.
think it would be good to toss out the old and start over but know this will not happen. Heard a statistic today that made me have little hope.....
The lobbyist out number congress 6 to 1
Can we get this right? I agree a quick bill is not the way to go.
Madpotter, the VA is a perfect example of why the government shouldn't be involved in our healthcare. The VA is poorly run, so why put the whole country into a plan like this?
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