At the next Council Meeting someone should bring up that all City Councilpeople, and all City of Painesville Administrators including Department heads, Law Directors, even the City Manager fill out a sheet of all family members and friends that live in the City of Painesville, that might have dealings with city government......
Insulted? your Integrity questioned? You should be. Now you have an idea what some of your city employees feel. A policy not for all but a small chosen select few. I question what right you have asking this or any other question of what city employees do outside their working hours, do you own a business, coach a sports team, what political party do you belong to. Some of us know why you would want this list, but know it wouldn't stop the problem. HOLY MARIA!
you mean Marcia?
I'm not sure why this is such a big deal to you.
Even in private industry when you are in a position that could result in misuse of funds or authority that would be against the anti-trust laws you are required by most companies to fill out and sign a disclosure form of any conflict of interest.
Even non-profit groups that go over certain dollar amounts have to have the people in charge sign disclosure forms.
If employees aren't doing anything wrong why worry about this?
I'm glad the city is making sure everything is legal, thats one less thing people can complain about.
anonymous in post 2 is right, I have to fill out and sign a disclosure form every year.
I'm not sure but I could guess that legal requirements for government jobs are probably even more strict.
This is a non issue in my opinion, if the city employees don't like it tell them to find a different job. If you want to raise an issue with city employees how about the fact that most of them don't live here!BATMAN
Thanks for your understanding. City Hall Employee.
The issue is everyone or no one!
Plus on the form I received no metion of who wanted the information, not even a city letterhead.
this is common place and not a creation of painesville. it is common in many communities and government jobs. it is a reality of working in the public sector and not just painesville. i don't want to be treated any differently than anyone else just because i don't have family in a city position.
After reading these city employee posts I really regret that any of my tax dollars are used to pay an employee with that poor of an attitude.
If any of the city Dept. heads read this,... here is one resident that would support you cleaning house of the poor attitude employees and hiring someone who actually would like to see this a better city.
Department Heads are getting raises from $59,000 a year to $74,000 a year for ideas like this watch your pay grades, this is to shut everyone up. You residents have no clue what goes on at city hall.
Yeah, we have no clue but I'm sure you will keep us informed in a non-biased, neutral way and most of the idiots that post on here will take it as the truth and term will write a whole post on it.
You tell no truth,
your info. is wrong,
you do not work for the city.
Real City Employee
Can someone tell me where to get a really good cheeseburger? Really now, do you think that the good ole boy network would work better? This is to prevent favoritism and promote fairness. Just like a radio station employee can't enter a contest and lottery employee's can't play the lottery and so on. As to the cheeseburger comment, I really would like to know where to get a really good one, not a small little dried up thing either. I am looking for a big juicy burger on a good homemade roll, you know what I mean?
i recently recall a case where the power meter was bipassed.
like the first post "dont you mean Marcia" (marcia's place)
if you aint dirty, you ain't whining
joe tap
or not paying your utility bills
The best cheeseburger is to make your own bread (buns) Get fresh ground chuck and your favorite cheese. Do it yourself and add the toppings of your choice..... Yum!!!!
pretty sure there are ordinances against making your own cheeseburger; or maybe a permit??
Fo lunch Nemeths Lounge has a great burger, Riders Inn has an excellent one also. People have told me Chesters Rest. is great, and can honestly say everytime I've been to Depot Rest. I cant bring myself to just order a hamburger.Still looking for a PRE-1968 Manners Big Boy.
Great idea for a topic best submarine, best chicken, steak, best fries,salad.[In the City Limits}
Thanks for the reply about the cheeseburger, I will surely try your ideas. Now, I would like to say that maybe if we tried to talk the City up more instead of smashing it down, maybe things could change. I am a City resident so I do not speak from an outsiders perspective. I try to make the Take a positive outlook and make things better, not worse. This blog has the potential to be a help and I City a place that I want to live and also raise my kids. I try and eat local and do things local, as much as possible. Being vocal is one thing, militant is another, opinions are like...well you know, everyone has one. But, being negative can only cause trouble. Maybe do some volunteer work and clean up a park instead of complaining that the City is not doing enough to clean it up. I take a hands on approach and believe that we are all responsible for the outcome of our community. Perfect example and I am done. I was driving with my kids the other day, not in Painesville but this is everywhere and this would have happened here as well, I am sure of it. I noticed that traffic was backed up really bad at a four way intersection. cars were going around something, honking and I could hear some yelling also. When I got to the front I was horrified at what I saw. A woman riding a motorcycle, maybe a bit big for her, laid it down, smack dab in the middle of the intersection. She was OK but was trying to get the bike back up, and do you think anyone would help, nope. I did. My kids told me that they could not believe that no one would help her. It took two minutes out of my day and I felt pretty darn good about myself. Now if you are serious about making Painesville better see what happens if we try a different approach TERM. Once in a while add some positive stuff and lets see what happens. Lets start with the best food idea we already started here. You can call me JT.
“I try and eat local and do things local, as much as possible.” This is wonderful and not leaving the city for these services is what really helps the city. I need to do it more myself. The first group of people we need to get to draw into Painesville is our residents themselves. No need to drive to Mentor to get these things. “Being vocal is one thing, militant is another” – Excellent observation and characterization. “This blog has the potential to be a help and I City a place that I want to live and also raise my kids.” The potential of this blog is huge and I think it can be very positive if we as participants make it so. I think positive discussion of our local businesses is a great place to start. I myself can’t wait for the new Lake Erie Sports bar to open up. Along the lines of the food discussion, where is the best place to get a cheap large salad for lunch in the city? I don’t make much money but still want to eat healthy and don’t want to leave the city to do it. Does any place have a lunch salad bar deal?
Thanks JT
Not many places actually have a good salad bar in town. Flavors on the square has a small one but they also have the food along with it for a good price. We do need a good salad bar here in town for sure, maybe if we put the bug in someones ear we will instill some change around here huh? Thanks for the positive comments by the way, feels good, right? JT
YES!!!!! A GREAT salad place would be perfect in Painesville! NOW if we have any entrepreneurs out there who can put their money where their mouth is... Painesville could have one of the first of these franchises in the area. SALAD CREATIONS.....check it out on the web... Put a bug in Cathy Bieterman's ear that this would be something to persue for the CITY OF PAINESVILLE.
That place looks pretty good. If I found the same place, here is their menu: http://admin.globenetix.com/custom.asp?id=128221&page=1
That place looks great! I will get hold of Cathy and let her know. I actually found this link with info. and I think it would be nice to have one near the square for a salad and a picnic table in the park. http://www.saladcreations.net/custom.asp?id=128221&page=1
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