It has been City of Painesille policy for I don't know how long to only have 1 Council Meeting in the months of July and August. 80 million Dollar budget and sometimes we act like we are Hooterville. The July meeting was on the Monday following the "Party in the Park". Alot of items had to be voted on that Monday night and I asked a few councilpeople when they got there "packet"? Friday night was the answer. Now we have the one meeting in August I'm willing to bet they will not get their "packet" until the Friday night before the Monday meeting. even when you only have one meeting a month you still only get 3 days to review what you will be voting on and only one of those is a business day. WHY? I have heard from council a lot of times they are voting on items they have not had the time to review properly. This happened on the Sewer rate increase. 3 members wanted more time before they decided to increase your sewer rates almost 17% over the next 6 years. They were forced to vote. Next time you have this happen 2 or 3 of you get up and walk out the door, than council will not have a quorum to pass anything . You do this once or twice and I bet you get your information in a more timely manner. The City Manager works for YOU, not the other way around. It only seems prudent that you have 5 business days to review all the items you vote on.
How do the Citizens of Painesville feel about this?
do think meetings might go smoother.........
I actually think Becks was on the right track when she wanted to actually pay council people enough that they could call it a job and devote time to it.
The "good ole boy club" didn't want that to happen, maybe they were afraid some quality people would decide to run against them?
I think they should get info sooner, but...., I think some of them use that as an excuse also. Most of the really significant items go on three readings, the sewer increase was one of those items, so that means they have 6 weeks to learn what they need to know. They voted yes and then used time as an excuse, hmmmm, if they voted yes because they thought it was needed have the moxy to stand up and say so, don't make excuses.
If they can't handle the way it is, they need to step down, and let someone who can handle the job,do it, this has been the policy for a long time, they knew it when they ran for office.
are you kidding........... so nothing has changed in Painesville for all these years......
It's not about handling it's about doing the research and making an educated vote! If everyone on council got along and played nice maybe it could be like the "good ole days"
AMP Ohio alone should have been looked into a bit longer. If you have a regular 40 hour a week job, a family, take care of house& property and listen to residents in your ward; I do not think it is out of the question to ask for a full week to read over the agenda and what will be voted on. Open the table for discussion....... if you're going to read something three times and table it I hope it's not just sitting there!
and yes council needs to meet twice a month during the summer......
Like I said earlier.......... You get what you pay for.
Do you think all councilpeople were aware of a possible $660,000 windfall to the Wastewater Treatment Plant, would it have affected their vote?
More fractured fairytales from term? where does he get this....
It is all in his own mind.
All Councilpeople have to do is read over there packet, and if there is something they don't understand or think it needs more time to look over, they can ask to table it.
Like the other guy said if they can't handle it, they can quit.
AMP-OHIO, whats the deal with them, I never read anything in the News-Herald about this? They just help the city get electricity for us.
City Hall seems to have a leak? No more like a geyser?
Mr. REllik
Maybe you should forego the pay raise and get them hooked on phonics. They have a responsibility to do their job. I think they just don't do it and then pass the blame by saying they didn't get the material in time. If they are so concerned about the time, why don't they just move to vote on the timing of the packets. I think even if they get another week sooner some still won't get it done. Additional time does not necessarily create increased ability. It is a tough job but they knew that coming in.
Time is a problem, a lot of things are not ready before that Fri.
They just need to look them over and check it to the items they don't understand.
You are right they knew that when they ran for office.
They have to do there job, that is the way they do it, if they can't take the time to read over there paper work on the weekend then they should not have wasted our time voting for them.
I would want council members to aleast have a week to review what they will be voting on everything is an emergency? for who the ciy manager?
This is a job, do it or get someone who can.
Who? The City Manager or Council? The blind leading the Blind?
Mr. Rellik
You know we were talking about the lazy Council, who can't read there packets between Fri. and Mon.night.
I will get ahold of someone at the American Legion or V.F.W. to see if they can go up to Harvey and explain to the students How important this is to alot of us, and why. I really don't think csper, and selma are real. or just wanting to raise some Hell.
Term. I think you wanted to put this on your top blog ?
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