Wednesday, June 15, 2016

"STORY IN YOUR EYES' moody blues

I've been thinking about our fortune
And I decided we're really not the blame

 In post Signs, Signs  9:32 commented With St. Mary church- money talks

What doesn't talk without money?

Why I bring this up is many ask how did we get where we are?

I mention Urban Renewal,  the incorporation of Mentor, the Great Lakes Mall. No they say in the last 20 years?

I have a theory, you can take it or leave it. It's just my theory.

Say 20 years  let's say the Catholic Church, the City of Painesville, the Painesville School System as well as Nursery growers from the eastern part of our county sat down for this meeting.

Now the Nursery owners need cheap migrant farm labor. They need a place for them to live as most of them traveled  to this country with their families. More Money

Painesville City had some for the most part older residential property that for the most part was inexpensive. The Nursery owner's wanted these workers to live in Painesville. So what was in it for the City of Painesville? Income Tax. Since most of the nursery's were in townships the worker's would be obligated to pay Painesville Income Tax along with the city providing utilities to our new residents. More Money

Painesville Schools? New customer's since these families lived in Painesville and the local district had an obligation to educate not only legal but also illegal resident students it was all new business. They could also participate in the State of Ohio new school building project and could show how many more student's will be using the school system. Along with the state having numerous grant's and program's for minorities.
After the school's were completed all the old schools were razed. To beautify Painesville? No let's not leave a building like State St. Elementary left standing. To easy to start a 'Charter School' there and give resident's an educational choice. At the same time the new schools were coming on line St. Mary's closes it's school funneling all students into PCLS. More Money

The Catholic Church? Well the Cleveland Catholic Diocese which oversees St. Mary's Parish was looking to name an Hispanic Parish. It was in a perfect spot in central Lake County. Anglo's had many choices if the 'new' St. Mary's wasn't comfortable. St. Anthony, St. Gabriel, St. Bede and even St. Cyprian  who's first Pastor grew up in Painesville Father Alexander who I remember calling me "young Mr. Cimaglio" as a boy  which never led to a good outcome. More Money

Now remember this is just a Theory! But I'm one of those people who doesn't believe things happen in a vacuum.  Most of the time someone's there to fill it.

In the 'Name Game' post someone commented about White Christians hating President Obama. I myself though that was going to far out on a limb. But to my surprise let me share this news story.

Senator Dave Perdue (R) Georgia opened his remarks at the Faith & Freedom Conference that encouraged attendees to pray for President Obama, but he added in a joking tone, Psalm 109.8
"may your days be short"  That Psalm doesn't mean time on the job, but more like time on this earth.
The attendee's had a good laugh! They don't hate him? They wish him dead!
That Senator Perdue's a funny guy!


At June 15, 2016 at 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you have here is a lot more than a theory. As someone who watched and listened your so much more right then wrong!

At June 16, 2016 at 4:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I highly doubt the nurseries were in cahoots with anyone. They just wanted cheap labor. I don't think they care where their workers live, go to school, or buy utilities.

At June 16, 2016 at 9:06 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:04 By my thinking having homes for the worker's is what set all this in motion. Oh, and surely they cared to have enough workers as employee's. Plus they weren't going to build housing for them?

At June 16, 2016 at 10:07 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

and today I watched the cemetery workers go through Evergreen pulling up butterflies, lights and anything else. To see this in action is a bit jarring to my conscious. large burly guy ripping a butterfly on a stick out of the ground and tossing it in the trash is kind of nuts and maybe not a great image for the administration...

At June 16, 2016 at 1:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard something about the Land Bank working with a certain non-profit for a Latino Center in Painesville. If this is true, what about everyone else in Painesville? Why can't we have some kind of Community Center that everyone would benefit from? Term, I wonder who was at the meeting to discuss the Latino Center?

At June 16, 2016 at 1:36 PM , Blogger Jim said...

Do you think the Administration cares at all??
I think not.

At June 16, 2016 at 4:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:36 You learn something everyday. This is the first I've heard of this?

1:36 It's not the administration's place to care. The CM follows the order's of city council. Does City Council care? By the looks of it not much.
Council always seems to have that 'what us?' kicking the problem elsewhere. Council is in charge they the administration is to follow your DIRECTION!

At June 17, 2016 at 10:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes,it is true. The Land Bank is giving a home across the street from St. Mary's to the Latino outreach. Veronica and HOLA are the recipient.

At June 17, 2016 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you are mistaken by saying it isnt administration place to care, with regards to the Senior Center. It was made very clear, past city manager lobbied for keeping the center and the new one has not. Simply discard it along with everything else that is so easy to replace in this town. Out with the old in with the new. Wait till the YMCA needs a new facility next, they were bursting at the seams before taking in the Senior Center.

At June 17, 2016 at 12:58 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:55 Great VD has her clubhouse now. Next she will come asking County Commissioners for a grant to rehab the house. Election year commishes, count on me to be in the audience hen she does.

11:19 The city administration place is no more or less than it is with our schools.
So how did that work out with the past CM? Pat you on the head and told you not to worry?

Presently it is my view it is up to the Senior Center to come up with a VIABLE solution. That doesn't mean telling the CM what you want or demand. I suggested a levy why not go in that direction?
How many years was the former CM in her position? Why wasn't the problem solved then? And finally 'show me the money!'

At June 18, 2016 at 5:35 AM , Blogger Ohio Grassroots Rally Team said...


I came across some information while reading minutes of a meeting. I did a records request and received 75 pages of information. The building will be donated to HOLA if she receives her grant. HOLA has applied for a USDA grant to refurbish the building. The building is across from St. Marys Church. The commissioners approve CDBG funds to Lake County Land Bank. My understanding is the building needs a new roof and if HOLA receives her grant money, the Lake County Land Bank will apply for CDBG money to replace the roof.

At June 18, 2016 at 5:46 AM , Blogger Ohio Grassroots Rally Team said...

The following is a link with information about the Lake County Land Bank working with HOLA.

At June 18, 2016 at 6:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:35/5:46 To those that don't know this is the former Credit Bureau across from St. Mary's Church. I hope the Land Bank informed Painesville?
I viewed this as a possible Senior Center but this building has one large glaring problem NO PARKING PERIOD! Is it zoned for this? No grant funds to rehab this. Sometimes HOLA has to just get or give the money the old-fashion way on their own. Again people outside of Painesville deciding what's best for Painesville. This building as well as the old Dollar Bank building share the same parking issues. That said I expect it akll to pass. Unless....

At June 18, 2016 at 6:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone's P.C. on this. Parking would be an issue to everyone else's use but HOLA. And you are so right it will be Veronica's Clubhouse to undermine our government. Funny we supply her the building. It will be interesting to learn council's take?

At June 18, 2016 at 7:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the government funded Caucasian Center?
Or the African-American Center>
Two commissioner's need to be replaced!

At June 18, 2016 at 8:01 AM , Blogger Ohio Grassroots Rally Team said...

Problem with the link posted. This one should work.

When I called the Lake County Land Bank the next quarterly meeting is being scheduled for Monday July 11th - the date could be changed.

At June 18, 2016 at 8:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parking will not be a problem. They will park wherever they want just like they do at the Mexican grocery store.CVS moved to get away from the problem but it's following them!

At June 18, 2016 at 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get it? That grassroots bunch insult's, you calls you a liar and you let them post?

At June 18, 2016 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:56 My relationship with Grassroots has nothing to do with their comment? I asked what was going on, remember? Now I guess the Land Bank can give anything away they want. My problem is any government financial assistance being provided to rehab the building. Would they do that for anyone else? Also there just is no parking. Probably the reason that building has remained empty? As far as parking I see a major problem. Maybe the best use for that property would be to tear it down? Now anyone who opposes this transfer probably will be viewed as a racist? I just want to know all the solutions this property will have. What will the building be used for?
Just thinking out loud maybe the Seniors as well as the DPO should hire VD as she seems to get things her way?
All governments love to give money away.

At June 19, 2016 at 6:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOLA can in this country be for anything. Illegal Immigration for one. Now HOLA advocates for ignoring laws. Fine. So the government they oppose gives them property as well as funds to repair it? Something's wrong with this picture. Before any land transfer HOLA should be made to honor U.S. laws!

At June 19, 2016 at 7:50 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:30 Maybe we see this the same way? VD constantly tells us are laws are wrong. Brings speaker's into the area that tell us they are "taking back what was ours before you stole it" No she believes she has helped the Hispanic community, but what has she done to have them assimilate into the culture of this country? It appears by all her actions she wants two country's One Anglo, and one Hispanic. with different languages as well as customs. Where do African-Americans go? Maybe she intends three countries?
She is many things, but an honest broker she is not!
She has made many more enemies than friends if everyone was honest.

At June 19, 2016 at 2:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where does the Land Bank get its money and properties. If it's coming from the government, this is shockingly wrong. She advocates for people in our country illegally and she helps them break our laws. If part of the money comes from donations of money or time, I hope whomever is donating will stop. This is an outrage. I wonder if anything can be done to stop it.

At June 19, 2016 at 2:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dahlberg, along with anyone else advocating for the illegals, including those in the government, are traitors to this country. In order to BE a country, a country must have their borders, their language and their laws. We've now lost all 3, thanks to Obama and people like Dahlberg. She's one of the poorest excuses of an American we have. She should be in their country helping them there, instead of working so hard to give away our country. And now she's getting free stuff -- a building, no less, to use for the illegals and to advocate for the illegals. Can anything be done about this? Does anyone know?

At June 19, 2016 at 4:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:42/2:51 You have to wonder how all this comes out of the blue? Is it done that on purpose?
Under if that building will fall under Painesville's Vacant Property Ordinance? Who will be responsible for that expense? If it is forgiven, wouldn't future land transfer's also be covered? This could really get interesting. Taking more private taxes off the rolls, by giving it to a non-profit?
That plus without knowing what will happen I see many including the Grassroots and others opposed to this deal. It will be interesting?
I checked it appears the building is zoned B2?

At June 19, 2016 at 4:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's done because the squeaky wheel gets the oil. She has a voice, support and a following. Again, if the white folks of this country did what she and her following do, how do you think it would turn out? The white people would be called racist. How do the Hispanics and Afro-Americans continually get by with this? I have been called a racist numerous times when simply doing my job.

At June 20, 2016 at 10:59 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:15 It just might have been wise to end your comment at; Again ?


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