Friday, June 3, 2016


Busy Monday, First starting at 7:15 will be the 2017 TAX BUDGET HEARING




1.Ordinance  Amending Appropriations For The Current Expenses And Expenditures Of The City  Of  Painesville

2. Resolution Adopting The 2017 Tax Budget

3. Resolution  Recognizing The Responsibility Of The City Of Painesville To Affirmatively Further Fair Housing.

4. Resolution  For City Manager To Apply For And Accept Financial Assistance From L:ake County Community Block Grant To Replace Dilapidated Or  Leaking Roofs  Of Residents In The City Of Painesville.

5.Resolution  For The City Manager To Apply For And Accept Financial Assistance  From Lake County Community Block Grant  Program To Make Restroom Improvements At Kiwanis Recreation Park.

6. Resolution For The City Manager To Apply For And Accept Community Block Grant  Program To Address The Needed Curb Ramp Improvement Along Richmond Street In Order To Be  In  Compliant with ADA Regulations.



1. Sidewalk Replacement Program
2. Channel 12 Council Meeting Broadcasting
3. Council Procedure
4. Downtown Painesville Organization


Sunshine Laws & Rules Of Procedure- Tara Grimm Clerk Of Council


All in All a pretty busy evening.

Odd I expected a vote on increased funding for DPO? Wonder What Happened?

Listening To Candidate Trump Claiming Clinton  Didn't Look Presidential?  Please Donald Explain What Looking Presidential Looks Like?


At June 3, 2016 at 11:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this blog. has been around awhile as well as being #1 of the Painesville blogs. What kind of numbers do you generate?

At June 3, 2016 at 3:12 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:15 First to ever ask this question?
I looked and here's the story The blog. started out very slow. I was happy when I received 10 look ins.

As of right now we have 437,090 look ins
Last month 7,319
And today 243 came to the site. (so far)
There has been 1293 Posts as well as

Now all of this is without advertising the blog. It simply spread by word of mouth. As long as I run it I see no purpose of having paid advertising here.
Those numbers are not that impressive as blogs. go but for the most part we have a limited core of viewer's. "Painesville People" for the most part.
Feel free to have a post here. I must know who you are.
Many have told me I should make commenters identify themselves. To me it's more important to know what their thinking rather then who they are?

There are times blog. numbers go way up.

The two subjects that bring the most look ins are
Painesville Hispanic issues, and anything about Painesville schools.

At June 11, 2016 at 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a little mystified regarding the amount of time Ms Grimm took going over Sunshine laws. Was a council meeting an appropriate place to do this? Why not have a class for the council people to educate them without dragging the local audience through it at the same time? How long have most council persons been on city council? I seriously would have thought they should have known all this information already. Little to late?


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