Monday, June 13, 2016

"SIGN, SIGNS (EVERYWHERE A SIGN) five man electrical band


Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind.
Do, this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?

Well as opposed to our city council , I sent the administration an email with concerns about the two Painesville Cemeteries. The email was sent to assistant city manager Doug Lewis
. He as well as city manager Tony Carson and Director Michelle LaPuma worked to get me my answer.

As someone mentioned by going to the city website you can view cemetery rules.
So I will just highlight things that were questioned.

All headstones must be approved by cemetery personnel per authorized headstone requirements.

No in ground plantings are allowed.

Monument lots are allowed planting but only when approved by cemetery personnel and will be planted by cemetery personnel.

Mulch (wood bark) may be placed around headstones at a distance of 3 inches from the stone edge out.

 0 No, stone, gravel, pine nuggets, sand, etc. will be allowed in place of wood bark mulch

0 No edging material will be allowed.

The following items (but not limited to) are reference as artificial decorations:

Crosses, non-live wreaths, vigil lights, solar lights, Styrofoam, statues, balloons, wind chimes, flags (non-service), banners, glass (of any kind), stuffed animals, etc.

Please note;

**The City of Painesville reserves the right to review, revise, add or delete rules as necessary. An item not addressed on the rules will be considered not permitted.

So I guess that cover's anything the Cemetery Police deal as inappropriate?

Maybe the News/Herald could do a story of these "officer's" and a picture of all the contraband they seize over a shift?

As it was mentioned at a city council meeting (long ago) artificial flower's were approved by a voice vote?

To me some of these 'rules' are hard to understand my solar light has been at my father's headstone since 2010 now in the spring of 2016, it's gotta go?

A mother 's connection to a dead child leaves a small Teddy Bear as a way to stay connected  to a life lost?  Ain't got time for that! gotta go!

Wind chimes? Really?

My grandchildren put small stones on my father's headstone. Gotta go!

People want to remember a love one and uses artificial flower arraignment.  Not in the hot summer, but between October and March?  it's O.K.?

I guess bureaucracy has a need for some of these rules, but it appears for some reason it was time for them to tighten the screws?

REMEMBER review, revise, add or delete. That is something you can bring up at a council meeting.

Overall the grass cutting trimming and mulching the cemetery crew has done this spring is outstanding. Give credit where credit is due.

I am trying to post the pdf on this site, having problems. It's me

As mentioned here are some of the recent home sales in the PCLS district;

Homeworth Ave.                $40,000

Levan Dr.                            $128,000

Ivy                                        $61,500

Southington Blvd.              $110,000

East Walnut St.                  $83,000

Stockwell St.                       $10,250

Rivers Edge Ln.                 $200,000

Overall I'm surprise some of these were this high. I will do this weekly.


At June 13, 2016 at 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are the rules hard to understand? There is a reason for them, why not ask people at the city instead of griping here? Rules? Why do you get to have an indoor recliner on your porch? That is a no-no per the city but again you keep thumbing your nose at the 'rules' the city has. Why is this? Why would you complain about someone breaking the 'rules' yet you feel you are above them. Same for the cemetery - no means no.

At June 13, 2016 at 10:44 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Speaking of signs. On a trip down to T&T went by the BP at Erie and Richmond St. GAS $2.65 gal. Went directly to Giant Eagle to pick-up a prescription Get Go $2.35 gal.? $.30 in less than two miles, I guess we don't live right here in the Ville'

At June 14, 2016 at 9:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, rules are rules. I get that. Not sure why some of these are in place such as no solar lights. Personally, I love the look of the solar lights and it made me feel good having one on my loved ones graves. But ok. But then why are they not enforcing this? On my trip over the weekend to Riverside Cemetery I saw many in ground plantings. And I saw lots of mulch much larger area than 3 inches from the tombstone. I even commented that I liked the look and we should do that for our family's graves. I guess not. Also I saw several plots that had stones instead of mulch. And one with the decorative marble sized craft stones in a large area in front of the tombstone. Definitely much larger than 3 inches. So why is this not enforced. And also, I waited for 3 years to have grass seed planted on a relatives grave. I kept calling. Nothing was done. Weeds grew as a ground cover, but no grass. So the 4th year I dug out all the weeds and planted grass seed. I guess the staff picks and chooses what graves to take care of, and who's graves to confiscate contraband from. So are the tall hanging basket stakes allowed? I've had 2 stolen (or I thought stolen) already this year. Maybe they were considered contraband, but I see a lot of them. So is this selective enforcement? Selective maintenance? I'm disgusted with them.

At June 14, 2016 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is off topic but didn't know where else to post this. Did anyone else know about the mass at noon this past Sunday at St. Mary's church for the illegal alien murder/rapist? That's right. The mass was not for the victim, it was for the murderer/rapist. Velenga, you really outdid yourself this time.

At June 14, 2016 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:17 Please, let's not throw more gas on this fire?

9:32 Are you sure it was for him? Doesn't matter if a parishioner comes to the Priest with a 'special intention' such as saying a Mass to save a persons soul. I don't even believe a Priest can refuse that person?
I myself understand your concern.
Also there has been Masse's said the victim.
An analogy here might be a Shepard who loses one of a hundred of his sheep. Going out to find this lost sheep and rejoicing that he had found the missing sheep. Like God does when he finds a lost soul. There is no excuse for the crime Razo committed but we can assume he will be on this earth for 30 more years. Maybe he will find his way. Remember God is all about forgiveness.

At June 14, 2016 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:17 Those are called Shepherds hooks didn't see anything in the rules about them? The flowers in them need constant watering.

At June 14, 2016 at 12:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:19 Isn't this like saying 'Have God Have Mercy on His Soul'?

At June 15, 2016 at 7:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:32 With St Mary church - money talks. And the more money the Mexicans keep putting in the basket or the more volunteers to paint, garden, etc. the more people will continue to leave that congregation. It's too bad as my family and their families have made most of their sacraments in that parish. And now no one from the families attend. Growing up we had to have much of the Mass in Latin then it went to English. I am appalled much of it is in Spanish now. Not to mention the children eat a buffet meal, (yes, we brought Cheerios or goldfish for our kids) make a mess, and free-roam the church.
I find other churches better equipped for religion and meditation like church is supposed to be, not a free for all.

At June 15, 2016 at 3:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a catholic, I thought masses were only said for deceased people. I've never known anyone who was still alive to have a mass said in their honor. Which brings up the next point, masses are said to HONOR someone. While I know Mr Razos soul needs saving, there should never have been a mass for him, that is an honor! Yet another reason why everyone I know has left that crazy parish! And they wonder why they have money problems!

At June 15, 2016 at 4:55 PM , Anonymous TERM>>? said...

3:14 I'm really not an expert on any of this. That said a Mass is said in celebration of the Eucharist 9body and blood of Christ) It can said for living as well as the dead. Now you can't have a Mass to say pass a test or win something. But in Catholic doctrine I see honor not mentioned for a Mass? Anyone want to chime in be my guest.
That's any Parish.

At June 17, 2016 at 11:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure it was the same person? Razo? (cant remember the first name). That is a very common last name like Jones, Smith and White.


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