Friday, June 3, 2016

"END OF NIGHT" doors

Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane, all the children are insane

As someone who loves this country Thursday evening was a very sad night for me. After the Trump rally  in San Jose, California.  An ugly bloody scene that is so Un-American. My first view was I thought great they have American flags, soon they were burning them .
WTF!  is this Iran? To anyone who would blame a another candidate's  surrogate of these action's are crazy. This is the worst thing either candidate would want in a demonstration. What along with all the Mexican Flags do these demonstrators really believe this helps their cause.

Now just about every group has been insulted by this candidate,  yet in this country it is his right to free speech, How embarrassing is it to watch a young woman stand the insult from words ,eggs, and tomatoes. Yet no one inside the hotel let her in to get away from danger? Even if I disagree with her choices we all have a responsibility to keep her out of harm's way.

Many of these protestors were young and still as they say "wet behind the ears" That still is no excuse for there actions. In the past if it was a civil rights or Vietnam protest the protesters appeared sincere in their protests. This bunch view this as a good time and a mob rule of terror. I believe most of these protesters are not protesters but anarchist's. Who else would carry a sign Make California Mexico Again? Now many claim a candidate is a provocateur but this tactic  is not how to deal with someone who continues to throw gasoline on the fire?

Now most of these protesters are from Hispanic backgrounds and this candidate seems to have a problem with Hispanics if they be here illegally, governor of a state or even a federal judge who is the judge in a civil case over something that has nothing to do with him running for President? You have to wonder if all this animosity is planned?  Maybe he doesn't care about the Hispanic vote? Maybe his belief this is a way to increase the White vote for him? So then  why go after women many of them are white?

The propagandist's on FOXNEWS today claim he has 30% of the Hispanic vote? Where do they get these numbers? The Black vote will come out for the Democratic candidate out of anger in treatment  as well  to save President's legacy from a candidate who questioned if the President was even legal to be elected President.

Today I learned of a new term thrown around. SINO like RINO but meaning Supporter In Name Only.

Now most Republicans as well as Conservatives have jumped on this candidate's  train if for no better reason that he is better than another candidate? Whatever happens or is said by this candidate in the next five months forever they will own, Party First?

We have enough civil discord in this world without the United States jumping in. Do we need fights, name calling? Look listen to the candidates then when the time arrives VOTE! As I've always been told listen and learn.

I guess the only way to explain this is that both parties have flawed candidates? Leaving the people not to vote for someone who inspires them but for the least of two evils?

My main problem with a former President's was the quote he made "government can't solve problems, it is the problem." Never bought into that because I was taught we are the government. And "we get what we deserve"

Then after watching one candidate and many people questioning "what's he doing now?" Maybe as some suggest he's a shill? No, I believe in the end knowing what the price he will pay in being President. Maybe he really doesn't want the responsibilities that come with the job? Nah, he's to ego driven.

The biggest loser's over all this? The American people!


At June 4, 2016 at 4:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you, my Government classes led me down a different path. I would like thin think that we are the Government but the reality is that we are nothing. As I get older, and more cynical, I am pretty sure that our vote means nothing. It makes me very sad and our country is heading directions that I would never have dreamed of when I was younger.

I will disagree with you on one point. You wrote that the Black vote will be for the Democratic candidates because of "anger in treatment". Let's be real here, the Black vote will be because of being given "free stuff" through all the social programs that the Democrats have promoted and started. They aren't called "Obama phones" for no reason at all.

At June 4, 2016 at 2:25 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:37 See? In my government classes I was also taught about corporate welfare, as well as subsidies that rich people all used for their financial gains. (Here's money so you don't grow a crop) See it's just not Black's that line up at the government trough. Also let's cut taxes and this will increase revenue? Oh, financial ruin if we let the Bush tax cut expire? You keep worrying about those cell phones while the top 1% runs off with the whole house. That's called Republican social promotion.
My favorite is if you close a plant in say Ohio and move production to China the GOP voted to give you a tax deduction for the more? Make sense?
Even better one?
Take the time to look up the Kline-Miller Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014.That legislation in a real eye opener. Republicans care about working people?

At June 4, 2016 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Obama phone" program actually started during another president's term.

At June 4, 2016 at 5:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No where did you see that I wrote that Republicans cared about people. Just like Democrats, they care about money and votes. Nothing more.

I did not say that it was only Blacks that get free stuff. My reference to Democrats getting the Black vote was based on what you wrote (hence the quote). The phone is just one example, there are plenty of others.

I think you missed the part where the tax avoiding schemes that come out of Congress are passed by both parties. Lobbyists have their hand in the Democratic votes as well as the Republicans. That also applies to factories and production that is moved out of the US. Both parties are in the mix.

Let's face it, both parties are crap. Neither cares about you or me or anyone we know.

At June 4, 2016 at 7:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Does it disappoint you that your blog continues to attract racist remarks like those of 4:37, or are you not surprised? And, as for your own remark, not all Blacks line up at the government trough. I have three very close friends who are black; all work, and none are on any govt. assistance. Gotta watch the generalizations, because you're better than the 4:37s of the world.

At June 5, 2016 at 6:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:37 here and I have to tell you that is pretty funny.
Every apartment I own is presently occupied by someone who is black so I don't think most people would consider me racist.
BTW, that is more than the THREE people you say you "know".
However, to your point, why don't you tell us why the black vote has gone and continues to go Democratic? Apparently being non-racist (as you must be) gives you some special insight that others do not possess.

At June 5, 2016 at 6:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:47 here,

Thanks for the clarification. I've never met you, and have disagreed with a few of your views on this blog, but by your words, you seem to be a decent person who would try to judge every individual on his or her merits, rather than skin color, nationality, religion, and so on. Your observation about the diversity of racism around here is, sadly, so true, and it's been going on for a long time.

My wife was a long-time employee at Morley Library. When she used to throw teenagers out for misbehaving, those who were minorities almost always accused her of racism. On the flip side, she had white co-workers who openly expressed how the worst thing about their job was having to deal with patrons from minority groups. I would not be surprised if individuals from other types of employment in town had similar experiences (police dept. and any public assistance office immediately comes to mind). You're also spot-on about why Painesville is not the place to move if one has "issues" with other races or minorities. I've long felt that resentment based on race and nationality on all sides, while more or less kept in check since the 1970s nationwide, has slowly but steadily been simmering under the surface. Obama's election victories, the news of a minority-majority demographic for the U.S. by 2050, economic struggles hitting the middle and lower class, and the rise of Trump, has served to make the resentment toward each other become stronger, maybe not nationwide, but it's starting to look that way. If Trump wins in November, you can bet that many minorities aren't going to accept it quietly or willingly, especially if he chooses to rub it in their faces instead of appealing for reconciliation.

Obviously, I hope such racial unrest doesn't come to Painesville. Those of us stuck here should try to work together for a common cause, namely to make our community better by demanding better - from those who supposedly represent us in Council, as well as from the City Manager and those who work for him. When the politicians in town screw up, it affects us all, regardless of race or nationality.

At June 6, 2016 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, someone attributing Kline-Miller Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014 as a way for republicans to grab money. You do know I hope that law was passed to help the larger unions such as teamsters, etc. who have under funded pension plans that they sold to their rank and file members.
Never thought I would hear someone claim the republicans got in bed with the unions.

At June 6, 2016 at 11:09 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:35 No not in bed with unions but in bed with money. Please explain why the Republicans would let anyone off the hook over promised pensions? With this congress every pension plan is at risk... except the governments!
6:43 If you live in Painesville you must accept the racial and ethnic diversity. Everyone should be judged as an individual. We all have our own flaws and it's so easy to stereotype a group.
6:17 I will let 4:37 answer this also.
But what would you consider a racist? You rent apartments to Blacks? If you didn't you would be in violation of federal law, but you know that.
As far as the Black vote? Where would you consider them to go? Its pretty oblivious Republicans don't want them? As it now appears they no longer want the Hispanic voters today? Back before the 60's Blacks voted pretty much 50/50 When Kennedy ran for President at the time Martin Luther King Jr. was jailed in the south. Kennedy called Mrs. King and told her he would watch the situation and do whatever he could to get the Reverend out of jail. No grandstanding no big political show and in the end the Reverend thanked senator Kennedy for calling his wife, that was the start. In 1964 Barry Goldwater ran for President and also voted and was against the 1964 Civil Rights bill. On top of that all the Dixiecrats became Republicans? In the past when voters were pretty much 80% and over White it may have made little matter but many now claim the white vote is less than 70%. It has come apparent you can't win national elections with just white votes. The present Republican leadership is presently freaking out at the comments being made by Trump. They sat by as he spoke about Mexicans and now he attacks a federal judge because he is of Mexican heritage but born in Indiana? Look he's a Hoosier not a Mexican and like the Black vote they will attract very few Hispanics in the future. Also it is historic this country electing a Black President in 2008. And what do Republicans do? Question his birth, say stupid racist things about him as well as his family. Blacks view the way as he is treated as personal. Unlike whites that see party Blacks take it as an affront to all of them. Obamacare, Obamaphones, big joke problem is most Black voter's aren't laughing. You can't unite if the other guy chooses not to. No I view this all as taking two steps forward and one back. The GOP is presently writing their obituary as I write this and it didn't have to be this way. In the autopsy of the 2012 election they had a blueprint on how to remain a valid party. They ignored it and gave us Trump? Quite a showman but hardly a leader. And everything this man does and says they will own forever!

At June 6, 2016 at 3:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But what would you consider a racist? You rent apartments to Blacks? If you didn't you would be in violation of federal law, but you know that."

While not renting to someone because of their color would violate Federal law, there are a number of ways around that if that is what one chose to do.
Also one does not have to rent to anyone (of any race, color, creed or anything else) just because they are the first to apply. You want the best possible tenant, not the first one. You take all the applications and select the best among them.
As far as what is a racist, I don't have an answer. They come of all colors, sizes, shapes, and ethnic backgrounds.

At June 6, 2016 at 5:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:47 here,

4:37/6:17, the only insight I have about why blacks support the Democratic party is that rank and file Democrats do not consist of racists, or those like you who spout racist remarks. They gravitate to the party where they are made to feel welcome. This does not mean that all Republicans are racists, but a lot of racists seem to be Republicans.

As for you renting to black people, like Term said, if you didn't, you'd be violating federal law. So you rent to people whose race you don't like. What do you want, a medal or smiley face sticker for your valor?

At June 6, 2016 at 7:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to add some thought to 6:43's comment. I doubt that white library staff that complain about dealing with some brown and black people stems from an underlying embedded racism on the white's part(I don't know if that is what you were saying), but rather because of the behavior of those minorities. Case in point, as you mentioned, every time the staff has to ask teenagers to leave that are of color, they accuse the staff of racism. This is an earned reaction in the way people feel about minorities. I know so many white people now who were never prejudiced before and now are, that there may be as many whites that are prejudiced now as there are brown and blacks. It could be that any whites that are dealing with these minorities ARE prejudiced now but, again, they probably didn't start out that way. I, myself, am now a prejudiced white after fighting for black rights for decades, and I think whites NEED to be now to stick up for ourselves, and it doesn't matter if we are or aren't anyway; the blacks and Hispanics are so prejudiced, it makes no difference. Again, I am not disputing what you wrote; I'm just adding my two cents.

On another note: I can't stand the Clinton's, but some of the blacks that aren't voting for Hillary say it's because Bill cut some welfare benefits when he was president. He did this for the good of the blacks and for the good of America. Anyone old enough back then will remember that he did it because the blacks were creating worse and worse ghettos, and they were having one baby after the other, because the more children they had, the more welfare they could collect. He did it to stop the permanent and generational welfare that was killing black initiative, etc. It had become clear that what was created to help people was being taken advantage of by some people, and it was harming them immensely in many, many ways. Same with the crime bill he created. It may have not ended up well, but it was to try to stop the frightening crime rates of the blacks, as far as I recall, and I think to stop the quickly rising drug crimes by all races. It didn't work, as we see, as now the black neighborhoods are truly war zones, and now Hillary (I don't think Bill does) is busy telling them none of it is their fault to get their votes. The blacks never mention that more of them are in jail because more of them commit crimes. They just continue to blame it on white people and not themselves, but white people know it has nothing to do with us. I will say that I don't understand why all the people who committed non-violent offenses, like having pot, for example, that ended up spending decades in prison because of the three-strikes-and-you're-out law (that had good intentions, but was a failure in my opinion) have not had their cases reviewed and been released. I am no longer a Democrat, because I think they're idiots, but I'm just saying... I don't blame any white for being prejudiced now, as it is almost always earned by their actual dealings with minorities. I'm voting Trump, as are most of my friends and family, and I believe he will get a lot of the Hispanic votes. Most Hispanics here care nothing about America except for the fact that they want to take from her and take over her. But there are quite a few Hispanics who are legal Americans who actually have the best interest of America at heart and not just fellow Hispanics. Those Hispanics will vote for Trump and the wall. They know that we need to stop illegal immigration if they and their families are to do well and stay safe here. Fox news is probably correct with their 30% number. Most people don't have a mind as narrow as Term's, and if you don't believe me, you'll see it come election time. Some Hispanics can look at all sides of the issue; they realize that Trump is not prejudiced, and they know what they need to do for America. Hopefully, it will be enough to help him win.

At June 7, 2016 at 4:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:35 again, Kline-Miller was set up to reduce pensions so that everyone involved got something instead of letting a plan run out of money and everyone getting nothing.

Now, for the real getting in bed with money a few democrats (Kaptor was one of them) introduced a repeal of the bill and instead wanted to set up a tax payer funded account that would keep those pension plans going.

I don't know about you but I would rather not have to fund with my taxes under funded plans run by large unions and industries. My tax money could better be spent going in my 401k or my pocket.

At June 7, 2016 at 8:56 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:22 Your right not all Republican's are racists, and yes some Democrat's are racists.
4:51 This Bill was past as anyone can claim to be not responsible for legacy contracts with pensioner's. Plain and simple. Watch as now Peabody Energy want's to skirt pension responsibility at the same time they ask a bankruptcy court to approve bonuses for executives?

Again I will not let you advertise for Trump here? Write another 1000 words and I will delete it also!
One idea I do not understand is your claim that more prejudices will solve the prejudices problem? As far as your 30% Hispanic take, I believe your candidate is a textbook racist and I see him with less than 5% after the Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel. fiasco Sooner or later. Soon...
"The love of country will trump hatred of Hillary" Lindsay Graham.

Notice who probably slept well last night? Mitt Romney, the whole Bush family to name a few!

At June 7, 2016 at 9:50 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:42 Changed my mind, I will share your thoughts

At June 7, 2016 at 10:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump isn't even president and this guy has had scandal after scandal.
Now we learn in Florida the attorney general Pam Bondi received an illegal $25,000 contribution towards her re-election from the Trump Foundation. Days after deciding not to join the mult-state suit against Trump U.
Really not a surprise Donald claims it's how the games played. Maybe just a coincidence?

At June 7, 2016 at 10:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:50, this is 7:42. I never said more prejudice would solve the problem of racism. I said whites might as well be prejudiced, because blacks and Hispanics are such horrible racists against us, that nothing we can do will change it or help them, and it never has, so it doesn't matter, and it doesn't hurt anything more than it's already hurt. Same difference, as they say. It sure doesn't help anything NOT to be; it just doesn't matter.

At June 7, 2016 at 11:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Presently I believe the GOP would be further ahead if they nominated "A bag of Cement!"

At June 7, 2016 at 3:28 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:55 I should have gone on my first instinct!
I thank God everyday this doesn't live next door.

11;07 Agreed, I think they do too.

At June 9, 2016 at 9:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work for a school; I do not care if you are black, white, yellow, red or brown. But if you act out, are disrespectful, rude, waste my time, I'm through with you and you get the boot from the class. You may not disrupt the learning process from my room. Leave so the remainder of the room gets their chance to better themselves. If you do not want to learn, leave so I can do my job.

At June 9, 2016 at 11:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange? Even Donald Trumps attorney donated to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

And yes Term you should have gone on your first instinct. This person is 7:42 is more than a few fries short of a happy meal.


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