Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of the test.
Let's start at the beginning April 20, at the Begin The Conversation Meeting at Harvey. Our Superintendent John Sheperd made a statement that he was proud of his students! As he spoke I wondered how proud he was of the school system he was the CEO of?
Look the last time I looked PSLS received an F and with that comes a whole host of reasons. To many non-English speaking Hispanics, a large amount of Black student's in poverty Any and all reasons under the sun! So my kid's are grown and have moved on, so why should I care? I hear this all the time.
Well stating very soon I will print the real estate sales in the PCLS district. Can any one explain why a stable young family would want to move here in the city with the situation of our schools? Mr. Sheperd has been here what over three years and word on the street is the BOE has extended his contract with a sizable increase in salary. Can anyone explain why? All I have seen is more overhead at the Jefferson St. Enclave and not to much else. Studies, studies and more studies. Why pay high salaries to teacher's if they can't show results? Might as well go cheap and save some money as so we can show another reason for our poor performance?
At the last BOE meeting we were told how hard it is to find substitute teachers? I bet it makes it even harder when you only pay the $75.00 a day for the first twenty days? and along with that you start fresh every school year. along with paying into PERS. You teacher's should be so proud of bringing home a $70,000 salary and a sub maybe making less then $20,000 for the same job. Good thing your in the teacher's union. The Teamsters don't even think about doing something stupid like this. You want us to believe you care about our children, you don't even care for your fellow professionals. You got your!
Just venting a little.
Now the real reason for this post.
Have received four calls about the last Harvey High School Graduation Ceremony.
What I asked, did Mr. Sheperd read another Dr. Seuss book? He has for last two years.
No after many other speaker's he walked up to the podium with papers in hand slammed the papers down and stated " Ain't got time for that!" then he proceeded to sit back down?
Most of these student's have now seen their last Commencement for themselves in this lifetime. And they get... Ain't got time for that? Big joke I missed. This is the man that Loves his students? I guess their not worthy of a good send off? No this is so far off Dr. Seuss. And the funny thing these powerful teacher's and their union quake at the mere mention of his name? Sorry can't print what I'm really thinking.
And someone believes he should get a contract extension? As I investigated this post I learned that the Super even twitter's students that some parent's see as inappropriate.
It appears to me this system is on the rocks, with many wishing for Dr. Hanlon! (not me) .
I can't even get an SRO at the middle school. It's simple... it's not about the students, or the residents it's all about the BUREAUCRACY!!!~
No Time
On my way to better things?
No time for the Love you send
I was at the graduation and his speech was nothing like you described. Sounds like you have 4 people that dont like the guy and would have an issue no matter what he does.
I appreciated that he didn't ramble on. Get the students their diplomas and let them celebrate their accomplishments with friends and family. It's their day!
I fellow I knew some time back was a Cleveland teacher, maybe 25 years ago. He said to me that so many of his students were "un-educateable." Maybe he created a new word, but it did stick with me.
I never got to hear why they were "un-educateable." I have thought about that many times. Was IQ was too low; their attitude was too bad, they couldn't stay awake because they had night activities? I often wondered, what you do with kids like that. Anyone know?
I was at commencement and Mr. Shepards speech was a little more that what your callers told you. Yes, he did say "ain't nobody got time for that" but after he said that the audience erupted in laughs, claps, and cheers. He was able to relate to the times and the graduates. He made it fun for them. It doesn't always have to be serious. His speech was short and sweet and I'm pretty sure the graduates and almost everyone in the audience appreciated that. Especially because they were about to sit through NINE valedictorians (granted only about SEVEN spoke) and the board presidents at least 5 minute speech about PRIDE, which I zoned out on after about 2.
I would talk to some graduates and see what their thoughts on the speeches were.
I honestly believe Mr. Shepard was proud of the students here. Did those callers also tell you that he took time out of his day a couple days later and held a special graduation ceremony for a student who wasn't able to walk because of some trouble he got into earlier In the year? Did you know he put on his cap and gown (again), invited family and staff who had been working with this student over the years and had their own little graduation where he was able to wear his cap and gown and walk. He could have just mailed the diploma to that young man but instead made it special for him too.
Of course they probably didn't, they obviously don't like the guy and would find fault in anything and everything he does. They probably didn't know about this private ceremony either, because I'm sure they would have called you to complain about that as well.
9:04/5:19 Sorry I would have expected more also. as 9:04 claims there was more. More what? Five words!
Sorry, this isn't what I expected from a superintendent to me it was simply Classless!
Ask the students? I will in a couple of years and see if they were prepared for life after high school?
Mr. Sheperd should be commentated for his actions with the one student. Why wasn't he able to walk with his class? You do bring up a point if this ceremony is to long and boring just maybe the solution is to just mail them their diploma's? We seem to mail in just about everything around here.
Please explain more to it for me?
Wonder if they will be clapping and laughing in a couple of years?
maybe he's just lazy? Just like his product. At his last position he was told to just stay at home? Should have been a red flag for the board.
Maybe he once again wants to stay home?
You would have expected more also? You don't even know what he said!
Its pretty obvious that you have a couple people that work for the city and schools that feed you info. Do you ever consider the sources of your "information". 4 people give you their opinion and you take it as gospel. 2 others that were ther share their opinion and you poo-poo them.
By the way, get that blue broken down car out of the driveway. You are making your mom's place look like s#!t. Are the plates even valid☺?
10:46 Well yes it is and strange you asked. I was offered $2000 for it last week? Mom also thanks you for your concern.
Now back to the Commencement I guess many who live here have low expectations for what happens here. Seems either your buddies with him or really don't see anything wrong? I suggest if Dr. Hanlon would have done that in Chardon they would presently be out searching for a replacement. If you see nothing wrong with the throwing of papers and a six word speech then I'm afraid you getting what you deserve. If Mr. Hobart had done that back in '68 something tells me he would have heard about it from many sources. See that's when Painesville had a little class left. I guess those day's are now long gone! So enjoy you get what you deserve.
855- really? Tell me more about this. What did he do?
Bureaucracy, LOL, follow this.
Sheperd at his last job had to work from home for the last year because the board did not want his presence in the office, of course he claims it was the boards fault.
(you can googgle the story type superintendent John Sheperd Northridge Schools) so I verified his resignation.)
*This part of your comment I omitted it has nothing to do with the operation of our schools or city. Plus feel free to verify and when you do sign your name please!*
Back to the comment
OH HO and by the way our city manager is on the DPO board of directors and one of our councilman is a former director of DPO. Wonder what the odds are they will get the money??? I will bet within a few years the bathtub races will be known as belonging to the DPO, not the city, the city was only good for the startup money for them, just like taste of Painesville.
Heard he received a two year extension. Hardly arousing endorsement!
553- really, thats it? That stuff happens all the time. Our old guy had a similar agreement.thanks for nothing!
632, administrator contracts are usually only two or three years. The teachers union and classified staff usually get the same. The teachers ratified a three year agreement with the district last year. Then, inside of that agreement, there are various types of contracts.
From the News-Herald:
3:32 Well written article on what three low preforming districts in our area are doing about low student test scores.
Richmond Hts. Euclid and Painesville I did notice Richmond Hts. and Euclid Superintendents made comments? Painesville? "Ain't got time for that" I guess? Also I hope someone on Jefferson St. caught the mention of Student Safety in our schools? Can we say Heritage?
One correction I checked on the summer food truck operates M-thru-F
Why don't you contact the school and get a copy of the graduation? Usually they sell them for a couple bucks. Watch it then see what exactly was said at the ceremony. Validate then let us know the truth!
10:03 Why not televise it on Ch.96 letting us know when and showing the graduation in it's entirety? Myself if the people who contacted me you believe conspired to bring me a fake accusation let's all of us watch? Myself I'm so used to low expectations I guess it has become the norm around here. What do you think they missed that would validate this action? Myself I just don't think he took the time to prepare for a presentation. Funny guy!
If I remember correctly school is out of session. Who would be there to televise it on 96? How many members of the community have different tele-communication and don't get channel 96? Why not trot on over, get a cd then inform your readers? This seems so easy for me so why not for you?
10:41 Someone's there televising the city Spelling Bee?
Along with the Laundromat thank-you?
Seems odd no Graduation ceremony?
I'm not trotting anywhere put it on CH.96!
Let's be honest why it's not televised, OK
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