Thursday, June 2, 2016

"OLD DAYS" chicago

Also I have been informed by a city official that Republic  will pick up your yard wastes weekly for an added cost of $9.00 a quarter. $36.00 a year and you must sign up yearly. For this service. More positive from this contract.

Also I was informed today that Painesville City is now on Ohio Checkbook, more as I find out.
Well what I found out was Painesville's not quite ready to be on Ohio Checkbook. State still working on it.

Old days, good times I remember
Fun Days filled with simple pleasures

 Very interesting story in today's 06/02/16 News-Herald with concerns over the Painesville Senior Center.


By Tawana Roberts

Discrepancies' between the city of Painesville and the Painesville  Senior Center Suggests underlying factor for the center's relocation decision.

You have to read the article as to understand what's going on between the lines.

See if I understand this the Center wants to join the Recreation department ? For what reason? Funding?  Look as stated many times the city gives the Senior Center $25,000 a year and an additional $1,200 since April. So if you merge with the Recreation Department and expect more services as well as funding myself I expect the city to have the final word. I don't believe that is unreasonable?

"Negotiations  began with a top administration official indicating that the Painesville Senior Center was a 'damaged commodity' and not on the radar of the city" Stated former councilman and senior director William Horvath. Come on Wild Bill who made that statement to you? Seems no one wants to take credit. Maybe I will?

A couple of years ago the Senior Center building was heavily damaged by a fire. I believe it wasn't properly insured  for the second floor was left unrepaired? Underinsured lot of that around town.
So the center lost some tenants and the county comes around with an offer to buy the building for $275,000. This amount was agreed upon. It's like selling your house and not having a plan on where you intend to move to? If you can't find a new home, you stay where you are. Simple to everyone but them I guess?

I can honestly say this has all been mismanaged. Horvath claims the Center has sent versions to of an agreement, only to have those agreement rejected. CM Carson explained that a contract must be mutually agreed upon and both parties were unable to come to an agreement.

Now the decision to relocate and collaborate with the YMCA. This has to rate as one of the dumbest solutions period. First question what happened to the $275,000 from the sale of the building. The $25,000 the city gives you yearly as well as the $1,200 on top of that? Along with any and all financing you receive. That's the question William Horvath needs to answer now.

Best solution for everyone? Put a small levy on the ballot and see if Painesville wants a Senior Center. Stay independent of the city and explain when and what your plans are. Your group seems to be lagging  here.

 Just a question here how is that parking situation at the Y working out? And what about that piano you left on the loading dock? More poor planning maybe?

In  my mind and in my heart to stay

Darkened dreams of good times gone away


At June 3, 2016 at 5:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there yard waste in January & February? Perhaps, but the snow will prevent collecting it. Seems likely that Republic will be receiving money for nothing during those two months.

At June 4, 2016 at 5:36 PM , Blogger Jim said...

Do people do anything but complain?
The new contract is substantially better and people bitch that yard waste isn't collected often enough.
Cut your lawn less often!

At June 5, 2016 at 9:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:36 I guess it's a Painesville thing?

At June 9, 2016 at 9:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim you must work for the city? Or live in an apartment? Cut your yard less often? Lets have some rain then lots of sun to make everything grow fast. Lets not mow, trim and weed then have a neighbor report me. I will get a nasty letter? Pay a fine? No, we always have lots of yard waste regardless.

At June 9, 2016 at 11:16 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:52 He might, and might not. He may have a service? He may have a compost? He may have a small yard? He may just believe every other week is enough? You want more? You now have the opportunity to purchase additional pick-ups.
What's hard about this?
People who have more recycling can pay for another tote? Pay for what you need.


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