Thursday, February 25, 2016

"HUMAN TOUCH" bruce springsteen

Ain't gonna find no miracles here

But you might find a policy that works?

Recently on the Painesville Police as well as the Painesville City Schools websites were stories about "Teachers Appreciation Days"

Here is Chief Powalie statement;

I want to recognize two very special people. This past Saturday, a special young man named Isaiah Hayes, who is a senior at Harvey High School honored School Resource Officer Ponder (SRO)
during the Harvey Basketball game. Isaiah honored the School Resource Officer Ponder for being a positive influence for him during his journey though High School.

I am proud of both of these men! SRO Ponder for having compassion balanced with authority and understanding what  affects we as Law Enforcement Officers have on our communities, and Isaiah for standing up and reminding us as officers that we are that we are supported and appreciated, and reminding officers to always try and be a positive influence, not just an officer with a badge!!!

Things like this remind us why we come to work everyday!!!

Stay Safe

Chief Powalie

A couple of years ago I was allowed to spend a week shadowing SRO Ponder and to say I was impressed would be an understatement.
I learned how important his presence was along with the interaction with the students that resulted in  positive results.

Think about it usually your first contact with a police officers is
negative. Traffic stop, accident and many situations far worse then that.

I have 'begged' the school system to get and SRO officer at Heritage for quite awhile I will attend the next board meeting a see what success they have come upon. The argument we don't need one will only come back to haunt them.

No this is a policy that works!

Recently as I watch the concession speeches from different candidates you would swear that they were giving winning speeches? Cruz to quote claims there has been four primaries and only two people have won a primary? That's a nice way to say I have won one out of four primaries? 
Although it seem the remaining candidates have finally set their sights on Trump (a little late) Listen carefully tonight as Trump explains his Federal Tax filings over the past five years. I believe every candidate should let us see the last five years. That is unless your hiding something?
That won't make much of a difference to  the "Poorly Educated" who he loves!


At February 26, 2016 at 9:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, does that go for any democrats? They are not usually that transparent with their tax returns. Think about it.

At February 26, 2016 at 11:59 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:40 That's everyone period. So what if your being audited. Democrat's Republican's Independent's.
Watching the Donald last night he appears to be hiding something. Then again he can be like Romney and withhold them to the last minute?
You think about it!

Also All transcripts from all paid speeches by anyone running for President for the last two years not just Hillary everybody.

At February 26, 2016 at 1:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you're not pushing for Hillary to produce info. Or any other Dem.

At February 26, 2016 at 3:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Romney just demanded the tax returns a day or two ago, as a political ploy, so I don't think Trump has to jump through that hoop right at this very moment. He'll do it when he's ready; surely he knew that was part of the program, as he has said he did.

For anyone wanting to vote in the Primary by absentee voting (hopefully for Trump), there is still time. The number for the Lake County Board of Elections is 440-350-2700. They're nice, and it's easy and quick. Let's try to make sure he is the nominee! I found the ballot a little confusing, because there are two places to vote for your presidential primary selection. I called the Board of Elections, as they are always willing to answer any and all questions quickly and easily, and I was told to vote for him in both places where the presidential nominees are listed on the ballot (mark both places). You may want to double check, but that is most probably correct information.

At February 26, 2016 at 3:42 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:05 What blog. are you reading? EVERYBODY is everybody!

So to get this straight the guy who employed all these illegal's is now your hero?

So you admit you get to vote twice?

At February 26, 2016 at 10:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:42. Shut up. No, you jerk, of course the Lake County Board of Elections is not letting people vote twice. It's the way the ballots are; it's the way they've always been, and it's a single vote in the end. Call the Board of Elections with any stupid accusations you have.

I think you need to cut down your drinking, as you seem to have your damn testosterone so far out of joint, that you're crazy. Or maybe you're just an abusive, crazy person to begin with.

And by the way, Trump already turned in his financial statement, before any of the others did, which was purportedly about 100 pages. So I wouldn't be wetting your pants over his tax return just yet.

Just because you're voting for someone (Hillary) who made up a story of Libya, wasn't it? Where she said they were hailed with bullets and had to run for cover off the airplane. Come to find out, they had a whole little welcoming committee for her there, and it was a nice, pleasant time. Or how about her story that she was named after the guy that climbed the mountain. But come to find out, he didn't climb that mountain until 5 years after she was born! ETC.

You might as well calm down. Most people realize that if they want to save American, they have to vote for Trump, as there is no other option. So, really, you might as well calm down over it before you give yourself a stroke. Have another beer.

At February 27, 2016 at 10:43 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:18 Geezee I'm sorry! I might have misunderstood? Considering the Republicans are the party of 'Voter Suppression'?

Vote for Trump two times or a hundred he will never be President of the United States.
Soon he will be playing in the big leagues and will expose himself.
You can only go so far with "Loving" this or that. He will have to soon answer how.
It's a good thing for him he loves the "Poorly Educated"
Forget the taxes for a second
What's with the scam of Trump University?
Hillary will eat him for lunch in a debate and the Democratic machine has been building a case against him for the last eight months!
And if by some change of fortune he could get elected it would be interesting to watch from the sidelines as you realize you have been used as a big reality show!
You are supporting the same guy that the former wizard of the KKK David Duke supports, that tell you anything?

At February 27, 2016 at 1:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:43: No. Neither he nor I can help what the stupid KKK does. Trump is advocating for the illegals to get out and for our borders to be secure. It's called the laws of The United States of America. It's called our Constitution. And he's the only hope we have of saving our country financially, etc., too.

At February 27, 2016 at 4:37 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

No but it does give you a good idea who your sleeping with. And everyone knows that the driving force behind the KKK is the Constitution? Really?

Lye with dog's get up with flea's?

Seems I've heard this story before? About saving a country somewhere. Yes 1936 Berlin.
Hate and fear will solve all of our problems.

I would have more respect for some of you if you just came out and claimed you can't stand all these Hispanics! No you will hide behind unbuilt walls, deportation that won't happen and Anonymous. It works for you I guess?

At February 27, 2016 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tomorrows Headline
3 stabbed at KKK rally near Disneyland in Southern California.

Seems one Presidential hopeful ideas may have sparked this. I fear more and worse to come.

What the Hell their all drug dealers and rapist's. His words not mine

At February 27, 2016 at 6:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:37. Nobody is sleeping with the KKK except the KKK, so knock it off.

If you want to have any chance of saving the United States of America, vote Trump; it's the only choice.

At February 27, 2016 at 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:37 - Race baiter. Hysterical again. Get a grip.

At February 28, 2016 at 9:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:56 not race baiting whatever that is?

6:40 Not calling anyone a Nazi. I see some very angry people and truthfully I understand.
My fear is that some of you are so blinded by an arrogant, bombastic, pompous egomaniac that in no way can deliver on his promises.
Build a wall the Mexicans are getting pretty good at building tunnels?
He won't denounce David Duke or the KKK, why? he was given many opportunities this morning.
He quotes "it is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep"
Do you realize who's quote that is?
Benito Mussolini!
Really this is the person you believe will make America Great Again! America never stopped being great only the people who have failed us. with their fear mongering!
Want to stop companies from leaving America? Stop buying Fords, Carrier Air Conditioners yes even Oreo cookie's You move overseas's we are done with you Everyone from Lionel Trains to General Electric we hold the control not them!
David Duke, Mussolini KKK this man is way off the tracks please beware you just may NOT get what your wishing for.

My only hope is that this country possesses 51% of people with common sense. Along with two Corinthians
Along with many voter's that will not remain Anonymous.

At February 28, 2016 at 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that quote this morning and noticed that news people were trying to make something out of it.
I understand that you will likely not agree with me here but the quote is from Mussolini, right?
The news media is playing it up like it is a big deal and that means that the Donald is a Fascist.
What if that quote had been fro Socrates or Lincoln or someone other than Mussolini?
Would the media be making a big deal out of it?
I sincerely doubt it.
The media is great at making something out of nothing. It is easy copy.
People need to look at the meaning of the phrase, not the source.

BTW, how many people can accurately define a Fascist vs a Socialist?

At February 28, 2016 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:22. You just keep voting for the same as America takes her last swan dive. The only person who has a chance at changing things and saving us is Trump; like it or not. You're voting for Hillary and more of the same. America cannot withstand one more year of the same, and I cannot imagine being more foolish. I am a lifelong Democrat, who finally became so sickened by the Democrats a couple of years ago, that I changed to an Independent. There is not one person on either side I would vote for except for Trump, and my vote for Trump is already cast absentee. God help us if Hillary or any of the others win.

At February 28, 2016 at 3:42 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:23 The problem is that you never know what Donald will say next?

The quote was from Mussolini not Lincoln or Socrates but a Fascist Dictator that many Americans died to defeat.
To be honest I always thought that quote was an old Italian proverb?
I guess you have to ask what meaning did Trump want to be associate with the quote bringing Mussolini along?
More troubling is the David Duke KKK statement. He knows who the KKK is and who David Duke is (theres video tape proof from the year 2000) but as usual his self arrogance manages to put his foot in his mouth. He speaks without thinking and to be truthful that what scares the GOP the most. Will his lose tongue cost the Republicans seats in the senate and congress. How can you throw your support behind some one when you have no idea what or who he will insult next? In other words a lose cannon.
Then you have people like 3:09 that well still believe in Santa Claus. You think Obama's executive actions are much wait until Trump.
Do you really believe Mexico will build that wall? It's just wishful thinking. With no substance or law to back you up.
A Trump Presidency will for sure be the end of the GOP and a good chance the future of this country. Be proud you voted absentee you wasted vote is cast.

I guess I have to ask if by the start of 2019 there is no wall started by Mexico and only a few deportations , what's your next move?

At February 28, 2016 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:42, this is 3:09. Quit making things up, and yes, thank you; I am very proud of my vote. While you're running around in hysterics, and voting for more of the same when America is all but lost, I have voted to save America. It's our only hope. Some people have more than a one-dimensional brain.

At February 28, 2016 at 6:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG How did a registered Independent, who use to be a Democrat, vote for Trump twice?

At February 29, 2016 at 5:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:42. One can only hope that Trump is the end of the GOP as it is. It's a bunch of loonies just like the Democrats. Trump will be more down the middle than anyone in decades. I believe he'll actually make sense, and I believe he will actually do the will of the people, which no one has done in decades. I've been a Democrat all my life, except for being a Reagan Democrat way back when. I no longer consider myself a Democrat as of late, because they are asses, just like the Republicans. But I will be voting for Trump. There is no doubt about that. You sure have a lot of dumb, rambling arguments against Trump. Nobody cares. Most people know he's our only hope.

At February 29, 2016 at 8:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM said "My fear is that some of you are so blinded by an arrogant, bombastic, pompous egomaniac that in no way can deliver on his promises."

In reality TERM, you defined most candidates at this level. If your campaign is self supporting and you already have your billions, you can say what you feel and beholding to no one.

That's what the Trump supporters like.

Just for the record, Hillary is the most documented liar I have every seen in politics. We have no good candidates at the top of the list.

There is quite a similarity between reality TV and the manufactured public persona of a politician. Think about it. Hillary is just as bad as Trump.

At February 29, 2016 at 10:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:42 I'm surprised you have more than a one-dimensional brain? Truth is we are looking for people with fully functional brains.
6:49 Must have had a lot of practice?
5:39 As long as you exhibit dumb rambling arguments from yourself know that you will receive from others as well as myself to answer you.
8:17 Here's what you got a fool on the left, a liar on the right and the Biggest A@#H^*e in the center. that's what you got.
I am presently waiting for the Republican Party to finally take responsibility for unleashing this lunatic on the American people?
They know this person will destroy their party along with this great country.
This person has never taken responsibility for any of his actions.
At least the KKK knows that!

At February 29, 2016 at 10:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:49 Independents can't vote in Party primary's?
I guess that what happens when you have more than a one-dimensional brain? you either become delusional or you live in a different dimension?
A trumped up world.

At February 29, 2016 at 10:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snowball day in Hell when I vote for a guy who pees his pant's and has Little hands! and is orange toboot

At February 29, 2016 at 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Term can you check with some of your gumba's in the N.Y. Mafia if Trump has had dealings with them?

At February 29, 2016 at 12:40 PM , Anonymous Shaw said...

To the many Trump supporters.

The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.
Credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality

At February 29, 2016 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all are ridiculous; we all have the freedom to vote, chose who we want. Great use of your freedom of speech.

At February 29, 2016 at 1:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an Independent, you have to claim one party or the other in Ohio to vote in the Primary. You can change parties at the next Primary if you want. That's the rules.

Vote Trump. He's the only hope we have. And he must be doing a pretty good job. After all, look at Term; he's hysterical like Rubio. LOL

At February 29, 2016 at 2:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, 8:17, I agree. Nobody is slimier than Hillary. She is a shocking liar, but she just seems to keep getting away with it. Although, look at the Democratic turnout; it is very poor, while the Republican turnout is much greater than normal. They are coming out to vote for Trump.

At February 29, 2016 at 2:58 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:41/2:03 Interesting facts so Democrat's can vote in the primary for say John Kasich?
Thank's for the heads-up.
Gives us something to consider.

At February 29, 2016 at 5:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:58. I think that would be considered voter fraud. You can call the elections board to find out. An Independent can choose which candidate to vote for in either party, and they are then classified as that side for the next four years, or until they vote in another Primary, unless they vote for the same party again. If you are a Democrat and maliciously vote in the Republican primary, you will be declaring yourself a Republican. Leave it to you to think of how to try to defraud an election. Doesn't surprise me at all. An Independent doesn't belong to either party, so, yes, they can choose which party to vote for. It's an honest vote, not like the one you are talking about. But again, it doesn't surprise me that you would think of doing that. It won't matter, Trump is trumping them all, you sleazebag. Ugh.

At February 29, 2016 at 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, 2:58, I don't think that Democrats can vote in the Primary for Kasich. You'd have to call the Board of Elections, but I think that is voter fraud. You are unbelievable.

At March 1, 2016 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:04/5:27 What's unbelievable is the two of your lack of knowledge of Ohio Election Laws. During every Presidential Primary season Ohio voter's have the opportunity to change party affiliation. Democrat's can become registered Republicans and Republican's can become Democrats as well as Independents choosing either party. There is no fraud involved. So if I decided to switch from being a Democrat to a Republican and vote in the Republican primary so be it.
I know of one Democrat that switched parties to vote for Trump because in the general he will be the easiest for Clinton to beat. Beware of Democrat's switching but than they might want Trump as President. You just don't know?
5:04 You already have voted for a sleazebag UGH!
Please in the future learn and know election law so as to not show us your ignorance, please

At March 1, 2016 at 11:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, you need to know your election laws. To change parties for the purpose of voting for the weaker of the other party for your own purpose is illegal. You sign that you are actually officially changing parties because you believe in that party you are changing to. Don't know the exact wording, but it is illegal to change parties for the purpose you are saying. And you can vote in the primary without declaring a party affiliation. You get an issues only ballot. There are other things besides candidate son the ballot.

At March 1, 2016 at 1:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:04. You just completely reiterated what I said about voter law. No ignorance here, just immorality on your side. Whether it's legal fraud or not, it's fraud. Call the Board and see what they say about that.

At March 1, 2016 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really Term? You knowingly cast fraudulent votes but dont care. Have you updated your voter registration?

At March 1, 2016 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:47/10:04 this fraud would be impossible to prove. I guess I could even walk into the BOE and claim I want to switch party's due to the fact I hate illegal immigrants, gay marriage and people of color. They might not even ask? I would get the change.
Same if I was switching the other way, I want amnesty for illegals I support Gay rights and I can't stand a Billionaire who want to run my country!

I vaguely remember back in 1992 Republicans asking Democrat's to switch party's during the Primary to get votes for Sheriff Dunlap? Would that be fraud?

Many Democrats believe Trump would be the easiest to defeat in November because God knows what claims and who he will offend in the next 8 months.

At March 1, 2016 at 3:01 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:53 I voted yesterday and although it's none of your business I circled Democrat so your fraud worries are over and you can sleep tonight. And I can sleep for the next four years knowing I have no association with those crazy people!

But you have to wonder about others?

At March 1, 2016 at 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted also, to take back America. But I got the smarts and went from Dem to Republic a couple years back. I truly hope this doesn't keep you awake now and give you nightmares knowing there is one more Republican in the world. Obama (ruler not a President), Hilary (Benghazi liar)Bill Clinton (known adultery), Sherrod Brown. No thank you, they have made us the United Socialist States of America.

At March 1, 2016 at 3:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why dont you update your voter registration with your actual address? Do you still reside at "477"? What ward should you be voting in?

At March 1, 2016 at 3:34 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:16 Bush ( had warning worst attack on American soil) 3,000+ died. Cheney (lied about WMD's) 4,000+ died. Hastert (child molester). Senator Portman (changes his mind only because his son is gay)
We can do this all night long. Where exactly did you acquire those 'smarts' FOXNEWS?
They have made us the most hated country in the world!

Odd brand of smarts and for the record these fact's are not in dispute by the leading candidate of your party, go fight with him.

At March 1, 2016 at 3:43 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:29 that is my residence. But I welcome you to prove it's not. I am there everyday.
Go for it but you won't be able to do it Anonymously
See in America you have the right to face your accusers

At March 1, 2016 at 4:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the USA we can also comment anonymously.

You,me and all our neighbors know where you live. If you dont have a printer, maybe someone can drop the papers off to you at 477 so you can update your info.

At March 1, 2016 at 7:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:16. We are also former Democrats voting for Trump, and I know a lot of former Democrats that are doing the same. Another thing in his favor is that he sees that America needs mammoth amounts of help and change to be great again. All Clinton can say is America is still great. I would say to her, really? Where?

At March 2, 2016 at 8:43 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:52 Whatever floats your boat! I wished you worried about real issues but maybe you can't comprehend that?
So I'll take your B.S.
3:15 "Make America Great Again"? There's not even an active noun in that statement.
America has not ever stopped being great maybe you stopped being great? Take a look in the mirror are you satisfied with what you see? Or do you see fear, anger and maybe a xenophobic person? You believe China and Mexico will give you something back you let people like Trump give them? Where exactly why are Trump labeled suits and ties made in those places? Somewhere along the way he must of made a deal with them.
Careful you may be taking a long ride?

At March 2, 2016 at 9:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go easy on some of these goof's. For all we know they are graduates of
Trump University! Home of the Orange Con Artist's

Where are the Trump for Prez signs anyway?

At March 2, 2016 at 12:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are You Serious? No Active Noun? AMERICA is a Noun - a PLACE. WHAT is an ACTIVE noun? Did you just make something else up again? As I look in the mirror daily, unable to retire properly because Obama, Clinton and the bunch gave away this country, I too am hoping for change.
And how are you at your residence? With your broken down car in your drive? Still got that recliner on the porch?

At March 2, 2016 at 12:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:06 Come over and I'll explain it to you. If you have the Ball's to show your face the car's licensed and anyway I drive a Jeep? While your at it I see no recliner how do you?
You have a very strange selective memory. Blaming President's Obama and Clinton.
Seems the deficit's started doing up and salary stagnation in the Reagan administration. The Bush's couldn't balance a budget to save their lives and at least Clinton left the White House with a surplus. The Great "W" drove the economy into the ditch! You know before the time of the do nothing Congress
I believe your to uninformed to realize who screwed up your retirement, we can discuss that too!

At March 3, 2016 at 11:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you dont live at your old house, have you registered it as a rental with the city? Did you tell the county auditor so they can raise your taxes?

To me, and some others in the know, your residence is the place you go to at the end of the day. It can be temporary, short or long term, but thats it.

The others are right, you live with your mom.

At March 4, 2016 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:54 Are you crazy? The house isn't a rental I live there no one else.
I wish some of you spent as much time worrying about where you live (Painesville) as you do me?
I am my Mother's caretaker yes.
Feel free to inform anyone you wish.

At March 4, 2016 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While your at it I see no recliner how do you? Its well hidden under the tarp. Arent you the one always demanding transparency and others do right? Yet you have a different set of rules don't you?


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