Monday, February 1, 2016

"THAT SMELL' lynyrd skynyrd

But tomorrow might not be here for you (yeah you)

Well tonight the first votes will be cast for who will become our next President. How in God's name was Iowa chosen as the first state I have no idea and a Caucus  must go back along time ago. I guess it has it's pluses and  drawbacks? People tell you their phones constantly rings. People are all over the state they even looking for votes at all the Pizza Ranch's?

Depending on who you are listening to an when, this person or that one  currently has the big MO!

Well I've been to Iowa  I have visited towns that had the same makeup of downtown Painesville before urban renewal one town was so close it was spooky.

Now the people. we have heard the word evangelical pretty much thrown around. But the great difference from most of us they have already made a 'Deal' and that deal is quite binding. Not like us yahoo's a guy fly's in on a big jet airliner promises you the world and you fall in love sorry he's not the Messiah. They are so much more spiritual and not easily impressed you need more then Jerry Falwell Jr. tagging along with the leading candidate. They can be very suspicious of people claiming  their faith. When Trump made a statement some time ago that he never prayed to the Lord for forgiveness. Well  I bet you can count on your hand how many evangelists that haven't prayed for forgiveness they all have and here comes this fellow who claims I guess he has never sinned? I expect the numbers from this group of people will not meet expectations of that candidate.

Now the other front runner has a different problem this conservative believes he can 'cruise ' through Iowa. Let me tell you about Iowa for a second. Crossing the Mississippi River say in Burlington head west and all you will see is CORN miles and miles of corn in every direction the first time I was in the state I didn't think that there was that much corn in the world.. Now every so often you would see a farmhouse, silo's, and a barn  so you were aware this was someone's corn. Think the person in the United States senate most opposed to subsidizing ethanol made from corn is in the race for their votes. Yes I know they cling to their Bibles and guns but they also like feeding their families as well as making the payments on those Ford F150 and John Deere tractors and this guy  wants to end that?

Me I see this as a wide open race and I expect a big surprise coming tonight. I could be wrong Hell I've been wrong so many times I don't even keep track anymore but if these two are the top two vote getters it will surprise me.

On the other side of the coin I see a real challenge from Santa Claus I mean Bernie Sanders. The young voters are behind him, it's a revolution! I guess you have to travel 35 or more times around the sun to realize that nothing is free! No free healthcare no free college while we're at it throw in a free Mustang or Camaro?
I have a high school memory from a teacher Frank Bucar he once while explaining socialism to us made an example out of a village sharing the milk from a cow. Everything was great but the question came up who in the village had the responsibility to care of the cow when she got sick at night? I guess if you want to be Danish you should move to Denmark? Hillary? Just be Hillary you are not Bill never was and never will be. And release all the e-mails.

Comments are welcome

Just when you think things can't get any weirder. You know the 5 hostages released by Iran a few weeks ago? One of them  the Christian Minister Saeed  Abedini? Wife who begged everyone for his release now five days after his release has filed for divorce on abuse charges stemming from before he was held hostage? Go figure


At February 1, 2016 at 11:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect that your Presidential record and mine are pretty similar.
I have been wrong on candidates a LOT!!
By now it has become kind of a joke.
After all, who would expect a Governor from Georgia or Arkansas to be elected President?
Who would expect a 270 day Senator from Illinois to be elected?
Who would expect that a representative from Michigan, who took too many shots to the head, would become President BUT would lose an election to the above mentioned Georgia Governor?
If you would have expected any of these (and there are countless other examples) either you were very lucky or I would call BS on you (I mean anyone reading this, not just Term).
The next few months should be interesting. The trouble is that, from my viewpoint, none of them are worth electing.

At February 1, 2016 at 1:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:29 This was a twist for me A friend suggested to me that Trump will be the next FDR? Remember how FDR turned his back on the wealthy and did everything he could for the little people. S.S.I. New Deal ect. Boy I hope their right. One thing Trump ain't is a conservative.

Reagan was my favorite . Trained as a professional actor I never knew when was he acting and when was he not?

300+ million people and these are our choices? Where are the FDR, JFK Eisenhower. Even Truman

At February 1, 2016 at 9:40 PM , Anonymous Adam said...

If FDR comparisons are floating around in 2016, Sanders would probably be the closest thing. And unlike many candidates, he's actually released numbers for how these things get funded.

Ask The Donald about how he plans to pay for everything. "Because I said so" and "it'll just work" are not presidential answers.

At February 2, 2016 at 8:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, please name names.
Who is the first candidate you spoke of, and the second.
We can't read your mind.

Yes, you are right, those people are the salt of the earth in my book.
The term "fly over country" always upsets me.

Its a difficult job to make yourself loved enough by everyone to win an election. You actually have to go to college for it. And major in Political Science.

At February 2, 2016 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:21 Trump, and Cruz
Trump actually flew over some the other day.
Is it love? More like respect of their commitment.
What's the big deal Democrats pretty much backed a socialist and the Republicans support a Canadian!

Trump came in second and keep a eye on Rubio.
9:40 Bernie is no FDR how to pay for all this I've heard figures as high as 19 trillion?
I agree the Donald tells a great story with no here's how we accomplish this.


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