Friday, January 15, 2016

" NOTHING FROM NOTHING" billy preston

Nothing from nothin' leaves nothin' You gotta have somethin' if you want to be with me

What am I grumbling about? All of our Presidential candidates period. Being truthful I envy some of you Trump supporters you at least believe in him. The worse that can happen is he might end up being a big disappointment. Me I'm lost I have a real life Santa Claus Bernie Sanders, An uninspiring former first lady. As well as some guy from Maryland who I don't even know why he's in the race.

Then I can look across the aisle and well Donald Trump, great businessman knows very little how government works as well as not realizing he's going to be President and not the Boss.  He will have 435 Congressmen 100 Senators as well as 9 Supreme Court Justices. Plus I don't believe he is a conservative let alone a Republican. Job one will be that wall Mexico is to build!

Ted Cruz Sorry Ted its not "settled law" and some state attorney will refuse to put you on their state ballot so hire an attorney. Plus I get a feeling many if not all of your fellow senators can't stand you. Yes you have flip flopped quite a bit. What's with bringing up Trump's Mom?  The big factor it seems you want to go to war at the drop of a hat.

Rubio I like you but you want to take us forward by going back 35 years?  At least I will keep listening. I wonder  what if a President shared your views when your parents immigrated here?

Christy Please you can't even take care of New Jersey. Trying to out Trump the Trumpster last night, you explained that you would throw Obama out of the White House! My take is if anyone would get thrown out of the White House it would be your fat a##  by Obama. You in my eyes are the biggest fraud running this year.

Jeb Bush! Really you don't want this job you could be doing so much more. You seem to be the most uncomfortable candidate. I see you quit using the ! now if you could change your last name.

Ben Carson I respect you as a doctor and that is the gift God has given you. Politics is not your forte. But this run will get you book deals as well as speaking engagements.

John Kasich The most grown up of the bunch. Anytime else this would be a plus. You seem reasonable not a trait to have currently. And you seem to be well liked by most Ohioans. What are you doing with this bunch?

I see war ahead as well as tariff's and more of the same old same old. The 1%ers are laughing out loud. I guess our memories are short. Remember where we were when the last time we elected a new President?

Maybe some of you out there can clue me in on where and by who we will be heading?

Don't feel bad, GM has already forgotten how American taxpayers saved their A##! Starting later this year they will begin importing a Buick Envision model from China.  That's the vision for America.


At January 15, 2016 at 10:00 AM , Blogger Jim said...

As I said last week, there is not one good candidate in either party.
Sad that we have come to this.

At January 15, 2016 at 1:25 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Jim, 300+ million people and no real leaders plenty of celebrity's thou.

At January 15, 2016 at 2:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump "knowing very little how Government works" is exactly why so many like him. I decided a long time ago our government is not "working" the way it should.

At January 15, 2016 at 2:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GM is a sore subject for me. In 2008 when the whole US was collapsing, Obama promised that he was not going to let GM go bankrupt. I, being a fool who had just followed him to the voting booth and voted for him, believed him, and I bought some GM stock. Then one night, over night, he bankrupted GM himself. I still can't believe he got away with it; it could not have been legal, but there went my money. That should have been my first clue on how I was going to end up feeling about Obama, or what do they call him, Obummer. He owes me a lot of money; I wonder why I haven't seen it yet.

As far as the lack of leadership and candidates, that's why people are going for Trump. It's the only hope. And if he picked Kasich for his VP, that would be our best bet. Nobody else is even remotely viable. Sad, but true.

At January 15, 2016 at 8:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the biggest reason that people are going for Trump is because he is NOT a regular Republican and not a Democrat. He seems to be somewhere in the middle, and I am hoping he uses his head instead of following stupid stuff just because that's what the particular party does. I see him as the only hope to start saving American, and I think no matter what anyone thinks of him, he is capable of doing it.

At January 15, 2016 at 8:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, if you want America to be anything like you remember it for your grandchildren, or functioning at all, really, then you owe it to them not to vote Democratic. Or Republican, per se. It has to be Trump. He may lean Republican, but I'm not so sure he's not 50-50. I think he'll use his own head. Just like Kasich who proved he could go against his party to do what was right for the people. Two rare people, in my opinion; they both have spines and brains, and I'm praying that's the way it goes down. I don't care if Trump starts jumping around on the stage like a monkey...I'm voting for the guy.

At January 16, 2016 at 8:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In today's Plain Dealer, former US Senator George Voinovich/Govenor of Ohio suggested that Hillary Clinton has the government management experience needed to be president but several Republican [Cruz, Trump, and Rubio] front-runners don't. Voinovich has endorsed Kasich and has spoken highly of Jeb Bush. As an Independent, I've supported and voted for moderate Republicans like Voinovich and LaTourrett, but they seem to be a dying breed in the GOP. I will vote for Hillary Clinton before I vote for Trump or Cruz. What has happened to the Republican Party?

At January 16, 2016 at 9:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last time we sent an outsider to Washington was Carter. Yes, a peanut farmer to be sure but it was not an easy transition for anyone, especially the country as a whole. Jimmy Carter is a great man but it makes me wonder just how hard the transition would be for Trump. His tax plan scares the hell out of me as does his foreign policy. And face it the founding fathers, thankfully set this country up so there would not be a dictatorship.

At January 16, 2016 at 10:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

To so many of you Trump supporters I presently don't want go down that rabbit hole. Inexperience I never considered a good trait. Running a business and running a country are two different things. I expect the GOP to try to take him out before the Cleveland convention. As well as the Dems building one Hell of a portfolio against him. I really don't know much about him except he is very arrogant and the best at everything? (according to him)as the above comment reflex's I also am scared by much more than just his tax plan. Inside I believe he is laughing at us. I have watched him over the past couple of months become a pretty good politician. Myself I thought he would attack Nikki Haley's response to the SOTU. He handled it perfectly. As well as Cruz's New York comment. I will wait for him to present ALL his programs a see how he stacks up one on one with his opponent. I don't want another American troop sent to the Middle East. I am tired of being the world cops as other countries put little or no skin in the game. We have until November to decide.

At January 16, 2016 at 2:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Trump's tax plan?

At January 16, 2016 at 2:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to have missed a few.
If Carter was an outsider, what was Reagan, Clinton, or 43? As afar as I recall they were all former Governors who spent no time in Washington prior to being elected.
Our current President was only slightly better at roughly 270 in the Senate.

At January 16, 2016 at 4:36 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:57 Yes but Carter, Reagan and Clinton were governors and Obama had served as a senator and state representative. I believe being a governor is good experience and prepares you for the Presidency.
Now Trump has zero experience in public service whether you want to admit it or not there's a big difference between public and private service. "Your Fired" only goes as far as your staff, cabinet members and your military chiefs. You can't fire judges, senators or congressmen that stand in opposition.
As far as Obama's short time in the Senate it shows he didn't really understand how it worked with his party as well as the opposition.

At January 16, 2016 at 5:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your old age, I think you missed what my point was.
9:29 said that "The last time we sent an outsider to Washington was Carter".
My response was to that point only.
If he is/was equating Carter with being an outsider, he needs to know that the standard he applied in not correct. The three I mentioned were all in the same boat. I was not judging their ability or success in office.
I mentioned our current President because, while he was a Senator, he wasn't there long enough (IMO) to be called an insider.
BTW, I agree with you in saying that being a Governor seems to be better preparation for the Presidency.

At January 16, 2016 at 7:49 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:23 It's pretty straight forward and benefits people in his income range. The problem I have with all these different tax plans for the revenue to stay at the same rate we must have growth in the 4%+ range. Presently we are at 2%. So less income will come into the treasury if we don't grow at 4% causing larger deficits. I call this more trickle down or voodoo economics. It's like setting up your family budget and counting on everyone getting a hefty raise.

At January 16, 2016 at 7:51 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I have an interesting question Bernie Sanders is 74 years old and just had surgery. Should he release his medical records? For that matter should all candidates do the same?

At January 18, 2016 at 5:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is correct in her assumption that Carter was an outsider. Trump comes from the private sector, period. He writes checks, attends fundraisers, and runs a company. He has loyal band of employees who can be fired or hired at the drop of a hat. It has been a hard lesson for me to accept but government runs very slowly, private industry does not. Example: shutting down Guantanamo vs shutting down an Atlantic City Casino. My way or the highway just doesn't seem to work in Washington. I would rather have a governor in the White House than an vetted land baron from private industry. I think it would take Trump 4 years just figure out how to talk to Congress. Then WE as a country can talk gridlock. You assume Trump is going to have a great ax plan just like you assumed I was a "he".

At January 18, 2016 at 5:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to see Elizabeth Warren run...... Also wondering who she supports in this election. I have talked to several Republicans in the last six months and they are wondering where their party went. A good friend said if Trump wins the nomination he was glad he had a house in Canada to retreat to for four years. Have also had a few Republicans friends confess if Trump gets the nomination they will have to vote for a Democrat! These are odd times indeed!

At January 18, 2016 at 7:34 AM , Anonymous Indy said...

As an independent I have watched these last seven years and have come to some conclusions. First the Republicans have become the party of obstruction period. Nothing will be improved with this attitude. The party is in the grips of paranoia, when did Obama ever suggest taking your guns? Disrespect 61% of Trump supporters believe he was born in Kenya, as overall 44% of Republicans believe that. They have proposed defunding Obamacare over 50 times without putting a solution of a better plan to pen and paper. Most of your candidates want to go back to war in the Middle East. I believe most Americans don't. And what I am most ashamed of is the sophomoric crude and mean spirited way you talk about our President. Notice I said OUR the tone and ranker I have heard is disheartening. At least you could respect the office. As things always do remember the words you used on this President maybe worse will be used on ours of your choosing.

At January 18, 2016 at 11:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can agree with 7:34's comments however as a life long Democrat I can say the same thing about our party. We had 8 years to groom a field of candidates to replace Obama and the best we got is a 1990's first lady and a 74 year old. Please !
Who are the up and comers of our party, nowhere to be seen. As a Democrat I woud rather vote for Trump than Hillary. He probably won't be able to accomplish much but that might be better than the alternatives.

At January 18, 2016 at 2:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I compliment you on your good command of English.

I'll assume that TERM will understand all of what you said, as I didn't. However, I did understand the part about guns. Please allow me to explain one point. You don't have to agree, but it is my hope that this is at least, enlightening.

People who are not "low information" voters know that unfortunately, politicians, mostly democrats have used gun ownership as a political football since Kennedy was assassinated. There ARE people that would "take" guns from citizens if they could. They would disarm Americans by any means available. History is rife with examples. Gun registration is the first step because the government would know where firearms were and could easily confiscate them starting with their emery's.

If this sounds like paranoia to you, I can only suggest that ignorance is bliss. The tactic of incrementally moving towards citizen disarmament is the plan of the hard core, not all. Maybe not President Obama. When people talk of common sense gun laws, I think of the laws on the books that if enforced would scare the hell out of most criminals. And addition of mental health information to the existing check system.

There are many examples, mostly from Australia and Great Brittan that I could show you, but only if you wish.

At January 18, 2016 at 7:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:34: The regular Republicans are idiots, and so are the regular Democrats. Both are so far off to an extreme side, that they are dangerous for America, and ruining America. Not any common sense or sensible ruling to be found. That's why people need to vote for Trump; because he's not technically either one. I'm not a Republican (and also not a Democrat), so I won't like everything he does, but he'll do more than most, and I believe he'll do better than anyone else. I think he'll fix a lot of extremely important things that are crucial to our survival.

At January 19, 2016 at 3:01 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:47 He will do neither without Democrats and Republicans? Another thing now he has Sarah on his side. It's getting confusing.

At January 19, 2016 at 3:11 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:41 So Obama doesn't want your guns? Somebody someday just might. You had better hope that the gun lobby isn't attacked at the state level. To blame someone because someday someone might? Do you understand the paranoiac you sound?
Here's an idea every gun must have $1,000,000 liability insurance?

At January 19, 2016 at 3:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember all the fun Republicans had with Barack Hussein Obama?
Well Ted Cruz's birth certificate claims
Rafeal (Felito) Edwardo Cruz. is his given name! Boy will I have a ball with that!

At January 20, 2016 at 6:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is 1:41 ?

At January 20, 2016 at 9:00 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:13 1:41 was 2:42

At January 20, 2016 at 12:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liability insurance on guns? We don't need proof of insurance for car tags, yet insurance is mandatory and someone thinks insurance for gun owners is gonna work? I think not.

At January 20, 2016 at 3:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I don't think that's totally paranoid thinking. A lot of people long gone might disagree with you. All automobiles should have $1,000,000 insurance minimum, as they kill many more by accident.

At January 20, 2016 at 4:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:10/3:04 Sarcasm? What's your view on a tax of $2,500 for a round of ammunition?
No nothing will change until we get tired of telling people "Our Hearts and Prayers are with the Family of....."
We don't understand the Will of God?

Stuff Happens!

At January 21, 2016 at 12:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2500.00 for ammunition? Criminals will just steal it like they do the guns. We need stricter penalties for criminals. Will it stop them all? No. You'll still see the druggie or the mental patient but it may stop the thugs and make them think of the stiffer consequence.


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