"SINCE YOU BEEN GONE" kelly clarkson
Thanks to you now I get what I want
I forget how long its been since Coe Manufacturing closed it's door? I drive by and it seems to die a little more daily. The property was donated to the city who turned it over to the Lake County Port Authority. They have environmentally cleaned certain areas and have found tenant's for two of the structures on the north side of the NS railroad tracks.
At Thursdays Zoning Board the port authority proposed splitting up the building on the south side of the tracks.
This is requested as to find tenants who don't need all the square footage for a business.
VARIANCE: Section 1129.01; 1133.01(b); 1137.04; 1139.02
An application has been submitted by Lake County Ohio Port and Economic Development Authority, requesting a variance to Sections 1129.01; 1133.01(b); 1137.04; and 1139.02 of the Painesville Codified Ordinances. The applicant is requesting a lot split of several parcels that house existing buildings. The lot splits will create nonconforming lots and require variances of lot size, setback and parking requirements.
After discussion the measure passed 4-0
The plus here is that businesses will relocate in this building. Plus when these buildings were empty no property taxes were paid by the Port Authority. Now the two buildings to the north of the tracks are again on the tax rolls and as the south building become occupied they also again will start paying property taxes as well as income taxes. All things considered it was a good decision.
On another note;
It was reported in todays paper Juan Razo 36, the prosecutor has decided to ask for the death penalty in his July 27th rampage.
Now as more and more comes out this gets more and more disgusting along with a robbery-murder also the rape of the victim, shooting on the bike path, the attempted rape of a 14 year-old what choice did the prosecutor have?
I just hope we will not have to hear any ridiculous comments from HOLA or Veronica Dahlberg how somehow this is our fault. You had this monster living in our community and you never informed anyone. You want to blame someone please blame yourselves! TERM>>
Stocks dropped over 300 pts. today. At the same time all I have heard for the last month is Star Wars this, and Star Wars that. Biggest opening for a movie ever! Disney stock down $4.44 losing almost 4% of value.
Blame you too, you have supported and speak favorable about the poor illegals fleeing the poverty of Mexico. Check your past posts and GO TRUMP. PS Ive invited the Donald to come here and I really hope he will as some past candidate have.
1:14 guilty, speaking favorable for people. Blame my Christian upbringing.
Trump will never be President. There are to many voters with an IQ's of over 80.
I hope he comes 1) to thank him for getting Hillary elected and 2) To see a Charlatan up close.
so now the hispanics are solicting funds to buy christmas presents for children of illegals (it will be in tomorrows news herald) isn't the handouts they already get not good enough? I wonder if they will hand some out to the black and white or any other race, why do they need to duplicate the service already done by toys for tots and the salvation army? is it not enough?
3:42, yes, that's right. You're too much of a Christian, so you have spoken favorably about the Hispanics and the other illegals, but you have decimated anyone who wanted them out of the country.
And if you want to talk about an IQ of 80 or under, just keep voting for the same people, i.e., Hillary Clinton, etc., and expect a different outcome. Don't know if you've noticed but our country is in dire straits, and you intend to vote for her and expect things to change and improve? That has to be dumber than voting for Trump by a very wide margin. Go Trump.
5:40 I believe I have been more civil to you and your ilk on this subj3ect?
As far as Trump "true" Conservatives I associate with believe Trump is not what he portrays himself to be. Now as much as I would love to see him elected I don't believe the country could survive. Then again I don't think he is bigger than the Constitution. Make America great again? Look around who's greater? If truth be told Putin is more afraid of Clinton then Trump. But then again if you want to see another big attack, another war, drive your economy into the ground again vote for him.
Bring the jobs back? If we were serious about this bringing jobs back home, all consumers would have to do is demand American goods from vehicles to shoes?
8:38 They can solicit all they want. You control your giving to whom you choose.
This spirit of the Holidays is a good thing but it seems everyone is getting into the act?
It's too bad the Ville wont put a police and fire station on that property. We could use a little more protection in this community - oh so close to the MetroPark path where that murder took place.
Wonder if some poor white children from St Mary parish stopped - would they share with the white people they so despise? This is the reason I left that parish and am happy where I am now. There is no favoritism or bigotry in the church I attend. AND I don't have to learn Spanish.
12:03 All I will say is that no group of people will 'chase' me from the parish I was born and raised in. I attend church to connect with my Savior. That includes Priest's or anyone else connected with the parish. I do understand your choices and respect attending this place of worship without any bigotry or favoritism.
A couple of problems with your idea.
If the City "needs" a new station, it would likely go somewhere on the west side of town. After all, that is a lot farther from the existing station than this location.
Also the Metro Park path where the murder occurred is outside the City so our police forces would not be the primary responders at all.
I know it is not going to happen but probably the best use of the property would be acquiring it (by eminent domain if needed) and making it into a park type setting that welcomes people to the City. If the property where the body shop is located could be acquired then the whole parcel could be zoned R1 and housing constructed.
Just ideas.
I don't believe one was 'chased' from a church - it was their choice to attend worship as they feel fit to the individual. I believe one doesn't need to ATTEND a church to be a Good Christian.
I can attend St Mattress and Father Pillow every day and twice on Sunday, say my prayers, confess my sins and talk to God from anywhere on Earth. Nowhere does the bible or the church require Communion on Sunday. I believe going to church on Sunday does not make one a 'Good' person. How one acts with and without people around makes a person.
6:58 You practice your faith any way you want. Whatever works for you. My comment was meant for the person who switched from one parish to another due to reasons they mentioned.
My favorite Mass comes up this week. Midnight Mass.
Again - going to church or temple does not make a better person. Attend every day then go out be a horrible person in between church - its the man upstairs we will answer to -
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