Wednesday, December 23, 2015


It's been a long hard year, but now it's Christmas

I Know Something Good About You

Wouldn't this old world be better
If the folks we meet would say----
"I know something good about you!"

Wouldn't it be fine and dandy
If each handclasp, fond & true,
Carried with it this assurance----
"I know something good about you!"

Wouldn't life be lots more happy
If the good that's in us all
Were the only things about us
That folks bothered to recall?

Wouldn't life be lots more happy
If we praised the good we see?
For there's such a lot of goodness
In the worst of you and me!

Wouldn't it be nice to practice
That way of thinking, too?
You know something good about me,
And I know something good about you?

By Louis C. Shimon

May I take this opportunity to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


At December 23, 2015 at 8:38 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Merry Christmas Angelo!

At December 23, 2015 at 1:23 PM , Blogger Jim said...

Merry Christmas Term

At December 25, 2015 at 5:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wishing ALL of us a merry Christmas? Really? All of us? Every one of us?

At December 26, 2015 at 5:19 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:01 Yes all of you. Just because you and I disagree doesn't mean I don't wish you well or dislike you? I guess you don't understand my thinking? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

At January 1, 2016 at 8:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I trust everyone slept well last night. The expectation that terror would strike at the stroke of midnight left friends and family holding their breath and figured we would wake up to front page headlines. Thankfully it was a peaceful entry to 2016 and lets hope and pray every day remains the same.

At January 1, 2016 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:12 Yes even the anonymous idiots that comment here. Happy New Year! Then again I could see making exceptions?
8:01 Yes it was a safe New Years and we should always stay vigilant. But at times I believe the purpose of all news agency's is to have us all live in fear. Remember home of the Brave.

At January 2, 2016 at 6:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Land of the Free, because of our Brave!


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