Sunday, January 3, 2016


Happy New Year!  Let's keep those Resolutions.

Organizational Meeting at 7:15 pm. Well I expect a new Council-President as well as Vice-President Lori DiNallo and Michael DeLeone  in that order. Who says Republicans don't run city council?

Swearing in of Ward Council people

LEGISLATION;  Providing for the issuance and sale of $2,250,000 notes anticipation of the issuance of bonds. Well it was $2,860,000 last year so I guess we paid off $610,000? Wonder throughout the years how much we have paid in interest on these bonds?


Prairie State Power Plant.  Well I guess it's time to stick a fork in that one. No more Andy no more PSEC. Sweep it under the rug and file it as another city screw-up. The guy who 'Proudly' pushed this project is Painesville's Man-of-the Year ?

Sidewalk Replacement Program.  I have no idea where the council or administration wants to go with this one?


Here we go again!

AND... Best of Luck to new Ward I Councilwoman  Christine Shoop!

It seems the only top 10 teams from the Big Ten are Ohio State and Michigan the others just seem to have been lucky this year?


At January 3, 2016 at 2:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would seem to me that to be a "person of the year", you should need to do something within that year to warrant that selection.
Since he has been out of office for the last two years, what did he do in either 2014 or 2015 to be merit selection?
I know I am getting old and forgetful but I have nothing.

At January 3, 2016 at 2:50 PM , Anonymous I Can Only Hope said...

Carson- grapevine says he has a stay of execution. At least for one more year barring ANY mistakes or problems.
Thanks Council - Proving once again you have NO Backbone and will continue to turn a blind eye to all that he has done. Mr Hach is such a peach for insisting nothing will happen to the CM as long as Hach is council president. Hmmm tomorrow may be a new change and we will be welcoming a former Madison employee to our town?

At January 3, 2016 at 3:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't a Man of the Year have done something that helped the City improve?
People who come to mind might include Art Shamakian, Jim Federico, any of the Smith family from Consolidated Investments, or Mr Terriaco from T&T Bakery.
I am sure there are others equally deserving who don't come immediately to mind.
Any one who has brought business to the City is a better choice than any self serving politician would ever be.
Too bad it is just to curry favor and not a real award.

At January 3, 2016 at 4:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Completely unrelated to any City issues, here is something I have to wonder about.

Today I drove all around the County. Everywhere I went I would se either County trucks or ODOT trucks.
No plows down and no spreading of any substance.
What purpose is this serving other than to pay for the County or ODOT worker's Christmas?
I realize that in a normal year, by this time, they have earned a ton of overtime and Christmas is no problem
That is not the case this year BUT why are they out today, doing nothing, at the tax payers expense??
This is so very typical of all governmental functions.
There is NO accountability for money so spend it like a drunken sailor.
Use it or lose it?

On the unlikely chance that someone from ODOT or the County road department reads this, would you please explain the justification for trucks out today? There was no snow falling to amount to anything and they sure were not doing anything at all.

At January 3, 2016 at 5:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hada's award reminds me of what doctors do...if one of them kills someone the rest of them promote him/her or give them some sort of honor to show support and to try to salvage their public reputation. It's all very slimy. Slime away Hada.

Is anyone investigating these companies and deals and the people who voted yes? Hada said he voted "proudly" for the deal, as he looked out to smirk at the citizens who had fought against it, so he shouldn't have any problem freely discussing the deals.

At January 4, 2016 at 3:42 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:50 Sorry that was a good decision. Hey fire him you will only have to pay him for God knows how long? That said waste is key in the 'Ville!
As far as Joe Hada I guess he must of done something right? We elected him and re-elected him 8 times (32) years? I know I voted for him a 6 times? I don't believe anyone in town has been financially rewarded for their AMP-OHIO votes. If they were it is so well hidden no one will find it. I guess he just listened to the wrong people and put his trust in them. He had served so long he must not have felt the need to look around for alternative's?

At January 4, 2016 at 3:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello 4:19
I was glad to see the trucks spreading salt at zero dark thirty this morning as the roads were icy. After they hit the intersections and bad spots, they go back to do most everything else. Because the temp was freezing, they have to keep salt on the road as we drive around creating new ice. Not a plow driver, but 50 years of driving, I see this. I admit, they do have to drive over the dry road to get to the bad spots.

At January 5, 2016 at 4:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

CM's contract would have been up in the summer therefore if he stayed another half-year he would not need to have a buy out. Now we have to keep him under close watch for another year. Residents and council were aware of his antics and spending taxpayer dollars like water (Christmas decorations Yes PART came from others, office and city hall refurbishing, hiring a secretary without any experience as a department head, firing ODOT streetscape employees then using city workers on OverTime)I'm sure I've missed more but council had several chances to stop him yet gave him more time to ruin Painesville like he did in Berlin and Warren/Youngstown. BTW has he paid his former employer the 10,000.00 still owed?

At January 5, 2016 at 6:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hot off the press... Problem with R.I.T.A. tax business. Apparently there was a type of security problem involving personal information. In typical reporting fashion I did not catch everything first time around i.e. possible locations but will listen better next time around. Hopefully this will be a mistake or overexageration by news media and we will be OK.

At January 5, 2016 at 6:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 4:19 and I will tell you that not a single truck, that I saw, was spreading salt, cinders, brine, or anything else on Sunday.
The interstate roads were dry everywhere.
I live on a county road that was dry as well and yet county trucks were on it all day.
The temperature did not go below freezing until approx 5:30 pm so there was no ice for you to avoid.
Want to try to justify the overtime again?
Look, if there is a need I am all for the drivers being out but this was not the case on this past Sunday.

At January 6, 2016 at 5:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:05 Oh, Sunday. Sorry, I didn't notice the date of your post. I was talking about Monday. Maybe Sunday was a practice day??? So if you saw an ODOT or County truck on an icy road that was their responsibility and they didn't salt it, that would definitely need answering for.


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