Tuesday, December 22, 2015

BYE, BYE, BYE n'sync


I have received unofficial information that the Tattoo Parlor scheduled for the January Planning Commission Meeting the request for that use has been pulled by the applicant.

Don't want to make it tough, I just want to tell you I had enough

The council meeting was packed with residents expressing to say good-by to long time councilman Andy Flock. I guess after some of the disrespectful comments on the blog. I didn't expect the number of people that showed up last night. Even council people as far away as Oberlin were there to wish Andy their best. I noticed many people in the audience that Andy had gone to bat for over the years that in the end wanted to show their appreciation.

In the visitor's time I spoke of Andy being the 'Maverick' on council. I can't tell you the times I witnessed votes 6 /1 on council. At times I thought I was watching the voting as if it resembled the Stepford wives?

What amazed me were the number of times he ended up being on the right side of history? During the AMP-OHIO presentation Andrew questioned what if the project isn't completed. This was met with laughter from AMP, the administration as well as other council members. Two million dollars later we find out just maybe we shouldn't have laughed?

The Cobblestone secrets? The many other things  without many in council not knowing and  reading about it in the paper like the rest of us. The city administration deciding the Millstone solution and then bringing it to council.

Once Council-President Hada charged that Andy should be charged with malfeasance for voting against another Condo complex . "You voted for the budget, it was in the budget." Hada exclaimed. Andy never again voted for a city budget.

The list goes on and on. You always knew where Andy stood on an issue. Even Mr. Shamakian thanked Andy for his support for the Inn while it was just a vision and a bad idea to many.

Council members shared their good-byes and stories about Andrew.

Law Director phrased Andy for being a Maverick and as a council person could separate issues. claiming the  last three council people who served Ward I were aliment about serving their ward.

It will be interesting attending council meetings without knowing Andy will be there. Christine has some big shoes to fill.

Oh, by the way every agenda items passed.

As well as Council-President Hach informing us Renee Aston has been appointed to the Zoning Commission, and Mary Hada appointed to the Planning Commission. Could this lead to a run for council? We could in a few years have four women sitting on council. Mrs. Hada joins Planning just as the Tattoo Parlor will be the first thing on their agenda. Right into the fire! I wish them both the best for doing a unpaid as well as thankless job.

After the meeting visitors, council people and administrator met at the Fish Bar to send Andy off.

Looking back only a guy from Cleveland could screw-up the winner of the Miss Universe Contest. Thanks for the awkward moment Steve!


At December 23, 2015 at 12:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether or not one agreed or disagreed with Andrew, he always drew my respect in that he was 'prepared'. The number of times I have seen council open their packets at the start of a meeting were countless, did they take this seriously? Council was expected to comment, not find out what the hell was going on. This reflects commitment, or lack thereof.


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