Sunday, July 1, 2012

"DESTINY RULES" fleetwood mac

Many of you (including me) seem to believe… well… actually know… that much of the Hispanic community seems to be having a problem assimilating our American culture.

Many of you also believe they have no desire to even try.

We should start with making English the official language of the United States. Let’s ask everyone... the President, his opponent, Senators and Congressmen to make that happen at the federal level.

Look at our Canadian neighbors. Did you ever notice how one side of a truck has a description of the contents in English and the other side is in French. This makes little sense (except to the French minority) and probable hurts their economy.

Having discussed the language issue, let’s move on to some other thoughts on assimilation.

Many organizations reach out to Hispanic communities. Church groups, for example. You have to wonder if these organizations take the time to explain why so many Americans seem angry with Hispanics. If they do bother to make any attempt, it probably goes something like this: "The people that are mean to you are just a bunch of racists." That is an easy answer but it is not based entirely on fact.

OK, let’s get down to brass tacks. Those of you out there aiding the Hispanic community ought to implement the following suggestions. To do otherwise is a disservice to them and everyone else.

First, explain to them that English as a second language is a bunch of B.S.

When living in America, English should be your FIRST language and the language of the country of your origin should now be your second language. Want to claim this is racist? Not if you want to get ahead in America. In addition, if you truly want your children to succeed… they must be fluent in English as well. Let’s flip the coin here too… shouldn’t I consider you a racist when I’m sure that a group of two or more Hispanics know English… but for some reason switch to Spanish when an Anglo or a Black enters the room.

These next few suggestions go for any race or nationality, not just Hispanics.

Please do not drive up to Human Services or the Health Department in your brand-new Cadillac Escalade, with the 20" wheels to pick up food stamps. Please do not claim ‘dad’ isn’t around either.

Do not proceed to Redi-Go and purchase foodstuffs that you could purchase elsewhere at a savings. Convenients, Redi-Go's etc. were never meant to be the place where you purchased your weekly groceries. Don’t get a ‘so what… it's free money’ attitude either. You might not want to be standing in line talking on your iPhone and wearing $150.00 sneakers. For the most part, people have no problem helping others in need. But they start to get the feeling that they are being taken for a ride when they watch you get your stuff and then cramming yourself into that Escalade.

To the clerks at these stores… yeah… I'm glad you want to practice your second language on these customers and their children. However…you’re not doing anyone a favor. Neither are you folks at Lowes and Home Depot!

Health care is a big issue in this country. Do not drive your wife, significant other, girlfriend or your child to Tri-Point and pretend that you are not able to pay. Do not sit in the emergency room clogging the system while you chat away on your iPhone. Funny… nice vehicle, expensive clothes, latest high tech phone but zero health care? What and/or who is to pay for this, I ask you.

Don't think people might be prejudiced because they were a victim of identity theft? Someone here illegally may have been responsible for an accident and have no license or auto insurance. Sure they might have uninsured motorists insurance, and their rates will go up. This anger is not racism.

Are you being paid under the table? Well my friend… you’re screwing yourself as well as the rest of us. Working in the township somewhere and been told by a tax preparer that you don’t have to worry about Painesville City Income Tax? Have you heard some version of ‘Don't worry about that, CCA doesn't check’. Just a heads up… start worrying… there is a new collector in town. This RITA won't let you get away with it like the old Rita did.

I’m sure you realize that the city has certain ordinances that cover how many people can reside in a dwelling. This is generally determined by square footage. Now when I see a house that is only a three-bedroom and yet has four Waste Management dumpsters at the street on collection day… please do not think you are fooling anyone.

Please get a clue that in this country we urinate inside our homes. It is unacceptable to go outside and water your foundation. Please learn American bathroom etiquette.

Music? Everyone loves music…the problem is that most like THEIR music as much as you like yours. Music is a personal choice, I love mine and you might hate mine. Do not make me listen to yours and you do not have to listen to mine. Fair enough?

Keep an eye on your children. Some of you seem to believe there are not any bad people out stalking kids or nutty drivers that aren’t paying attention. Please also follow the laws regarding your pets… no… dogs are not allowed to run free-range in Painesville. Also a good rule of thumb; if there is a sidewalk in front of your house… it’s probably not a good idea (as well as against the law) to slaughter farm animals (or for that matter, any animal) in your garage. Cock fighting is also against our laws.

Want to fly a flag from the old country? I can understand your devotion, but also fly the flag of your new country too. Can’t find it in your heart to fly both? Don’t want to fly our stars and stripes? Then just maybe you are in the wrong place and should pack your bags and return to the place where your alliance is. America has one rule whoever you are and wherever you came from… The United States will never be anyone’s "OLD" country.

Expect to contribute. What… you have little to contribute? Those young people, your children will play a big part in this country’s future. Leaders, teachers, scientists, entrepreneurs, protectors… the very future of America is currently growing up in your homes. Nurture this, get involved in their education, show educators and your children how important an education is. Do not assume that once they are of an age to start contributing to the family, that they have now had enough education. Understand and teach them the opportunities an education presents to them.

Use your common sense. Do not believe everything an advocate for your people tells you. There are limits to what they can and cannot do. I can promise you as much as they can. Many advocates are self-serving. Please never tell an American "you need us." We seemed to thrive pretty well before you arrived and will survive if you decide to "self-deport". Love Mitts plan? Do you think it will work?

You bring a lot to the table. Family values, a great work ethic, pride in your property. Get involved in the community meet your neighbors, join civic groups, join the POC, and get to know your community. Follow the rules! Eventually suspicion and preconception might be replaced with trust.


At July 2, 2012 at 5:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, Term. These people need to understand that respect is a two-way street. And also that when they stage marches and rallies and protests demanding their "rights," it really leaves a bad taste in the mouths of citizens and LEGAL immigrants.

I am someone who used to stick up for them and thought it was "charming" to have so many Mexican eateries in town, and enjoyed occasionally hearing Mexican music from the neighbors. I was going to brush up on my Spanish so I could talk to them.

I've changed. Years of putting up with rude behavior, loud noise, public urination, protests, etc. have really soured my outlook. I want nothing to do with a group of people who don't want to follow the rules and can't even be bothered to learn our language.

If I wanted to live in Mexico, I'd move there.

At July 2, 2012 at 6:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your post, Term.

I have one other tip for them that I would like to add:

If you are not here legally, please get out of this country.

At July 3, 2012 at 12:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I just read your column about what the Hispanics have to do, in America. Great advice. I now wonder if you have any advice and suggestions, for our black population. They have been having trouble assimilation for 400 years?

At July 3, 2012 at 4:31 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

If you read the post you noticed I mentioned EVERYONE could benefit from following afew of these suggestions.
Now on your comment that our Black population on having trouble assimilating for 400 years?
Ever here of Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation"? of less than 150 years ago?
Until that happened Blacks were property in this country. Slaves. They were forced to assimilated by our language [English] religion [Christanity] The have nothing to trace back to the heritage from where they came.
Any other immigrant then and now legal or illegal comes here on their own free will. These people were brought here in chains.
Your 400 years suddenly drops to 150 years. and until the Civil Rights Bill of 1965. Many were never viewed or received full citizenship 47 years. Everything takes time, the door to new opportunities have just recently opened.
I believe the best rule to follow is judge the person, not the nationality or race. Things can be viewed clearer.

At July 4, 2012 at 8:19 AM , Anonymous Adam said...

"Look at our Canadian neighbors. Did you ever notice how one side of a truck has a description of the contents in English and the other side is in French. This makes little sense (except to the French minority) and probable hurts their economy."

Term, you *are* aware that Canada endorses English and French as their official languages, right? As such, bilingual labeling is required by law.

And further, the Canadian dollar is currently at par with the American dollar. Their economy is doing just fine.

At July 4, 2012 at 8:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

So Adam am I to believe that two offical languages are better then one? Why not four?
I love Canada. What would the Canadian economy be without their southern cousin the United States?

There doing fine, I can't agree more with you, Universal Health care.
They never had to bailout their banks {proper regulations}
Never suffered the housing crisis problem and financing problems we had in the U.S. Truth be told I have some assets in Canadian Banks.
So I guss I can't expect your support for ONE offical language? Today is one of those days I'm happy to be 62 so I won't have to deal with the alternative.

At July 6, 2012 at 11:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was an editorial in The News-Herald on 7/5/12. It makes the statement that Mexico has developed a large middle class with middle class expectations...

So it is official--all the illegal Mexicans can go home now. Of course, it won't be as cushy as they have it here, with hard-working Americans providing them with a free ride and all, but just the same, they can all go live a normal life there, just like the rest of the Mexicans are.

In the end, there really IS no good excuse for them to be stealing our country and our country's treasure. Other than, of course, that they are thieves and liars.

At July 7, 2012 at 7:20 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:34 I have to ask who are the REAL theives and liars?
You put a 'keep out' sign on the fence and at the same time put a
"help wanted" sign to the right of it?
The National Chamber of Commerce as well as the local ones wants cheap labor as well as new customers for there businesses. Why pay American wages if we can flood the country with cheap labor? Let them use emergency rooms for healthcare the American government and people will pay for it. People who are living in a thrid world situation and won't mind living on top of one another because it's a far better life than they have had. We as Americans want everything cheap except our wages and have for years looked the other way as this cheap labor has entered this country. At the same time we shop at stores that import goods from countries that pays pennys on the dollars.
I purchased a new refrigerator the other day and asked the salesman where it was made. He asked me why I wanted to know.
Obama's economic plans failure? This economy would be humming by now if we hadn't exported the millions of jobs in the past ten years.
Free trade? or Stupid trade?
So stop for a minute and think who is stealing our country's treasure for a second.
People like the Rodriguizes or the Romneys?

At July 7, 2012 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no excuse for Romney. An immoral slug is an immoral slug.

As for the illegals? I'm going to go rob a bank...then I'm going to blame it on the bank...then I'm going to demand they give me money and membership...after all, I deserve it. And don't forget, I'm just a nice person who just doesn't feel like being in my own bank. For one thing, they don't subsidize my entire life there.

And me personally in real life? I want to go live in France. I am going to go do that. While I'm there, I am going to steal my livelihood and every free benefit that I can find from their coffers, then I'm going to blame it on France, and demand citizenship. After all, I'm just some poor, poor thief and liar, and they owe it to me. And see?...some of the people even feel sorry for me, and make excuses for my thieving and lying.

P.S. They live on top of each other in Mexico, too. I don't actually have a problem with that, as long as they are doing it in Mexico. If that is what they do in their country, they can go do it in their country. It's just not acceptable in this country.

I don't know what percentage of people in Mexico still choose to live in a third world way. But much of Mexico is a thriving, normal country. If they can make it across the border to improve their circumstances, they can certainly move to a better region in Mexico. Hell, they even know how to cross the border for just a day, so they can get free medical care in the USA. This isn't the times of Zorro, you know. Mexico really IS a country in their own right. Hospitals, universities, businesses, etc. Really, look it up. Also, as the article said, they have a thriving middle class. And you made the statement before that we don't know if everyone in their resort regions are happy. Does that mean that we should go ask everyone in LasVegas if THEY are happy? Or Painesville, for that matter. And if they are not...does that mean they get to steal and lie to MAKE themselves happy?

Do you think everyone who wants to come here should? There will never be an end to it. Never. We must enforce our laws.

At July 8, 2012 at 7:54 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Your bank annlogy is interesting. Then again if the bank invites you in to help yourself.Is it the people who help themselves guilty or the people running the bank the gulity ones?
You have expressed yourself very plainly you don't want illegals, Maybe you should share your thoughts with the people who want them here as employees and customers?
It's not stealing in my book if something is offered to you or you work for something. All I can tell you is your anger should be directed at someone else.

At July 8, 2012 at 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is plenty of blame to go around, and I have been at the fight to save my country from the illegals for many years--long before anyone else was becoming alarmed.

One of the main components of what has happened is the people of America who have sat back and let it happen--either by apathy, or by saying the poor people can't help themselves and they have to be thieves and liars to exist, which is a ridiculous falsehood, or worse yet, by helping them steal from this country and steal this country.

We still have men and women dying in wars to save this country, while the citizenry at home are letting it be usurped by thieves, without a single shot fired. Make no mistake, though, even though they are not firing off any amunition to take over our country, it is a takeover nonetheless, and the Mexicans know it and laugh at us. But, you know, it must be everyone else's fault but the thieves themselves. That's what the Mexicans say--that they deserve to be here, and they deserve this country.

I have a problem with people who justify what they are doing and, therefore, help it to happen.

At July 9, 2012 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand how you people throw out your name calling and slurs (immoral slug, etc.) and it is ok as long as it is directed at a Democrat. I have some names for you but I have too much class and a better vocabulary at my disposal to use them.

At July 10, 2012 at 6:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you mean Republican? It was me who called Mitt Romney an immoral slug, and he is a Republican. Based on what I think about him, I was being very polite. I agree, however, that Miss Manners would not approve. I don't personally believe he deserves better, though. After all, a slug IS a slimy animal. Kinda fits. I could maybe leave the animal off, and just call him slimy--I could live with that.

At July 12, 2012 at 5:37 AM , Anonymous Annon said...

Congrats. Destiny Rules is something I can and will agree with you on. The Obama and Romney chat, not so much as I don't want either one.


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