Thursday, June 28, 2012


Well they have decided to let Prairie State dump there ash in Washington County after all?
You have to wonder what  motivated the commission on this ruling?
All because after the promise was made a
"monofill" to slove the problem Prairie State couldn't aquire the property? Notice they never denied the promise they had made.
Here's a crazy idea why not deposit the coal ash in a closed mine? Sorta like dust to dust?
I guess that ash hole couldn't be found.

Lively Grove Twp. maybe should change its  name to Deadly Mountain Twp.

Wash. Co., Prairie State reach agreement

…Dale Wojtkowski presented a petition of 66 signatures of those who will live near he waste facility.
He told the board, ‘Most of these folks here are the people from the immediate area. They are my neighbors. They are people that I’ve lived with for 25 to 30 years, and we’re very concerned…When you’re destroying 640 acres of farm land, that is not a good idea. If it was 100 feet outside of Nashville here, people would be raising heck about it. It would be a whole different story, and you know that.’
Wojtkowski asked why the waste facility was being considered when prior assurances were reportedly made by Prairie State executives in 2005 that no such sites would be placed in Washington County, but he was informed by the county’s legal counsel that the company was interested in creating a monofill but could not acquire the necessary property at that time.”

— Jason Silvey, Centralia Sentinel

UPDATE June 30, 2012
From the Prairie State Energy Campus offical site.

Prairie State is part of Lively Grove Township  within Washington County and our coal mine adopted our township name for our mine. While Prairie State is located in Washington County it sits at the corner of St. Clair and Randolph counties as well.
One of our coal combustion residual monofills is located 12 miles south of the campus in Jordan Grove  Randoloph County.

For you that have been following this story a "coal combustion residual monofill" Is a nice way to say Coal ash dump. Funny in the news release they claimed they couldn't acquire property, yet on their website they claim to own one?


At June 28, 2012 at 1:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

amazing what cash payoffs can do in podunk counties ... couple hundred grand got themselves a toxic dump now.

At June 28, 2012 at 1:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Galion city electrical supervisor now officialy gone from his job.

The idiot was PUSHING for all these AMP projects ... that's one down ...

At June 28, 2012 at 2:56 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:33 It is wrong to make these allegations without some kind of proof?
I wonder if Praire State reminded them of the new school that was just built?
Galion if you lived here I am positve we would have positive results.
Was the city manger pushing the AMP projects? Was anyone on your council pushing these contracts? Have they ever explained why?

At June 28, 2012 at 5:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Galion had a different city manager, an old fossil.

He relied on the the city finance director for advice and expertise on the AMP CONTRACTS.

After the contracts were signed into place .. the city FINANCE DIRECTOR quit his job in Galion to go work for AMP. He moved out of town.. he's gone. He works at the AMP TAJ MAHAL.

Galion signed up for 250% more power than the community needed, SAWVEL & Associates ... the so called independent electrical consulting compant went right along with the whole shebang.

All of the AMP contracts were read under the city " EMERGENCY " clause, one reading then they voted at the same time .. before the community realized what they were doing ... all passed.

City EMERGENCY clauses are to be used for things such as a bridge collapsed, city hall burnt down .. items that need EMERGENCY decisions.

What do you think went on ?

At June 29, 2012 at 7:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't make this stuff up in Galion ... a city supervisor out of control and now gone.

He should have been fired for his actions, not be allowed to retire.

At June 30, 2012 at 5:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Painesville have a water ban in affect? The tv said there is a water shortage in painesville. I'm confused, don't we live next to Lake Erie, why do we have a water shortage and no one else does? What's going on with our utilities?

At June 30, 2012 at 8:07 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The ban was due to a water main break near Veterns Park. I am to believe the valves to shut the water off counldn't be located?
I guess the city doesn't have the schematics for that area? This then drained the water even from the water towers and lowering pressure throughout the system. The city had new valves installed and by Sunday night everything was back to normal. The cost of water from Lake Erie is free, what cost money is purifying it and getting it to your business or home.

At June 30, 2012 at 11:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry, 5:27 I thought you were questioning the shortage last Saturday. Seem the city manager has put a sprinkling ban in place as for the drought and as a safety precaution if a major fire broke out in the city.
Next time you drive around the city please notice the different colored bands around fire hydrants.
Green is great, yellow is so-so and red? well just pray your home doesn't need water from that hydrant. You probably couldn't water your lawn with the pressure coming from there.

At July 1, 2012 at 11:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the time the next council election rolls around. This will be all exposed to Painesville people in higher electric rates as well as news media scrutiny.
Mr. Hada will be toast, we won't need Flock Becks or anyone else.
Joe will never see four decades, and say good-by to his sidekick Rita.

At July 1, 2012 at 12:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only hope you are right

At July 1, 2012 at 3:55 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I need some help in explaining the City Manager's logic on the sprinkler ban?
The reason for the ban is because of increased consumption and and low level of pressure in the system.
So if everyone in Painesville sprinkles their lawn, flower beds and gardens on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. What happens if we need the water pressure to be high on Monday to fight a major fire?
Do you think if she had atleast thought this out to say house addresses that ended in an even number water on M-W-F and house addresses that ended in an odd number T-T-S?
I just don't get it.


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