Sunday, June 24, 2012

"DID I LET YOU KNOW" red hot chili peppers

If some of you got up today and had no water pressure or very little. Rest assured the city water department is looking into where the break happens to be ?
Downtown was blocked off last night due to the search.
This along with an underground transformer failure last week downtown makes you wonder if he need streetscapes or some serious infrastructure repair?
Hope you find away to shower today it's gona get muggy.


At June 24, 2012 at 2:34 PM , Anonymous 666 said...

Thank the taxpayers and certain council for these messes. There should have been levies initiated along time ago- to be there for a rainy day like today. But most council has never wanted to be the "Bad Guy" to even speak about a levy. Heavens no it would ruin their seat, they would be know as the council person who wanted to raise your tax. Well, now look where we are. And thanks to all of you people on this blog who are against everything the city stands for, nothing will ever improve in this town.

At June 24, 2012 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

There should have been savings and cuts found long ago? Why a $100,000 assitant city manager? This town has less then 20,000 people. Many have shown ways to save money? Why hasn't the administration adopted any new polices?
You have a city with a general fund budget of close to 12 million dollars, you pay out 6 million in wages and 3 million in employee benefits, leaving you pretty much with less then 3 million for, fire trucks, police cars, grass cutting, recreation, even to purchase salt.
Then when you do try to pass a levy, the administration gets cute and ties it into a charter change. Think thats a great idea? Ask a Mentor-onthe-Lake resident, the city portion of their city taxes go up every year? Without anyone's vote.
The first step to improve this town is get rid of the person in charge. Hire someone who will answer to the residents instead of only four councilpeople.

At June 24, 2012 at 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is where you blur the lines and mislead your readers, these administration salaries are evenly divided between all departments.
how about saying 80 million instead of 12 million.
the general fund is only one part of the administration budget. 3/4 of the general fund is police and fire, stop misleading.
Does mentor have an assistant? what is their budget?
who in the county has three utilities? why not get involved instead of being a monday morning quarterback. talk is cheap!

At June 24, 2012 at 6:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At June 24, 2012 at 6:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone know what happened to the road on the corner of Courtland and East Jackson? There is a huge buckle in the road that has been there since at least Friday night. Barriers have been put around it. No water involved so not sure what caused this.

At June 25, 2012 at 4:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This administration has let more businesses go than any other administration. The hospital had a half million dollar tax base. The toss in Coe and a few others, it is unrealistic to pass that amount of taxes onto the city residents.

Until I see the current administration bring new vibrant business into this town I will find them negligent and never for a levy for anything!

The current administration has bungled more tax dollars over more years then one care to choke down.

Oh and 666 how the value of you house these days in this stellar blighted community?

At June 25, 2012 at 6:30 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:52 I didn't blur the line these figures were from the general fund budget. Unless there playing with the numbers?
Mentor doesn't have three utilities your right, please then tell me why Painesville is operating three? The waste water treatment plant is running at 50% capacity, the water department can't find the valve to shut-off the water downtown, and well to explain what goes on in the electric department will take weeks.
Painesville's budget is larger than the counties . I wonder if the county has 19 million dollars of "other"? Probably not Commissioners know that that wouldn't be put up with. wouldn't be put up with. Same with Mentor's council?
6:48 Yes they did do a great job. But lets remember that's what they are hired and trained to do. Pretty much like everyone else that has a job. The city will compensate them for the job they did. It wasn't community service.
6:54 Jackson St. probably buckled do to the heat this past week.
4:17 If city officals want to take credit for bringing businesses to town, should they also take reponsibility when they leave?
Just asking.

At June 25, 2012 at 10:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to claim Painesville has an $80 million budget,then please explain why only $150,000 was set aside for road repair?

At June 25, 2012 at 3:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the city has a general fund budget, a electric fund budget, a sewer fund budget, a water fund budget. each fund works independent of each other. the general fund budget is 12 million the rest add up to around 80 million.
the utility funds can only spend their income on their own departments and split the administration cost equally. the general fund pays for police and fire, recreation, cemetery, and public works, i.e. roads maintenance and repair. when term keep complaining about the assistant manager, that costs the general fund about 20,000 per year not 100,000, i do not know what their road budget allow but the say the city has too many assistants is lame.
they have close to 300 employee an 80 million dollar budget and three utilities companies.
tell me where in the county another community has all that to deal with, Mentor and the county are close. take a look at the staffing and budget and you will see our city runs pretty lean with as big or bigger budget. to sell the utilities you need a buyer the county offered pennies on the dollar for the sewer plant in the 70's if the city under sold these assets you all would be complaining about that instead they are looking to the future. i am sure there will come a day when it will be right to sell them. epa regulations will take care of that. i think if you check the word "other" it will appear in all county and city budgets somewhere but i am sure it is not as sinister as our host seems to indicate.

At June 25, 2012 at 5:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arlene Becks has a way of bringing in $3,000,000.00 to buid new roads.. what is her plan? Murphy says the same thing.. maybe take all health care away? or what?

At June 25, 2012 at 5:49 PM , Anonymous 666again said...

How much does Rita make? I did not think it was that much? Is she the highst paid? Only 20,000 people? Seems low. Does that count all the illegals too? Lets not point fingers at this administration alone. McDonald brought in his great urban renewal plan and council at that time must have gone along with it. Along with the mall, people would rather shop at the new place. Then came Mr. Nero, what great accomplishment did he contribute to this community? Nothing is all one persons fault.

At June 25, 2012 at 5:59 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

666 With salary and benes she's over $150,000. I would rather pay more to someone who would be successful, not someone who miro-manages everything.
I remember once at a council meeting asking her if the electric plant made money. Her answer? Some months we do and some months we don't. Not very conforting to say the least.

At June 26, 2012 at 9:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

New water valves installed, couuldn't locate old ones?

At June 26, 2012 at 10:52 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:05 I am in the process of securing a Mentor Budget for 2012. Lets see how many others it contains?

At June 26, 2012 at 11:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: June 24, 5:52 PM Good Luck, Term never blurs the line, stretch the line, hold the line, etc. Never wrong and won't admit it even if he was! He is someone always trying to stir the stuff to make mountain of molehill. An armchair politician who won't run to help the city, only sitting behind HIS blog complaining.
PS yes I'm anonymous and I'm active with PV city.

At June 26, 2012 at 12:40 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:15 You seem to have formed an opinion of me? I promise you I have made many mistakes, as well as admitting to them. When was the last time you ever remember the people running the administration of Painesville admit to a mistake?
I am glad your active.

At June 26, 2012 at 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

News-Herald polled readers if Painesville downtown plan would be successful? 22% yes 78% no

Seems your not the only one who isn't drinking the Kool-Aid?

At June 26, 2012 at 7:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What we don't need in this city again is Arlene Becks in charge of anything in any way.

At June 27, 2012 at 10:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Painesville's inspectors are aware of a home on Carmody just off Jackson St. has a baby lamb in it's yard? The neighborhood children have been feeding it ,as well as playing with it near the street. Painesville police cars patrol regularlly and must have seen this lamb.
The family has claimed on facebook that the lamb will be slaughtered for there July 4th feast.

At June 27, 2012 at 10:11 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You were the third person to mention this and yes it is true.
Did you call the city?
I don't believe you can keep lambs and slaughter animals in Painesville?

At June 27, 2012 at 12:35 PM , Blogger brew said...

So are you saying its illegal for a resident to kill a lamb for food but OK for the Council and the Administration to "fleece" the taxpaying residence.

At June 27, 2012 at 1:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Mexican neighbors brought a young goat home once. It kept getting loose and coming into our yard. We asked one of the children, "What are you going to do with the goat?" He gleefully replied "Keel him and EAT HIM!" We said "you better keep it in your yard then because if it comes over here one more time you aren't getting it back. And you better not kill it where anybody can see it." We never saw it again. And no, I don't think it's legal to slaughter animals in town. But as we know, the Mexicans do what they want . . . the cops have probably been told to look the other way.

At June 27, 2012 at 4:27 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

brew 12:35 I don't make the rules.
Fleece is saying it mildly.
That lamb is committed to a Happy Fourth of July for someone.
This is the stuff that people have to realize has to change if they ever want to become part of the American culture. We have places nearby that slaughter animals but not in a garage on Jackson St. This isn't some small village in Mexico. I have talked to one person where the lamb resides one on one and they don't understand why this is a big deal?
They need to be educated, my words words fell on def ears.

At June 27, 2012 at 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't WANT to become part of the American culture, they want to bring THEIRS here.

At June 28, 2012 at 5:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All deaf ears, the Mexicans that have invaded my town. I am sooooo sick of this. They don't follow our laws and the cops don't enforce them when it comes to that population. I hope someone will rescue that lamb and save it, then fine them for having it. This town isn't MEXICO they need to be removed.

At June 28, 2012 at 6:21 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:42 Thanks for the Geography lesson. The problem is they were brought here with the promise of a job, I guess someone was looking for cheap labor? Now what exactly would you like done? Along with the big question how.
5:05 The police do enforce laws.

At June 28, 2012 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since this is your blog with lots of ideas, perhaps you could tell us what to do. Ive been watching AZ and the problems they are having trying to enforce their own laws. I am hoping Ohio is watching and will get on board (sigh, I don't believe my own words). One thing we need to do is make English the official language- where can we start here? Door to door petitions? Then find a way to stop the "anchor" babies. Again, what politician is going make a change like that and risk losing his job? I feel like this country is in a no-win situation and soon we will all be speaking Spanish.

At June 28, 2012 at 10:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, After all is said and done President Obama seems to have had a pretty good week?
Have any of you noticed FOX NUTS has started calling him Mr. Obama instead of President Obama.

Can't wait to watch Hannity go nuts tonight. Chief Justice Roberts?

At June 28, 2012 at 3:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 6:21: Your question was what would I, (10:42), like done and HOW would it get done.

1) Get a Temporary Workers Program for the fields ONLY in place. Something that actually works for the businesses and the workers would be nice. We've had them before, and now we need a new one, or the one we have revamped.

2) E-Verify programs in place in every state. If you are not legal, you cannot work here without permission.

3) Stop the anchor baby stupidity.

4) Follow the laws we already have on the books concerning immigration.

That's what needs to be done, and that's how it CAN be done. No big mystery at this point.


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