Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Someone left a comment on a past post about what's to become of the coal ash, as well as any coal waste or slurry from Prairie State Energy.
I went to the web site for Peabody Coal and Prairie State Energy Campus and low and behold I believe not only is Painesville  a part owner of a coal power plant but I believe we also own part of the coal mine next door. Wonder what part we own? Probably the "take or pay" shaft. How so Painesville.
What makes me believe this?
"Prairie State Energy is unique they have bundled as so each partner owns a complete vertical slice of the project. That includes both the mine infrastructure and coal assets. This is a very unusual relationship."
"Unusual Relationship" This is down right crazy. Want to bet along with little or no say about the cost of electricity, does anyone believe we will have a say in the cost of the coal? Was anyone in Painesville aware of this fact. If the fact is that AMP-OHIO just owns the mine do you really believe you will get a fair price for not only the electricity what about the coal? The simple fact is that the mine has already been cited for a couple violations. By the U.S. Bureau of Mines.
Coal ash? seems to be a problem of where this  unwanted commodity is to be deposited in the county where the plant is located. Want to bet this will also become a problem for us?
As I compose this post a part of me believes I must be wrong about all  this. In all the times AMP-OHIO was in town I never remember a coal mine being mentioned.
A final note about this "coal" . It is what is called bituminous which cost are higher to scrub because of the high sulfur content. Anthracite is the " hardest" and considered the best coal. Again there is no such thing as clean coal. Wonder if theres something called Painesville coal? Must be the lump of coal Santa leaves in bad kids socks at Christmas? As well as some city administrators?


At June 13, 2012 at 6:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not the fact that Painesville owns this coal mine. What you should have mentioned is that we are responsible for everything that happens in it.

At June 13, 2012 at 11:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term quit being such a negative Nellie. Think about the money we saved? What if that coal mine was 300 miles from that coal plant.. Amp would have talked Joe and Rita into a take or pay contract on a railroad?

At June 15, 2012 at 4:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really aren't that bright Term. Why do you think they called it an energy campus. Everything on the campus belongs to the campus owners. Yes I believe your right we own the mine as well as the coal buried there. Painesville seems to be overly exposed on this project.


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