Thursday, June 14, 2012


I never thought I would use a Bobby Brown tune but the title fits perfectly for this post.

Tuesday night I attended the Lake County Tea Party ‘meet the candidates’ night held at Harvey High School. This was the first time I saw two police officers on duty at one of these events. Why… to control the crowd? My best guess would be the total in attendance was around 65 people, about 80% over the age of 60. One African- American, Ms. Arlene Becks. I know it was her, she waved at me.

Before the meeting started, Chuck Laughin, President of the local Tea Party, introduced himself to me. I have no idea if he knew who I am. I did seem to have a shadow last night. I would be flattered that anyone might think I pose a threat to any person or any particular movement, except that the notion is pretty silly.

I am starting to understand the Tea Party a little better. It really isn't all about whether you’re doing your job properly… Chuck even mentioned this to County Clerk of Courts Democrat Maureen G. Kelly. Clerk of Courts is a very apolitical position. Along with being somewhat interested in the fact that she lowered operating costs 25% with 20% fewer workers he seemed much more interested in her political philosophy. For instance, what she thought of Obamacare and what about using the U.N. to do this or that? To Mrs. Kelly's credit, she mentioned that her opinion on those subjects have nothing to do with the job she does as Clerk of Courts. I also give her credit for not telling them things she might think they want to hear just to get their vote. I agreed with her approach but they seemed disappointed that she would not answer questions regarding her personal political thoughts.

One question from the audience was ‘did she accept the Mexican Matricular Card as proof of identification?’ She hit the ball out of the park with her answer. "If State Law tells me to accept it I will, if they don't… I won't." I think that was the perfect answer. Her challenger, Emilee Teresczuk, seems to need a little more experience before attempting to do this job. Although, in her position of Clerk of Courts, she would be against Obamacare?

Now on to the position for Representative of the 60th district of Ohio. The position Councilperson Lori DiNallo is seeking against long time local politician Dan Troy (who did not attend).

Mrs. DiNallo explained to those present why she was running for this position. She says that the time for her to make this run is now. Mrs. DiNallo explained her credentials along with her work record and her husband’s work record. Mrs. DiNallo made a point of sending her three children to Harvey and to private Christian Colleges. She seems rather disappointed in the liberal ideas that they picked up while there. I was confused about how, as a state representative, she would change what a private college does. Now, if Mrs. DiNallo thought about it, the founder of the Christian religion had some very liberal ideas. So liberal that they crucified him.

They did not question her on her views of “collective bargaining" which one would think to be red meat for this bunch. She did mention the public sector has surpassed the private sector in wages and benefits and they must be brought back in line. She also mentioned that a change is needed in part because of teachers who triple their salary for doing the same job for 30 years.

She was asked a few other questions from the audience. "If the state gets more revenue due to the economy getting better and adding the revenue from state gambling… should the state increase money to cities and schools or lower state income tax? Her answer was to lower state income tax. O.K. …Mrs. DiNallo…you can count on me for whatever amount I save on state income tax I will divide between the city levy and the school levy.

Another question was ‘did she agree with Governor Kasich’s plan for education?’ Seems no one knew the answer, including me. When it was asked who in the audience asked the question. Republican GOP County leader Dale Fellows claimed it was his question.

Wonder if these Tea people get on a plane and ask the pilot which political philosophy he/she follows, thinking that will that guarantee them successful flight.

Look... the Tea Party and it leaders can use this method to decide on who to elect…after all, it’s their prerogative.

One final thought… the Tea Party has teamed up with the Romney campaign on finding the uncommitted voters in Lake County. They will have lists of voters in every precinct. Their plan is to canvass these people. If they knock on a door, the question will be ‘what do you think of President Obama's record as President?’ If the person seems satisfied, they will thank them and move on. If they find someone uncommitted to a candidate or leaning towards Romney, they will thank them, provide their names to the Romney campaign and the Romney folks will do the rest.

So if you do not want to be bothered, here are your options. Don’t answer your door or else tell them you think Obama is the best thing since sliced bread. Here the Tea Party is joining ranks with the person who started Romneycare in Massachusetts, left the state 47th in job creation, and how much in debt? What's your motto AGAIN?


At June 14, 2012 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell do you mean by this ?

Obama is the best thing since sliced bread.

White or brown bread ?

I thinks you is a a biggot

At June 14, 2012 at 4:27 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I think you need help?
What does sliced bread have to do with being a biggot?

At June 14, 2012 at 5:40 PM , Anonymous Horse of a different color said...

I believe you have exposed the Tea Party for what it really is. They are a front for the Republican party and are frauds claiming they want the best for America. If anyone in that room believed that the challenger to Mrs. Kelly is better suited for the job? The only reason to vote for her is behind her name is an (R). After the end of the meeting how this group can pretend they are only for a cause and will go out and canvass for Romney?
Due to the information on this site I wanted to find out if you were blowing smoke. No I met some real biggots Tuesday night all I did was have to pretend I was one them.

At June 14, 2012 at 6:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew it! Arlene Becks is one of those tea sold her out!.. Murphy too...big! "R" O well. Tea baggers

At June 14, 2012 at 6:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is all the talk about bigots? I'm so confused. I don't understand what race has to do with this post. What am I missing?

At June 14, 2012 at 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tea Party for Republicans only? Then why did they invite Troy and Kelly? So only candidates that you support should be invited to a question and answer meeting. Did they deny you entrance? I wonder if they knew who I was. A little self promoting opinion of yourself me thinks. Do you think people fear you? I also think you are over 60, so what's your point about bring up age? What about your Occupy Painesville you think would be such a great idea? This would be a front for the Democratic Party just like you want this site to be. Seems like you think everything a Democrat or you do is the "next best thing to sliced bread".

So please explain why you and this site can promote or use negative campaigning yet say it is wrong for others to promote the things they believe in or support.

Double Standard?? The LETTER?? The SIGN??? Certain yard signs against a certain levy???? The HORSE???? Wonder what you would say if these were done by a Republican? DOUBLE STANDARD.

At June 14, 2012 at 9:16 PM , Anonymous ? said...

Group of mostly over 60 year old people?

Are you talking about the POC or the Tea Party?

Don't think you should attack the age of attendees since you are what 62.

At June 15, 2012 at 7:17 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

? What you view as an attack is really just an observation. The POC has members over 60 as well. What I have learned in my 62 years is that most successful movements need younger people.
9:10 Double standard, you better check who has a double standard? What purpose is served if a county offical does their job and we want to know about things that have nothing to do with theirjob? They would be making a grave mistake to deny me entrance at a public meeting, in a public building? My point was did they realize I wasn't a shill who was drinking their Kool-Aid or only there for the entertainment value?
This is not a Democratic site, it is my site with my view's and I let people agree or disagree like yourself to challenge my views.
Tea Party for Republicans only? Well I guess I can make that statement cosidering your group is canvassing for Mitt?
Now don't make me post all the negative Democratic stuff on the local Tea Party web site.
6:00 Arlene Becks being at the meeting does not qualify her as a Tea Party person, probably went there to watch the same as myself?
6:33 My guess is that if Obama wasn't African-American there wouldn't be a Tea Party? That said I know many people who's only objection to Obama is his race.
To be fair I know many who approve of him because of race. Sorry thats America.
Tell me if McCain would have won the last election would there be a Tea Party? Where was all this outrage when the Republicans passed an unfunded mandate like Medicace Part D? Where was all this outrage, when we borrowed money from China to pay for two wars, and at the same time cut our own taxes?
Tell me where is the outrage when the leader of the Rebuplicans in the senate makes the statement "My job is to make sure Obama is a one-term President" Show me anywhere in our Constitution where that is the job of any leader of any party?
The reason basketball has a shot clock is so the team with the lead can't keep the opposition from scoring. Well what the Republican party wants to do is oppose anything that might make it better for the rest of us. Somewhere along the line Republicans have decided that the Presidency is theres exclusively.
If that party doesn't change it's way it will be a thing of the past.
I will miss them.

At June 15, 2012 at 12:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, from your statement,

"My guess is that if Obama wasn't African-American there wouldn't be a Tea Party? That said I know many people who's only objection to Obama is his race."

So you are calling the Tea Party a group of Racists? Or just the Republicans, or maybe just everyone who disagrees with you.

Don't look now but this shows you in a much different light, and that ain't good. Wonder if Arlene just disagrees with the group for political reasons or just because she thinks they are racists. Just wondering who you thought were the racists at the school board debates or the city council debates?

Crying racist is low, even for you Term. To late to close the barn door now, looks like your credibility and some sort of respect just left the building.

At June 15, 2012 at 1:01 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I'm not crying racist? I just believe that fact and that's my perogative.
The whole birther issue stinks and so many of you believe it. Here's something to think about if the Clintons couldn't prove it I don't believe Trump can.
I have been in conversations with different people Republicans as well as Democrats that don't like the idea of an African-American as President.
The whole timing of the Tea Party just makes me wonder of motive? I believe they are an arm of the GOP.
Do I believe that Tea Party is racist? No. But please don't tell me there are none among you that are not.
12:41 My credibility will never depend on Anonymous posters such as yourself.

At June 15, 2012 at 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To believe race doesn't have a part in the formation of the Tea Party is just plain ridiculous.I have heard the same remarks being made at the tea party rallys on the square. Are these people evil and bad? No it's just they are not uncomfortable with a black president.
There would have been no tea party if a republican had won the last election.
Yes there is video of how the tea party activists treated congressman as they went to the capital it even was on FOXZ!

At June 15, 2012 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe if the Tea Party is canvassing for the Romney campaign they might lose there tax exempt status? Wonder if any money is involved? Will be forwarding the information from this site to the Ohio Board of Elections as well as the Democratic Party!

At June 15, 2012 at 7:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This President has been shown so much disrespect from the right and republicans it almost makes me wish for a republican President that will be heckled in Congress along with left leaning news agentcies interrupting the President as they wish. Questioning their religion along with anything else they can think of. It's called payback.
I'm voting for Obama just to upset the neocon's.

At June 16, 2012 at 4:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am definitely voting for President Obama, but what that news guy did was admirable in my mind. Obviously, it sets a bad precedent, and we can't be having that sort of behavior, but it brought extra special attention to the fact that Obama is going to give a way our country in a new way while he is saying that he is doing it for the American people! And now Romney is going along with it, only saying we should do it permanently, as far as I can tell. If I could meet that news guy, I would hug him for trying to save our country. It was a brave, wise thing he did.

At June 16, 2012 at 9:11 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:33 Sorry, I don't see it your way. It was hardly admirable and not at all brave. Remember back when Reagan was President how reporter Sam Donaldson would question him? The howls from the right were right. Seems now the rules have changed and I didn't respectt that then an I don't respect this now.
Some day someone will speak you agree with and they will be interrupted I don't believe then you will think of them as brave or admirable. What some of you might have missed on both sides of this argument what exactly did the President do? Will these people get Social Security Cards? Will they be able to vote? I see neither of these two things in his executive order.
4:33 One final question to you if your parents had brought you to Mexico when you were three years old, and you spent the next fifteen years in Mexico and now you were in the Mexican Army? Would you believe you were an American or a Mexican? Please answer this honestly. While you think of this think of your younger sister who was born in Mexico a year after you arrived, and she was a Mexican citizen?
This whole immigration issue isn't as easy as many of us try to make it

At June 16, 2012 at 10:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Candidate Romneys answer to Obama immigration policy? He couldn't get back on his bus fast enough! NO questions please.

At June 16, 2012 at 11:28 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

If Romney becomes President he will be running to the bus constantly! Check the poll numbers Mitt before you give an answer. Obama's getting better at putting Willard in a box? Thats what he must have learned from Clinton. What don't like my solution? Then what's yours? Put it down on paper.

At June 16, 2012 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 4:33. If they are saying that there are 800,000 of them, then there is probably 3 million. This has to stop somewhere. It is not the United States of America's fault that these children were raised here. And he is calling for anyone under 30 (or 30 and under--whatever). That means many of these young people came on their own, just like their ancestors did.

Now that they have been housed, and clothed and fed and educated, and have had their health care free of charge thanks to the USA and the American people, they can take their education home to their country and use it to fix their country so their country does not have to keep usurping ours.

THEY HAVE THEIR OWN COUNTRY. We are not responsible for them.

And there will never be an end to it. We have already had two amnesties. Nothing stops the continuation of the illegals. Nothing. And this is why. Eventually, they get their way, anbd they are allowed to stay.

Now he wants to give away 800,000 to 3 M jobs when Americans need them to people who have their own countries--and to people who will each bring over 50 of their closest relatives, who will each in turn bring over 50 of THEIR closest relatives.

It has to stop somewhere, and it is not my fault that they and/or their parents have been squatting in this country.

We certainly could not get away with this in Mexico, and all those young people need to go home and fix their own country. Their country is filled with ghost towns, because they are all here. They need those minds there, and we do not need them here.

Sorry, not mine or the United States of America's problem.

You say it isn't an easy issue. No it is not, but it is quite simple. We have laws. Follow them. If you did not, it is not my fault, and I am not taking responsibility for it. There are some young people in Mexico who are calling for reform, so further and further generations of their people will quit leaving their country. And we need reforms here to make sure they quit coming here.

We have laws. Follow them. End of story.

At June 16, 2012 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:30 have you forgotten the total disrespect shown to GW. But disrespect to a republican president is ok in your warped mind.

At June 16, 2012 at 2:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 4:33, adding to my last post. Just a couple more thoughts.

I have followed laws all my life. I wouldn't think of running a stop sign, for example. And if I did break some law, I certainly would not be blaming it on someone else, nor would I get away with it if I did.

If it's the illegals personal fault, they have nobody else to blame but themselves; they have stolen my country long enough, and now they can get out. If it's their parents fault, then let their parents explain it to them; not my problem. My problem is to make sure there are enough opportunities and enough money in my country for MY children. It is the illegals job to make sure that there is enough opportunites and money available for them in their OWN countries.

It's like my neighbors who had a cat and refused to take care of it. Then they got mad at me because I wouldn't let the cat into my house. Now, I was feeding and sheltering that cat outside, and also taking it to the vet for necessary health care because they refused. But it wasn't enough for them. They wanted me to take full responsibility, and they were actually mad because I wouldn't let the cat live in my house.

And no, I am not comparing illegals to cats--just the situation. It's ludicrous.

If you don't belong here--get out. We have laws. I follow them, and I want my government to make those lawbreakers follow them, too.

All this messing around, and making it more complicated than it is is putting our country in grave danger. They don't belong here. We have laws. Get out. You have your own countries...go home to them.

At June 16, 2012 at 5:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:16 Please think about this. Your two years old. Your mother and father go into a bank carrying you rob it and in the process shoot and kill a teller. Should you as this two year old be charged with murder and bank robbery?
To many of those children who came here at a young age this is the only "Home" they know.

At June 16, 2012 at 7:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 5:00: Give me a break. Nobody is going to hurt them in any way. There is a reason to be found for every person in the world who wants to steal our country to do so. I'll tell you what I told Senator Ted Kennedy before he died - if you want to give them YOUR money and YOUR property, then go ahead, but give it to them when they reach the border of their own country. I did not give anybody permission to give them MY stuff.

I would not break a law. I would not go into another country and steal from it. I would not put my children in such jeopardy. But if I did, I would not expect anyone to feel sorry for me. They are the parents, and they did this to their own children. Their children can thank them for stealing from my country to give them things that Americans worked for. Instead of having shame, they have the nerve to fight our country for rights they have no right TO.

You have my permission to give them everything you own--including your job, but not the future of your country, since it is not yours to give.

Really, THEY HAVE THEIR OWN COUNTRY. You can go help them there...Oh, I forgot, you are probably not ALLOWED to go help them there. Their government probably would not ALLOW it.

At June 16, 2012 at 8:23 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:37 I suggest you don't read my Fathers Day Post.
No one will hurt them in any way? What do you call taking them out of the only home they have known? A tough break? Ma & Pa should have known better?
And when did this counntry become yours? Are the rest of us only here because you approve of us?

At June 16, 2012 at 10:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 8:23, this is 7:37.

Taking them out of The United States of America and taking them back to their countries is not going to harm them. They will have their parents there, they will have their family, they will learn the cultures of their land. And yes, ma and pa should have known better...TO BE SURE. What do you think?...that people can not LIVE or be happy outside of this country? People can have lives elsewhere, and they should be having them in their own countries. And by the way, there are many people having very happy, successful lives in Mexico and elsewhere in the world. They don't get their whole lives for free like they do here, but just the same, there are very many happy people in Mexico.I also never said the country was mine. But it is not yours, or anyone else's to give away, either--including the President of the United States. It is the law. They do not belong here. They should not have come here. This country is not his or yours to give away.

Again, if you want to give them all that is yours, you have my permission to do so.

At June 17, 2012 at 8:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is really frightening how easily you people lie. I think you lie so much that you end up believing your own lies. You know there was absolutely no trace of bigotry/racism at the forum or at the rallies in the square. None. It is so laughable when you say you experienced it first hand by pretending to be one of them. Ok, be specific. Who did you talk to at the forum that expressed racism? Be specific. You people feel you can say anything and other like minded people believe it just based on you saying it. The true bigots here are you and your friends.

At June 20, 2012 at 5:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is nice to have visitors at the Lake County TEA Party meetings. Everyone is welcome. The purpose of the Candidates Forums is to have an exchange of ideas and for the people to get to know the candidates. That is much more effective when the candidates choose to participate.
You thought Kelly was a better candidate than Teresczuk. That is fine. You got to hear both of them. That was the purpose.
Did you get to hear Troy? No, he didn't want to participate.
Regarding activities on behalf of the Romney campaign, here is what the IRS Compliance Guide for Tax-Exempt Organizations has to say: "Section 501(c)(4)...organizations may engage in political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office. Political campaign activities are those that influence or attempt to influence the...election...of an individual to a federal...public office."

At June 20, 2012 at 7:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I knew what Section 501[c] covers it wasn't me that made that asked that qyestion. That said really you believe you are independent's? You with your mantra believe Romney is the guy that speaks for your cause? First explain to him what to call a donut?
If I was a Democrat running for office I would never attend your candidate night, sorry.
Looking at what's in story for November I would rather be Dan Troy then Lori DiNallo, I don't even think she will win Painesville. Many people are very upset with her step-up announcing her run less then two years into her term. Many feel her run for council was a sideshow?
Good Luck and explain how this is different then Clinton vs. Dole? Well except this time Romney's the draft dodger.

At June 24, 2012 at 9:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Tea Potter people where you aware that your boy Romney held a retreat at Deer Valley Resort in Park City Utah? Look it up.
Checked who was there guess what no tea people seemed to have been invited? $50,000 ticket to attend, be careful of what you wish for there plotting against you people too.

At June 25, 2012 at 2:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, and the POC is supposed bipartisan. Yeah, right!

At June 25, 2012 at 4:21 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

POC is made up of members of both political parties, check the minutes .I know two right off the bat.
Looking into the issues of Painesville was never about parties. Just people wanting to get down to the bottom of things and try to right the ship.
Its non-partisan. 2:36

At June 25, 2012 at 7:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I checked and in 1982 minimum wage in Ohio was $2.30 and now (30 years later) minimum wage is $7.70. Someone let Lori Dinallo know that everyone's wage has tripled in 30 years. Why does she think teachers deserve less than everyone else? By the way we are not doing the same job we did 30 years ago. The standards are constantly changing. I doubt that in 1982 teachers were expected to post their grades online, create web pages to inform students of their assignments, or teach using a smartboard. Additionally, teachers are required to continue their education to maintain a teaching license. Mrs. Dinallo needs to educate herself about how education has changed in 30 years.

At August 12, 2012 at 8:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emilee needs to pay her taxes check out the lake county court docket pop


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