"THE RISING" bruce springsteen
I know I promised you a post on illegal immigration, but I attended Monday night's school board meeting where I was given more data on the state's assessment of Painesville City schools than I could possibly grasp. Some of the things I do remember:
We hit six of the 26 indicators this year...up four from last year.
Of the 26 indicators, we improved on 15 of them, we flat-lined on three of them and we dropped on eight of them.
Currently all the schools are in ‘Continuous Improvement’, with the exception of Elm Street Elementary, which is under ‘Academic Watch’. Graduation rates were up 10% to 75%......more on that later.
Right now, we have three appointed board members and two elected members. Mr. Bull explained that the four 'R's of the city schools will be ‘Rigor, Relevance, Relationships and Race’. In addition, we received a state grant to work toward safe and drug free schools ($50,000.00). Now just as a side note, since the schools decided to burn the parking lights long into the night, the air conditioning in the Hanlon Media Center didn't seem to be working. It was warm in there and then it got a whole lot hotter...
Ross Grippi who I have known pretty much all my life, a former coach, Harvey graduate, lifetime Painesville resident and retired Harvey teacher, got up and addressed the administration and the board. Mr. Grippi chastised the board, administration and the high school administration...and in the process answered many questions I have had. He brought out one startling fact: that from Aug 24, 2010 to June 10, 2011 the Painesville police department was called 348 times to the Harvey High School campus. Of those 348 times, over 210 were for serious charges such as assault on another student or an assault/threat to a teacher or other adult in the building. I believe he is correct when he tells us we have no control in the high school. He questioned the success or failure under the Dr. Hanlon administration and remarked that teachers were being blamed for failures that were out of their control and asked why does the board continue to stand behind this man and his poor results.
He also complained about the infamous 50% grading policy, where he presented as evidence a paper given to him by a student that said 'Oh, just give me my 50% and I won’t turn you in'. In addition, attendance records, skipping class, and tardiness pretty much goes on without any consequences. He mentioned teachers were getting poor evaluations for complaining about too many disciplinary issues. He also mentioned a math teacher who had, for the first time in Harvey's state testing history, managed to get her junior class to 88% passing the state test. The state average is 75%. The teacher was given a poor evaluation by the high school administration and her contract was not renewed. He demanded her position be reinstated, My thought: we finally got someone to do it right and we reward them by getting rid of them I thought were were to reward sucess?.
Mr. Grippi also remarked that the high school graduation numbers were fudged...although done legally it was unethical. He was cut short by Mr. Dillard (I know how that feels). Mr. Dillard interrupted Mr. Grippi to tell him his time was up, so we never did get to hear the rest of what he had planned to say. I have asked Ross to forward his remarks to me so that I could post it in its entirety here. Another thought: the wheels aren’t just spinning, they’re coming off. Can you imagine working in a place where the police show up 348 times a year...and it’s not a jail?
Oh, and welcome to your new position on the Board of Education, Mr. Tackett. good-luck!
Bravo to Mr. Grippi!!
This administration has to go!
Good for Mr. Grippi! I was sad to hear he had retired, and so unexpectedly! I figured there was a good reason, and it is obvious what that reason was by what he said last night. It's about time someone stood up and said what everyone is thinking!
I found out after the meeting that the administration at the high school stopped notifying the school resource officer when incidents occurred. That means that there were MORE THAN the 348 incidents reported.
I hope the board members will take a good, hard look at the leadership in place and finally realize that it is the teachers and support staff who are outstanding in Painesville City Schools, especially Harvey High. They work hard with scarce support and no encouragement. In fact, teachers who reported "too many" discipline incidents were given poor performance reviews despite the test scores of their students.
If the good people of Painesville want their children to be successfully prepared for life in the real world, they must push for a change of leadership. The children deserve to be held accountable for their actions. Otherwise, they will never learn appropriate behavior.
The board members? From what I understand the administration had a heavy hand in deciding who got appointed. Don't expect help from them.
what do we do to support Ross Grippi?
and thank you, thank you, thank you!
There is much more to this mess. Mr. Grippi has just touched the surface. Good for Mr. Grippi and I hope you continue to tell all!
Having grown-up and graduated from HHS I still have a lot of respect for the teachers in the system and pride for the place I once called home. However, I am disgraced and feel sorry for the turn of events the past ten years. Teachers who once looked forward to going to work and have a passion for teaching no longer have that desire to the job they once loved. It is too bad the leadership at the high school is so poor and allows the students to walk all over the teachers. What has this world become that a 14-18 year old kid (yes, I get an 18 year old is an adult) can walk over a teacher who is there to provide an opportunity to learn. Since when is 50% passing? Not in college, not in the work in the work force and not even in society as a whole! It is sad, but understand leadership in education is not easy. The unfortunate part of this situation is the leadership at the high school not only allows it to happen, but punishes those who speak out against the leadership. Time for that leadership at the high school to go and pursue another opportunity...obviously that leadership is doing their 50% to pass too.
I've got an idea, lets start with one small baby step. Enforce the dress code! Everyday! There's not one teacher at HHS that can predict when Principal Martin feels the need to obey or ignore the dress code. If your going to make a rule than enforce the rule otherwise you look weak and confused.
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*Painesville police department was called 348 times to the Harvey High School campus.*
How many times have the police been called to other high schools in the area, that does not have a large black and Latino population? Anyone know?
These figures are from the Ohio Department of Education site for the school year 2010 - 2011:
Harvey High School – Disciplinary actions per 100 Students – all types – 99.9
Out of school suspensions per 100 students – 44.1
Expulsions per 100 students – 5.3
Other types of discipline per 100 students – 50.4
Fairport Harding High – Disciplinary actions per 100 students – all types – 27.0
Out of school suspensions per 100 students – 24.9
Expulsions per 100 students – 1.0
Other types of disciplinary actions per 100 students – 1.0
Mentor High – Disciplinary actions per 100 students – all types – 18.4
Out of school suspensions per 100 students – 16.4
Expulsions per 100 students -
.1 (that’s point one)
Other types of disciplinary actions per 100 students – 1.8
Riverside Jr/Sr High – Disciplinary actions per 100 students – all types – 34.6
Out of school suspensions per 100 students – 27.9
Expulsions per 100 students -
.7 (point seven)
Other types of disciplinary actions per 100 students – 6.0
ENROLLMENT (high school only):
Painesville ….730
Do the math...this doesn't say whether police were called or not....but these are the figures compiled by the State of Ohio....no matter how you look at it.....Harvey has a serious problem.
Mr. Hanlon...care to explain?
9:32 Listening to Ross evaluation of the situation at Harvey, his voice was dead serious when he mentioned the fired teacher. I believe getting that math teachers job back would be a step in the right direction. We can call board members, administrators, and ask if Mr. Grippi facts were true, we want this teacher back. I have no reason to believe they aren't but letting the powers that be know your not happy with the situation might get things moving. I only hope Ross took out a petition to run for school board.
Lets hold someone accountable on what's going on at Harvey.
Now we can sit and grumble about this situation or we can do something.
Ross must have hit a nerve. Today more people viewed the blog. then any other day. Lets just say we competed with the police calls at Harvey. Now show him you care call these people and tell them enough is enough. REW brought some facts to the blog. and I checked them out they don't paint a pretty picture. Ask them to explain theses disciplinary figures. This is a crime.
Now I don't believe these figures are all Ms. Martins doing, but it's time the students realize they don't need another friend but a drill sargeant!
Get that #@^% Kim out of there....
I love Painesville schools always have and always will. That said I will never support another levy as long as the present administration is in charge. I cannot support failure, and at the same time expect more teachers to expose what really going on at the schools. This will not change until the whole community becomes aware of this failure!
Good luck to anyone trying to get a hold of someone at the BOE.
I agree about the absurdly bad state of affairs with the school system right now, but not sure Grippi is the right way to go. He always seemed more like part of the problem to me than a potential solution.
11:27 After Monday night I believe he is the perfect way to go. Than again what suggestions do you have?
Yes, it's worse then I even believed it to be.
Teachers must be reassured by people that if they expose incidents the public will stand behind them.
How did the two administrations [school city] keep this quiet?
are you kidding, 11:27 am?
seems like you might be more of the problem than Mr Grippi. For those of us who showed up to parent teacher conferences and talked to teachers and heard the frustration of every one! Parents, teachers and kids. The only one not frustrated, Kim Martin and Dr Hanlon who have one sweet contract.
Do you live here? Have you asked what your house is worth? Are there families standing in line to get into this school system?
You have been watching a system disintegrate before your eyes and you think Ross Grippi is the problem?
Please enlighten me as to who you think might be in a better position.
My question at this point, what good is a teachers union if their safety is at risk? What is the union for?
The thing that comes to my mind is what are we letting these kids get away with. What aren't we teaching them. Just look at the news from the UK. Riots by mostly young people and the same thing happened awhile back in France. Most rioters were poor, with little education, and of course little future. What is the future of our students with conditions like this? Unemployment for kids under 24 is twice or more than that of the rest of us. In today economy, what cuts to benefits will they see? Can things like this happen here?
I don't even know Mr. Grippi, but I can tell you why he is the one. It's because he is the ONE who cared enough, and had enough dedication, and enough strength of spirit and character to stand up and do it. Thank you, Mr. Grippi.
"A hero is a man who does what he can." (This is a quote from Romain Rolland.)
348 times! there are 180 school days in a school year. So the Painesville Police Department responds dam near twice a day every school day! Please tell me I've miscalculated. I just can't grasp this situation. There are 730 students at Harvey. Are half the students getting into trouble or is it a handle of kids that are causing the cops to come so frequently? I believe TERM when he tells me more have visited this post than any other. I keep coming back to reread the post because I find it so unbelievable! How can the well behaved students learn in this distration?
Has anyone researched how much we the people of Painesville are paying for the leadership of our schools?
The City Council in Painesville should actively get involved in helping to correct the problems with our schools! We can't grow and get people to move into our community if we don't have strong schools!
According to the Alliance for Excellent Education the top ten elements of a successful high school include: Challenging Classes,Personal Attention for all Students, Extra Help for those who need it, Bringing the Real World to the Classroom, Family and Community Involvement, A Safe Learning Environment, Skilled Teachers, Strong Leaders, Necessary Resources, and User Friendly Information. Where do we stand?
So according to today's NH, Ross has filed for one of the three school board seats. I am not sure how accurate that is since it appears that they may have misprinted or mistyped the City Council candidates.
I have been told the police also have an officer there during the school day?
This doesn't sound like the Harvey I went to?
Actually since Columbine most high schools locally, including Riverside and Perry, have at least one officer present during school hours. Riverside actually pays the Sherrifs Department to keep an officer on campus and it has helped to keep discipline in the school.
When school is out in the afternoon's there are 2, sometimes 3, police cars to make sure the kids keep moving down Liberty Street. They yell at the kids on their loud speakers to keep moving and stay out of yards because when they stop there are fights.
Just wait, this year will be rediculous with all the support staff that was reduced due to budget cuts!! You think the behavior reports are bad now?? Hahahaaa!!!
Does anyone have knowledge about how the problems with discipline and lack of parental involvement break down as far as race is concerned? Is it fairly equal across the board?
Why is the school board meeting not on channel 96, our school channel??? I HAVE SEEN ENOUGH OF CATS.
6:50 I believe Harvey has a PPD officer at school during school days and they are called truancy officer's.
9:26 Again no camera was in operation the night of the school board meeting.
12:51 I guess we will have to ask. I know of no breakdown according to race.
8:41 Could you explain what's so funny about this situation? We as a community must get to the bottom of it and hold people accountable before someone says "well I seen this coming."
Who is paying for the police officer at HARVEY HIGH to be there all day. Let us know please.
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I removed the above comment because I do not believe the facts back that statement up. Sorry show me your facts.
Term, what is the breakdown of that 348 number? Is that the number of times a police officer was called to the school or is that the number of incidents that Officer Ponder, the SRO, school resource officer (not truancy)has written up himself or is it a combination of both.
I wish the PPD would break up the bunch of unsavory characters that hang on the corner of Walnut & Liberty every day when both schools let out. Really looks like a bad situation.
Sure the HIspanic population are the most at conference as their kids are the most attending school.
Too bad ICE can't come in at that time. That would take care of 2 birds with 1 stone.
4:40, correct. And let's not forget that when one hispanic shows up for their kid's conference they have in tow many other family members. So the building is full but not necessarily representing that many individual families.
Officer Ponder, what a waste of money
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