This was sent to me and I believe along with being humorous it is very truthful and pretty much sums up the way at least I feel of whats happening in our city schools presently.
Press 1: Take your children back to your native country where they belong and let your native country educate them. If they cannot do this, that is your problem to solve and do not expect Extra Educational time for your Children as You do not Choose to Assimilate and Learn the Language (English) of the USA in order to help them with their Home-Work each Night. DO NOT EXPECT A FREE LUNCH in the USA!!! Every other nationality has assimilated/learned English when they decided to come to the USA for better opportunities. The adult parents fought real hard to learn English and then went on to make sure their children could speak English as this was the only way that they could continue on a positive note in their quest of better opportunities in the USA.
Press 2: If every parent in this city does not agree with Painesville's school policies - take your children to another District School System and see how much they will Shout at You to start Being a Responsible (assimilated) parent for once in your Life - then Teach your Children to be Responsible for their Actions and Inactions - which most important is to DO THE WORK THAT IS ASSIGNED FOR THEIR FUTURE. If you cannot be the PARENT that you should be: maybe, just maybe your Children should be taken away for your lack of intelligence and responsibility. The School responsibility is to teach your children Math, English, History, Science, Business Adm., Computer Tech, Political Science Issues, Current Events in this World, Art, various other language tongues of their choice and not mandated, and so much more. Failing Grades are Failing Grades. These Grade Issues have always been what they are. Quit trying to support an issue that allows a student to just slide through and then is not accepted at a higher learning Institute because Painesville's Board of Ed is Totally Failing in Teaching what these Students must learn - and doing the 50% grading policy. They only push the 50% Issue so they can pass-on uneducated children to meet the quotas of the dumb "no child left behind" and the established quotas of the Feds involving graduation requirements.
Press 3: If you disagree with everything in Painesville's School System - Get off your Lazy Butt, go to Board Meetings, Speak Your Peace and then collectively come-up with the funds to master a Huge Recall of the Redundant Joker's that are on the School Board!! Maybe just maybe, this recourse will teach a lesson to these supposed concerned Adults who follow the lead of Dr: H who has absolutely no clue on the Educations issues that are Real and most Important for the Future!!
Press 4: If all else fails, move away to a Wonderland that suits your lifestyle fantasy world. If this fails, do not ever expect to come-back to the real world of modern day education as the taxes you will have to pay will cause you to sell everything from A to Z and at this point there will be - ????????.
Press 5:
Intentionally Left Blank, as None of You Have Any Clue, and do not choose to make any attempt to correct the present nor the future.
Hello! Just stopping by. Please take a look at lakecountyoh.blogspot.com
To whoever sent the comment Mr. Beiler......
You must think I'm crazy to post that. Wheres your proof, wheres your facts?
To the new website. I have nothing to do with it, and have no idea who's it is.
What will happen to Mr. Murphy after his campaign literature lies?
He has to go to Columbus correct?
Then what? Can he be banned from running again or can he be banned from Painesville?
One can only hope!
I will admitt that this post has me scratching my head. Sorry friend, just did not get it. JT
3:47 Will he be banned? Would you believe a W-2 form? Would it prove he worked where he said? I am also in the process of checking with the Sheriff Department if they had a car towed from Morley Library on election day, I keeping hereing different stories.
This post is humorous all right. I think it's one of our Hispanic residents having fun with us, because clearly English is NOT this poster's native language.
JT. Its no wonder you don't get it.
By your own admission you see Painesville through your closed eyes instead of open ones that show the truth. Try selling your house by bragging about the Party in the Park, rating of the Painesville schools, healthcare facilities, shopping ect. Well your electricity is still cheap right? You leave alot to be desired as a resident.
I went to a presentation at the new Harvey High School last night.
Shelby Andress gave a presentation "The Asset Approach" To much to go into here but it did give some insight what our young Painesville citizens think.
I hope the school siteposts it on its web site.
Angelo, Are you stuck in the past? You guys lost the election. So what if a car was towed? Are you going to try to overturn the results with that? How are you going to know anyway? Did you take down the license plate? And why the sheriff? Wouldn't it be the painesville police? Good luck trying to find a report of a towing that never occurred. Maybe you should check to see if Murphy car was towed. There was a truck there with murphy signs on it that mysteriously disappeared in the middle of the day. Maybe that car was towed.
"hereing" or "hearing"
You intelligence never ceases to amaze me.
"Would you believe a W-2 form?"
With all the other stuff he lied about who knows. Maybe he used the knowledge he gained with his fake degrees to create a fake W-2.
Karen. We all know you have alot of hate, but there was a lot not to understand. Don't attack JT. I am afraid I don't really get it either. Press 1-5? Is this supposed to be like an automated answering service? If that was the goal the writing doesn't really match up to well.
Or maybe he didn't get the post directly above his own. To explain that JT:
A complaint was field with the EOC against Murphy as having lied in literature and elsewhere as to his educational background - degrees he supposedly earned and his employment history and job duties. Apparently he tried to put one over on painesville.
Why would the sheriff department even be involved in this alleged towing?
Hereing, hearing I apoligize for my spelling at times. Lies I will do the most to expose all the lies and what I've heard in council meeting in the last five years their should be a Priest and confessional in the room.
Were there lies about Cobblestone Apartments? When was the administration made aware of Grand River dropping out again, and the offer by Mentor.
Were there lies about the AMP-OHIO agreement? Did we vote on the "build through"
Were there lies about the hospital redevelopment? Why only one developer. Rentals who ever talked about rentals.
The park land along the south side of the Grand River for $250,000 "we had to purchase the land or the county would redirect the money"
Everyone on council was aware of the progress of the JEDD agreement from the start, really?
Lies... Maybe that should be the object of the blog.
We haven't even talked about what goes on in the school system.
It was brought out in the budget meeting Saturday that the water and waste treatment plant were only staffed by one person each on second and third shifts. Is this using common sense by the city departments? Just want your opinion of this practice, everywhere I have worked OSHA claimed we needed at least two people on a shift when operations were taking place.
Dearest Karen, You are obviously a very bitter and upset person. By my saying that I don't understand something you launched a baseless attack of ignnorance that seems to blanket your obvious lack of compassion. I like this City, the fact that you say I should not will never change that. I know that there are problems and my head is not in the sand about them. I just choose to handle things in a different way is all. I read this format and become educated and ask my own questions of the City in a manner that I feel works for me. Enjoy your life, it is way to short. JT
As for the not understanding the post, it was the format like mentioned above. "press 1 and Press 2" and so on. It did not come off like the standard joking phone message type satire. JT
Dearest JT. After a lot of concideration the problem with Painesville is well your ignorance, your head is in the sand unless its Bob Gibbs? You should look at him the same way you look at the leadership of Painesville. One just admits hes a pain in the rear end. Who and when have you ever asked anyone? I can only wonder what your questions were? Where will the corn dog stand be this year at Party in the Park?
Everything is wonderful! in JT. Painesville.
JT, unfortunately I don't think the "Press 1" post was meant to be satire. I think the poster was just trying to be cute or clever. Unfortunately it comes across as really stupid, that's all. People who themselves can't use English properly shouldn't be throwing stones at Hispanics or at the school system. I don't know why Term found it humorous - it's really kind of pathetic. Reads like something written after a drink or two too many, you know what I'm sayin'?
Some of the most truth you hear, will be after a drink or two. I walked into a Painesville elementary school a couple of weeks ago and had no idea what was written on the office wall at the school. The satire the person was attempting, I believe was this was not the way to teach English. I am starting to believe there is a class of Americans that want an uneducated group of workers in our society. There is no other reason to leave our borders wide open is there?
Schools are meant to educate, not raise your children. Who really knows?
At the budget meeting I overheard the fire chief state is was not up to him what a response time should be but councils?
The closest most councilpeople come to a fire truck is at a parade yet they are expected to set response times? Chief thats why you are paid $80,000 a year to guide the council and administration on what is proper times the manpower and equipment you need. This is part of your job. I understand why I get so many emails from your department now.
Read the comments about the Asset Presentation on the News-Herald website. WOW! Parent are the key to sucess in childrens education. Sorry Raiders I agreed with the article and its writer.
Term do you know how to post a comment on either one of the blogs. mentioned the past week?
Do you know who sits on the board of Amp-Ohio as a representative of Painesville? How do you contact them?
There are 19 Representatives of communities that sit on the AMP-OHIO Board the last I knew no one from Painesville sits or has sat on the board. Makes you wonder uh?
Please go to the AMP site.
Are you trying to say Painesville has no say in Amp-Ohio? If so your wrong.
The press #1, #2 etc was a run-off to not only an article on the internet but also an article in our local newspapers. It did involve a new voice system by schools to report all of the reasons why my child will not be at school. I see this as a satire on the shape of so many school systems in the U.S. that have to deal with those that will not learn the English language,which in turn the children do not learn the language, and how in the heck can all of these people communicate in their respective communities? The Latinos expect you and I to learn their language for communication purposes. When anyone goes on vacation to another country they bring their translation book for assistance. When anyone permanently implants themselves in another country for what they feel is a forever lifetime, they should learn the NATIVE TONGUE and not demand that others bend over backwards and learn their language so they can succeed!!! Succeed on your own as others who came here have done for 100 plus years!
Press all of those buttons and start the process of being educated. Stop looking for every opportunity for a hand-out because you did not choose to assimilate. Statements made that this is "the New Mexico" and we will "rule how life will be", "We will tell all of you what you can and cannot do" are definite words that can ignite: guess what type of war that happened in the past??
Just another Revolution. If none of you live around these people we can see why you just do not get the clue. For those of us who do have to live around these people, we see their insurgence 24/7 - 365.
Don't make light of all of us, go look and ask about the real happenings. This is happening in your neighborhood and all others across the great U.S. Sorry you do not read nor pay attention.
Dont look now but your number 1 hater just lost his job. By Lou Dobbs enough of the hate against us.
6:11pm. I am with you. I too live this 24/7 - 365. My eyes are open and I don't like what I see. I will be at the gazebo at noon this coming Saturday to participate in a national protest against amnesty. Please join me.
Karen, Have a good day. JT
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