Thursday, November 19, 2009

"CUTS LIKE A KNIFE"...carved

Attended Hal Werners Concerned Citizen Meeting last night. Gary Robinson from Lake Health was there to inform people in Painesville about the Urgent Care Center.
He briefly spoke about him and Councilman Flock disagreement of what was said at a townhall meeting ago. "We agree to Disagree." What I said was that it would do no one good to leave a boarded up empty building there. Yes Mr .Robinson I also heard that statement after you mentioned that if Painesville didn't get the grant "The hospital would find the funds to tear the building down." Three people at the meeting agreed thats what they heard also. Water over the dam.
On the urgent care center , there is a delay and now we probably won't have it open until May. 180 days after the closing of Lake East. When asked he made the statement that five or six sites were looked into but the city chose the Chase Bank site. When questioned who for the "city" chose that site. He said the committee. What committee? Well there was a committee made up of the city manager, councilpeople Joe Hada, Abbey Delamotte, and another person he couldn't remember at the time. They looked a various sites including the old Rite-Aid location, and a proposed site on Richmond St. across from Kurlee Kone. They decided on the Chase Bank site downtown. When asked when they made this decision ,he said about three years ago? When asked when the hospital signed the lease with the owner of the bank building he said two months ago?
Why was the hospital and city doing waiting for this man to make up his mind? Now we know why the delay. I guess no "urgency" needed here?
Traffic concerns , and bad winter weather was also brought up.
Then the conversation turned to the JEDD arrangement. Now comes the part that upset me. When asked if the Hospital system administration building was included in the JEDD? Mr. Robinson said it was "carved" out of the JEDD, but not by the hospital? That begs the question why and who carved it out? That carving cost Painesville over $50,000 in revenue a year. To understand this, its like the nurses, housekeeping, dietary workers and other support personnel pay the 1.75% tax but the big shots pay ZERO in income tax. That would be like the city carving out city hall from income tax but only city hall? To these people who abandoned Painesville we will spend million to run electricity out to them. That Administration building better not be included in the deal.
It should be mentioned and thanked that Lake Health had the foresight to station an ambulance at that quick care center downtown so far they have saved Painesville about six runs to Tri-Point.


At November 20, 2009 at 4:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how the hospital flees to Concord, and now the State is going to have to pick up the tab to redo the whole Rt. 44 corridor. If Concord wanted this whole thing, then they should pay for all the changes to Rt. 44. Concord will soon be an extension of Mentor. I'm glad I don't live there.

At November 20, 2009 at 7:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do know Term if that grant money is refused you will be blamed?

At November 20, 2009 at 8:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two words why there is no hospital in Painesville.

Rita McMahon
Check it out she didn't cooperate when asked.

At November 20, 2009 at 9:27 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:07 All I did was send a letter with my feeling. period. If that stop the project it didn't have much merit to begin with.

At November 20, 2009 at 11:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When asked if the Hospital system administration building was included in the JEDD? Mr. Robinson said it was "carved" out of the JEDD, but not by the hospital?

Nurses, housekeeping, dietary workers and other support personnel pay the 1.75% tax but the big shots pay ZERO in income tax. Why, isn't this illegal?

At November 20, 2009 at 1:27 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Good question, Mr. Robinson made the statement and the only reason I can see for it being carved out is so an agreement with Concord and Painesville could be reached.
Yoyu must remember that the administration is where the exectives work I've been told the CEO makes over $350,000 a year, This to me seems very illegal and that hospital board member who is the head of the Lake County AFL-CIO should be railing about this.
Tri-Point Hospital is on the Lake Health Campus. I only hope that we in Painesville don't make that building part of the electric grid we are going to set up there.
This to me is just further proof of the kind of people your dealing with. Next thing I will hear is Mr. Robinson never mentioned carving out anything. I just imagined it. This in the end will make Concord a city, and the reason most people moved out there a good reason to leave movimg further east.

At November 20, 2009 at 1:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kind of people your dealing with? Maybe now people will ask why anyone from Painesville went to the Gala at the party center. It's getting clearer all the time to me. Wana bet those were comp. tickets?

At November 20, 2009 at 2:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To top it all off theres a shortage of pumpkin pie filing this holiday? My oh my what will we do? Eat apple or cherry pie. Keep your pumpkin pie filing.

It might be a "Free Ride" for the medicare and medicaid holder but we will all pay for it.

At November 21, 2009 at 6:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At November 21, 2009 at 7:16 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

This one above, I let by because I believe it was meant to let me know the city got the grant from Ohio Clean Air? God bless you I'm glad your happy. I only hope I'm not laughing when your trying to sell $180,000 towmhomes on that property . That will be a blow to Painesville that it probably won't be able to overcome.

At November 21, 2009 at 8:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right on, but I thought you might think it was about the dumb post about Pumpkin Pie.

At November 21, 2009 at 10:07 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

So we get a grant that we can tear down a building that up until October probably brought close to a million dollars into the city coffers. Now we will reviving Painesville with putting 70 apartments 67 townhomes, and 23 houses on the hospital property. Why? Because people want to live in Downtown Painesville. The Gage House is in foreclosure wonder why? Apartments on Main St. are empty? Please who are these people that want to spend $165,000 to $185,000 to buy there? I wish these ideas made sense to me put the only people who seem to believe in this project are the City Managers and the councilpeople that voted for it.
At Hal Werners Wednesday night meeting this building plan was met with smiles to laughter. I'm not the only one who thinks this is a pipe dream.
Remember the Painesville solution,"The easy way always"

At November 21, 2009 at 3:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clowns like you will find out soon enough how soon this hospital site becomes the jewel of Painesville and probably all of Lake County. Anti- downtown, anti-people, anti-progress. Thank God Flock, Murphy, or even you can't change what the people who care about Painesville want. Progress.
What degrees do you clowns hold? anti-everything?

At November 22, 2009 at 7:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain how our city government keeps making stupid moves like these? 50 year electric contracts, $180,000 townhouses in downtown Painesville, annexing land letting builders build with no idea how to provide adequate safety for the people who will live there? Streets in total decay, ordinances unenforced? Whats going on. Also providing raises during the worse economy since the depression? Whos in charge.

At November 22, 2009 at 12:05 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Stupid moves? The present administration has been in operation for over 15 years. We reelected a city councilman for his eighth four year term. Why would he or anyone in this administration even think there not doing the will of the people of Painesville? If people thought they were making stupid moves why would they keep reelecting them?
Good or Bad the people of Painesville got what they deserved.
You always do.
If you think about it the people of Painesville are the only ones responsible for where we are.

At November 22, 2009 at 2:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, I didn't get what I deserved. I didn't vote for these clowns, yet I am getting the same inept administration that they are. I don't deserve this!

At November 23, 2009 at 9:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do any of you have any idea how inept the city was to lose the hospital?
Jt. as someone else remarked, If you don't like it here LEAVE! and they did. There is no positive spin here.

At November 23, 2009 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While everyone is wo and ahing about Tri-Point someone should be asking ,hey, wheres the trama center? Don't have one? enjoy the ride to a real hospital system.
Mary Poppins

At November 23, 2009 at 2:04 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Mary, They do have a trama center there its just not a class 1. They would take you to Metro General in Cleveland thats where they probably would take you. They would be able to treat you until the helicopter arrived.

At November 23, 2009 at 4:42 PM , Blogger LakeCountyOH said...

I could use a good explanation of JEDD.

At November 23, 2009 at 8:52 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

LC. its called a Joint Economic Development District. A way for a township[Concord] to collect income taxes where by state law a township cannot. So they team up with a city[Painesville] give them a share and then make it able for them to collect income taxes from workers in the district.
Theres alot more to this and before you think this is totally unfair, remember that Lake Health pays zero in taxes of anykind[not for profit] So how would a township be able to provide services the hospital needs if they can't collect income tax or property tax. Theres alot of reasons Lake Health moved to Concord. Probably Painesville also agreed not to annex any more land from Concord Twp. Plus Painesville agrees to provide utilities to the district. If others know more please feel free to add.

At November 24, 2009 at 6:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would anyone carve out anything? The employees at Tri-Point should be screaming. They probably didn't know about this under the table deal. The administrators should be ashamed.


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