Along with the signs I can't stand the most, "Coming Soon" "For Lease" "Avalable". I foumd a new one down on Oak St. "Unimproved Road Travel At Your Own Risk" Are you kidding me? This in the City of Painesville? Maybe Mr. Lynch should print up a couple dozen more signs like that if thats the way we are going to address this. First street to get the "signs" Lexington Ave.
Then theres the sign of the times.
Cleveland Magazine rates rhe suburbs. 76 suburbs surrounding Cleveland are rated.
Alot of you complain I just "crap" on Painesville well this magazine rated us dead last in safety #76. Education? 54th out of 56 districts {some communitities share the same school district']
I can't even believe these numbers and have e-mailed the magazine to find out how they arrived at these numbers.
Hell, I ready to have a "Tea Party" Who do we hold accountable for the state of the city? Council,Administration,Employee's, School Board, School Administration, Teachers? Truth be told it all of "Us." We elect the same people year after year, who employe the same people to run things and we expect to get better results. To bad it doesn't work like that. Put all the flower pots in downtown you want, do all the studies you want, change the grading system, give prizes to get students to come to school, build all new buildings and your still at the bottom of the list. Why?
How will you get people to make Painesville their home, how will you ever sell yours?
Will your children come back to live in their hometown?
What do you think the chances are of us fixing this?
You think its bad now, wait til the hospital leaves. I wonder if all Painesville residents asked to be taken to University Hospital instead of Tri Point maybe then we might get an emergency room like Madison? Less than half of the people in town realize the hospital is moving and watch the complaining in October, there's the reason we rank so low no one gives a damn.
not happy in Apathy Heights?
Get out and vote!
Make your views known that you are not happy with being last year after year.
Write letters, question those who are responsible;
your council people, city hall, the school board.....
pick one and pick up the phone, pen or attend a meeting.
talk about a load of compost!
best thing going in this town is the library.......
that is the one time we all got together and voted for something wonderful.
we have no chance of fixing the schools with Martin as principal and Hanlon as superintendent. We have no chance of fixing this city with Gurley......I mean Rita running the show. We should do a Brangelina with those two. How about Gurleyman?
I have heard that the rental rate in Painesville is over 50%. I don't know the numbers but if this is true, then this is our major problem. The higher the rental rate the faster city declines. Renters usually don't have a vested interest in the community. No reason to try and make our city a better place for everyone. Renters are just passing through. Here to find cheap rent or government assistance.
How many of you really know your neighbors. I mean more than just the person next door or across the street. I'm talking about actual friends that you count on to look out for each others property or can count on if you need help with something. You know, the kind where you have a neighborhood picnic or get together.
That use to happen in my neighborhood but not anymore. What happened here to change this? Is it the constant stream of renters coming and going? Are people changing that much?
How many have lived here 10 years? 20? More? I know Term has been here forever. How about the rest of you? Want it to get better then get to know your neighbors and get them involved. Term was skeptical about the Tea Party in Painesville and thought they were a bunch of radicals. They turned out to be normal people just like everyone else. They are worried about the way things in this country are headed. They spoke about the issues that concerned them. Maybe they have the right idea. Something has to change and getting out and doing something to get people's attention might just be the first step.
I've said it before, more people need to get involved. Get to know the about issues that are important to you. Talk to people and not just complain. Do something. Nobody going to do it for you.
Go to a council meeting. A school board meeting. Attend a tea party. Something.
One more thing.
It's the people who make a town a nice place to live.
Get out and vote and get your neighbor to vote!
Heres what you do you sucker the city into providing your area cheap utilities let them annex your land.
Then advertise that your in the Riverside School District so your kids will educated. Then when people come to look you wink and tell them your not really in Painesville.
It works for Ryan Homes thats how I got here.
"build all new buildings and your still at the bottom of the list. Why?"
The schools aren't even all built yet. The ones that are built haven't even been open long. These numbers probably came before the schools were built to begin with. Term, I think you are either retarded or willfully ignorant.
You vote down funding for safety and then complain we are at the bottom of the list in safety. Maybe the best way to improve the city would be for you and your handful of idiot friends to move out.
I am really not mad at anyone who buys into your crap, I just feel sorry for their inability to see you for what you are and think for themselves.
The poor ratings of the city school system is not entirely the fault of city educators..the problems start at home and parents who are unwilling to stress the importance of education in their children's lives. Painesville City has some of the finest teachers anywhere in the area, but you can't teach children who don't want to learn and have parents who don't give two hoots...
However..I don't believe the 50% rule of just showing up for class and getting something is working either..
If you go to Cleveland Magazine's website, they have an interview with someone from each suburb. For Painesville, they interviewed Willy Horvath, who is a firefighter. Here is a quote from the interview, "the response time for the fire department or police is like a minute or tow." Thought that was kind of funny considering the recent controversy.
I feel bad for the Township. They could have found a better person to interview than the guy they chose. He makes the Township sound like backwoods Kentucky.
We are at the bottom of safety, and education not because we don't spend enough money. It's how the money they have is being spent. Most people here pretty much think for themselves and know somethings wrong. Everytime someone disagrees with something aroun Painesville people in your position ask them to leave. How many good people have thrown their hands up and said lets get out of here on there own? When you spend all that money on a fire truck that doesn't carry or pump water and really just carrys rope you have to wonder how much more money do they want, and lets not get into overtime.
Improve the city by some of us leaving? You people that run things have almost made it impossible to get out. If you think new buildings are going to improve education in Painesville your ignorant!
Marry Poppins
Yeah Term leave and take your clown buddys with you! People are fighting over each other to get a chance to live in 76/54 Paine Town get out so these people can get in please...
I resent it that when anyone criticizes Painesville government that the first and only reaction is for the criticizer to leave town. Aint gonna happen. First, can't afford to leave. Second, this is my town and I will fight to save it from you, from illegals, from any direction necessary. This was a good town before, and it can be good again. even great. I am doing my best, but this town is as corrupt as Chicago. It is a hard battle for honest folk to fight. but you are not getting rid of me. Gurley wants us to leave because we threaten his candy store. same with Rita. The fight is only just beginning and right will prevail in the end. We need to stand tought again the barbs thrown at us.
"buy into your crap"?
I am sorry you are visually disabled. Perhaps your seeing eye dog can stop at all the closed or vacant signs around town.
Bet you'd be on the deck of the Titanic playing wiht the band as it went down too.
sorry, not buying into YOUR crap.
nope, my kids are not coming back and we are pretty happy about that, what future would they have? Best part....... they retain our home as their residence as they are out traveling and always vote absentee. 4 votes for our address but only live in town, go figure!
We are at the bottom because no one wants to be the one to stand up and tell the truth. We have half our town as rentals so we attract 75% of the low income, illegal, drug dealer, uneducated, trash in Lake County.
Its a people problem and everyone is so worried about being politically correct that we are afraid to tell section 8, and all the other low income housing assistance in Painesville to go somewhere else. Everyone is afraid that the County Government will pull out? if they take the Human Services building with them I'm willing to pay higher taxes to make up for it!
Then, we need a new Council who understand that the landlords in this city are not GOD and its time we quit kissing their butts and passed an inspection program that has some teeth in it.
Yes, I know some landlords are good, some renters are good, some low income people are good, BUT..... it is also a fact that high rentals, county seat, low income are three leading indicators for higher crime, lower school success rates and poor property upkeep.
The sign on Oak Street has been there for at LEAST 5 years, probably closer to 10 years.
Adam thanks for the heads-up on the signs on Oak St. Now I feel even worse. 10 years? have the residents been paying taxes rhe last 10 years and all they got was two signs? I would ask Councilman Flock and the Three at Large to pass an emergency resolution to level, tar and chip that street now!
Do you think any of the seven councilpeople, the city manager would put up with that for 10 years?
Went to my nieces Harvey graduation at Lakeland I sensed even the speakers were down on Painesville and their education. Ar first I thought it was that old Harvey was closing, watched it again and I'm not so sure.
The thing with Oak Street, is that half of it is completely abandoned. There's no reason for it to even exist...it should be a dead end street off of Elm. From Fobes it should be shut down.
However, that is no justification for how bad the "civilized" portion of Elm is. That part needs to be paved BADLY.
You talk about knowing your neighbors. It works!
We have lived in the same house for over 25 years now. We knew everybody in the neighborhood but I don't think I would have called anybody for a ride if my car broke down.
We had a rental that was bad news, only rental on the street. The rental went on the market, it had been grandfathered in as rental but when it sold it reverted back to a single family dwelling. Best thing that ever happened. There is nice family living there now who really cares about the house.
We also had new neighbors move in up the street. They walk the neighborhood every night. They are great! Through this very out going couple the whole neighborhood has turned around.
We met more folks on the street and now this is a neighborhood that can and will call each other for rides when our cars break down.
We also have two widows on the street. We call on them often, invite them down for coffee or to sit around a Sat. night marshmallow roast.
What you say is true about getting out and meeting your neighbors. We are talking about a block party this summer. First time in years there would be a block party here.
Four of us are pretty serious gardeners too. We trade plant material and tour each others gardens.
We have slowly become a neighborhood again.....
Sorry you are wrong about Oak St. If the almighty Term. would have checked, he would see that the dirt part was added to Oak St. so fire/rescue can get to the street at the end of it when the tracks are blocked,
I think it is only an easement ?
The city will repair the road, when they get the main roads repaired first.
Someone said we voted down a safety levy, no we didn't it was a city charter change. Why did Hada and the rest of them have to change the charter to pass a levy? Three words "to screw us!"
Don't spend enough on safety? New fire truck $350,000 Technical Rescue truck $190,000 and added another anbulance $110,000. 7 new police cars, plus an SUV to the police dept. in the last 2 years. All safety forces received atleast a 2% raise plus steps, over 1000 hours of overtime and no layoffs. No Term we have to do a better job of funding the safety forces. These people tell us one thing and think we're to stupid to remember to bad I've been keeping score.
All this to as the fire chief said to do a FAIR job.
Me. Rellik
Is Oak Street dedicated? Anybody know?
Maybe the residents on Oak like it the way it is. It could be a tradeoff - living on an unimproved street but having more quiet and privacy and a more natural setting. I'd take it.
Not to mention, I bet there aren't too many crotch rockets and boom cars flying down Oak, LOL.
I am a renter. I am not a drug dealer. I am not illegal, even though many of you might assume so by my skin tone. I know just about all of my neighbors. We interact more than all those high and mighty homeowners. I am committed to Painesville, I just couldn't get a loan for a house. Stop blaming stuff on me. Stop blaming stuff on my landlord. He has put security measures in place so those who commit crimes are evicted and put cameras in so those people will get caught. I saw a guy selling drugs out of his HOUSE on Nebraska street. Not an apartment or rented house but the house he owns. He can't get evicted for that, but we could. I could very easily argue that the problem is the homeowners. I love my neighborhood and my neighbors. You homeowners are the ones who make the city unfriendly and inhospitable. Stop blaming stuff on us and stereotyping us. I am willing to be your friend and work for a better painesville if you just stop trying to lay blame and actually do something positive.
Maybe we should work with the city we have and try to make rentals better rather than living in some dream world about why these properties shouldn't exist.
The road will get fixed after the main roads are fixed? Is this a nice way to say never? Maybe they like it like that? So as to constantly repair their vehicles and go to council meeting so they can see themselves on TV? Low school ratings maybe they like that to, no sense in the kids being smarter than them?
Why does Lori DiNallo always bring up shes running for Abbey DelaMottes seat? Would she not run if Abbey ran? Surprise Lori! your running for one of three seats, Abbey owns nothing, Thank God!
To I am a Renter, lighten up, no one singled out you or your Landlord. If you and your landlord have managed to be part of your neighborhood, great job!
But you need to get out and see what is happening in other parts of town with rentals and landlords and you would understand why people are complaining.
Our street is half single family homes converted to multiplex type rentals. Out of probably 50 police visits to our street for problems in the last few years I think only one of those was for a home that was not a rental.
If you mention our street name to code enforcement I'll bet they could rattle of the addresses they visit from memory, and guess what, they are all rental units.
Painesville got to this point because everyone says "you can't single out rental units". That makes no sense, thats like saying we can't have checkpoints to catch drunk drivers because most of the drivers aren't drunk.
When we have twice the numbers of rental as is considered normal for a city and a majority of the drugs, illegals, and property maintenance problems are coming from rentals then to fix the problem at some point you have to start looking at "rentals".
Does anyone else see the humor in the renter's post? He is not a drug dealer, he claims, but he's complaining that renter drug dealers can get evicted, whereas homeowner drug dealers can't. Well, shucks. A drug dealer should go to jail and be evicted. Too bad a homeowner can't be evicted but his house can be taken if he's dealing out of the house.
you must have not agreed with my post. otherwise why not post it? what was wrong with it?
I have never heard Lori say she is running for Abby's seat. Trying to put misinterpretations in people's minds again, TERM?
First what post are you talking about? The only one I didnt post was the remark about Badger that was in poor taste.
Lori DiNallo? Get ahold of KAREN. Why did I let that post up? David Jones in his News-Herald column mentioned that fact twice.
When I post something about Mrs. DiNallo or any other candidate it will be signed by me. I guess Mr. Jones made that up?
Mrs.DiNallo and Mr. Fodor have done such a splendid job improving the educational system in Painesville,now they want to try their hand at the city. Hey there at least not last.
I think we would all like to get ahold of Karen. If we only knew who he/she was...
Lori running for Abbys seat because Abbys not running? Who's seat is Fodor running for? Murphys running for who's seat. Lori first mis-step out of the gate. Not to offend anyone who has a seat? She should be running because she's going to bring something new to the table. Offhand I'd wager she's just going to be another bobble-head.
Probably shooting for PCC person-of-the-year like we know who.
Mary Poppins
Mr.Jones made it up? I don't think so that commrnt was "Fed" to him, and we all know why. Typical Painesville you do something and then you claim no knowledge.
Well, as far as education is concerned, the OGT test results are out and Painesville is the lowest in Lake County. 40% of students pass all five sections. That is half the percentage of almost all schools in Lake, Geauga, Ashtabula and Cuyahoga Counties. At least we did better than Cleveland City schools. Sad, very sad. There is more wrong than the couple of people running for council and the teachers. Parents and students, time to wake up and take a look at where you're headed.
Ok, I don't get it. Why was this information "fed" to Jones? What was it supposed to accomplish?
40% of students pass the OGT tests in 2009. That is a 9% drop in the percentage of students that pass all five sections since 2006. The test results from the State of Ohio lists that 156 students took the test as sophomores at Harvey. Those students graduate in 2009. How many received their diploma this year?
If you take 9% of 156, it comes out to 14 students. That means 14 less students passed all five parts.
Now, if you take that same 40% rate of ABOUT 155 students who take the test every year, it comes out to 93 students. Yes that is 93 out of 155 students who don't pass all parts.
Now do you see why Cleveland Magazine rated Painesville so low in education. Who do you blame, the teachers? There is more wrong with the system than you can blame the teachers for. Let me see. What year did the 50% grading policy get put into effect at Harvey. I believe it was 2006. So, since 2006, we have 9% fewer students pass all sections of the Ohio Graduation Test. Anyone else see a problem here?
Safety issue? Wonder what happened on route 20 on Saturday night east of State Street and West of Elm? 5 or 6 Painesville police cars and also 2 Sheriff cars in the area. There had to be at least 100 people of that neighborhood out on the sidewalks and many on the porches. I know the little problem in the past behind the Post Office wasn't gang related so this one can't be either. Seems like an awful lot of people from different ethnic backgrounds to be social though. That many people and that many police cars and nothing will be in the papers.
Oh well, hope everyone has a safe summer and this isn't what Cleveland Magazine was talking about in their article.
I believe the 50% policy was snuck in on us in the 2006-2007 school year. It came to light when the kids from the 2008 class started applying for college. How much more time does the school need to prove this policy stinks?
I went to the state site that lists all the OGT results by county/city. The problem I saw was every city that has a lot of minorities and economically disadvantaged calling it home has an OGT all 5 rate around ours, 40-50.
So after looking through the counties and just using what I know about cities on the list I'm guessing maybe it is not as much about the teachers and schools as the family influence?
Are the tests skewed towards success by more affluent students?, is it just more affluent families realize the importance of education? When are minority leaders going to step up and lead the charge?
So, just how many graduated from Harvey this year?
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