Thursday, September 4, 2008


This is a story outside Painesville, but probably affects most of us. That is the reconstruction of Mentor Ave. between Fern Dr. and Nye Rd. I can only wonder who's in charge of this mess. I know its a big undertaking but why is no one is working at night? How many Businesses have failed because of how long this project has taken. Will people return to some of these business afer this project is done? More troubling I watched an Ambulance crawl down Rt.20. I also watched a car stopped on the railroad tracks as the gates were coming down last Monday. Now I find out the road will be closed next Monday between Fern and Palmer Dr. I guess to pave over the tracks. What a mess soon on Jackson St. next week. Please remember the merchants after the road is fixed around December 1.


At September 4, 2008 at 2:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are working at night!

At September 4, 2008 at 3:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stay across from the shopping center. Right in the middle on Hurst. It's not businesses to worry about its people who live here. Several home have or had been up sale since the construction with no takers. My biggest beef is that the construction stop in front of McDonald's then start by the fairgrounds now they start back up street laying concrete at the McD's again.ODOT drop the ball on this one. This project was to be finished this year, long stretches of delays. It doesn't matter whether or night they work at I've still been stuck in traffic going to and coming home from work. Let me tell how long this project has been going on my was finishing his ninth grade year at Riverside when it started now he's graduated.

At September 4, 2008 at 4:24 PM , Blogger Big John said...

Term, hate to say it but you hit the nail on the head here. I agree with you that this has taken very long and it is sad that businesses go out. What happened to "The Hoagie Shop", did he finally retire or go out because of the roadway. My only hope is that at the end of this long project things are able to rebound but there is no being positive at the loss of revenue that has occured here for sure. There are some new businesses out there but I wonder for how long. Good topic. JT

At September 4, 2008 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I agree it is a pain in the butt, but when it started the original finish date was Spring 09, I'm thinking they may finish ahead of schedule.

Everyone just sees a new paved road, but they put in larger sewers, fixed the grading problems for proper drainage, widened, which meant a whole new base before paving so it would last more than a few years, new sidewalks, and I believe from what I saw new water lines in some areas if not all.

Yeah its a mess, but that is a lot of work to get all that done correctly.

At September 4, 2008 at 7:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG-I can't belive Term. you bitch about everything, this road project is great, so what if it takes this much time, it is going to be so much better, as far as the Hogie Shop it moved in to McTaggerts in the shopping center, and them starting and stoping paving is to put in roads so they can drive in to businesses, they just can't pour cement over the whole drive they have to do a little at a time, I think they are doing a good job moving cars along, it took a long time to move the phone & elect. poles, and put in new sewer and water lines, and yes the finish date is spring 09.

Great job ODOT, and you people get over it, you will love it when it is done.

At September 5, 2008 at 4:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey OMG you are delusional at best! Two years+ to have the one of the main arteries of a county torn up is a waste of time and taxpayer money. Ha you must be in charge of ODOT or work for Jim Gills prince of the engineers. He sat at his condo's board meeting and said out loud; What construction? When are they starting that, that didn't come across my desk.
Ask the Fairgrounds how much attendance is down in two years of construction.
Oh yeah, I remember the commissioners are taking lessons from city council
Our Hands are Tied.
sitting in traffic for two years and wasting gas and money again

At September 5, 2008 at 5:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a pain in the ass, but it is the price of progress. No complaints here. I do feel bad for the merchants, as I have been avoiding the area.

As for the guy stuck on the tracks with the gates coming down, he is an idiot who doesn't follow traffic laws. He's probably the same person that pulls into an intersection when the traffic is all backed up, then blocks the other roads when their lights turn green. If you can't get through the intersection or traffic stop because of stopped cars, don't pull into the intersection. That is impeading traffic.

At September 5, 2008 at 5:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did they say their hands were tied about? You use this phrase alot but people never actually say it. What were the commissioners referring to here?
This is not a waste of tax payer money. Please. You don't remember sitting in traffic before this construction started. If you want to revitalize busniness you might want to consider this project as a positive.

At September 5, 2008 at 2:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just cant wait for next week!

At September 5, 2008 at 6:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of the new cement, curbs, inlets and outlets, turning lanes will never solve a future big problem: It is called the old problem of the Norfolk/Southern Tracks.

I don't care how much you make 20 wider or your turning lanes; for route 20 and Jackson Street the tracks present a real dangerous problem.

Engineering officials from the state down, should have configured a way to pass-over these tracks on both streets from the getgo.

Traffic back-up will be as usual, except for the fact that the city of the Ville will have a new road (in and out) on Jackson Street. If you think that the traffic load is bad now, wait and just wait until this ingress is completed.
The actual wait for trains on Jackson Str and Rte 20 (trains from 150 to 300 cars) will absolutely make this area a traffic sewer.
Where are the brilliant minds at, that decided to do this project - but did not pay attention to the tracks and the congestion that already exists??
Rte 20 and Jackson Street are heavily traveled by those leaving work, going to work, going to shop for what they need. An infrastructure project must take this into consideration: but, this project (as with others in other communities) did not think of the quagmire that is already there. This reminds me of many other projects in this county (Gills) where these projects are completed only to be changed again because they did not work!
No Planning - no current and future foresight.
Oh, all of the "A'S say that this is wonderful. Good for you.
I can't wait to hear how you cannot stand the Tremendous down-time that you will be faced with very shortly.
You do not make a road wider and neglect to change a track system that will continue to negate the flow of traffic on an avenue that consistenly has a very heavy traffic flow.
You do not add a road into a 400 acre (future project - In and Out) on a street that is so old and not wide enough to accommodate the traffic of today let alone the future.
Hello? How many times will you have to accomplish the construction and reconstruction of Jackson Street???
Travel these routes/areas and then try to think (if you can) as to what the future will be.
For all of the "A's on this blog: I know they will not have a clue - as they cannot possibly process all of the accurate/reported info on this sight. The "A's obviously do not have the fortitude to step up to the plate and ask questions and seek answers on any subject that involves the ways and means of their taxes. Shame on you.

Good Luck "A's"

At September 5, 2008 at 8:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point about the tracks. It is a pain. Even before the construction, I tried to avoid the area at peak times.

At September 5, 2008 at 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the "ASS" The road needed updated, and it cost a lot, but the cost to cross over or under the tracks, would be about the same as the whole project being done now.

When you drive down the new road, don't you dare say to yourself, man this is so nice.

At September 6, 2008 at 6:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ass? You obviously did not read the post and understand it at all. Reconstructing 20 is positive. Not taking into consideration NS Tracks on 20 and Jackon Street is the nightmare!The lack of design in this area will continue to be the worst traffic bog of the century. The cross-over is not on Rte 20 nor Jackson Street. The new road is off of Jackson Str. This new roadway will create a traffic nightmare in that area. As for the new road, it will cross-over the CSX tracks in the small section of the 400 acres adjacent and lateral to 44 south. The area that they are building this road is so over-inudated with water it is not comprehensible.

The CSX track in that area has to be repaired/rebuilt constantly; due to excessive water. Good place to build a major ingress - not!

You may wonder how I know this?

My other half is an employee of CSX. He is constantly in that area. He and others are constantly repairing (with their machines on the track) this area because it is so very wet/sinking. How many more times will this City be responsible for the new over-pass due to the excessive wetland of this area?
If you even doubt, again, this post, go to Lake Counties GPS Maps and see how this area is Blue. Blue, meaning that there is way too excessive water to build/construct.
Dan Troy (commissioner) nailed it on the head several years ago. "Do not build/construct in any area that is a wetland or a 100 Year Flood Plain. "The areas will be in jeoparady."
OOps, Painesvile, you do this all of the time.
So "Ass" and other Ass want to put this down - so be it. Lazy as you are (always lately) find the truths - because the truths are here: they are the experienced ones who are working the lands that all of you think are the Promised Lands of the Future.

At September 6, 2008 at 9:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think she is a wife of any CSX worker, becuse they don't talk to there wifes.
There to busy getting drunk.
How do I know this.
I serve them every day.
Hi guys

At September 7, 2008 at 2:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not wifes, it is wives. It is not becuse, it is because. It is not there, it is their. It is not there, it is they are or they're.
When you work from 10 to 14+ hours per day and are on call 24/7 - 365 days per year, there isn't any time to stop at any watering hole and tolerate any service from a narcisstic person.
Tell us where you work as a server and we will drop by so you can see and hear for yourself that both your spelling and your stereotype attitude needs an adjustment.
You couldn't make an educated response to any post, because you do not have the common sense to respond to facts. After all, a narcisstic individual writes their own script and is never cognizant of anyone but themselves.
We look forward to meeting you.

At September 7, 2008 at 5:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No you would not look forward to meeting me, I will tell you things about your worthless men who come in and drink, they tell us how bad there wives treat them, and how stupid they are because they belive they work 10-14 hours a day, and yes most work for CSX

At September 7, 2008 at 6:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We stand by our invitation to meet you. Again your stereotype uneducated vision shows.
A/B states that whomever you serve must be a single entity and not one who is married and has another half that truly cares. Like you would ever know because you are a lonely loser.
A/B says that if you want to peruse the time card elements, he would be most accommodating to provide you with the truths, which you obviously take from a rambling of nomads.
As he and I are CSX people and you feel that you know all of us so well: name names in your quest to downgrade in your narcisstic ways.
If you cannot give the names of your supposed CSX clients, you just better put a zipper on your large lip back-bar mouth. CSX personnel read this blog, and they are most anxious to meet you and resolve/dissolve your existance.
A/B states, good luck buddy - we have now tracked your domain.
J/B states, gotcha.
A/B and others will never let you know about their surprise visit. Best keep on your toes, and try a piece of duct tape on your mouth. If you do not put the tape on, they will do it for you. Not a threat at all - just a promise that you will never ever know who may walk into your make-believe world.
Oh by the way, the there is wrong again, it should be their.

At September 8, 2008 at 5:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you guys do find this guy and show him the light! Amazes me people can be this ignorant but then there is the dead give away that the anonymous bartender has at best a third grade education.
As you drive over Rt 44 south and watch the clear cutting continue in that area you can see the standing water. In the winter snow drifts over the Rt 44 over pass like it never did before. Now it is quite a traffic hazard and imagine ODOT is dumping more salt than ever.
Jim Gills really has his pulse on the arteries of Lake County don't you think.

At September 8, 2008 at 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your threat has been noted.

At September 8, 2008 at 10:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

just a note, they are working during the day and the entire place is shut down. Good luck getting to Giant Eagle or any place west of Painesville.
Am surprised Giant Eagle let this fly for an entire week.
If they were working at night and could have opened the area for the day to traffic it would have been a good compromise for all.

At September 8, 2008 at 2:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been told your gona' Love it when it's done,and I complain to much. Give it a week.

At September 8, 2008 at 3:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Giant Eagle will put up with it, they know how good it will be when it is done.

At September 8, 2008 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you anonymous of 9/8, 5:02 A.M.
you hit it on the head, and with a realistic attitude.
Thanks again for your positive post!!!


At September 8, 2008 at 9:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess they did find us, someone put a brick thru our window.

Thanks a/b-j/b

I guess someone will have to talk with the police about this.

At September 9, 2008 at 4:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 9, 2008 at 10:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one would waste their time throwing bricks; so don't waste our time, nor space on this blog, with your lies.

At September 9, 2008 at 12:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it will be a nice road when we are done maybe we can annex it

At September 9, 2008 at 4:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe it or not its mentioned to do just that in The 2006 Painesville Comprehensive Plan. Check it out at the city's site.

At September 28, 2008 at 4:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Painesvilles way of fixing the city is to annex the township.

At May 20, 2009 at 3:28 AM , Anonymous newcomer said...

Wow I've suspected for quite a while that "j/b" is nuts and maybe even a little dangerous. . .now I'm sure of it. SCARY. . .what an eye opener.


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