First off let me explain that about 6 years ago I had triple bypass surgery at Lake West. The care was outstanding. I just don't understand tearing a 310 bed hospital down and replacing it with a 169 bed hospital? Right now Painesville City is trying to get a grant to tear down Lake East. Replacing it with,what? Also this area will loss it Emergency Room replaced by an urgent care facility which isn't the same thing. The same time this is happening The State of Ohio releases a public service commercial telling us to prepare for a coming pandemic, the Feds tell me to worry about biological attacks, and us boomers aren't getting younger. The "Not for Profit" Hospital will not even think about letting anyone else run a hospital on that site.
Now what if Lake Hospital Systems teamed up with Lake Erie College, Lakeland College and the City of Painesville to turn Lake East into a teaching hospital? I have heard that the College would like to offer Nursing Degrees, Lakeland could offer courses in the Health care fields, Auburn Carceer could offer classes there to. Lake Hospital could leave the emergency room staffed also. I'm just wish all these partys could get together and work something out. Instead of just tearing it down.
I am watching Cleveland Clinic and University build themselves crazy. Everywhere I turn there are new Cleveland Clinic signs and buildings. Not wanting to be
left out in the cold University jumps on board the same train.
A teaching hospital might be the answer to many of Lake County problems! Not sure you can get all these entities to the table but it sure is worth a try.
I have been driving through this town trying to imagine that Lake East gone and I just can't. What a hole, what a vacant lot. This is one of things I wanted City Architects
to address. Rita doesn't seem to have any answers as to what would go there.
Case Western Reserve has a teaching dental school that is EXCELLENT! Really better than going to regular dentist. They have state of the art equipment and professors.
Artists are dirt poor and that is where many end up going when they need help. The prices are affordable as they are subsidized by the tuition of the students. That school has
been a great success. It can work.
We are going to need emergency care some how some where in this city. Knock on wood the only time we have ever needed the emergency room is for Abby and then it has been
concussions from sports or a sliced foot for not wearing shoes and running around outside. The rest of the family has been emergency free and really Dr. free. If it weren't for sports
physicals we would never go to the Dr.
All in all I think it's a great idea and hope it flies. It would answer so many problems.......... like the bus loads of Hispanics being dropped off. Also I would think Cleve. Clinc, UH and Lake East would all be for this as it would pull some of the dead weight from the bill columns. They should be on board. Harvey could also use this in their Senior programs. At some point we have to stop tearing stuff down and rebuilding. Isn't the battle cry of the new millennium; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle?
This will never fly it makes to much sense. This area cannot be without an emergency room. I'm talking Painesville, Fairport, Grand River, Painesville Township. Who is the hospital accountable to? I always thought it was the County Commissioners.
Quit sending me that magazine, and start looking out for the area.
Make the Painesville hospital a free clinic with a free emergency ward.
Why has the Painesville TV cable system eliminated Cspan 2 on basic cable?
The Hospital fiasco is another one of our county commissioners great moves for Painesville.
Just like they make sure the majority of the low income/poverty in Lake County stays here they have behind the scenes ensured our hospital is situated in an area where the hospital doesn't have to deal with the low income/poverty using it as a walk in free clinic.
People complain now about the high cost of medical care, just wait. When that hospital opens they believe they will be able to go after "world class" doctors. So with a new hospital, higher paid doctors, you can bet our insurance rates in Lake County will go much higher.
This will be OK for our current commissioners because they are just glad "Painesville" isn't smart enough to see what they have done to us.
The hospital land is owned by the County and leased to Lake Hospital systems. There is a contract, the only way LHS can get out of it is with County approval, so how many of you can believe our County Commissioners haven't cut a deal with the Hospital Board?
If that building stays up someone has to pay upkeep on it. if it isn't a hospital, church , or county building someone has to pay taxes on it. As a county we could tell the hospital they have a lease and they need to honor it, but we won't, I'm sure our commissioners cut a deal and decided, hey give the land to Painesville and let them figure out how to clean up the scraps left over.
I am always amazed that the County Commissioners in Lake County don't get more attention. They are slowly shaping this county by being careful where they any available money.
They are always willing to give Painesville County grants for low income housing and programs. How about County money to redevelop the hospital land?
a teaching hospital is not going to cost you a dime if the plan is put together correctly. Look into what Case Western Reserve has done. It is not by any stretch, a Free Clinic situation. You might pay on a sliding scale but you still must pay. If you don't have insurance you still must pay........
The hospital is gone, and to para phrase Ray Sines....... he can't wait for the day the commissioners turn the vacant building over to Painesville city. Right now every taxpayer in Lake county owns a piece of that hospital but the day it's handed to Painesville, only the residents of this city will own the vacant building. Oh boy thanks commissioners!
As a taxpaying citizen I would rather see that building pay for itself and if it brings people to Painesville so much the better. It would be bringing students, Dr.s, technicians as well as people who need the care.
a teaching hospital is not going to cost you a dime if the plan is put together correctly.
"there ain't no such thing as a free lunch."
There's certainly a free lunch for illegals, as well as free health care, free housing, etc. If they think the illegals won't find their way to the new hospital they are wrong. Those vans will be driven there just as they were to Lake East in Painesville.
Does anyone really know what is going on down there or not? Maybe the City has plans for the land area? The hospital is gone, forget it and get used to the drive to Concord, not that far anyways. I don't like the fact that it is gone, but know that its fate was decided long before it ever hit the papers. You know these things are not decided on based on people wishes, rather business decisions. I was sorry to see it go also, but I know that not everything that appears to be bad stays bad. No, an urgent care is not ideal for the area, but I also know that it may be more accessible as an ER in its new location, to more areas, with no "City" traffic and lights and such. Yeah we will feel the crunch in the beginning, but I think it will be fine in the long run. JT
"There's certainly a free lunch for illegals, as well as free health care, free housing, etc. If they think the illegals won't find their way to the new hospital they are wrong. Those vans will be driven there just as they were to Lake East in Painesville."
What are you talking about? You seem to inject illegal immigration into everything even where it doesn't fit. You are like Hitler scapegoating the jews. You responded to a comment referring to the overhead costs of maintaining such a building and the opporunity costs of leaving it there or tearing it down. You are completely ridiculous. Better to kept your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid rather than to open it and erase all doubt.
You know I give up.......
this site always circles back to illegals....... please go back to the original thought of a teaching facility to be shared by all the entities listed in the original blog post.
I really hoped there would be a legitimate discussion of a teaching facility. It is not a free ride or free lunch.
Check Case Western Reserves financial statements for their teaching dental school. They pay their taxes to the city of cleve., you are not treated until you pay up front....... you can pay as you go.
Many of you cannot get out your own way to discuss an option for a huge building in Painesville.
Fine let me change the topic from the hospital
and ask about this vacant big building I drive by everyday.......
anybody know what's up with the vacant hotel by the river? I see the furniture is being moved out.....
OH wait I know........ Victoria Dahlberg bought it and they can get at least 1,000 illegals in there for a free government meal and a bed...... oh and the salvation army will be hosting soccer events for $10 for all the illegal kids....
I am over this mentality......
If you only knew what the illegal population is costing this city, county, state, and federal government you just might change your tune. Your Holier than Thou, just doesnt work anymore.The City dropped the ball big time on this issue. Bill Horvath was the first casualty Abbey is next and anyone else who doesnt want to enforce laws.
I really hoped that this was something that could get done, Hell even JT. can't get positive about this. Moneys tight who is going to build offices, storefronts, condos, in Downtown Painesville Today? I just thought maybe I could plant an idea and someone with real vision could change this hospital closing into a plus.
Most of you know my feeling about illegal immigration but how did it become the main focus? I sometimes think people don't know how much power the weld. If we got the county, college, hospital together and explained what we expected out of all of them, just maybe someone might take Painesville seriously.
Painesville defines "Lipstick on a Pig" we settle for anything here.
ARGhhhhhh!!!! Holier than thou????
I do know how much it costs this city, the schools, the housing market and on and on and I watch a city who stands by and does nothing. I am aware of the problem but beating a dead horse is not going to make him get up and gallop.
We got it and yes I voted against Horvath and yes I will vote against Abby but I am trying to discuss the hospital.
Jesus why the hell don't you quote the numbers ..... go for it......... again....... and again and again......
I am so damn glad I have a delete button.
Sitting back and accepting what has happened won't change anything even. That's called "giving up". No change will come without activism. The illegals certainly have a vocal activist in Veronica. Why are you not critizing her. She critizes the city every chance she gets, and bullies them until she gets her way. At our expense. It is time we all were as vocal and demand rights and get the city to listen to us.
There is still the overhead of running the building maybe a potential school could not cover the cost of the overhead for the whole building. I am sure that the city would promote such a project if they had a taker. Maybe they actually do have a taker on another project…
"If we got the county, college, hospital together and explained what we expected out of all of them, just maybe someone might take Painesville seriously."
We could tell them all we want but where is the motivation for them to concede to our wishes? The best way to grab someone's attention is with money and I think the city is doing well with that every chance they get. They do have limited assests to do that with but still manage to pull off SOME good deals for the city like the JEDD. Now we just need to find more ways to exert leverage on the county, hospital, etc.
"Your intelligence never ceases to astound me." And your stupidity never ceases to astound me. You just keep your head in the sand or up V's ______. You seem to enjoy it there.
"or up V's ______."
I don't get it
They have been getting prices to level the Hospital Building.
The question was what the V stood for. It's just a few keys, you can type it out. Don't tell me you are so busy you can't finish a word
They will tear down the hospital and one one will invest in that property. With all the money we spend on management in town someone should have a clue. Rita will probably try to make it wetlands, and sell the idea idiots on council.
Now you have depressed all of us! If shes the best we got were in trouble. Maybe she should start sending out resumes like Hanlon is.
I don't think Rita is the best thing the city has going for it but I also wonder who else is out there. I would love to see who else would like the job of city manager for this town.
For one I would like to see someone a bit more dynamic as the head of this city. Someone who would sell the city. I have heard her speak and I would not be lined up looking for real estate. She is eclipsed by some of the more dynamic city leaders I have heard.
I think she would probably be a great assistant to some one who has some spunk and fizz.
Rita is like the city......... almost there but not quite.
She is a very intelligent person, She knows she has a few more years and then can ride off into the sunset. As long as she keeps four people on council.Joe. Abby, Bob, and Paul she has a job. along with being well paid, They even give her an annuity, that is city income tax free, along with her PERS retirement fund. Please don't
expect excitment from her.
To be honest, and you know I will, I don't think there is anyone out there that would please this crowd. There would be no one person to please everyone, even TERM has to agree with this logic. He sees how his friend JM gets slammed her routinely and he likes him. Ms. McMahon has done many good things for this City and I personally will focus on those. This City is moving forward and like it or not, that is the way it is. If you cn do better I suggest that you come out from behind the cape you hide under, go to City Hall and put in you application, really. I can not do better, therefore I will rely on those that are in place at present. I will say that the grass is not always greener and I hope that when Rita DECIDES to leave, your knight in shinning armor, whoever they are, saves the City from this impending doom you all spout. Good job Ms. McMahon, you have my respect for taking on a tough job and an ever tougher crowd...JT
Good Heavens JT take a drive through town .........
Rita has been here long enough and yes there are changes but I will be dead before I see anything worthwhile. JT are your kids moving back to town?
We are not a tough crowd, we are a patient crowd. We have been waiting and waiting and do not see very much change......other than petunia baskets on the light poles. And what ever happened to those really expensive blue lights they put in the trees on main street?
Believe me there are many others out there who would love Rita's job and would do better....... can we point to Willoughby....... again?
"Like it or not we are moving forward"? I think we all want to move forward but dragging a 1 ton ball & chain around your ankle is little tough.
Would be nice to see a citzens committee here in Painesville but they don't seem too interested in hearing from us.
The only thing I see worth participating in is at the library, thank goodness for Morley Libray!
To keep us here in town they put a brand new STOP sign up on the east end of the square......... that just stops traffic and ticks folks off to no end.... sit on that bench and watch..... Jt now there is good laugh for you!
Like I said ........ Rita would make a great assistant to somebody..........
Glass half empty. I am the person that you want to see in this town. My kids are young, I live here, I spend my time and money here. I would like for my kids to have fun here also. I am paying my taxes and working in the town. I am not a person speaking from a point of view that is from the outside, rather inside. I do see the changes, I was here wit Martino, Nero ad now McMahon, I am not an old timer to say the least, but have see a few things here. My view is very unique in that I used to have a very bitter attitude towards the City and I realized that it was going nowhere. So I changed my views and positions and feel better about it. I used to say that I would never shop here or do things here. I started to, and I enjoy myself. I realized that being a crab all the time was no good and I am better off. This City has gone through change and if someone can not see it, it is because they refuse to see it.
I have watched the parks turn into places I want to go and are well maintained. I have seen businesses go yes, but have seen many come. I have watched the infrastructure being rebuilt and advances continue. I see the day of wireless hubs, street lights that work, roads that are plowed and even sidewalks cleared. Our recreation department has quadrupled the amount of activities over the years. There is a general restoration of the Cities appearance, unless you forgot the exit from Rt 2 along the side of Lake Erie Iron and Metal. Many areas of the City have become nicer and a start is a start as far as I am concerned.
I am sorry that you feel you will e dead before you see "worthwhile change", that s very sad. I however am glad to be alive during a time where I decided to enjoy what I have and stop complaining about what I don't. Glass half full...JT
jt. either Rita, or the city dropped a tanker of Kool-Aid in his driveay, open your eyes!
How is your site doing?
JT, don't worry there are a lot of people that belive in this city, un like Term. and his buddys, and from what I can see, there are just 8 people that post on this blog.
How about Arlen or Hal. as city manager. ha,ha
If you only think there is 8 of us why all the concern? We believe in the city ,just not some of the people that run it. If the city manager was even half as good as you think, someone would have taken her from Painesville. Look how many department heads have left because they have been "plunked" from us? why not her? She has no ties to the city.
Guess you don't know everthing, she was asked two times, to go to work for other people.
I like the baskets on the poles. It's far better than the hookers that use to be lining the streets.
so many hookers, get real, what there were 2 or 3 woman thet worked the streets, how does that line our streets.
good posts JT!!
intelligent well written and making good points.
I see some positive comments here. Someone see's less hookers, thats always good, someone liked my posts, cool! I like the baskets also. I almost forgot about he college in the other post, geeez! They have surely made a foot hole in the City haven't they? I hear that there is alot of talk about more improvement to Jack Britt field, but dunno, could be bunk. Kool aid in the driveway, too funny!!
I come here because I like the City and I believe that there are two side to every story. The people who complain and are negative bring up good points, I often agree with them, however I just wished that the problems were attacked in a different manner is all. I just know that when someone yells at me and tells me all I am useless I stop listening to them is all.
O.K. Geneal Jt. How would you wish the problems be attacked? Disagreeing with you is not yelling at you and no one has called you useless here.
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I don't say that I am being yelled at and that I was called useless, it was a reference to a way to treat other people is all. I refer directly to the way that some try and solve problems with the City. If you remember back when I started coming here I talked about going at the City with a different mannerism. Don't go yelling and try some honey for a change and see what happens type of attitude. When I made the comment in the above post, I was saying what I would do if someone came at me like that, not that it happened here. My skin is think, but i don't roll under and do what someone says simply because they are loud and abrasive. Come at me, and possibly the City, with a good idea backed up by a plan. In another post TERM talks about the fact that he will post his ideas on how the City could have saved the hospital. Maybe they would have been good enough to spark the City, who knows, but I bet they never heard them.
I believe that if you want something done you should get an idea of what you want fixed, and then come up with a solution. Present it in a friendly and orderly manner and see what happens. If it falls on deaf ears then you did your best and move to the next idea. I don't have all the solutions, just a different idea base than some. I manage to get my job done very effectively using these same principles.
I looked ahead at the word verification letters and they were "opyism", sounds like optimism doesn't it?? JT
I hope JT responds as to how problems should get fixed. He would be the first. Most people are good at pointing them out but not good at suggesting how to fix them.
Give me a break! His Holier than thou attitude is wearing thin. So JT you think you are so much better than any of us? Then you fix the problems in Painesville.
Well you aren't suggesting any solutions either...
second post up,
why you so upset with JT, to smart for you ?
definitely not too smart. It just gets annoying with his attitude that he is better than us, so righteous. It's all BS. And you know what I think V is? Veronica! Anonymous, am I right?
JT is positive not righteous. The concept is so foreign to you, you can't understand.
I let allot these comments go unanswered but I will say that I am a simple person. I have never said that you are wrong in your plight. The only thing I said was to suggest a different way to go about attacking the problems. I never once made the comments that you or anyone here was wrong, I only voiced my opinions. In fact if you remember right, I have shown respect for TERM and some of his ideas many times through this blog. But I expect that those comments were long forgotten and never quoted either. Too bad that I get slammed just trying to make a difference. Sorry that you feel so attacked by a person that would not attack you in the first place. Have a good day. JT
jt. I will not make excuses for others, but you must know by now your thoughts and words are welcome here. Sometimes people take you, me, and alot of others the wrong way.
I have at times thought you gave the idea your better than some here, and I have a hard time with you seeing everything as positive. Something tells me you wouldn't be to positive if your kids came home with "D's" that were really "F's".
Come on Term. you are some piece of work.
If my kids came home with D's? They don't, you know why? Because I am involved with their schools. My son's interim report card...five A's and a B. I make sure that they do their homework and help them if they need it. I go to their parent teacher conferences and meet with the teachers and let them know how to get hold of me if they notice a problem. The teacher love it and use it. Good tip for anyone out there. Let the teachers know that they are the boss when it comes to teaching your kid and that you support them and they give your kid due attention, it has always worked for me.
As far as my positive nature, why do you find it so hard to believe? I just look at things differently is all. I don't like to waste my time always worrying about things and how terrible things are. Life is too short my friend and my time is precious. I am not going to die a crotchety old fart that never enjoyed their time on earth. That's just my opinion and everyone has one, take it for what it is worth. JT
You know how to say it so well, THANK YOU
JT, just keep your blinders on and see how well your children will be able to enjoy what this city/country has become when they are older.
Jt. I am glad your children are dong well in school. I really belive its your involvement in their education. Its very important to you, and kids pick-up on that. Do you think your kids would be doing
so well if you only attended the
P.T.A. carnival?
When was the last time you went to a council meeting? a planning meeting? talked to your councilman ? As questions jt. you might be surprised with the answers you get.
Term. and all of his buddys are so happy, they love to dump on everything, it makes them fill all fuzzy inside.
Maybe Term and his buddys are tired of some of the goof off leadership in this town. We will get fuzzy after some have departed to somewhere else. All 8 of us what harm can 8 do to you?
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins you are a man right ?
If I had blinders on I would say that could not see the bad stuff...but I can. The blinders come into the comments when people refuse to see that there are two sides to every story. I know tat there are bad things in this world, you will just have to trust me with the fact that I know this. I have just decided that I will not let the bad stuff get me down. No harm in that. I am far from warm and fuzzy, it is just a positive outlook at a negative situation that makes me different. I do not have all the answers by far, but then again I don't see allot of answers here either. And before one judges what one person does ensure that all the answer have been asked and answered. No one knows who I am, there-fore you do not know if I am that woman or man sitting next to you at the board meetings. There are methods to my madness here, and so far my life, through many trials and tribulations, has gone exceedingly well. I am no pushover, make no mistake, I can speak for myself.
Remember, I have not been here long, at this blog that it. I was told about it by a friend and never thought that I would get this into it, but I have. It made me realize that I have an opinion on how people like to be treated to get a positive result. I sat for breakfast thins morning and the waitress said to me "would you like more coffee?" I said sure my cup is still half full. She said "hey, I like that answer...half full, good outlook". I did not say it on purpose, it just came out. She smiled and was very nice to us. Later she said that I made her feel better today, that is all I am after. Have a good day all, no matter how tight you think my blinders are...JT
TERM, send me an email to my and I will tell you who I am. But so that I know it's you I may ask a couple questions. If you out me, then so be it. Not afraid of being out there at all.
jt. I'm having to much fun trying to figure out who you are, but right now I want to do it on my own. You wouldn't believe how many hints from different people I have received. Its not who shot JR. it who is jt.
I'm getting close.
No worries friend, you let me know when you think you know. I won't lie to you if you get it. JT
Term, Why not put up a reward?
Promise to give $25.00 to a charity? He/She is not a criminal but lets make this fun. I have a feeling his friends don't know who he is.
Karen, why do you keep on ?
Who gives a flying you know what......
My friends do in fact know who I am, no reason to lie here, what would be the point of lying anyway? JT
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