" INDIANA WANTS ME " r. dean taylor
And it's so cold and lonely here without you
Out there, the law is is coming , I've been so tired of running
Today my hat goes off to the voter's of Indiana. They have finally put a nail in the coffin of this GOP primary.
I wondered if they really voted their conscience or thought it best to end this now!
The ending didn't come without a Hell of a climax though, Vice -President nominee tripping off of a stage, debating Trump supporters who's minds he will never change. And the final coup de gras, the front runner making the claim that Cruz's father had something to do with the Kennedy assassination something he read in the National Enquirer. Ladies' and gentlemen he reads the National Enquirer! Really can things get weirder? And the strawberry on top? Cruz accidentally punching his wife in the face twice at his concession speech! And all along I believed I was in the Party of the screw-offs and goof's?
Bernie's out there trying to make a point and thinking back now he may wish he ran as a third party. He claims the Democrats haven't treated him fairly? Well you should have joined the Party years ago Bernie.
On another thought is Conservatism dead? Because I can guarantee you Trump isn't one. He's not a free trader, he's not for smaller government he is to the left of Hillary Clinton on the military and truthfully the mainstream GOP loves cheap labor. Will they abandon their principals and get on the Trump train? Or will the Cruz, Rubio, Bush, McCain, Graham George Will, Charles Krauthammer rely on their principals? Or do principals even matter anymore? The only real reason to not board the train might be when the derailment comes you can say I told you so.
Viewing Trump's speech last night it appeared that the 1%er's were front and center, his true constituency. See any Carrier workers? Coal miner's? Who now he will accept big donations from his hated Establishment with all the promises that go with them.. Cruz had one thing right, Yes Trump's lying to you!
It will be interesting how this will all end. If Trump backs up from his deportation and or the wall it's curtain time.
To be honestly truthful I am truly scared if that man is the leader of the free world. Hopefully I'm not alone.
Facial expressions during the past week told a story. First Governor Chris Christy's wife eye movement when Trump suggested he had the women's vote.
And yesterday when on Fox & Friends when host's Brian Kilmeade and Ashley Earhart just stared into the camera as Trump made his spiel about Cruz's father. Breathtaking!
Can anyone verify that a bag of Cheetos blows up in Trumps face every morning?
This guy makes fun of ugly women?
His wife would still be doing porn if he didn't have a few billion.
What right do you have to use this site to insult a great American and our next President? Who the F*#k do you think you are. You should be fired!
9:33 Sorry, can't
9:37 It begs the question who's site is it? Please tell me you don't think this has anything to do with the City of Painesville.
Why are you insulting the next President of the United States? If he was a Demo-rat he would be the greatest thing since slice bread.
Of course it has everything to do with the Ville. With Trump trouncing other candidates when he becomes President we are hoping for a sweep of all the illegals. Where will Painesville be without them? The restaurants? (most have opened and closed faster than my mini blinds)The schools? Maybe the staff will be hired for their abilities not their second language. The city? Perhaps grow and thrive. I couldn't begin to tell you the number of people from other communities comments about this town. The illegals, drugs and crime are the major topic and why people look down on the residents. "EW you live in Painesville?"
4:56 and wouldn't it be refreshing if all of us put our Country ahead of our politics? I hear candidates calling Trump all kinds of names but in the end they endorse them, doesn't make sense.
5:18 Are you in for a surprise if he some how wins! I'd love to see your face in four years only to see what a person duped looks like? But according to you will be gone along with the Mexicans? And all the Professionals that will move here,
5:41. You said Trump couldn't/wouldn't win the primary. You said the Republican Party wouldn't let him. He won, ha ha. Now you have moved on to if he becomes president. And I don't know how you can call him a liar and talk like Cruz and Hillary tell the truth. Nobody tells more truths than Trump. Nobody has duped this country more than the Democrats. Read 'em and weep. He's the nominee, and I believe he'll be the president. LOL
7:45 To be clear I believed you guys to be a little bit brighter? Your nominee is the least qualified as well as most least presidential of the whole bunch, but he is your choice. Now live with it. I can't lose if he doesn't get elected I can say see. If he does get elected in a short time I can tell you see what I meant?
This man doesn't care what comes out of his mouth, he has also proven to be a pathological liar and narcissist.
Oh, just so you understand neither you or I will decide the next President, we have already made up our minds. It's those independents that will decide. Soon Donny will run into a billion dollar buzz saw, wonder how he will make out? Have you heard about his battles with venereal diseases? This he considers his own personal Vietnam?
oh, and while your looking that up what ever happened to that 6 million dollar donation made just before Iowa? Seems that money has vanished?
Term, Well he does seem to bring out the worst in all of us?
I was all for Trump till I heard he may have John Kasich as his running mate. No Way, He may have shot himself in the foot by saying that.
10:37, this is 7:45. I AM an Independent. And I think anyone who supports Clinton is scary. He's the nominee, so live with it, Sour Grapes!! BwaaaaaaHaaaaaaHaHaHa.
12:53 So who would you suggest he chose?
7:45/2:15 Maybe you are but not to grown-up are you? BwaaaaaHaaaaaa Really?
10:45 Let's just hope it's not contagious?
Hillary looks better everyday.
I can't believe how many people act like they are voting for their next best friend. I could never have Trump as a friend, but when I think of the things this country will be facing, ISIS, North Korea,Putin, etc. I want someone like Trump who has the beliefs and the ego to stand up for this country.
We have had 8 years of a president that the rest of the world laughs at, it is time we had someone that the rest of the world takes seriously.
3:15 And why wouldn't you have Trump as a friend? A guy with no experience, bigoted, the world revolves around him, his ego could get us in a lot of trouble.
That's rude of you to speak so ill of George W. Bush? Remember him his policies from war, to the economy almost destroyed us and left the world wondering what's his next more? Forgot him maybe without his overall poor judgment we might have never to apologize to? How quickly you forget? New Clinton ad with Trump in a video stating "The country always does better with a Democrat in the White House"
You wrote "And why wouldn't you have Trump as a friend? A guy with no experience, bigoted, the world revolves around him, his ego could get us in a lot of trouble."
I would ask you how different that is than the President we have now?
I would not care for Obama as a "friend" either. We are not electing a friend.
No experience, bigoted, ego? All of those sound like just about every politician I have watched.
Keep in mind that I am NOT saying that Trump is a great choice, hell there are no good choices, but the statement you make fits what we have right now as well as the Donald.
10:10 The friend comment was my question to 3:15? I'll go further I don't trust this man's emotions. First did you watch how he went after that photograph of his wife? Did you notice the suggestion that Cruz had something to do with the Kennedy assassination? Lest we forget there was no way that he validated the 'birther' claim?
No the present President has more class in a pimple on his A## then Trump. He took it all in stride, Republicans calling his wife a Gorilla constant racial slur's by Republican office holders, birther issue No Obama is the #42 of Presidents just like Jackie he took it all. Trump is so thin skinned he has proven to go off at the least things. I have gained so much respect for people like Lindsay Graham and Paul Rayan who put their country ahead of Party. Now watch how Trump handles this?
I believe many of the Trump people who visit here don't realize how many long time Republicans can in no way support Donald Trump as our President.
All my adult life I have voted Republican, supported candidates financially. This election many of my friends as well as myself will sit this one out. It will be interesting what the party will do when the money dry's up? Sen. Graham is 100% correct he doesn't want to be involved with this man who is neither a Conservative, or a Republican. Have heard more than enough and the campaign's haven't even started!
Just a thought, but maybe Term is making up all these Trump supporters to incite readers? I can't believe Trump has all these supporters living in a community I share with them. He could be making this all up.
And Term is still calling people who want the borders closed and the illegals out bigots. Some things never change. It's called the law. It's called a country. Let him vote for his Democrats and for more of the same. I'm voting for America, which is a vote for Trump.
10:53. I've been a Democrat all my life. I stopped being a Democrat a couple of years ago, and became an Independent. I had voted for Obama twice...the second time only because I felt there was no one better. I would not be voting Republican (or Democrat) for the first time in my life if not for Trump. Watching the Republicans doing what they're doing -- standing on principal and potentially losing the election -- just goes to show people what fools the parties have become. If the Republicans would rather Clinton win, so they can prove a very dangerous point, then you are no better than the Democrats now, in my opinion. For the Republicans who would rather cut off their noses to spite their faces, I say thank God for Trump. I hope he gets enough supporters to win this election, otherwise this country is doomed. I honestly can't believe what the normal Democrats and Republicans are doing; this is why people are flocking to Trump. I hope you will reconsider, even if you just vote for him because you think he'll be better than Clinton and the Democrats. You know it's the last vote we have -- the last chance we have -- to save this country. I consider it voting malpractice for any Republican not voting Republican because of Trump. This country needs your Republican vote now; please reconsider.
Term says there is an old clip with Trump saying that things always get better with Democrats in the White House. Well, that's what a lot of people said for years, including me. Now I am a former-Democrat, along with almost every other Democrat I know. That statement no longer holds up.
Republicans have traditionally been terrible, in my opinion (although I think Democrats are equally horrible now), and I think that still holds true, except for Trump. All the former-Democrats I know think the same thing. Hopefully Trump will get in office, do a good job, and be voted back in the second time. Unfortunately, there are Republicans like 10:53, who again and still do not care what the people think. All this Paul Ryan crap and the Republicans going against Trump is just reminding me, and probably most of the millions of new-Republicans-for-Trump, who have just voted for him, that we always thought the Republican party was horrifying. The only thing that makes it not horrifying right now is Trump. Apparently, though, the party itself intends to stay horrible for many Americans. People are unhappy with the Dems and Republicans, but they are behind the Republican, Trump. The Republican Party is not only going to lose all these new Republican voters after they're done voting for Trump, but they're going to lose this election if they don't knock it off. To hear 10:53 say they are going to stick to not voting for him, and also have a "so there" attitude is just as shocking to me as watching the Paul Ryan's on TV. With so much to lose for America, I not only don't understand it, I am shocked by it, and I find it confirming why, if not for Trump, I would not be voting at all, and certainly will not be voting Republican for anyone but Trump. You're a Republican, 10:53, and your country needs you. The people have spoken; step up, vote your party, and save your country. Please.
11:11 First I don't have to make any of this up. These are your friends and neighbor's.
8:39 Economist's claim Trump suggestion on handling America's debt would destroy our economy? Everyone has the right to vote for whoever they wish, and also not to vote. So I'm to understand it's anti-American to sit this one out?
4:00/2:46 So besides the Wall and deportations what have you got? Who will pay for the deportation? How much? And you really believe Mexico will build that wall? Because of these foolish promises as well as putting coal miner's back into the mines this is just foolish promises who in the end blame on someone else.
Now Trump received over 10 million votes. Quite of an accomplishment. Problem is to win in November he needs 65 million. The biggest problem he faces is self-funding if the party donor's turn their backs he's in trouble.
You Trump supports if you really, really believed in this Trump guy you would happily sign your names? You Anonymously choose not to do that because deep down you are ashamed of your choice? Me on the other hand very happily vote for Clinton, no shame in that by letting you know is there? Man Up as they say. Honestly I know you haven't the stomach for that! I understand I neith have the stomach for him!
7:24: Vote Trump. Vote Trump. Vote Trump. If you want to save America, vote Trump.
Anonymous. you seem to have missed my point? So proud to save America and not of your given name?
8:34: You don't have a proper argument, so you have stupidly chosen that one? Give me a break. There are millions that just voted for Trump. Pick one.
2:31 I don't have a proper argument? I have so many along with others your statement little sense.
Exactly, 10 million names but not one of you can come out and endorse him. Why?
As mentioned I don't believe there are another 55 million out there to vote for him. I could be wrong.
But one statement he made I know isn't true Lyin' Bankrupt Donny. Coal mining is coming back. NEVER! You know it and I know it. If I was a miner I might want to believe that but it isn't going to happen.... Unless he decides to put the fracking business out of business?
Step up and endorse your American Hero.
He's not UPS he just can't deliver!
Chill Term, just sit back and watch more porn from Melania Trump doing her part to make America Great Again!
Hell, I know Mexicans down in the north end that speak better English. They only have lived here four years! Wonder what Putin will think when he meets her?
Not too many people are going to put their names on a stupid blog. What would be the point? To please Term? Think not. I have called the Republican Party and also the Trump headquarters trying to get a sign, but I guess none are available yet. There are millions of people with their names out there supporting Trump, so keep your nickers on, Term. It's an old, tired argument with you when you know you're wrong and/or going to lose.
The real embarrassment is continuing to vote for the Democrats. I just heard on the news that over 50% of the electorate is now Independent like me. I am shocked at that, but I guess I shouldn't be; I went from Democrat to Independent a few years ago, and apparently there are millions of Americans who have been smart enough to do that, given the current landscape of the political parties in this country. And voting for Hillary...nothing can be scarier than that for America. And Obama just gave a speech at another school trying to stir up some more race riots, and using race again as a means for Hillary to win the election.
So quit blustering about something stupid. Trump's going to win, and you're getting hysterical about it. That's all that's happening here. And lashing out as usual. Wait until Trump starts bringing out all of Hillary's faults and skeletons, and all the horrific things she has done in office. For one thing, she may have been able to throw up her hands during the congressional hearings on Benghazi and yell at them what does it matter now when asked what spurred the attack, and get away with it, but it's going to matter when it all comes out during the campaign. And wait until they start showing everyone how she lied and lied about it before the hearings. And that's just one thing. You're scared she's going to lose, so you're running around yelling all over the place. Get over it. Cast your vote for Hillary; I personally would be embarrassed to do THAT.
Some of you should read past posts Term has posted here. First he's pulling your leg about Trump! He want's Trump to be the nominee as well as the Republican standard bearer. He see's Trump as the end of the Republican party as well as the end of true Conservatism. Free Trade GONE, Immigration GONE, Obama care HERE, Higher Taxes HERE. Trump is exactly what Term has been preaching for It will not be the Conservative or Republican agenda but the Trump agenda.
2:31 You believe I wish the demise of the Republican Party? All I want them to become is the grown-up in the room again. Trump has hijacked the Conservative movement as well as basic Republican principal's. free trade, smaller government lower taxes ect. And now instead of pivoting to the center he expects Republicans to pivot to him. He feels he has the will of Republican voter's behind him? Here's a question that begs to be answered. The sounds out of Ohio all I here is crickets! Does he have the support of out Kasich, Portman, even Congressman Joyce? This Party is very close to splitting and I see no one to fix the fracture? Trump speaks of Bill Clinton? Wait until the pictures out of Club 54 are made public.
I know you don't care, all you care is what Bill did. Bunch of Hypocrites
All that's true but your getting a real kick out of what's going on.
Paul Ryan now claims he doesn't even want to run the convention? Trump's going to run it. His way like a big show women in Bikini's with scorecards showing state delegate numbers!
All that matter's is Mexico builds the Wall and we deport 11 million people.
Forget the Supreme Court, trade deals alliances. The fool's we're going Trumpin'
This was found today on the AppliTrack job search:
AND you wonder why people are fed up with all the other politicians and are for Trump?
Classroom Aide/Preschool (bilingual in Spanish) JobID: 1146
District:Lake County E.S.C. - website
Position Type: 1
Student Support Services/Early Childhood
Date Posted:4/27/2016
Location: Lake County ESC
Date Available:08/15/2016
Additional Information: Show/Hide
Painesville city schools has been doing this for a years, now another opportunity comes to eliminate the Americans that have worked so hard to get somewhere only to be denied jobs because they cant speak Spanish and the Mexicans wont learn English? Come on this is a preschool position.
12:25 One question. Did you apply for the position. And if being Bilingual is required,as well as important it should be required for administrator, teachers,teacher aids,custodian and bus drivers? Presently employed.
1225 - No I didn't apply. No Habla Espanol I'm Not qualified and neither are most people employed by schools until just recently when its mandatory to know Spanish. They are forcing out those that only speak English. So even if the little anchors can speak perfect English someone is needed to translate to the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins when calls need to be made to the home. Translation needed.
1:05 You should apply. Let them tell you that you have to speak Spanish. Then ask how many of you do? Let the little kids talk to the relatives. In the end this policy is not helping anyone. This is what I consider political correctness. Now if this was a private company I believe they could get away with this. This is the public sector. I can't believe it hasn't been challenged?
No one would or should apply for a job they don't meet the qualifications for.
But by some slim chance they got the job then couldn't do what's asked, they'd be fired. Of course its not a requirement for administration at a school, that's what there are bilingual secretaries, aids, translators and other classified personnel for.
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