Wednesday, April 27, 2016

"MAGIC BUS" the who

Magic bus take me to you

Big above the fold article about  Laketran

Agency seeks future funding

Myself I would give them another nickel. At least until the provide regular bus routes to Tri-Point Hospital. Can you name me some hospitals that don't have bus service to them? Odd Lake West has it I guess that's enough?

Some here have told me this item was rejected at a Laketran Board Meeting? Any clue why? Along at which meeting?

Myself I can't figure out why Laketran would oppose this service? Let's face it it's not like it's in the middle of downtown? How many stories have I heard of law enforcement providing rides from people walking from the hospital.

First question is this because of the Hospital not wanting service provided ......or Laketran not seeing a need?

Also onsite at Tri-Point is the Physician   Pavilion located next to the hospital.

A Mentor councilman proposed a route from Mentor Headland to the Great Lakes Mall. I can understand there being a need for this but more importantly a service out to the only hospital within 15 miles of Painesville.

My suggestion you email a request to Ohio Representatives John Rogers and Ron Young as well as State Sen. John Eklund. Not another dime until they fulfill their responsibilities to this community.

Cruz picks his running mate? Isn't that from his position a little premature?

Drumf claims if Hillary was a man she would only have 5%? This from a person who Hillary has more then 2,000,000 votes than he has?

Looking back, do you realize  this country was only two heartbeats from a serial child molester being the President!


At April 27, 2016 at 1:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Child molester! and he wasn't even a Democrat!

Someone in that school had to have notice that lounge chair near the shower room? I guess you overlook things when you win state championships?

At April 27, 2016 at 2:02 PM , Blogger Jim said...

Let's be honest for a minute.
The REAL reason Lake East was moved was in large part due to the walk-ins and other assorted folks who used the hospital as their primary care doctor.
Of course, there is no way that anyone connected with the hospital would ever admit to this. That would be very wrong!
Their official reason was that they wanted a nice new pretty building to attract the best doctors.
Of course that nice new building is a lot closer to people with money coming to them from Geauga County and not the poor folks living in Painesville.
Funny thing is that the Cleveland Clinic is located in an area that has seen better days and that doesn't seem to stop doctors from working there. After all, once you are in the building, who cares about the scenery outside?

Now, given all of this, do you really think that they would want door to door bus service to their nice new structure? Highly doubtful.
I would be willing to make a large wager that Laketran has been instructed that Tri Point wants no bus service.

When you look below the surface, you can find all kinds of reasons for things.

At April 27, 2016 at 2:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump had 17 people in his race. Hillary had two...her and a socialist. So, of course she has more votes. At least tell the whole truth.

At April 27, 2016 at 2:39 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well then you can take total votes cast yesterday GOP vs. Dems. also look at the New York totals. 2,000,000 was the truth!

2:02 You are probably correct, that said it's still a hospital without a bus schedule. Word on the street Tri-Point isn't very successful? Most hospitalizations pay fees for semi-private rooms? Wonder how Tri-Point gets around that?

At April 27, 2016 at 2:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary and her opponent are both Socialists.
They believe that the government has to do everything for us because we are too STUPID to take care of ourselves.

At April 27, 2016 at 2:54 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:41 Tell me in Canada socialist? No let's the GOP drive us into wars using borrowed money. Maybe it's just a certain bunch of people that are stupid? constantly voting against their own best interests?
One of my blue collar friends(I consider myself blue collar) suggested he's getting on the Trump train? I asked him were you a Reagan Democrat? Yes I was he said. How did that work out for you? Look back to 1980 and you can witness the rise of the one-percenters and the fall and stagnation of the middle-class. Consequence?
The trickledown never trickled did it?

At April 27, 2016 at 2:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump had 17 run against? at least 12 couldn't be elected dog-catcher how inept has your party become?
Please tell the truth can we expect another war?

At April 27, 2016 at 5:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Canada is socialist. Their tax structure reflects it. Nothing is for free.

Please explain what you mean by this:

"Maybe it's just a certain bunch of people that are stupid? constantly voting against their own best interests?"

I really don't get your meaning but sometimes other people have interests that are at odds with yours. That does not make them uninformed, just a different view.

At April 27, 2016 at 5:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:59, this is 2:06.

1) I'm not a Republican so save your breath.
2) Yes, he had 17 running. Just because you can't count, doesn't mean they weren't there, and one of them was Jeb Bush, who was supposed to win.
3) I don't know if we can expect another war, I'm not a Republican, as I said, I'm just for Trump. But with Trump as president, I am confident there will be no war unless there absolutely needs to be a war, and it wouldn't be a war that was started based on lies.
5) Anyone who can support the Democrats at this point, I would think a fool, especially Hillary Clinton. Talk about inept. There's nobody to vote for except for Trump; he is the only hope.
6) So get your Democrat-thumping self out of my face. Anyone who can support her (or Obama) at this point gets no more respect from me than someone who supported Bush.

At April 27, 2016 at 6:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What and who in the heck are you talking about as a serial child molester almost being President? I don't recall ever hearing that one. Only here.

At April 28, 2016 at 9:48 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:35 If you haven't noticed the middle-class standard of living in Canada is higher then the standard in the United States. No I'm not proud of that fact but the money is flowing in the wrong direction in this country. Example their tax structure? Take our tax structure and what you and your employer are paying for Health care, is that a tax?
5:46 I don't know about 2:59 but if it comes down to Trump and Clinton I'm going with Clinton. I can't see an arrogant, self serving know it all as the best leader for the free world? Have you noticed deportations now seem to be taking a back seat? All I see him accomplishing is making a Ford Focus costing people here an extra 2 grand?
I do respect your right to vote for who you wish. I only hope most of us have more sense.
6:19 You gotta start listening to more than Right-Wing Radio?
The former longest serving Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was sentenced to 15 months in jail for structuring bank transactions in an effort to cover -up sexual abuse of young members of a wrestling team he coached decades ago. The reason he wasn't charged with sexual abuse was that the statute of limitations had expired? If the President and Vice-President had died he would have become President according to the U.S. Constitution.

At April 28, 2016 at 10:13 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:35 Does it make sense to vote against your own best interests? Do you think people on Wall St. vote for more regulation and taxes? Many low middle class vote with their hearts and not their brains.

At April 28, 2016 at 1:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:35 here.
Have you been in Canada recently at all?
I have been there, for extended periods, 5 times in the last 3 years and I will tell you that things are no different for the missile class than they are here. Just so you know, food at markets is costing a LOT more up there than it does here. Hey, as long as they are happy, that is fine with me.
Yes, the example you give is absolutely a tax. Just like in Canada except that they admit that it is a tax.
Here we use clever words to disguise that fact.
Oh, BTW, that "tax" was brought to us by the current Democratic President. How has that helped the middle class? I know my insurance is costing a lot more now than it did just 4 years ago.

At April 29, 2016 at 8:53 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:21 First your "Tax" on medical costs have been around long before this President. Second it is an inefficient system.
Canada is surpassing our country in everything from medical cost, pharmaceutical costs, wages and if our millennial's ever get wind of how much cheaper a college education costs in Canada there will be a Burn! Our country is run not by capitalists but by lobbyists. Sometimes just every once in awhile someone has a better idea than US?
Truth be told the people immigrating from the south best idea might be to bypass us? But then again Canada does a much better job on immigration.
Now will come the anonymous comments for me to move there? Look I'm just stating facts that should trouble you.

At April 29, 2016 at 10:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would never say that you should move anywhere. Hell, I am all in favor of looking for newer and better ways to do things.

However, I don't believe you are at all correct on the medical "tax" before this President.
It became a tax when it became a government mandated program with no options for any other system. Much like your refuse collection issue, that is a tax because a governmental body DEMANDS that you use the system they selected. That occurred under this President, no other. There is even punishment through the IRS if you do not comply. That made it a tax.

You can spin it any way you want but you would not be correct.

That it is inefficient is a completely separate issue (and one that I would not argue with).

At April 30, 2016 at 8:06 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:46 Since the first hospitalization plan , it has been a part of your salary. There contribution plus yours . It's a part of your wages.
Myself I'm embarrassed that the richest country in the world doesn't view health care for all citizens a right? Preventive medicine? Look if you have a small rust spot on your car fender and you take care of it it saves money . Or wait until the whole fender can be replaced or maybe it's just to late.
Truthfully I am ashamed of the way many of my fellow Americans selfishly view health care. I got it you don't, not my problem!

At April 30, 2016 at 9:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are confusing health care with Social Security.
I can't speak for the way your contract was structured but mine was not that way at all.
Initially there was no contribution from me, it was a bargained for agreement and the company picked up the tab.
Over the years that changed a bit BUT it was never government mandated.
That is the big difference. It was a bargained agreement between the company and the union representing me. IOW, it was a condition of employment.
Along comes our current President and it becomes (with the help of Congress) a mandated program with punishment from the IRS if you do not enroll.
The big difference is that my money is being used to pay for people who, for whatever reason, are not being covered. The percentage my premiums have gone up in the last 4 years is just stupid high.
Maybe to you it is the same thing but to me they are very different.

At April 30, 2016 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:07 I guess I'll question you ,did your employer ever tell you instead of providing you health care we will add that exact dollar amount to your weekly paycheck? If not it was a forced salary payment or Tax? It was part of your salary.

And I believe healthcare is a Right for all Americans, period!
Our present system is not working our past system didn't work. Should your health care depend on your employment?

Who really pays for your health care? Let's say I drive a milk truck part of my benefit's include health care from my employer. Does he pay for it or do the people who purchase the products from my employer? It's added into the price of the product. Milk, Cars, Government workers. Nothing is Free.
I believe the only people who oppose Obamacare or a single pay system are the insurance companies.

At April 30, 2016 at 9:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer is "no", that was never discussed.
However, contrary to what you think, it was not by any sort of government mandate. It was an agreement between the company and the Union. Is there something in that you don't understand?? It becomes a "tax" when it is forced or promoted by the government.
The Union and the company could just as easily have told us that in lieu of health care, you get more money in your check. At that time (30+ years ago) people valued health care more.
BTW, since I was involved in some of these negotiations, the company had EXACT dollar amounts for what was being bargained.

I do agree with you on the basic premise of health care for all. The question in my mind is, what is the best way to accomplish that?
Is it for me to provide for someone who is unable to work?
How about if they are just too lazy to work?
Where is the dividing line?

Regarding your last statement, this is something that I have LONG told people. Companies or businesses do NOT pay taxes, they merely collect the money for the government and pass it on. Anyone who is stupid enough to think that taxing a company is a good idea is seriously deluded. As you state, the tax dollars are built into their costs and are just part of the cost of doing business. In the end, it is always paid by the consumer.

At April 30, 2016 at 12:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I believe the only people who oppose Obamacare or a single pay system are the insurance companies."

Really?? You think only insurance companies oppose it?
I would suggest that you open your eyes a bit wider. There are MANY people in this country who oppose Obamacare. You just want to put a Democratic spin on it.

At April 30, 2016 at 3:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9;47 Your right tax wasn't the correct word I should have used. But my point was You and I have no decision in what company was chosen, what services I needed and if I as an employee wanted to opt out. And take the cash?
Why is there no dividing line for people who need a public defender?

12:11 that is where I believe the major opposition comes from. I guess I have to ask what is your major opposition to Obamacare? It's portability, pre-existing condition, keeping your kids on it in their college years? Or just the simple fact that Republicans haven't done anything positive for almost 100 years? If they have please let me know?

At April 30, 2016 at 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:11 here and without much thought, I came up with these:

1.) Ending the Cold War - Reagan's strategy to out spend the USSR worked.
2.) Opening relations with China - Credit Nixon for that
3.) Interstate Highway System - Eisenhower

I realize that you are not likely to agree but each of these happened under a Republican President.

BTW, I didn't ever say that I was anti-Obamacare. I simply wonder if it is the best solution.
What I do know, for sure, is that it costs me a lot of money.


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