"THE WEIGHT" the band
R.I.P Prince always will love that Little Red Corvette
Hey mister can you tell me, where a man might find a bed?
He just grinned and shook my hand, 'No' was all he said.
Last night I attended the program BEGIN THE CONVERSATION at Harvey High School
First off may I suggest the city missed the boat here? In attendance I witnessed Police Chief Powalie, two patrolmen and councilman Mike Deleone.
Many questions from the audience seemed to be directed to many city departments? Recreation, Community Development to name a few.
This was a very well attended meeting which seemed to have a major flaw. It seemed that the panel members who were there to field questions ran into an audience who wanted to make statements?
On question I heard was why isn't there a woman of color on the panel? Which got me thinking how many anybody of color sits on Painesville City Council? In the administration? Department head?
Painesville Board of Education as well as the administration? If you dropped in from Mars today you would believe the diversity of Painesville was all white. The same for the county for that matter, how many assistant prosecutors Judges, County official's are of color?
Now let's backup for a minute in the last two council elections I supported Rene' Aston for council. Not because she was a woman of color but because I thought she was right person for Painesville. Where was her support? You can't blame others if you refuse to support good people.
To his credit Rev. Albert Jones mentioned many administrations coming to him to get qualified people to apply for positions only to find out none did?
Then again a mother of a Harvey graduate with a Master's degree being turned down five times by Health and Human services.
There was discussion of a "White Wall" I don't know if there is one but I do realize nepotism runs wild in our community.
Fear of the Police? Chief Powalie mentioned a firearm has not been fired by a Painesville Police officer on duty for 30 years!
All said it appeared to be a good first step. People also must realize opportunity doesn't knock on your door, you knock on it's.
Great now the Republicans are getting into the great which bathroom to use debate?
Plus Ted Cruz cause to block the use of dildo's in Texas? As Texas solicitor all starting because a woman had a something like a Tupperware party where two undercover cops arrested her. Ted no dildo's for Texas!
I witnessed the same things you did. It is a start to begin the conversation. As a black woman in this community I witness many times people blaming others instead of themselves. Some in our community even expect others to seek them out? No put yourself out there in your best light, you will be surprised!
This takes me back to about 30 years ago when I wondered why I wasn't made a Vice-President of the company I worked for.
You know why I never became a Vice_President?
Because I wasn't qualified. I didn't have the credentials to get that job. Simple truth and the end of the story.
No one should be selected for any position, nor should they be denied that position, because of the their color. The selection should always be the most qualified person among the applicants.
That brings up the second part. In order to be considered, you have to apply.
No one comes to me and asks if I want to be on Council, one of the Boards, or anything else. If I want it, I have to seek it out.
How is that so hard to understand?
Regarding the Mother applying at Health and Human Services, I can't tell if the person turned down was the Mother or was the child of that Mother.
Regardless, maybe this person was not the most qualified candidate?
Maybe they interview poorly?
Maybe the Masters degree doesn't match up with the job requirements?
There could be a whole raft of reasons why they were not chosen. Just having a degree does not make one the best possible choice.
1:44 The biggest mistake anyone can make is to come to a false conclusion why they didn't get hired or get that promotion? It's simple to base it on race, looks, even religion. If for some reason you didn't get that job go back and politely ask why you didn't? Were you missing a skill set? Maybe you just interview poorly? Find out so the next time you will be better prepared.
I am sooo sick of hearing the race card played. Lets really count the number of Mexicans, AfroAmericans, Asian, Caucasian, and anyone I missed. Get a TRUE number and tell the white folk in Painesville they are not a minority? I firmly believe they are the minority now so whom ever said there was not a woman of color to represent the minority I believe was Firmly Wrong. It's so wrong to blame people like this and I agree 100% with 1:44. The opportunities are out there, if you don't take them stop blaming everyone else. Wake Up America
It's my opinion that these "black" discussions should be conducted with only black people. It doesn't have anything to do with white people anymore. The only problem with black people is that black people are a problem. I know they are using the same tactic in recent decades to try to yell loud enough so that white people won't notice it has nothing to do with white people. I know white people now who were never prejudiced before, including myself, who are now greatly prejudiced. It's the black people's prejudice that has held them back; nothing else. They complain about black neighborhoods...well, when they took over those neighborhoods, they were beautiful. The reason so many of those old, beautiful houses in Cleveland need to be demolished is because as soon as they are empty, black people go in and strip and vandalize them. After years of neglect by the owners, then the houses need to be town down. Who else does this? They then blame their neighborhood problems on white people. They complain about white flight. Well, it was because blacks destroyed the neighborhoods when they moved in and the crime rates soared. ETC. If anyone wants to argue that point, then go look at Cleveland, East Cleveland or Detroit. Now Obama is in England telling them that some people think that because a black president was elected that all is well in America. Then he goes on to talk about Ferguson. Not one mention that Michael Brown was a criminal who attacked a cop and forced the cop to attack, and after that he, Obama, spurred the blacks onto yet one more riot...but we don't call them riots anymore, and we can't bring out neighborhood-protecting and police-protecting gear during the riots, because it's not politically correct. Black people are so prejudiced that they are destroying America, and they are destroying generations of blacks that should have long ago quit vandalizing the schools and gone in and gotten a good education. The white and black people that fought for equal rights back in my day, including my white self knew, or thought they knew, that blacks just needed an equal chance. Blacks have proven that to be wrong. They refuse to succeed. They refuse to quit brewing in their self-inflicted prejudice, all the while blaming it on whites. I give the Reverend credit, but this hasn't had anything to do with white people for a long time. Blacks should have joined America so fully at this point, that the only difference would be the color of our skin. These could be a little off, because I don't have the paper in front of me, but according to the Department of Justice statistics, black people are 13% of the population in the U.S., but commit 75% of the violent crime. Even Martin Luther King Jr. talked to the blacks about work ethic and their crime rates, etc., but that didn't help either. I don't buy the rhetoric anymore and neither does any other white person I know. And watching the blacks now with their Black Lives Matter crap is just indicative of the problem, and white people don't buy it. If they want white people and cops to quit being so afraid of them, then they need to join America. And here's a little tip that white people know, but blacks don't, because they think it doesn't apply to them. When a cop pulls you over, you react with calm respect and help the cop do their job as easily as possible. This isn't something blacks should tell their kids because they are trying to prove that blacks are preyed against by the cops. It's something that whites know that it is their civic duty to do, and blacks need to do it, too, because it is also their civic duty. I mean, get a grip. Most white people are sick of blacks now. They want them to shut-up now and join. Or get out. All this righteous indignation is only fueling the failure of generation after generation of blacks; it's not fooling the whites.
As I listened to people Monday night, some complaining about the new schools being named after trees. I remember how you valiantly fought for naming the schools Harvey, Hobart, Huntington, Lathrop and adding Thurgood Marshall. That board looked at you like you were asking them for a million dollars! As far as my heritage looking back it wasn't so great.
6:53 Thank-you but as you might have noticed I meant it. The people in this town run around with how important we save historical sites? Well those school names were a very big part of our heritage. In the case of Hobart the man was still alive when they stripped him of that honor. Where was the honor there? The black community asks very little and instead of an honor they give them trees? Those school names were apart of Painesville. I have no idea why we dropped the ball?
7:34 Spent some time on this? Didn't you
I guess 300 years of slavery as well as restraining and suppressing a group of people over time, even after slavery there was still poll taxes, some places you couldn't even vote. places you couldn't live. S that should all go away in a couple of generations?
I guess how many of your relatives arrived here in shackles and chains? Treated like a piece of property? No you Black people now get on board forget what has gone on in the past 7:34 has shown you the way! Again Anonymously.
This is 7:34 to 9:05. Yes, you're right. They're obviously not capable. And they're going backwards at an alarming rate. How many generations do you think it will take then?
I too am in agreeance with what most of what 7:34 said. For 9:05 check your history, you say a "couple of generations". It has been way longer that a couple as the word couple is 2 and there are more that number of generations living in housing in Brentwood and Kensington. This anti white mentality is disgusting.
6:01/6:33/6;44 The only advice I can give you is your hanging with the wrong Blacks? I have many accomplished Black friend's that pretty much want the same things out of life we all want. I do believe all your frustration is due to fear? As I mentioned it took Centuries to get here and you expect it to be fixed in a few years? Take some time and get to know some of these people.
This is 7:34. My mention of fear meant that all you need to do is tell someone that "it's a black neighborhood," and they know right away that if you go there, there is a good chance that you will get robbed or killed. It's like Saran Wrap or Kleenex. Obama complained that white people cross the street if a black is approaching. Well, if they don't like that then the 50% of the blacks that are so out of control need to get their damn selves under control. Ask the blacks how many are terrorized to live in a black neighborhood. The reason the cops are so afraid to confront a black is because of the astronomically higher chance that the cop will be hurt or killed and/or that it will be a confrontation and not just a conversation if it's a black. And there is a clear 50% chance that the black person will be trying to start something or pretend something so that they can have a lawsuit. (Nobody can tell me that not one black in Ferguson got the attack of that cop on tape. Not buying it. And you can be sure if the cop HAD been in the wrong, then there would have been 50 phones with the film of it.) I dare ya to go take a nice leisurely walk into the bowels of Cleveland after dark. Or in the daylight, for that matter. And I have had plenty of black friends in my lifetime, and I also dated a black person for a few years back when I was not prejudiced. As far as all your black friends, 10:08, they may not be prejudiced against you, per se, but you can count on the fact that they are horribly prejudiced against whites. White people tend to think that if they, the white person, is not prejudiced, then there is no problem; most don't realize that the blacks are more prejudiced against them than they could ever be prejudiced against the blacks. We're so used to letting them wreck our neighborhoods, schools and country (and now our colleges with their screaming, disruptive Black Lives Matter crap), that we not only accept it, we let them continue to call the whites prejudiced and continue to run their mouths every time you turn around about how prejudiced whites are and blame it all on us. You can't throw a stone without hitting a black that's talking, yelling or screaming or suing because whites are so supposedly prejudiced against them. And that's just in public. My grandmother was stolen from twice in her lifetime, and both times it was oil- and mineral-rich land...and lots of it. Long story short, she never recovered these riches that were supposed to come to her, but nobody in my family, including her -- not even for a week -- refused to continue on and make their own way in America. I cannot imagine having a school and not learning in it, either. It's time to quit making excuses for them, and it's time to quit taking it when they call whites racist and blame their miserable selves on white people. And this is what the counter-demonstration signs should say, "Black Lives Matter is a RACIST Organization." If there's room left on the sign, it can say "Shut-Up and Go Home." This white person is entirely fed up, and I'm so damn sick of being called a racist that I don't have one more ounce of patience left. White people need to quit taking their crap.
10:08: A few years? It's been a lot longer than a few years, and they're digressing. Just how many more generations do you think it will take? How many years? A couple hundred? Just keep making excuses for them; that helps a lot.
7:48/7:22 Maybe I should ask you the same questions? How many generations do you think it should take?
Truthfully I think I'm making excuses for you, and that's not helping anyone.
7:48 I don't believe you had an ounce of patience to begin with!
Sometimes I do believe Black's are their own worse enemy's. How many White people have Black's killed in Painesville in the last 30 years? Most Blacks kill other Blacks and so not to be left out most Whites kill other Whites.
So, what part of having a Black Lives Matter, Black TV, Black college only, Black Miss America, Black Girls Rock, and the list goes on (ditto for the Hispanic opportunities) IS NOT RACIST? You have danced around that question. Why is it alright for certain groups then not others? That is racism. BTW I have several black friends or coworkers.
I found this interesting, from the meeting at Harvey "Anthony Powalie, who became Painesville's police chief two years ago, will give out information at the forum about a Citizens Academy that he's revived and revamped. He's taken other steps to promote fair enforcement, including a ban last week on demographic profiling and an application in progress for a federal grant for half the $60,000 cost of body cameras." Now for the rest of the story - any guess where the other half will come from? Start getting your Vote No signs ready, its gonna come.
This is 7:48, and my main message to white people, should they choose to accept it (as the saying goes), is to take off that yoke, and get that scarlet letter off of your chest. We're so used to being called racists and being blamed for everything the blacks are, and are not, doing, that we have come to just accept it and take responsibility for it. Let any residual white guilt go; it wasn't us, and it isn't us. Time has gone by, they have all the freedoms that we have and all the opportunities that we have. Whatever opportunities that they don't have is because they wrecked them themselves. So set yourselves free white people. Give it some thought, and instead of just accepting it, question it. It's time. I personally do not accept one more piece of guilt or shade thrown at me from one more black. Done. Nada. Over and out. And for Goodness sake, white people, quit going to Chris Rock shows and laughing when he calls us crackers. That's just the "N" word with a C; you get that, right?
5:05 How would I know, I'm not Black? Why don't you ask your Black friends and co-Workers?
5:18 I believe this Should be in the police budget. First half is paid by a grant and these camera's would not only be used to protect citizens rights but also officers falsely accused of charges.
6:33 Well you have your guilty pleasures under control!
This is a P.S. to my 6:33 comment: If white people don't stop accepting the label of racists now, our children and grandchildren, for untold generations to come, will have the same scarlet letter shoved on THEIR chests. And if you're old enough, your white descendants are still having that yoke put around their necks, and chances are they've already got it. It hasn't done the blacks any good, either, to be able to push their garbage onto us. The answers have only to do with them now. So, white people, as Paul Simon said, just set yourself free. Make a new plan, Stan, slip out the back, Jack, and set yourself free.
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