And I can tell you the way you do the things you do
This post is going to make everyone upset at City Hall, but it's something that has to be said.
Recently I received to call to my cell phone from people who expected me to help them with problems they were having with the city on concerns of violating an ordinance. First off I'm the wrong person to help you with your problem I'm probably the last guy they want to hear from. When I walk into City Hall it's like Judas entering the Temple.
Now these problems have come from the North as well as the South end of town and they have a few things in common. First both resident's began this trek with the city by making a call to the city on a housing violation on a neighbor's rental property. Now I can't speak if the complaint's were legitimate but the aftermath was the same.
After the housing inspector went out and checked on the called in violation then then proceeded to go to the complaint's house and inspected it for violations? One of the resident's quizzed the inspector and was met with the answer "that's the way we do things around here." You call and complain and we check YOU out? Now I have always been told that there was no inspection unless someone called in a complaint?
One of the persons that called in the first complaint was written up for garage doors need painting, stones needed in the driveway and new roofing on the detached garage. I went and visited this home and take my word it's in the top 60% of Painesville homes and you can see signs that the homeowner's have made an investment into their property. (new vinyl siding) So first when we have cars parked on lawns in town we worry about stones in driveways? and I guess who gives a flying F#@k if the garage leaks. Least we remember our own city parking garage? Which brings up another question . If you tell me that building only has a thirty year life, what plans did the city have since 1973? All I ever heard was we don't have the funds? Just maybe that person didn't have the funds to fix that garage roof at this time?
I guess my point is this the best way to solve the problems in this city? First anyone who reads this will probably think twice before calling in a violation, I would. And is this a policy the city welcomes due to the fact it cuts down on the number of complaints they receive? In any situation resident's should never feel like the enemy and at the same time I realize that the city sometimes puts up with a lot.
People drive through the city and see homes in a lot worse shape then theirs and wonder why ain't they getting cited? Chances are they stay out of sight of the city. Then there are some of us who somehow get 80 new sidewalk blocks on a street.
It's time the city takes a more adult approach to these inspections as well as inspectors realize who in the end they work for.
Let me understand, Ted Cruz named Carly Fionna as his VP pick or babysitter for his kids on the bus?
John Boehner must have become a Drumpf supporter? He just called Ted Cruz "Lucifer in the flesh" I thought he thought Obama was Lucifer!
Ted ended a great day by calling it a basketball ring, not a hoop or even a rim!
What the city does against a citizen that complains against another citizen is similar to what happens to a citizen if you complain against the city. As anyone knows who has complained against the city, they will show up on your property doing inspections to freak you out and threaten you. They will do to you whatever they can to intimidate you and to shut you up. And they will do it to you for decades. This city is sick.
I am so glad that you wrote about this, because there's a rental property on my street with a dilapidated garage that hasn't been painted in years; I've considered calling about it, but now, it can just continue to sit and eventually collapse upon itself, for all I care. What you report about the inspectors isn't surprising, though; I've dealt with other city departments that act like it's an inconvenience for them to deal with my issue or complaint. That is, if they deal with it at all; I've been waiting a year for the Utility Dept. to trim branches that are touching the electrical lines in front of my house, after I initially reported the problem last spring, and followed up with a call in September. I've even called and e-mailed Katie Jenkins about a couple of issues, but I've never heard from her. I guess she was too busy updating her Facebook page.
As for you, Term, considering everything you've written here and said at council meetings, I'm surprised that the city hasn't cited you for anything they could find in their ordinances, because I am doubtful at least some in City Hall aren't above revenge/payback when someone makes them look bad once too often.
Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Having been victimized by a neighbor who used the police, fire dept., and zoning inspector, to exact revenge on me, I don't mind the city taking a look at the complainers property. Too many times the person reporting a violation, is doing so as a means of satisfying a personal grudge.
8:20 You make a valid point. Using a city department to seek revenge?
8:51 And with everything what exactly have I accomplished? Not much. Look they probably view me s a grumpy old man and not much more. Yes I had to paint the house as well as fix some sidewalks.
7:10 I guess the question we should ask is where does the policy come from? City Council, City Manager, Department Head, or just an employee?
Is it time for a new policy?
It's a poor policy that in the end works against us. Our reputation as a community has suffered due to some of the things we have done.
Wow! All the more reason to submit a complaint anonymously! It is truly an issue with our new inspector. He'd find you in fault just screwing in a lightbulb (connected to electricity) without a permit! It does seem to be a mickey mouse run type city!
They have looked the other way on Mr Term's indoor furniture on his front porch for years. His motto is "do as I say not as I do".
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