Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Talkin' to myself and feeling old
Sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothin' to do but frown

You know I've been attending council meetings for over ten years, you think by this time along with knowing the players and a general  lay of the land. No new surprises. Sometimes something just comes up and bite's you in the .... Last night was one of those nights.

As mentioned the only thing on the agenda as far as legislation was the transfer of that 2.1 million dollars about Amending Appropriations.

Finance Director Andy Unitec went up to the podium and mentioned two numbers $160,000 for the parking garage and $225,000 for our new Service Garage. For a total of $385,000. Now get this, to come out of "Painesville's Rainy Day Fund?" Over ten years and I had never heard anyone, anytime mention a Rainy Day Fund. Then the best part, a promise that this fund would be replenished by the end of the year?

Then I asked when given the chance . I see $385,000 but your transfer mentioned 1.2 million? Mr. Unetic answered $625,000 for demolishing the parking garage and $900,000 for the new service garage. So it was never explained but does that mean the demolition of the garage cost will be $785.000 ? Along with the Service Garage costing  $1,125,000 ? Doesn't really matter council passed it no questions asked.If he mentioned where this money came from I didn't hear him. (you know you can't interrupt.) I think the City's estimate for the demolition of the garage is way to low, but great if they can get that building removed and a new ground parking lot built for that amount.

It was also reported that the final estimated cost of the new waterline and crib out into Lake Erie will cost $13,075,000 and change. Slightly more then the estimated ten million.

During the visitor time, I questioned the administration's policy with concerns to resident's calling in violations in their neighborhood. If after making a complaint would they be subject to an inspection? I was told by the City Manager no such policy exists .... But they wouldn't be doing their jobs if they didn't inspect the neighborhood if they were in the area? What made me curious of this was recently two people notified me from different parts of the city and claimed that they were told by an inspector "That's the way we play the game" or "That's how the game is played" Seems odd two people that don't know each other would both hear almost the same thing? Anonymous calls are also handled the same way.

Congratulation's again to Tara Grimm for receiving CMC award. I had no idea at the last meeting how important this Certification was.


Also for a minute here let me mention on the This is Painesville Facebook site. A story appears that Painesville is the sixth worse city in the Cleveland area. Of course many resident's chimed in for and against the ranking. Let me add here those rankings mean little, wasted energy. It's what everyday people in Painesville do to make this a better place to live. Many do. In other words Talk is Cheap. We, including myself spend to much time talking about our great past, and little or none on this town's future.

This is getting harder to watch daily, First Carly Fiorina somehow falls off the stage and Ted never lends a hand. Next Ted debates a bunch of Trump supporter's (you know this won't end well) and asks "one question every American should ask" and a voice in the crowd answers, Are you a Canadian?" Today Donald Trump goes on FOXNEWS and report's on a story from of all places the National Enquirer that Ted Cruz's father was friends with Lee Harvey Oswald? Also a photograph appeared of Mike Tyson shaking hands with Drumpf ,anyone else notice how much bigger Tyson's Hands are! 


At May 3, 2016 at 2:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, congratulations go to Tara. That accreditation behind her name takes a lot of work and is something to be very proud of.

At May 3, 2016 at 3:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To me, the city manager saying that they wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't inspect the neighborhood while they were out there, after initially denying that such a policy exists, was a yes, this policy does exist. It is my experience with this city manager that he came here and fit himself right in with the crappy practices and policies and city employees (the city employees that have been the problems for the residents for decades), and has not only allowed them to continue their horrible ways, but he backs them up. That's my personal experience with him and this city, and here he is verifying it, in my opinion.

At May 3, 2016 at 5:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know what was going on in the old hospital parking lot today? Looked like a television reporting truck hanging around?

At May 3, 2016 at 7:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

On another post, you had a resident that was charged way too much on their utility bill. It is my experience that that is another way that this city (and it still seems to continue with the current city manager) shuts up the residents. Complain against the city, and your bill will go up. It also seems that they randomly pick out bills to jack up charges on, too. Maybe they pick out a certain number in the month, or maybe it's when they need money. But you hear of citizens all the time, and it has also happened to me, that all of a sudden, your bill is way too high, whether it's your electric or water. There is never anything you can do about it. They'll talk you in circles for as many hours as you have to GO in circles. They'll read your meters as many times as you want them read. But nothing will change; your bill will still be the same. This is a creepy city with a lot of creepy employees and a new city manager who has done nothing to stop it.

At May 4, 2016 at 8:13 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:55 I don't know how they would accomplish this feat? If a charge goes up higher than normal and you have not added something , I suggest you have them check the meter? Yes I have seen my monthly bill fluctuate between 28 to 35 days? but it balances out. Sometimes they make estimates?

5:54 Washington Towers It alleged that a resident threw a puppy out of a sixth floor window? The 23 year-old man is currently in jail waiting for a hearing.
Stories like this one will move us up on # the worse rating.

3:05 In the end if there is such a policy it is Council position to resend or fortify it. Call them. In the end they are in charge.

2:14 Good for Tara at this point any good news is welcomed!

At May 4, 2016 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AN accreditation means nothing if one cant keep their mouth shut. There have been many times things have been said that shouldn't have. She should do her job and keep 02 cents out. Guess they don't teach that in clerk of court school.

At May 4, 2016 at 1:22 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:51 Not even a kind word for this? What is exactly your problem?

At May 4, 2016 at 5:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What part about someone not keeping their mouth shut don't you understand. Gossip destroys good people.

At May 4, 2016 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:19 I don't know probably the same thing that makes you stay Anonymous as you discredit a fellow worker?

At May 5, 2016 at 9:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought about the statement the CM made concerning the lack of a City policy regarding inspections.
This had to be the ultimate in CYA.
Just like there is NO police department that will admit to a ticket quota, we all know quotas exist.
Here we have a case where someone calls City Hall concerning a violation and the inspector would not be doing their "job" if they didn't look at adjoining properties?
Sounds good in theory but I have to ask, if they are doing their job, how have these violations not been noticed before??
Reading between the lines, there might not be an official policy but you can bet there is an unwritten one.
That is a left handed denial if I ever heard one.
At least be honest and not try to use use clever wording to disguise what you are really doing.

At May 5, 2016 at 12:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a fellow worker; just been around to see and hear the goings on.

At May 5, 2016 at 2:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you could explain to us, Term, what your obsession with the size of Donald Trump's penis is? I believe this is the third time you have mentioned it. So afraid that your Killary is going to lose that you have to continue talking about Donald even in this way? Or is there something else we should know?

At May 5, 2016 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:22 He brought up the size of his dick not me? Along with blood and a woman's menstrual cycle? Must of been something he read about in the National Enquirer?
As Paul Ryan mentioned he hasn't seen anything Presidential so far. Hope Paul isn't holding his breathe?
He's going to put coal miner's back to work. Who is going to buy the coal? Maybe buggy whip worker's are next?
Today we learned Donny will start accepting political contributions from the establishment donors, with all the strings attached. First column to fall, next will be deportation promise as well as the wall. He never promised you HE would build the wall did he?
My obsession isn't his a body part but to make sure this man never get's to the White House.
You guy's have caused me to make my first donation to Hillary, she said thanks!

At May 5, 2016 at 8:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:09: Actually Rubio brought up the size of his "hands," but it is you who keeps talking about it. Kind of sick, don't you think, as you blame HIM for the stuff HE says? Well, go ahead and support Clinton; I don't think it's going to help. She's running around telling people that the U.S. is doing just fine. There's a lot of people who don't want to drink that Kool-Aid anymore, and know that that is not true. We'll see. I and many others will be supporting Trump.

At May 6, 2016 at 9:48 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:49 Agreed Rubio brought it up but Donald couldn't quit bringing it up. These candidates Sooooo. Presidential.

Support who ever you want, I hope I'm around to tell you "I told you so"

I still can't wait to see who's going to buy all that coal. He is making promises he just can't keep. People like yourself want hope, even when it can't be delivered!


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