Wednesday, January 27, 2016


You can spend all your time making money

Here is the presentation that was presented to council on the upcoming Refuse Contract by the administration.

As well as their recommendations.


EASTLAKE- Republic Waste, unlimited amount $14.53/mo.*
                        5 year with 5 year option in one year increments

KIRTLAND- Waste Management- Trash/Recycle
                        Regular Rates $13.85/mo.*
                        Senior Rates $12.99/mo.*
                        Separate fee for bulk items
                        Add'l charge for another container
                        Bag service
                        5 year with 5 year option

WICKLIFFE- Kimble Recycle- Trash/Recycle/Yard waste $15.29/mo.*
                          Bag service
                          7 year contract

WILLOUGHBY HILLS- Republic Waste, Trash/Recycle
                           Reg. Rates $15.79/mo.*
                           Senior Rates $10.83/mo.*
                           Bag Service
                           % year with 5 year option

WILLOWICK- Kimble Recycle- Trash/Recycle/Yard Waste $13.45/mo.*
                            Bag Service
                            5 years

WILLOUGHBY-Waste Management
                              Unlimited trash service
                              Homeowner's own trash cans plus recycle $14.93/mo.*
                              96 gal. container additional $2.50/mo.
                              Bag Service $18.50
                              Bag Service plus- recycle & Yard Waste $6.03/mo.
                              No Yard Waste
                              5 year with 2 year option

MENTOR-  Waste Management- Trash/Recycle/Yard Waste $8.27mo.*
                      City of Mentor pays half of the service cost
                      5 years with 5 year option

PAINESVILLE- Waste Management Trash/Recycle/Yard Waste $22.03/mo.*
                             3 years with two 1 year options


ITEM length of contract    CURRENT 3 years 2 year option      Recommended 5 years
           Type  Service                             Unlimited/Bag                                        3 Levels
           Recycling                                    Every 2 Weeks                                      Every 2 weeks
           Yard Waste                                 WM
                                                               March1-Dec.15                                       Ala-Carte
           Leaves                                         City
                                                               Oct. 15-Dec. 7                                        Ala-Carte   

That's it pretty much it in a nut shell. I will have to ask what Ala-Carte means in the picking up of yard waste and leaves.

Seems as though the former CM and crew might have been very lenient in the bidding process?

As you can see we pay the most in the County. We were told because of high rentals, and delinquent customers?

Please call your council people with recommendations. Just think if Tony Torre lived in Willoughby Hills he would have saved $120.00 a year. Unbelievable!  I won't even tell him about his water rates.

Chris Christie claims he would 'throw his body in front of the Johnny Manziel Train'!ee

 Chris is a big Dallas Cowboy fan and believes Jerry Jones would make a big mistake taking on Johnny....
Me I would be happy if he threw his body in front of any old everyday freight train!
And Yes Governor a mop might be something you are qualified for!


At January 27, 2016 at 10:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should be interesting to see what Council does now that you collected some numbers for them.

At January 27, 2016 at 1:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:59 I did not collect these numbers/amounts the administration did. I do wonder what they were thinking as they collected them?

At January 28, 2016 at 4:32 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

I think another thing to consider is the annual median income of each household in those cities. So I did a bit of homework.
City Garbage Collection Annual Household Income

Eastlake $14.53 $62,615
Kirtland $13.85 $72,665
Wickliffe $15.29 $46,581
Willoughby Hills $15.79 $58,229
Willowick $13.45 $58,931
Willoughby $14.93 $47,348
Mentor $ 8.27 $64,580
Painesville $22.03 $34,994

This also hold true for water in the city of Painesville.

At January 28, 2016 at 5:14 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

I noticed the review with Waste Management is under review. I called WM a few months back an offered to trade one of our very large green containers for another smaller recyclable container. We have our trash almost down to zero. I was shocked to be told that another yellow recyclable container would be an additional $4.46 plus tax, which brings me to just under $27.00 per month. Cutting down our household waste and using recycling actually adds to my monthly budget.

Now when I review other local Collection Fees vs Annual Household Incomes, I believe Painesville has truly been fleeced.

City Garbage Collection Annual Household Income

Eastlake $14.53 $62,615
Kirtland $13.85 $72,665
Wickliffe $15.29 $46,581
Willoughby Hills $15.79 $58,229
Willowick $13.45 $58,931
Willoughby $14.93 $47,348
Mentor $ 8.27 $64,580
Painesville $22.03 $34,994

Compounded with water rates and the water tax which doubled some residents water bill we need better representation.

At January 28, 2016 at 7:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Potter I guess people with higher incomes expect more for their money?

I guess a normal company with customer concerns would gladly make the switch? Most people will say 'o well and just put overflow recyclables in the other Green Trash Bin. What do you expect for $22.00+ a month?

At January 28, 2016 at 1:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you reported WM kickback $96,000 to our general fund. At that time the administration claimed it had no role in residents costs? What a bunch of lies!

At January 28, 2016 at 3:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who haven't heard of this before, regardless of what the Administration says, this is an un-voted on tax.
It could not be any more clear.

At February 1, 2016 at 10:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a question does the city receive free garbage and recycling pick-up or do they receive a bill?


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